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  • Welcome back to JForrest English. I'm JenniferAnd today we're going to read a news article  

  • together about the upcoming Hollywood movie  Barbie. And you're going to learn a lot of events,  

  • vocabulary, natural expressions, and correct  pronunciation. Let's get started. First,  

  • I'll read the headline How Barbie  Made a Surprising Comeback.

  • This article is about Barbie, and that's why  I'm wearing pink. Because as you know, Barbie's  

  • favorite color is pink. Maybe you didn't know that  because you have no idea who or what Barbie is.

  • In this picture on the right, you see  a doll, a child's doll. This doll is  

  • Barbie. That's her name. Barbie's boyfriend is  Ken. This is the Ken doll. When I was a kid,  

  • Barbie was the most popular doll that  kids play with. What about in your  

  • country? Was Barbie the Barbie  doll a popular toy for kids?

  • And perhaps you heard that recently. A month  ago, a Barbie movie was released. So now that  

  • you know who Barbie is, let's review the headline  again. How Barbie Made a Surprising Comeback.  

  • Let's take a look at this expression to make a.

  • Comeback surprising is the adjective  that describes the expression,  

  • but here the expression is to make a comeback and  the verb make is simply in the past simple made.  

  • The expression to make a comeback is used when  something or someone becomes successful again.

  • After a period of not being successfulSo remember I said when I was a kid,  

  • Barbie was the most popular toy in  North America. So when I was a kid,  

  • Barbie was successful. But in the last 1015  years, Barbie wasn't successful. But now  

  • Barbie apparently is successful  again. Barbie is popular again.

  • So in this term, successful can be measured in  terms of popularity and the number of sales of  

  • Barbie dolls for you. You might makecomeback if you were doing really well  

  • in a course you were an A+ student, but then  halfway through the year you started failing  

  • that course. But then you make a comeback  and your grade goes right back up to the top.

  • So success can be measured in many  different things. In this context,  

  • it's the sales of the doll Barbie. How Barbie  made a surprising comeback. Surprising just  

  • modifies the expression to say it was unexpectedNow, don't worry about taking all of these notes,  

  • because I've summarized everything  in a free lesson PDF, so you can  

  • look for the link in the description to  download the lesson PDF. Let's continue.

  • So now let's read the article. The name  Barbara Millicent Roberts may not ring a bell.  

  • If something rings a bell, it means that the  information is familiar to you. So I might say,  

  • does the name ring a bell? Does  this store ring a bell? I could say.

  • Does Barbie doll ring a bell? And I'm asking  you, does the concept of a Barbie doll sound  

  • familiar to you? And if you've never heard  of Barbie, you would say, Oh no, teacher,  

  • that doesn't ring a bell. That doesn't ringbell or you'd be like, yeah, that rings a bell. I  

  • played with Barbie when I was a little kid, so to  ring a bell is used when information is familiar.

  • The name Barbara Millicent Roberts may not ringbell. And honestly, if you said that name to me,  

  • I would say that doesn't ring a bell. But say  her nickname. A nickname is an alternative name  

  • that you can use. So apparently I actually did not  know this. This doll's name is actually Barbara,  

  • but everyone calls her Barbie. I  had no idea that this doll's name.

  • Is Barbara to me? This is Barbie always, so  this name definitely would not ring a bell  

  • for me. But Barbie of course rings a bell for  me, but for you, Perhaps not until this article  

  • and people of all ages know  her, at least in North America.

  • Created by Mattel in 1959. So the Barbie  was created by Mattel. In this case they  

  • simply say created by Mattel because  the context of Barbie is already known,  

  • it's established. Created by Mattel in  1959. Barbie doesn't look a day over 19.

  • So if you don't look a day over 19, it's  simply saying that you don't look older  

  • than 19. So this can be a nice compliment  to say to someone because everyone wants  

  • to look young. So you could say to  your mom, or to your teacher, or to.

  • A coworker. You don't look a day over  and then you can choose a age that is  

  • relatively young to the age of the person  you're talking to. So if your mom is 60,  

  • it would be a compliment to your mom  to say she looks 50, which is 10 years  

  • younger than her actual age. So you could  say to your mom you don't look a day over.

  • 50 Assuming in this case, assuming your mom is  

  • 60 or 70. Of course you could say to your mom you  don't look a day over 20, but that is just so far  

  • from reality. It's not at all true, rightBut it is possible that your mom could look.

