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  • Taking advantage of the community feature  on YouTube can be a great way to increase  

  • your subscriber engagement. And it's a  really great place to get more clicks to  

  • your videos from your subscribers. And one  of the best ways to do that is to make the  

  • images that you share in your community  posts animated or to post Jif images.

  • And there are countless ways that you  can create gif images very easily for  

  • your videos. And in this video I'm gonna  show you a few of my favorite ways. And  

  • how you can do it very easily using Canva  Pro. So let's get right to it. Homepage,  

  • Canva. Let's click on create design custom  size, and we'll do 1000 by 1000 pixels.

  • Community posts work really well as squares,  

  • so the easiest way to create a GIF would  be to use one from Jiffy, and Canva has  

  • a Jiffy integration along the left hand sideIf we click on apps, we can scroll down until  

  • we find Jiffy. And here you can search for any  gifs that you want and you can resize the gif.

  • You could even add your own text to the GIF hereSo if you had a caption that you wanted to add,  

  • and this can be a really quick, instant  way to get some clicks and spark some  

  • curiosity on your community post. When  people are on their YouTube homepage  

  • and they start scrolling through  videos to decide what to watch,  

  • that is where you're gonna see community  posts pop up from people you subscribe to.

  • All you would have to do once you're ready is  say, share. Download and choose Jif short clip,  

  • no sound, and then that Jif will work as an image  that you can upload as a community post. But let's  

  • have some fun and take it up even a notch from  that. And I'll show you what I typically do for  

  • our pod sound school videos as part of my workflow  to make a really quick community post animation.

  • So with this. Video that we just released on our  channel. I have already designed a thumbnail. In  

  • fact, I already designed two thumbnails because  I like to ab two different thumbnails on our  

  • YouTube videos. So if I wanted to keep these same  graphics, the pictures, and all of the different  

  • layers and design work that went into these  designs, I could use these and just animate 'em  

  • by just resizing this design and resizing it tothousand by a thousand and say, copy and resize.

  • So now things will need to be resized or even  moved around. And then we can create multiple  

  • pages and create our own custom animation. And  that could be very simple. It doesn't have to  

  • be anything complex to really catch people's  attention. So let's actually. Go with this one  

  • here, and what I'm gonna do is first try to make  all of this fit a little better on this square.

  • So we've now changed a single design  to this. So now let's just duplicate  

  • this page by clicking on the duplicate  page icon, and we'll do that four times  

  • and let's make four. Subtly different  designs. One thing we could do is just  

  • grab me and say Flip horizontally and then kind  of move me around and we can do that again.

  • But this time when we flip me horizontallywe'll change my positioning even more and  

  • maybe even zoom me up a little bitAnd then we can do is come down here  

  • and click on this show pages arrow to see  the pages and click on duration. And you'll  

  • see that each one of these is set to five  seconds. Now that's gonna be way too long.

  • So if we come to the first page, again, we  can edit the timing by clicking this clock  

  • right here, and we can change the  timing to 0.5 or half of a second,  

  • and then click on apply to all four pages. Now if  I press play here, you can watch the animation.

  • You could also come in here to grid viewHighlight all four of these and duplicate  

  • them a few times by pressing command or control  D for duplicate. And then you would have a video  

  • that plays for longer. So you could also do  this if you wanted to export a video as an mp4,  

  • maybe to share as an Instagram  reel or even as an Instagram post.

  • And so now just a matter of moments. I was able  to take a YouTube thumbnail and repurpose it  

  • into an animated GIF for a community postand maybe even for an Instagram MP4 video,  

  • I would just download it here either as an  MP4 for Instagram or a GIF for the community  

  • post. And here you can also increase the size  of the gif since this is only a few pages.

  • Let's see if we can increase it all the way  to 1400. And I'll say download. And look,  

  • we're gonna have a really fun gif. That will  show up when people are scrolling and spark  

  • some interest. What is that? We don't  actually see a lot of gifs on YouTube,  

  • so currently it's a really fun way to  make your channel stand out even more.

  • And lastly, a really common thing that we do  at the Pod Sound School for our gifs is we  

  • repurpose our thumbnail photo shootsSo when you're making YouTube videos,  

  • it's probably part of your workflow  to, at the very end of the video,  

  • snap a couple photos. For your thumbnail  cover. Cause it only takes a few moments  

  • and we always ensure that we have some fresh  photos that will work with each new video.

  • So again, if I say create design, custom size,  a thousand by a thousand, and I just look at  

  • our recent photo shoots that we've done, like  this recent photo shoot we did for Veronica,  

  • for example. You can just click and drag  this. Into place now where things can get  

  • a little tricky is if you want  to move the positioning around.

  • So I can move this around and I will  usually try to use the grid lines. So  

  • over here you'd want to find something in  the design that isn't gonna move like her  

  • face as your point of reference. So  here what I could do is just kind of  

  • cut the last S of this PSS in half. With  that top left line and then say, done.

  • And this way when I drag new images into  each new page, I can click on it and make  

  • sure that that half of that s is gonna be  cut off. It doesn't have to be perfect,  

  • but as long as we get it close, it'll  really help the animation to look fun.  

  • So we can do this as well. Let's throw one more  in there and half of the S is cut off as well.

  • Okay. And now again, we can click on that  show pages arrow down here. Duration. We'll  

  • want to go to this first design and put it  to a timing of 0.5 seconds. Apply that to  

  • all the pages and then we can see what our  little Jiff animation looks like. And again,  

  • if you wanted to include some text here, you  can add anything you want to these as well too.

  • And now we can command see thisDid you hear the news? And paste  

  • it into all of the other pictures as  well. And now you have a really cool  

  • gif. As a gif. This will work on its own  with just these four pictures, but if you  

  • wanted to make an MP4 video for Instagramyou know that each image is half a second.

  • So if you want a ten second video, then you're  going to need 20 images. So you can come up here,  

  • highlight all four of these, and duplicate them by  pressing command or control D until you have about  

  • 20 pictures. And now we'll have a ten second video  that we can export as an MP4 for uh Instagram  

  • post. And so there's lots of fun ways that you can  repurpose your existing graphics, your thumbnails,  

  • or even gifs from Jiffy to add a little extra  flare and spark some curiosity on your videos.

  • So hopefully you found this video helpful, and  if you're really wanting to take your graphic  

  • design to the next level, maybe you're a social  media manager who wants to wow your clients with  

  • impressive graphics, or you are an online  business owner who wants to. Take control  

  • of your own graphics. We are developing a really  exciting program that we're calling Design Lab.

  • And if you want to get on the wait list  for that program, you can go to pod sound  

  • lab. We're gonna be offering  some really fun perks and teasers for those  

  • who sign up for the wait list. And if you're  feeling really ambitious and you wanna see how  

  • you can use Canva together with Photoshop  to unlock even more design possibilities.

  • Check out this video right here where I show  you how I filled the text with an image,  

  • much like you saw in the thumbnail of this video.  

  • You're gonna love it. It's a really  fun one, and I'll see you over there.

Taking advantage of the community feature  on YouTube can be a great way to increase  


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? Animate Your Own GIFs: Easy Canva Hacks for Animated YouTube Community and Instagram Posts ?

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