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由 AI 自動生成
  • Every single day, there are dozens, even hundreds of new AI tools popping up.


  • They're designed to solve your problems or make everyday tasks a bit less of a hassle.


  • Some of them are seriously mind-blowing and have the potential to change the world.


  • In this video, we're going to dive into 5 of these awesome AI tools.

    在本視頻中,我們將深入介紹其中 5 款超棒的人工智能工具。

  • So, the first tool can actually convert your thoughts into videos.


  • The service I'm talking about in this video is called "".

    我在視頻中提到的服務名為 ""。

  • The coolest part is that signing up is totally free and any of you can give it a whirl.


  • Once you're in, you gotta select the Gen-2 option and now we can start scripting our

    進入後,你必須選擇 Gen-2 選項,現在我們就可以開始編寫腳本了。

  • video prompt.


  • For instance, I'll write "an astronaut tripping through space, wide shot, cinematic."

    例如,我會寫 "太空人遨遊太空,廣角鏡頭,電影風格"。

  • Then we hit "Preview".

    然後點擊 "預覽"。

  • After a few seconds, we get 4 different options to choose from.

    幾秒鐘後,我們會得到 4 個不同的選項供選擇。

  • I'm really digging the second option, so I click "Generate this".

    我非常喜歡第二個選項,所以點擊了 "生成這個"。

  • Before you know it, we've got this wicked animated video from our prompt.


  • Here are a few more options I whipped up with runwayml.

    下面是我用 runwayml 製作的其他幾種選擇。

  • Also, on this site, you can generate a video from your


  • other videos by picking totally different presets.


  • Check out what we got from our video after we slapped on one of the presets.


  • Also on this website, you can create images, remove backgrounds, and a ton of other handy


  • features for content creators.


  • So, the next AI tool is actually a website builder.


  • It's called Framer.

    它叫 Framer。

  • But Framer is not just an AI, it's a really modern, full-on no-code website builder.

    但 Framer 不僅僅是一個人工智能,它還是一個真正現代化的、完全無代碼的網站構建工具。

  • Signing up on "[](" is totally free and once you do, you'll land

    在"[]( "上註冊完全免費,一旦註冊成功,您將登陸

  • on a page that looks something like this.


  • Here you gotta hit "start with AI", which will kickstart a new project for us.

    在這裡,您必須點擊 "使用人工智能啟動",這將為我們啟動一個新項目。

  • So right here, we click "start with AI", and write our prompt.

    在這裡,我們點擊 "從人工智能開始",然後寫下我們的提示。

  • For example, let's just say "A minimal website for a men's cap store, including the location


  • of offline stores and products in different colors."


  • Then we hit "Start".

    然後點擊 "開始"。

  • As you can see, the website creation process gets rolling.


  • Now, I can't exactly say this is a final product or a fully finished website ready to go live,


  • but it does whip up a super modern and sleek template that we can flexibly tweak.


  • On the right panel, we can switch up the color palette with just one click.


  • Fonts, object placement, and a whole lot more can be adjusted.


  • Here you can see three different website views, for Desktop, Tablet, and Phone.


  • All of this can be finely tuned and customized to your liking.


  • What I love most about Framer is that it's got some of the most stylish templates in

    我最喜歡 Framer 的一點是,它擁有一些最時尚的模板。

  • the website builder market.


  • It saves a ton of time and money, and if I needed to quickly create a professional website,


  • I would totally turn to Framer.

    我完全可以求助於 Framer。

  • The next tool is called "".

    下一個工具名為 ""。

  • They use AI to pinpoint the juicy bits from long-form videos and create multiple short


  • clips from them, which you can use for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, or Instagram Reels.

    您可以將這些片段用於 TikTok、YouTube 短片或 Instagram Reels。

  • You can sign up for free and give it a test run.


  • So let's give it a go.


  • Let's create a video for TikTok.

    讓我們為 TikTok 製作一段視頻。

  • So here you need to paste a link to a long YouTube video or upload one from your computer.

    是以,在這裡您需要粘貼一個長 YouTube 視頻鏈接或從電腦上傳一個視頻。

  • Next, we select the video format, 9 by 16 works for us.

