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  • Agree

  • Agree

  • To agree is to have the same opinion or belief as another person

  • The students agree they have too much homework

  • Alcohol

  • Alcohol

  • Alcohol is a type of drink that can make people drunk

  • A person should not do after he or she has been drinking alcohol

  • Arrive

  • Arrive

  • To arrive is to get somewhere

  • August

  • August

  • August is the 8th month of the year

  • Is your birthday in August

  • Boat Boat

  • Is a vehicle that moves across water

  • There is a small

  • Breakfast

  • Breakfast

  • Breakfast is the morning meal

  • I ate eggs for breakfast

  • Camera

  • Camera

  • A camera is a piece of equipment that takes pictures

  • I brought my camera on my vacation

  • Capital

  • Capital

  • A capital city where country's government is based

  • The capital of Washington DC

  • Catch catch

  • To catch is to grab or get something

  • Did you catch the ball game

  • Duck

  • Duck

  • A duck is a small water bird

  • People see

  • Enjoy

  • Enjoy

  • To enjoy is to like something

  • The woman enjoys riding her bicycle

  • Invite

  • Invite

  • To invite is to ask someone to come to a place or event

  • I will invite my friends to my birthday party

  • Love

  • Love

  • To love is to like something or someone a lot

  • I love my

  • Months

  • Months

  • A month is one of the 12 periods of time in one year

  • Travel

  • Travel

  • To travel is to go to a Faraway place on vacation or business

  • Argentina this summer

  • Typical

  • Typical

  • If something is typical it is normal

  • Or something that usually happen

  • Visit

  • Visit

  • To visit is to go and spend time in another place or see another person

  • She wants to visit her grandmother

  • Weather

  • Weather

  • Weather is the temperature and the state of the outdoors

  • Today's weather is

  • Week

  • Week

  • A week is a period of time that is 7 days long

  • What are you doing next week

  • Wine

  • Wine

  • Wine is an alcoholic drink made from grapes

  • The store carry red and white wine

  • BML Seacoast

  • The Amalfi Coast in Italy is a beautiful place to travel it's a beautiful area

  • With an interesting culture

  • Located on the tyrrhenian sea next to the Mediterranean in southern Italy

  • Seacoast sign mountains and amazing beaches

  • Amalfi is on the west coast of Italy

  • And it takes less than 4 hours to drive there from Rome the country's capital

  • You love it from the moment you arrived there

  • There are many activities for travelers including beautiful beaches for swimming

  • You can also play games on the beach and catch frisbees

  • A boat trip is a good way to spend the day

  • And you may see dogs and other birds sitting on the water fishing is also a punk

  • Dozens of villages on the Amalfi Coast and you can visit one of

  • Then to see how a typical local person lives

  • If you're friendly you might even get invited into someone's house to enjoy a home-cooked

  • Italian food

  • Italians like drinking alcohol especially wine

  • The Amalfi Coast has lots of gardens to explore

  • Italy is famous for its Pizza and Pasta however the Amalfi Coast

  • Is also well-known for fish and octopus because it is located next to the water

  • Pastries are popular breakfast food on the Amalfi Coast

  • August is a popular month to travel to the Amalfi Coast because the weather is what