  • 10 years younger and maybe even 20 years youngerSo if you really want to compliment your mom,  

  • you can say you don't look a day over  40 and she'll say, Oh my goodness,  

  • that is so sweet of you. Thank you. So  that's a way you can compliment someone. OK,  

  • so Barbie doesn't look a day over 19. Why? Because  she's a plastic doll. She obviously doesn't age.

  • And now she is getting new life in Barbiethe movie distributed by Warner Bros.  

  • The movie out next Friday starring  Margot Robbie, Margot Robbie of course,  

  • here on the left hand side of this  image who looks very much like the doll  

  • Barbie. And that's obviously the point  because she plays Barbie in the movie.

  • The movie out next Friday when something is  out and then you have a date in the future  

  • or a specific date even in the past is whenproduct is available to purchase. So you could say  

  • the movie, the movie.

  • Was out last Friday, which means it was  available to purchase a movie ticket. So  

  • you could watch the movie or the movie  will be out next Friday. In this case,  

  • they just said the movie out next Friday.

  • In the same way that you could say  the movie, available next Friday,  

  • available next Friday starring Margot Robbie  allows Barbie to question her own reality. Not  

  • too sure what that will look like in the moviesomething consumers have been doing for decades.  

  • So do you plan to see the movie Barbie?

  • Well, of course, if you had no idea who Barbie  was, if the name didn't ring a bell, maybe not.  

  • But maybe after this article, or if you grew  up playing with Barbie dolls your entire life,  

  • you may want to see the movie. So let's  take a look at this sentence structure.  

  • What verb tense do we have here have been  doing? What verb tense is this? This,  

  • of course, is the present perfect continuous.

  • And the present perfect continuous is used for  an action that starts in the past and continues  

  • until now. The time reference here is 4 decades  when you see four and a period of time or since  

  • and a period of time. That's a keyword for the  present perfect or the present perfect continuous.

  • Decades to me sounds like 20-30. Forty 50 yearsIt sounds like a long time because one decade  

  • is 10 years. So decades with an S plural  is at least 20 years. But it could also  

  • be 50 years or 200 years. So it sounds  like a long time. So consumers started.

  • Questioning their own reality  decades ago, 50 years ago,  

  • 100 years ago. And they've continued  doing this and they're still doing it now  

  • back in 2014 and 2015. We use back in to talk  about a time in the past. So you could say.

  • Back in back in summer, I went on vacation back in  

  • July, I got a promotion. So you can useyear, you can use a season or you can use a  

  • month. You could also say back when and have  a clause. For example back when I was a kid.

  • I played with Barbies. Like every American  kid from the 90s, we played with Barbies.

  • Back when I was a kid. Now, of  course I could simply say when  

  • I was a kid. By adding back in front of itit emphasizes that it was a long time ago,  

  • back when I was a kid back in 2014. So it  makes it sound like it was a longer time  

  • ago simply than saying in 2014, which  also would be grammatically correct.

  • Back in 2014 and 2015, we hit a low, we hit  a low and it was a moment to reflect in the  

  • context of why did Barbie lose relevance. So they  now say that this is a quote. I know it's a quote  

  • because I see the quotation marks at the beginning  and end and this was said by Ricard. Rickard.

  • Ricard Dixon, President and Chief Operating  Officer, COO. Generally they use abbreviations  

  • for C titles. COO, Chief, this is theOperating officer. So this becomes COO,  

  • President and COO of Mattel. RememberMattel is the company that sells.

  • Barbie Dolls Warner Brothers was the movie studio  that produced the movie Barbie, starring Margot  

  • Robbie. But the doll has been around for years and  years, and the company Mattel created the Barbie  

  • doll. So the company that created the Barbie  doll said back in 2014 and 15, we hit a low.

  • That means that their sales were lower  than previous. So when you hit a low,  

  • it sounds like the sales were lower than  they have ever been or that they've been  

  • for a long period of time. We hit a low  and it was a moment to reflect in the  

  • context of why did Barbie lose relevanceSo their sales hit a low, which means.

  • Consumers are not buying the Barbie doll anymoreAnd so they had to say, well, why not? Why isn't  

  • the Barbie relevant? Why did the Barbie lose  relevance? Where are we here lose relevance.  

  • So when you lose relevance, it means you are no  longer relevant. So that means no longer relevant.

  • And when something is no longer  relevant, it means that people,  

  • the media, are not talking about that something  or someone anymore. So there's no more publicity  

  • for it. There's no more popularityAnd if people aren't talking about it,  

  • it's not popular. Well, then  they're not purchasing it either.

