字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Okay, we all get lonely, right, but 好吧,我們都會感到孤獨,但 what's it like to be alone for a really long time? 長時間獨處是什麼感覺? Welcome to the world of Japan's hikikomori. 歡迎來到日本蟄居族的世界。 The word literally means pulling inward, and 這個詞的字面意思是向內拉,而 it's a social condition where people purposely cut themselves off from society. 這是一種社會狀況,人們故意將自己與社會隔絕開來。 But is there more to it than just feeling alone? 但是,除了感到孤獨之外,還有其他原因嗎? Well, yeah, and I went to Tokyo and 是的,我去了東京。 spent time with some hikikomori who are trying to bring it out of the shadows. 與一些蟄居者一起度過了一段時間,他們正試圖讓蟄居者走出陰影。 In 2016, 2016 年 the government reported that there were 540,000 hikikomori in Japan, 政府報告說,日本有 54 萬蟄居族、 but that only counts people under 40. 但這隻算 40 歲以下的人。 So if you include everyone, some estimate that there are actually 1 and 是以,如果把所有人都算在內,有人估計實際上有 1.5 億人。 a half million, which means that roughly 1 out of every 100 50萬,這意味著每100人中大約有1人 people in the country is isolating themself. 全國人民都在孤立自己。 In Japanese society, conformity is very important. 在日本社會,遵紀守法非常重要。 We have a saying, if you are a nail, sticking up, 我們有一句諺語:如果你是一顆釘子,那就挺起來、 you'll be, yeah, hammered down. 是的,你會被打倒。 Hikikomori itself is just a social condition, 蟄居本身只是一種社會狀況、 it's not mental illness, but many need mental health care. 這不是精神病,但很多人需要心理保健。 I'm jobless, living on welfare, suffering from depression, 我沒有工作,靠救濟金生活,患有抑鬱症、 but still, I might be able to do something. 不過,我還是可以做點什麼的。 We interviewed Naruse in a studio. 我們在攝影棚裡採訪了成瀨。 Because of her disorder, she likes to keep her apartment perfectly clean. 由於精神失常,她喜歡把公寓打掃得乾乾淨淨。 Hikikomori are so prevalent in Japan that last year, 蟄居族在日本非常普遍,去年、 Kimura started Hikikomori News, for hikikomori, by hikikomori. 木村創辦了 "蟄居新聞",為蟄居者服務,由蟄居者撰寫。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 NBC 日本 社會 孤獨 狀況 釘子 日本的社會隔離現象,蟄居者現在開始敞開心扉:美國全國廣播公司(NBC)左翼頻道:邊緣地帶 (Social Isolation in Japan, Hikikomori Are Now Opening Up: NBC Left Field | On the Fringe) 45 1 たらこ 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字