  • It's easy to spend a week traveling around the area

  • Make sure to take a camera so you can take a lot of photos

  • We're sure you'll agree that it's a great place

  • Adventure

  • Adventure

  • An adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do

  • Riding in the rough water

  • Approach

  • Approach

  • To approach something means to move close to it

  • The boy approached

  • Carefully

  • Carefully

  • Carefully means with great attention especially to detail or safety

  • Chemical

  • Chemical

  • Something that scientists use in chemistry

  • The scientists mixed the chemicals

  • Create

  • Create

  • To create means to make something new

  • She created from blocks of snow

  • Evil

  • Evil

  • Evil describe something or someone bad or cruel not good

  • They felt a strange presence to the house

  • Experiment

  • Experiment

  • An experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen

  • The student experimenting science class

  • Kill

  • Chill

  • To kill someone or something is to make them die

  • I killed the fly

  • Laboratory

  • Laboratory

  • A laboratory where a scientist works

  • My mother Works in a laboratory

  • Laugh

  • Laugh

  • Laugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs

  • The sound of her laughter filled the room

  • Loud

  • Loud

  • If a sound is loud it is strong and very easy to hear

  • The man's voice was so loud

  • Nervous

  • Nervous

  • When a person is nervous they think something bad will happen

  • The boy became nervous when he heard the news

  • Noise

  • Noise

  • Annoys is an unpleasant sound

  • The crying out loud noise

  • Project

  • Project

  • A project is a type of work that you do for school or a job

  • His afternoon

  • To scare someone is to make them feel afraid

  • Scared

  • Secret

  • Secret

  • A secret is something that you do not tell other people

  • The two boys were sharing a secret

  • Shout

  • Shout

  • To shout just to say something loudly

  • My boss shouted at me because I was late for work

  • Smell

  • Smell

  • To smell something mean to use your nose to sense it

  • The two friends smelled the flower

  • Terrible

  • Terrible

  • If something is terrible it is very bad

  • The way he treated his classmate was terrible

  • Worse

  • Worse

  • If something is worse it is of poor quality then another thing

  • Business this month

  • Alien

  • Alien

  • An alien is a creature from A Different World

  • The alien came in peace

  • The laboratory

  • Mia's father had a laboratory but she had no idea what was in it

  • Her dad always closed and lock the door when he went in

  • She knew that he used it to do projects for work

  • He never told me that what these projects were

  • One night me approach the door to the laboratory

  • She stopped and thought

  • I wonder what crazy experiment he is doing now

  • Suddenly she heard a loud noise it sounded like an evil laugh

  • The noise scared her so she walked quickly back to her room

  • The next night her friend Liz came to her house when Liz arrived Mia told her

  • Her about the night before

  • Oh it was terrible she said

  • Why don't we see what is in their lives last it will be a fun adventure

  • Mia felt nervous about going into her father's laboratory but she agreed

  • As always the door was locked

  • They waited until Mia's father left the laboratory to eat dinner

  • He didn't lock the door Liz said let's go

  • The laboratory was dark the girls walked down the stairs carefully

  • Mia smelled strange chemicals

  • What terrible thing was her father creating

  • Suddenly they heard an evil laugh it was even worse than the one Mia

  • The night before

  • What if I'm monster was going to kill them

  • Mia had to do something

  • She shouted for help

  • Mia's father ran into the room and turned on the lights

  • Oh no he said you must have learned my secret

  • Your monster tried to kill us

  • Mia said

  • Monster

  • PS

  • You mean this

  • He had a pretty doll in his hands

  • The doll laughed

  • The left didn't sound so evil anymore

  • I made this for your birthday

  • I wanted to give it to you then but you can have it now I hope you like it

  • Among

  • Among

  • If you are among certain things they are all around you

  • There was a red the green ones

  • Chart

  • Chart

  • A chart is a list of information

  • Use the chart to see how we had improved

  • Cloud

  • Cloud

  • A cloud is a group of water drops in the sky

  • The sky was filled with white clouds

  • Describe

  • Describe

  • To describe is to say or write what someone or something is like

  • They described their tree as colorful

  • Ever

  • Ever

  • Ever means at any time

  • Going skiing last winter was supposed

  • To fail means you do not succeed in what you try to do

  • He was sad

  • Grade

  • Grade

  • A grade is a score or Mark given to someone's work

  • Instead

  • Instead

  • Instead means in place of

  • He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream

  • Library

  • Library

  • A place where you go to read books

  • The library at school is

  • Grass

  • Photograph

  • I like taking photographs

  • I took this photograph with myself

  • Planet

  • Planet

  • Large round thing in space

  • Saturn is the planet with the ring

  • Report

  • Report

  • A report is something someone writes for school or work

  • Several

  • Several

  • Several is more than two but not many

  • He had to read

  • Shape

  • Shape

  • An object is the arrangement of its sides and surfaces

  • Even with your eyes closed

  • Solve

  • To solve something is to find an answer to it

  • The students could easily solve the math problem

  • Only

  • If something happens suddenly it happens quickly and unexpectedly

  • I was surprised when my friends

  • Suppose

  • Suppose

  • To suppose is to guess

  • I suppose I should go home now

  • Understand

  • Understand

  • To understand something you need to know what it means

  • Henry could not understand the message

  • View

  • View

  • Who is to look at something

  • Michael likes to view himself in the mirror

  • The report

  • Lee sat among the books at the library and thought about his group project

  • They had to turn it in soon but he hadn't even started his part

  • Claire were in his grilled they had worked hard

  • They were also very smart and Lee didn't want them to get a bad grade

  • Jack did the report

  • He wrote a lot of very good sentences and describe things clearly and carefully plan

