字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Princess Peach is a damsel in distress no more! 碧姬公主不再是落難少女了! And there is far more to know about this princess than baking cake and hanging out with Toads. 這位公主遠遠不止是會烤蛋糕和跟奇諾比奧玩耍的女孩。 Since her debut back in 1985, Princess Peach, also occasionally known as Princess Toadstool, has become an integral part of the "Super Mario Bros." franchise. 自 1985 年首次亮相以來,碧姬公主 (蘑菇王國的公主),早已成為《超級瑪利歐兄弟》系列中不可或缺的一部分。 Her kidnapping is the inciting incident of the original NES classic, but her role in the series has grown dramatically over the years. 公主遭到綁架是原版紅白機遊戲中的經典橋段,但多年來,她在瑪利歐遊戲中的角色定位已成長許多。 By the time "Super Mario Bros. 2" debuted, she'd already become a protagonist in her own right. 《超級瑪利歐兄弟2》首亮相時,她已擁有自己的故事了。 While Peach's first appearance showed her as a damsel in distress, she's certainly experienced a transformation since her debut. 雖然碧姬公主最初是以落難少女的形象登場,但自那之後她經歷不少蛻變。 Only adults would have noticed the subtle changes in her character, as they've been there from the beginning to see her evolution. 只有成年人才會注意到公主性格的微妙變化,因為他們見證了公主從頭到尾的轉變。 With Peach taking a more active role in 2023's "The Super Mario Bros. Movie," 隨碧姬公主在 2023 年《超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版》中擔任要角, it's a good time to take a look back at some of the more subtle details about her character that the kids might not pick up on. 是時候深入回顧一下關於碧姬公主孩子們可能無法理解的微妙細節了。 "Together, we are going to stop that monster." 「團結一心,我們將擊退那頭怪物。」 Princess Peach seems to do a pretty great job at holding down the fort in the Mushroom Kingdom, 碧姬公主似乎在鎮守蘑菇王國方面做得非常出色, but the fact that her title has never been upgraded to "Queen" seems to imply that at least one of her parents is still alive and well. 但她的頭銜從未升級為「女王」似乎暗示著其父母中,至少還有一人健在。 The question is: Where are they, and what do they rule? 那麼他們在哪?又統治著什麼呢? King Toadstool was originally mentioned in the manual for 1985's "Super Mario Bros.," but never puts in a physical appearance in the game itself. 蘑菇國王於 1985 年《超級瑪利歐兄弟》手冊中初登場,但他從未在遊戲本身中出現過。 Despite being a pretty big deal in Mario's world, the king only factors into some of the games' spin-off media. 儘管國王在瑪利歐世界裡是個大人物,但他只有在一些遊戲衍生媒體中現身過。 King Toadstool appeared in some comic books released in the early 90s, as well as a few other bits of print media published around the same time. 蘑菇國王僅出現在 90 年代初發行的漫畫,以及同一時期出版的其他印刷媒體中。 His wife is an even bigger enigma, and it seems like Peach has been largely left to run the Mushroom Kingdom on her own. 其妻子更是個謎團,且大部分時間中,碧姬似乎都是獨自治理蘑菇王國。 Princess Peach has had a few makeovers since she became the subject of Mario's affections all those years ago. 自多年前成為瑪利歐心儀對像以來,碧姬公主經歷了幾次改頭換面。 In addition to a frequently changing wardrobe and some snappy fashion choices, her hair color has swapped several times. 除了經常更換衣著和時髦配件外,她的髮色也換了好幾次。 In the original "Super Mario Bros.," Peach is seen with vibrant red hair, almost the color of the lava in Bowser's castle. 原版《超級瑪利歐兄弟》中,碧姬有一頭鮮紅頭髮,幾乎與庫巴城堡中熔岩的顏色相同。 When she made her playable debut in "Super Mario Bros. 2," she was animated as a brunette. 在《超級瑪利歐兄弟2》中首亮相時,她的動畫形象卻是棕髮。 In most modern incarnations, Peach is seen with bright or sandy blond hair. 而到了近代,碧姬公主大多數形象都擁有金燦燦的秀髮。 In the real world, this is most likely a decision based on console capabilities and changing design teams. 現實中,這很可能是受遊戲機台顯色和設計團隊變化影響。 But is it possible that Peach went through a bunch of different hairstyles and colors before she finally settled on one she likes? 但有沒有可能是碧姬嘗試過一堆不同的髮型和髮色,最終選擇了喜歡的金色呢? If so, one has to wonder which hair color is her natural look. 如果是這樣,就讓人不禁好奇她天生的髮色是什麼呢? We're betting it's not the firetruck red, but could Peach have originally been a brunette who decided that blonde monarchs have more fun? 八成不是消防車紅,但有沒有可能碧姬原本是棕髮,後來認為金髮更有君主風範呢? The relationship between Mario and Peach has been a point of discussion for years. 多年來,瑪利歐和碧姬之間的關係一直是討論焦點。 The "will they, won't they" nature of their friendship is often called into question. 大家時常好奇兩人到底會不會在一起。 Much of the time, it seems as though Mario is more into Peach than she is into him, but a comedic video from Nintendo might have thrown those established roles into question. 多數時間,看似是瑪利歐更喜歡碧姬,但任天堂釋出的一段影片可能會推翻此既定印象。 Back in 2017, around the release of "Super Mario Odyssey," Nintendo produced a series of clips in which Mario answered questions from fans. 2017 年《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》發布前後,任天堂製作了一系列瑪利歐回答粉絲提問的短片。 