  • So why did she lose relevance? She Barbie didn't  reflect the look of the world around us. And so we  

  • then set a course to truly transform the brand  with a playbook around reigniting our purpose.  

  • First, let's look at set. Of course, when you set  a course, you set a particular plan into motion.

  • And so you then just simply follow that  plan. So their course, their plan is to  

  • transform the brand. Why? Because they want  to make sure that Barbie, the Barbie doll,  

  • which was extremely popular in the 90s but then  wasn't popular, they wanted to make sure that  

  • Barbie remained relevant, remain something that  consumers talk about and are interested in remain.

  • Remain relevant. So they set a course to truly  transform the brand with a playbook. A playbook  

  • is again just their plan. You can imagine they  write the plan down in their playbook. So this is  

  • simply the plan with a plan around a playbook  around reigniting our purpose. So reignite.

  • Means to ignite. The word ignite means  to to start. When you ignite something,  

  • that something becomes activated, It starts.

  • So when you reignite it, it  means you start it again,  

  • you activate it again. So they  had a purpose in the past,  

  • but now their purpose is no longer relevant  because Barbie is not popular anymore. So  

  • they need to restart reignite that purposeand they're going to set a course to do that.

  • Mattel, the company that produces BarbieMattel was slow to diversify Barbie and friends.  

  • As a result, sales at Mattel started to  slump in 2014. When your state sales slump,  

  • it means they start to go  down, They start to go down.  

  • So to decline is another way of saying that. But  I don't hear this being used in all contexts.

  • We use it in very specific context, Sales for  example, because your your grades at school  

  • for example, or your kids grades. If you're  no longer in school, your kids grades could  

  • start to decline as well. You could say  they started to slump, but to be honest I  

  • don't hear it in an everyday context. I do hear it  specifically with sales, which is something that.

  • Everybody talks about whether you're in a sales  job or you're a consumer and you purchase products  

  • from a company as well. So to decline, but  I'll put in brackets specifically for sales,  

  • but during the pandemic, Barbie saw a resurgence.

  • As parents looked for ways  to keep kids busy at home,  

  • a resurgence in sales is the opposite ofdecline is when the sales start to increase  

  • again. I wouldn't say I saw a resurgence in my  grades, for example. I wouldn't say that. But  

  • sales you can. So this is the opposite of  a slump. It's when they start to increase.

  • As parents look for ways to keep kids busy at  home, So during the pandemic, because all the  

  • kids that were at home, parents said, well, what  can I do? Oh, I can give my kids some Barbie dolls  

  • and they can play with Barbie and that will  keep them busy. Let's continue in the first  

  • quarter of this year. So a calendar yearJanuary to December is divided into quarters.

  • So there are three months in each quarter. So  the first quarter would be January, February,  

  • March. That would be the first quarter which is  also known as Q1. So you could say in Q1 or in the  

  • first quarter which represents January, February  and March in Q1 of this year in the first quarter.

  • Of this year, Mattel sales fell 22% from  last year's first quarter. So this is the  

  • first quarter in 2023, so Jan to March  2023 compared to Jan to March 2022,  

  • primarily due to declines in  Barbie dolls and merchandise.

  • So Mattel as a company does not just  sell Barbie, they sell other toys,  

  • other products as well. But the company's  overall sales fell 22% and primarily when  

  • you see primarily it means the main  reason, primarily the main reason.

  • Was due to declines in Barbie dolls. So  clearly Barbie as a brand is a very important  

  • part of Mattel's overall success as a companyMerchandise is things like clothing, posters,  

  • jewelry, accessories for something elseSo when the movie is released you can buy.

  • The movie. But then there's also a lot of  merchandise around that movie. So you can put  

  • the poster on your wall, You can buy the posterYou can buy maybe a pen that says Barbie on it,  

  • or let me get my pink sparkly pen, which  is more appropriate for Barbie. You can  

  • buy a pen that says Barbie. That  would be an example of merchandise.

  • So their sales fell because of  Barbie dolls and merchandise.  

  • Now Barbie and friends have many  different skin tones and shapes.  

  • Mattel produces Barbies in wheelchairs and Ken  dolls with the skin condition Vitiligo Vitiligo.

  • So the purpose of this is because remember, the  company felt like their sales were falling because  

  • Barbie lost relevance, and she lost relevance  because she doesn't reflect the look of the world  

  • around us. Obviously, considering the entire  world, not just North America, this is not.

