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  • - [Commentator] Ladies and gentlemen,

  • it's the tech billionaire death match

  • you all haven't been waiting for.

  • No, seriously, they are planning to fight.

  • In one corner, Twitter owner Elon Musk!

  • (crowd cheers)

  • In the other, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • (bell ringing)

  • (fists thudding) (fighters groaning)

  • (bell ringing) (crowd groaning)

  • - Okay, so yes, this is funny,

  • but it's also getting kind of serious.

  • Last week, Elon Musk tweeted

  • that he'd be up for a cage fight with Mark Zuckerberg.

  • Zuckerberg said, "Send me location."

  • Musk said, "Vegas Octagon."

  • Dana White, the president of the UFC

  • told "The Wall Street Journal" that he has spoken

  • to both Zuckerberg and Musk about a face-off.

  • "They are both dead serious," White said.

  • And now here we are but this fight is much deeper

  • than two big egoed billionaires.

  • The history of the tech industry

  • has been about companies fighting over us,

  • the users, and our dollars.

  • Oh, and yes, different ideologies.

  • This fight is no different,

  • except, well, the possibility

  • of a real celebrity death match.

  • - Let's get it on.

  • - So, allow me to explain what's really happening

  • in this fight and how it's indicative

  • of this new emerging tech battlefield,

  • with the help of these guys.

  • - [Announcer] Custom action figures may not precisely

  • replicate the likeness of the real individuals.

  • - [Joanna] Let's look at the history of this fight.

  • Musk and Zuckerberg have actually partnered in the past.

  • In 2016, Musk's SpaceX was supposed to take

  • Facebook's internet satellites up to orbit until.

  • (explosion rumbling)

  • At the time, Zuckerberg said he was deeply disappointed.

  • Things really blew up in 2018 though

  • when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica

  • had acquired and used personal data from Facebook users.

  • Musk's Tesla and SpaceX

  • deleted their company Facebook pages,

  • and Musk tweeted, "It's not a political statement

  • and I didn't do this because someone dared me to do it.

  • Just don't like Facebook.

  • Gives me the willies.

  • Sorry."

  • And again, in 2022, he tweeted something similar.

  • "Facebook gives me the willies."

  • That was just a few weeks before

  • Musk initiated an acquisition of Twitter,

  • which officially put these two

  • up against each other as competing Social Media CEOs.

  • Musk said he wanted Twitter to be-

  • - [Musk] An inclusive arena for free speech.

  • - [Joanna] He specifically talked

  • about political neutrality,

  • something he didn't think that was found

  • in other social networks.

  • - My understanding is that

  • Zuckerberg spent $400 million in the last election,

  • normally in a get out the vote campaign,

  • but really fundamentally in support of Democrats.

  • Is that accurate or not accurate?

  • - That is accurate.

  • - Does that sound unbiased to you?

  • - A Meta spokeswoman directed me

  • to this Zuckerberg post from 2020,

  • which said that these partisan claims were false.

  • Meanwhile, Musk has been courting

  • more folks from the right,

  • including Tucker Carlson himself.

  • So yes, there's differing ideology,

  • but also users and money.

  • In 2022, Twitter reported an estimated

  • 238 million daily active users.

  • Meta's Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp

  • have 3 billion daily active users

  • and a far bigger ad business.

  • But Musk's takeover of Twitter

  • has pushed Meta to build a Twitter competitor,

  • reported to be called Threads.

  • It's said to be a text-based social network,

  • like Twitter, with integration with Instagram.

  • In an internal meeting at Meta,

  • a top Zuckerberg lieutenant said he had heard

  • from public figures who wanted a sanely run platform.

  • That's what actually prompted, well, this.

  • (opponent groaning) (crowd groaning)

  • Sure, these guys are very public about their rivalry,

  • but it's also representative

  • of the broader state of affairs right now in big tech.

  • It used to be that companies were frenemies.

  • Now they just seem to be enemies.

  • Just look at this fight chart.

  • Yes, you have Twitter and Meta.

  • Then Zuckerberg has been open

  • about his beef with Apple CEO Tim Cook.

  • Apple has limited how much data Facebook

  • and other apps can collect on iPhones and iPads,

  • and the two now compete on mixed reality headsets.

  • Then Google and Microsoft are now in an AI battle,

  • building on its existing cloud fight.

  • Google has even filed a complaint

  • with the Federal Trade Commission

  • accusing Microsoft of anti-competitive cloud practices.

  • And then there's Amazon, which competes

  • with Microsoft and Google on cloud services too.

  • And then you've now got OpenAI,

  • which Elon also has beef with and competes with Google.

  • Yeah, we're gonna need some more action figures.

  • So, who is gonna win in this round

  • between Zuck and Musk?

  • Well, Zuck clearly seems to have the upper hand

  • with his Jujutsu training,

  • and a far bigger, more prospering social media empire.

  • But Musk claims to have a move called The Walrus,

  • where he just lies on top of his opponent.

  • Or hey, maybe these billionaires

  • just go in a totally different direction.

  • Yeah, I doubt it.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Wanna just go get some Sweet Baby Ray's?

  • Sure.

  • Wanna come on my private plane?

  • We can eat it there.

  • Okay.

- [Commentator] Ladies and gentlemen,


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為什麼馬斯克和祖克柏要約架(Why Musk and Zuckerberg Want to Fight | WSJ)

  • 108 0
    Kelly Lin 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 09 日