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  • Gay rights have come a long way in the US, but the LGBTQ community still faces threats in the form of legislation, discrimination, and even violence.

    在美國,同志權利已經取得了長足的進步,但 LGBTQ 群體仍然面臨著立法、歧視甚至暴力等不同形式的威脅。

  • In 1969, New York City police raided Stonewall Inn, a gay bar In Greenwich Village.

    1969 年,紐約警方突襲了格林威治村稱為石牆旅館的一間同志酒吧。

  • Riots broke out, sparking six days of violent protests known as the Stonewall Riots.


  • Days after the Stonewall uprising, LGBTQ rights demonstrations took place in New York.

    石牆起義幾天後,紐約舉行了 LGBTQ 權利示威活動。

  • This is generally considered the first major demonstration for gay rights.


  • One year later in 1970, came the first Pride marches.

    一年後的 1970 年,出現了第一次驕傲遊行。

  • Eight years after that, the iconic six-striped rainbow flag was created at the request of activist Harvey Milk and became the stamp of pride.


  • In 2015 came another milestone: The Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

    2015 年,又迎來了一個里程碑:最高法院通過全國同性婚姻合法化。

  • But this didn't mean the end of discrimination.


  • LGBTQ Americans still face legalized discrimination when it comes to housing, jobs, healthcare, parenting, and even prison.

    美國的 LGBTQ 族群在住房、就業、醫療保健、養育子女,甚至監獄等方面仍然面臨法律上的歧視。

  • LGBTQ people are nine times more likely than non-LGBTQ people to be victims of violent hate crimes.

    LGBTQ 族群相較於非 LGBTQ 族群,其成為暴力仇恨犯罪受害者的機率要有九倍之高。

  • So far, in 2023, lawmakers in 46 states have introduced more than 650 anti-LGBTQ bills.

    2023 年至今,46 個州的立法者提出了 650 多項反 LGBTQ 法案。

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    如果你喜歡這部影片,看看 USA Today 製作的這些其它影片以跟上最新消息。

Gay rights have come a long way in the US, but the LGBTQ community still faces threats in the form of legislation, discrimination, and even violence.

在美國,同志權利已經取得了長足的進步,但 LGBTQ 群體仍然面臨著立法、歧視甚至暴力等不同形式的威脅。

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