  • What the average person looks like. There are many  different looks, shapes, sizes, skin tones, so the  

  • company wanted to reflect that to help increase  their sales. So these are the Barbies that were  

  • available to me when I was a kid. This is what  I remember Barbie looking like, but now this is.

  • What Barbie looks like As you can seethere are many different styles of  

  • Barbie now to reflect. Different peopledifferent conditions and different looks,  

  • different shapes. So this is the company's attempt  to diversify Barbie. So Barbie regains relevance  

  • and makes a comeback become successful againLet's continue, Mattel hopes the new movie.

  • Which was 4 1/2 years in the making. So they  were making it for 4 1/2 years. Sometimes I hear  

  • students say four years and a half. It's 4 1/2  and then years, months, weeks, days, 4 1/2 years.

  • In the making will give the brand and Barbie the  boost they're looking for. Boost is increase and  

  • it could be increase in sales, increase in  popularity. The boost they're looking for  

  • that may already be happening, that being that.

  • The movie is giving the brand a boost that  may already be happening. AMC theatres  

  • reports they've sold more than 20,000 presale  tickets to Barbie. So a presale is a sale  

  • before the movie is officially releasedBefore the movie is out, Remember that.

  • To be out is available, so before the movies  out, they sell the tickets in advance. So a  

  • presale is when you buy something in advance  of it being available. And at Hombom Toys in  

  • New York City, movie Barbie is sold outIf something is sold out to be sold out,  

  • it means they've sold 100% of available supply.

  • So to be sold out. To be sold  out. So to sell 100% of available  

  • supply. So let's say they made 1000 Barbies  available to sell to the public. And if  

  • something is sold out, it means they've  sold 1000 Barbies 100% of available supply.

  • So that's good news for Barbie, and perhaps  Barbie is making a comeback. So that's the  

  • end of the article. What I'll do now is  I'll go to the beginning and I'll read  

  • the article from start to finish and this  time you can focus on my pronunciation,  

  • how Barbie made a surprising comeback. The name  Barbara Millicent Roberts may not ring a bell,  

  • but say her nickname Barbieand people of all ages know her.

  • Created by Mattel in 1959, Barbie doesn't look  a day over 19, and now she is getting new life  

  • in Barbie, the movie, distributed by Warner BrosThe movie, out next Friday starring Margot Robbie,  

  • allows Barbie to question her own realitysomething consumers have been doing for decades.

  • Back in 2014 and 2015, we hit a low and it wasmoment to reflect in the context of why did Barbie  

  • lose relevance, Said Ricard Dixon, president and  chief operating officer of Mattel. She didn't  

  • reflect the look of the world around us and so  we then set a course to truly transform the brand  

  • with a playbook around reigniting our purposeMattel was slow to diversify Barbie and Friends.

  • As a result, sales at Mattel's started to slump  in 2014, But during the pandemic, Barbie saw a  

  • resurgence as parents looked for ways to keep kids  busy at home. In the first quarter of this year,  

  • Mattel's sales fell 22% from last year's  first quarter, primarily due to declines  

  • in Barbie dolls and merchandise. Now, Barbie and  friends have many different skin tones and shapes.

  • Mattel produces Barbies in wheelchairs and  Ken dolls with the skin condition vitiligo.  

  • Mattel hopes the new movie, which  was 4 1/2 years in the making,  

  • will give the brand and Barbie the boost they're  looking for. That may already be happening.

  • AMC theatres reports they've sold more than 20,000  presale tickets to Barbie. And at Hom Bomb Toys  

  • in New York City, movie Barbie is sold out. So  I'm curious, are you going to watch Barbie when  

  • it's out? When it's available? Put Yes I am. No,  I'm not. Or maybe I haven't decided yet. In the  

  • comments below, my friend already invited me to  go watch Barbie with her, so I most likely will.

  • And you can get this free speaking guide where  I share 6 tips on how to speak English fluently  

  • and confidently. You can download it for free  on my website. Just click here or look for the  

  • link in the description. And why don't you  get started with your next lesson right now.

Welcome back to JForrest English. I'm JenniferAnd today we're going to read a news article  


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A2 初級 美國腔

看芭比如何來個令人驚豔的回歸(? How BARBIE Made a Surprising Comeback [LEARN ENGLISH WITH THE NEWS] English Reading Practice)

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    Q San 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 20 日