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  • Yeah, you and I are a lot alike, mate. Brand new unicorn, doc.

  • Surrender now, maggot, and you will not be harmed!

  • Gentlemen, thank you for being such dear friends.

  • Viola

  • Holy Mary, mother of Joseph

  • Demoman!

  • I'm waiting...

  • No

  • You disgust me!

  • ...Not some bloody cartoon!

  • Sentry, just ahead

  • Bloody hell! Lets go, mate.

  • Stupid, bloody spies!

  • Get to the control point!

  • Let's do it!

  • Come on!

  • Need a dispenser here! Oh, crap!

  • Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm the freakin Scout!

  • Freakin unbelievable! You seein this?

  • You are so small!

  • It's funny to me

  • Yeah, why don't you come over and say that to my face, tough guy?

  • Little, little man...

  • No worries.

  • Okay!

  • There you go.

  • Thanks!

  • Apologies

  • What in sam hell were you thinkin?

  • Nothing personal, I just had to shut you up!

  • Fellas!

  • Everyone, look! Demoman is Scout!

  • actress

  • Alert! Our control point is being captured!

  • That Scout's a spy!

  • You shouldn't even gotten out of bed!

  • Depth perception!

  • I got it! I got two eyes!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Oh, absolutely, abso-freakin-lutely!

  • What?

  • I am the Scout, here!

  • Alright, let's do this!

  • Incoming! The Scout is a Spy!

  • Freedom!

  • I will never stop killing you!

  • This did not just happen!

  • Incoming!

  • Hold this point!

  • Victory!

  • Demoman is credit to team!

  • Yeah, yeah, thanks. But, I am the Scout, now

  • Scout, apologies. You have done well.

  • Thanks, pally!

  • Clearly, they were outclassed!

  • Oh, mondure

  • Sentry ahead!

  • Spy is Sentry!

Yeah, you and I are a lot alike, mate. Brand new unicorn, doc.


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B2 中高級

你的永恆復仇(Saxxy 2014重裝上陣)。 (Your Eternal Revenge (Saxxy 2014 re-upload))

  • 138 4
    eaglekuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日