One of the fans asked what Mario enjoyed most about adventuring with his friends, and he replied by listing some of his closest associates, including Princess Peach and Pauline. 一位粉絲問瑪利歐在與朋友們一起的冒險中,最享受的部分是什麼,他回答時列舉了他最親密的伙伴,包括碧姬公主和波琳。 "I love my friend toad and talkatoo and Princess Peach and Pauline…" 「我愛我的朋友奇諾比奧、提示鳥、碧姬公主和波琳…」 Sure, this goofy video was made for promotional purposes, 當然,這個小短片是為了宣傳而製作的, but it also gives the impression that something has happened behind the scenes and Mario is no longer pursuing Peach as a romantic partner. 但這讓人不禁設想幕後可能發生了一些事,導致瑪利歐不再追求碧姬。 The question is, how does Princess Peach feel about being friend-zoned? 問題來了,碧姬公主對被發好人卡的感受又是如何呢? Speaking of Pauline, it's difficult to talk about Princess Peach and Mario's unique dynamic without bringing up the plumber's first love. 說到波琳,談及碧姬公主和瑪利歐之間的曖昧,很難不提起他的初戀波琳。 Back in the arcade days, Mario endeavored to rescue Pauline from the clutches of Donkey Kong. 回到街機時代,瑪利歐曾努力從大金剛手中救出波琳。 Fortunately, Mario and DK put aside their differences in the years since. 幸運的是,此後幾年中,瑪利歐和大金剛消除了兩人的分歧。 But aside from a few cameos in smaller games, players didn't hear much from Pauline until "Super Mario Odyssey." 但除卻一些小型遊戲中的客串,波琳直到《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》才又出現在螢幕前。 That's when she was put in a position of power as mayor of New Donk City. 也是在那時,她被任命為紐頓市市長。 Even though the pair never directly interact through dialogue, they can be seen hanging out together on a postcard toward the end of the game. 儘管兩人從未直接對話,但在遊戲結束前的明信片上,可以看到他們一起玩耍。 Some could take this as a sign that Mario and Peach aren't a romantic item after all, meaning she's not bothered by the reappearance of Mario's ex. 有些人可能會認為這表明瑪利歐和碧姬不是曖昧關係,所以她不會因瑪利歐前任的出現而煩惱。 However, it could also mean that Peach is unbothered by Pauline's presence, and doesn't feel threatened by her at all. 然而,這也可能代表著碧姬對波琳十分不以為然,根本沒有把她視為威脅。 Of course, this isn't the only empowering thing Peach does at the tail end of "Odyssey." 當然,這不是碧姬在《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》結尾所做的唯一奪回權力的事。 Peach became a playable character in "Super Mario Bros. 2," and was featured in various sports titles, and spin-off games like "Super Smash Bros." 碧姬在《超級瑪利歐兄弟2》中也成為可操縱角色,並出現在各種體育遊戲和衍生遊戲中,如《任天堂明星大亂鬥》。 However, she has had a few breakout roles that secured her transformation from a bewildered prisoner to kingdom saver. 幾個突破性角色,使她從被囚禁的少女轉變為王國的拯救者。 The Princess truly broke away from the damsel in distress mold when she featured her own game on the Nintendo DS, "Super Princess Peach." 《超級碧姬公主》在任天堂DS上推出時,公主才真正擺脫了落難少女的形象。 In her adventure, the tables were turned on the familiar "Mario" formula. 她的冒險中出現了瑪利歐遊戲的熟悉模式。 Instead of Mario setting out to save Peach from Bowser, Peach had to rescue everyone's favorite goomba stomping plumber. 但這次,不是瑪利歐從庫巴手中救出碧姬,而是碧姬公主前往拯救瑪利歐。 "Super Princess Peach" paved the way for Peach's most significant act of independence: "Super Mario Odyssey." 《超級碧姬公主》為碧姬最重要的獨立之行《超級瑪利歐 奧德賽》鋪了路。 After Mario manages to stop the forced wedding between Bowser and Peach, both suitors attempt to win over Mushroom Kingdom's princess. 在瑪利歐阻止了庫巴逼迫公主舉行的婚禮後,兩個追求者都試圖求得蘑菇國公主的芳心。 Though Mario and Bowser present Peach with bouquets and their affections, Peach rejects them both in favor of a solo trip around the worlds that Mario visited throughout his journey. 儘管瑪利歐和庫巴都獻上花束表達愛意,碧姬回絕了二人,並邀請瑪利歐加入她環遊世界的旅程。 Peach travels on her own terms, without the need for anyone else to help her. 碧姬以自己的方式旅行,不需要他人幫助。 In fact, she finds her own Power Moons that she offers to Mario when he catches up with her on his journey. 事實上,她找到了自己的力量之月,並在瑪利歐追上她時給予協助。 The new "Mario" movie also seems to highlight Peach in a more active role, 新版瑪利歐電影似乎也更積極的突出碧姬的角色, and trailers show her zipping down Rainbow Road in a practical racing suit, reminiscent of her outfit that made its first appearance in "Mario Kart Wii." 預告片中,她身穿實用賽車服在彩虹之路上馳騁,讓人想起她在《瑪利歐賽車Wii》中初登場的服裝。 Fans have already stamped their seal of approval on this interpretation of Peach, showing that the princess can stand on her own, with or without Mario by her side. 粉絲們認為這顯示出公主有獨立自主的能力,無論瑪利歐是否在其身邊。 "If you can finish this, you're coming with me." 「如果你能跑完這個賽道,就可以跟我一起去。」
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 瑪利歐 公主 遊戲 蘑菇 任天堂 兄弟 是什麼讓碧姬公主形象180°大轉變?來看看這位公主的成長歷程!(Things Only Adults Notice About Princess Peach) 26768 216 たらこ 發佈於 2023 年 07 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字