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  • This video was sponsored by, well, us!


  • Who are we, anyway?


  • Well, besides Blocko, RhombusTriangle Bob, Circlia, and whatever Greeg isoh, and animator.

    嗯,除了 Blocko、Rhombus、Triangle Bob、Circlia 還有不知道是什麼的 Greeg,喔,還有動畫師。

  • You can learn more about, the charity that powers Life Noggin, by clicking the first link in the description.

    你可以透過點擊敘述欄中第一個連結進一步了解贊助 Life Noggin 的。

  • Hey, there; welcome to "Dear, Blocko...", the show where I answer your questions that you have about your world and my world.

    大家好,歡迎來到「Dear, Blocko...」,我會在這個節目中回答各位關於你們的世界以及我的世界的問題。

  • First question upoh, in the Life Noggin Discord server, "toaster" asked about why some people are trolls.

    第一個問題,喔!是 Life Noggin Discord 伺服器,使用者 toaster 詢問為什麼有些人是酸民。

  • And that led to the bigger overall question: Why do people hate things?


  • While it may vary from person to person, there's a few theories on this.


  • For some people, talking negatively about something may be a way of hiding the fact that they don't know much about it.


  • Or, they could be doing it to make themselves look better in comparison, or, as a way to establish dominance.


  • Some people do get joy out of seeing others upset or frustrated, unfortunately.


  • Or, their hatred can be a result of something called "group polarization".


  • This happens when a group of people discuss something they all dislike, and that negative feeling grows into something more extreme.


  • By the way, you can become a member of the channel to vote on which questions get selected for "Dear, Blocko..."

    順帶一提,你可以成為頻道的會員並投票決定哪些「Dear, Blocko...」中的問題可以被選中。

  • Link to becomemember of this channel is in the description.


  • Next question, "Pegasus" wants to know: What if you only ate fried food for every meal?

    下一個問題是來自使用者 Pegasus:如果你每餐只吃油炸食物會怎麼樣?

  • While they are delicious, regularly eating fried foods, especially for every meal, can lead to some serious health problems.


  • Foods that are fried can contain more than twice the amount of calories than if they were baked.


  • And when oils are heated to high temperatures during the frying process, the chemical structure of their fats changes, becoming trans fats.


  • These are hard for your body to break down and are associated with an increased risk of diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity.


  • In fact, one study found that each additional 114-gram serving of fried foods per week increase(s) the overall risk of heart problems by 3%.

    事實上,一項研究發現,每週多吃 114 克的油炸食品會讓心臟問題的整體風險提升 3%。

  • But if you do want to indulge every once in a while, choose foods made in healthier oils like coconut, avocado, and olive oils, which contain less trans fats.


  • And now it's time for a question about me or my world.


  • "AlexthePerplex" asks: Dear Blocko, What did Mocko do to get a restraining order?

    AlexthePerplex 問到:Dear Blocko,Mocko 做了什麼讓它收到限制令?

  • Wellas you know, Mocko claims he's my evil twin slash archnemesis, but I've stated multiple times that I don't want that negativity in my life, sogot a restraining order.

    嗯,如各位所知,Mocko 聲稱他是我邪惡的雙胞胎兼天敵,但我已經多次聲明我不希望生命中有那種負面思想,所以我申請了限制令。

  • The last straw was when he turned everything in my house purple and tried to kidnap Triangle Bob.

    最後一根稻草是當他把我家裡的所有東西變成紫色並嘗試綁架 Triangle Bob。

  • Triangle Bob doesn't live here anymore, so, I think Mocko got a little frustrated and ended up just taking a vacuum cleaner that had a hat on it.

    Triangle Bob 不住這裡了,所以我猜 Mocko 有點沮喪,最後只帶走一個有一頂帽子的吸塵器。

  • Oh, hold on, one second; my security system went offoh, come on! Mocko's trying to replace my car tires with cheese wheels. Again.

    哦,等等,等一下,我的安全系統響了!哦,拜託,Mocko 想用乳酪輪胎換掉我的車輪。又來了!

  • Yeah, TonyHe's in the underground garage. OK, thanks.

    Tony 嗎?他在地下室車庫。好,謝了。

  • Uh-oh, I'm in danger!


  • So, do you have any questions about your world or my world?


  • You can ask away in the comments and use the hashtag #dearblocko so I can find it.

    你可以在留言區提問,並使用 #dearblocko 這個標籤讓我可以找到它。

  • You can also become a member of the Life Noggin channel to submit and vote on "Dear, Blocko..." questions.

    你也可以成為 Life Noggin 頻道的會員,並在「Dear, Blocko...」中提問和投票。

  • Please do all the things that help this channel grow.


  • Click here to watch this autocomplete "Dear, Blocko..." episode, or click here to watch this video.

    點擊這裡觀看這個自動完成「Dear, Blocko...」節目,或者點擊這裡觀看這部影片。

  • Thank you so much to Lifespan, the team that powers Life Noggincheck 'em out down in the description.

    非常感謝為 Life Noggin 提供資助的 Lifespan,請在敘述欄了解他們。

  • And, as always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin; don't forget to keep on thinking.

    一如繼往地,我的名字是 Blocko、這是 Life Noggin 節目,別忘了繼續思考。

This video was sponsored by, well, us!


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