    接下來,我們選擇視頻格式,9 x 16 對我們很適用。

  • Here you can pick from a slew of templates they offer, then hit "continue".

    在這裡,您可以從他們提供的一系列模板中進行選擇,然後點擊 "繼續"。

  • Type in your handle and hit "done".

    輸入您的句柄,然後點擊 "完成"。

  • In just a few minutes, everything is ready.


  • Let's check one of them out.


  • In my opinion, it's perfect.


  • You can use this for your videos if you're pressed for time and can't manually clip the


  • most interesting moments.


  • This tool is seriously useful and I totally recommend giving it a whirl.


  • Alright, this next tool is one of the most potent ones I've ever talked about.


  • So the tool is called Clipdrop, created by stabiliti ai, and the sheer number of tools

    是以,該工具名為 Clipdrop,由 stabiliti ai 創建,工具數量眾多

  • it possesses is truly astounding.


  • When you head over to "[](", you'll need to sign up.

    訪問"[]( "時,您需要註冊。

  • You can also test out how it works for free.


  • In the "Tools" tab, you can see a host of powerful tools it bundles together.

    在 "工具 "選項卡中,你可以看到它捆綁了大量功能強大的工具。

  • I obviously won't have the time to show you all of them, but let's look at the most exciting


  • ones.


  • The first tool is "Uncrop".

    第一個工具是 "解除裁剪"。

  • You might've seen this feature in Photoshop before.

    你可能以前在 Photoshop 中見過這個功能。

  • So, how does it work?


  • For instance, let's say you have this image, but it's not the right size for you.


  • You upload it here, select the size of your final image, position it where you want it,


  • and click "Next".

    然後點擊 "下一步"。

  • Within seconds, you get four different options generated by the AI.


  • The next tool is called "Remove background".

    下一個工具名為 "移除背景"。

  • I don't think I need to explain how this tool works.


  • Just look at how neatly it gets the job done.


  • You simply add your image and in a few seconds, you get a version with the background removed.


  • Alright, the next and really powerful tool you might need for editing your personal photos


  • is called "relight".

    稱為 "重燃"。

  • In simple terms, you can add and modify colorful lighting to your photos.


  • You just upload your image here, pick a light source, change the color, intensity, etc.


  • Then place it where you like and download the image with professional lighting.


  • I personally will use it for editing my Instagram photos.

    我個人會用它來編輯 Instagram 上的照片。

  • Now, let's take a look at the last tool on this site, which is called "cleanup".

    現在,讓我們來看看這個網站上的最後一個工具,它叫做 "清理"。

  • So this tool allows us to get rid of unwanted details in our image.


  • For instance, you upload the image, highlight the object you want to get rid of, and hit


  • "clean".


  • In a second, you get the cleaned-up result.


  • So Clipdrop is a seriously powerful tool that I'll be using daily.

    是以,Clipdrop 是一個非常強大的工具,我每天都會使用它。

  • So, the last AI tool in this video creates QR codes, but not just any standard ones.

    是以,本視頻中的最後一個人工智能工具可以創建 QR 碼,但不是普通的 QR 碼。

  • On the website "", you can create a QR code that'll link to your website, page,

    在 " "網站上,您可以創建一個二維碼,鏈接到您的網站和頁面、

  • or whatever else, but with a custom design.


  • On QR Craft's website, click on "Generate Yours Now".

    在 QR Craft 網站上,點擊 "立即生成"。

  • In the Prompt tab, write down how you'd like your QR code to look.

    在 "提示 "選項卡中,寫下您想要的二維碼外觀。

  • Below that, you insert your link, and further down, there are a few settings you can use


  • to customize your QR code.

    來定製您的 QR 代碼。

  • Once you've done that, hit "Generate QR".

    完成後,點擊 "生成 QR"。

  • In a few minutes, you'll have your unique custom QR code.

    只需幾分鐘,您就能獲得獨一無二的自定義 QR 代碼。

  • That's all for today.


  • If you found this video helpful, make sure to let me know in the comments and subscribe


  • to the channel if you haven't already.


  • See you!


Every single day, there are dozens, even hundreds of new AI tools popping up.


由 AI 自動生成

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