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  • Hello, and welcome to HistoryPod.

    大家好,歡迎來到 HistoryPod。

  • On the 6th of August, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" on the Japanese city of Hiroshima from the B-29 aircraft Enola Gay.

    1945 年 8 月 6 日,美國從 B-29 飛機 Enola Gay 上朝日本廣島市投擲了一枚綽號為「小男孩」的原子彈。

  • The Potsdam Declaration issued on the 28th of July by the Allies had called for the unconditional surrender of Japan.

    7 月 28 日,同盟國發表《波茨坦公告》,要求日本無條件投降。

  • If the government did not surrender, they were threatened with "the complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and... utter devastation of the Japanese homeland".


  • Having completed the successful Trinity atomic test on the 16th of July, the USA felt that the atomic bomb could quickly end the War in the Pacific.

    7 月 16 日成功完成 Trinity 原子彈試驗後,美國認為原子彈可以迅速結束太平洋戰爭。

  • Hiroshima was chosen as a target due to its industrial and military significance.


  • The city was the command center for the defense of southern Japan and contained approximately 40,000 military personnel,

    該市是日本南部防衛的指揮中心,擁有約 4 萬名軍事人員,

  • while even conservative estimates state that more than 200,000 civilians also lived there.

    而即使保守估計,也有超過 200,000 名平民居住在那裡。

  • Enola Gay and six accompanying aircraft had a 6-hour flight from the air base at North Field before reaching the city where they released the bomb at 8.15 a.m.

    Enola Gay 和 6 架隨行飛機從北場空軍基地出發,飛行了 6 個小時,然後於上午 8 點 15 分到達了投放炸彈的城市。

  • It exploded 1,900 feet above the city as planned, with the equivalent to 16 kilotons of TNT.

    按照計劃,它在城市上空 1,900 英尺處爆炸,爆炸量相當於 16 噸 TNT 炸藥。

  • Virtually all buildings within a mile of the blast were flattened.


  • 70,000 people were killed instantly as a result of the explosion, of whom 20,000 were military personnel.

    爆炸導致 7 萬人當場死亡,其中 2 萬名為軍人。

  • Approximately another 70,000 died over the following months due to radiation sickness, burns, and other injuries directly related to the explosion.

    接下來的幾個月裡,大約有 7 萬人死於輻射毒、燒傷和其它與爆炸直接相關的傷害。

  • Following the bombing of Hiroshima, President Truman warned that, if Japan did not surrender,


  • they may "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth".


  • Japan did not surrender, and a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki three days later.

    日本沒有投降,而 3 天後,第二顆原子彈被投擲到長崎。

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