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  • your Megami fushiguro what's with  that weird looking face you freak

    你的 "目神伏見 "怎麼長著一張怪臉,你這個怪胎

  • like him is all this big shot jiu Jutsu  sorcerer family the Zenon now you're  

    像他這樣的大人物都是柔術巫師家族的 Zenon,現在你是

  • one of the ones who can see things so you're  privileged the Zen in Clan just loves strong  


  • Powers so Mega me that's why you were the  Ultimate Ace in the Hole so about that Dad  

    Powers So Mega me 這就是你成為終極王牌的原因,關於這一點,爸爸

  • of yours I kind of I don't care it's been  so long I didn't remember what he looks  


  • like megany's home and they're off enjoying  themselves somewhere else wow are you really  

    就像麥加尼的家,而他們卻在別的地方享樂 哇,你真的是

  • a first grader you might change your mind  now to the main point what do you want to do


  • we need the rest of meat


  • I might need you to push yourself a  


  • little bit though trying to get  strong so do your best [Music]


your Megami fushiguro what's with  that weird looking face you freak

你的 "目神伏見 "怎麼長著一張怪臉,你這個怪胎

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