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Who is Mazu, the Chinese sea goddess? Mazu is a revered goddess in Chinese folk religion,
especially among seafaring communities in coastal regions. Born as Lin Mo Niang during
the Song Dynasty, she was known for her supernatural abilities to predict weather
她出生於宋代, 原名林默娘
and save sailors from perilous conditions at sea. After her death, she ascended to become a deity,
,因能預測天氣 並在海上拯救水手免受危險而聞名。死後,她升格為神,
providing protection to fishermen and sailors. As such, she earned the name
"Mazu,"literally translated as "Mother Ancestor." Often depicted in red attire standing on a cloud,
“媽祖”這個名字,直譯為“母親祖先”。 她 經常被描繪成穿著紅色服裝站在雲端,
she is flanked by two guardian spirits who assist her. The worship of Mazu, known as Mazuism,
is widespread in Mainland China, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese communities. Many temples
are dedicated to her, and numerous festivals are held in her honor such as the Dajia Mazu
Pilgrimage in Taiwan, which is a grand event filled with parades, operas, and prayers.