  • Drew a nice map of the Stars

  • Now Lee needed to do his part of the project

  • Well I suppose I need to start my model

  • Lee thought

  • Making a model of a planet was really hard

  • Lee tried to read several books but he couldn't understand any of the charts

  • We're going to fail because of me

  • Lee said

  • He put his head down on the table and said

  • I wish I could see a planet and an alien instead of having to read about it

  • Finally he had a great idea that would help him solve his problem

  • Why not go on the web and look for photographs of the earth and other planets taken from space

  • They would give him a really good view of the planets they had to talk about in their report

  • Instead of a bad grade is group would have the best project ever

  • The photos of Earth showed lots of clouds but you could still see the shapes of land

  • Tendencies on Earth

  • He also looked at photos of Mars

  • Linao had plenty of ideas for making a model of the planet Mars

  • All we had to do was to turn his ideas into a model

  • Use the small bald to help him make the shape he wanted and then painted it to look like

  • The photos of Mars that he had seen

  • Sometimes seeing is much more helpful than just reading

  • Appropriate

  • Appropriate

  • When is staying is appropriate it is right or normal

  • It's appropriate to wear a suit

  • Avoid

  • Avoid

  • To avoid something is to stay away from it

  • Avoid the broken bottle on the floor

  • Behave

  • Behave

  • To behave is to act in a particular way especially to be good

  • She always behaves

  • When someone is called they do not get excited or upset

  • A nice warm bath makes me feel so good

  • Concern

  • Concern

  • Concern is a feeling of worry

  • I was filled with concern after reading the newspaper

  • Content

  • Content

  • To be content to be happy and not want more

  • Expect

  • Expect

  • If you expect something to happen you believe it will happen

  • I expect the bus to be

  • Frequently

  • Frequently

  • When something happens frequently it happens often

  • Habit habit is a thing that you do often

  • Instruct

  • Instruct

  • To instruct is to teach

  • My teacher instructor

  • Issue

  • Issue

  • An issue is an important topic

  • The issues important to the people

  • None

  • None

  • None means not something

  • He spent all his money

  • There is none left

  • Patient

  • Patient

  • If people are patient they don't become angry or upset easily

  • I had to be patient until 5

  • Positive

  • Positive

  • If something is positive

  • It is good

  • She has a positive future finishing College

  • Punish

  • Punish

  • To punish means to make someone suffer for breaking the rules or laws

  • To punish me my teacher had me stand in the corner

  • Represent

  • Represent

  • To represent it to speak or act for a person or group

  • My lawyer represent me in court

  • Shake

  • Shake

  • To shake is to move back and forth or up and down quickly

  • When people shake hands usually means

  • Spread Spread spread is to move out to cover a larger area

  • I like to spread butter on my list

  • Stroll

  • Stroll

  • To stroll means to walk slowly and calmly

  • Village

  • Village

  • A village is a very small town

  • There are only a few houses in my Village

  • The dog spell

  • John's dog was a bad dog

  • He bit people frequently

  • John was concerned about this

  • It was not an appropriate way for a dog to behave

  • His friends in the village always expected the dog to bite them

  • The news about John's dog spread through the village

  • None of the people wanted to go to John's house

  • John try to instruct the dog to behave but it never worked

  • He tried to be patient and teach the dog to be calm

  • That also didn't work

  • John didn't want to punish the dog

  • How will I stop my dog's bad habit

  • John asked himself

  • John's friend came to talk to him about the issue

  • During very important meeting his friend said

  • The people in the village asked me to represent them we want your dog to stop

  • This habit

  • Why don't you put a bell around the dog's neck this way we would hear your dog

  • Coming down the street

  • John thought this was a great idea now people could stay away from the dog

  • He would not be able to bite anyone anymore

  • The dog like the Bell to

  • People looked at him when they heard his bail

  • This made the dog very contend

  • He liked the sound the Bell made when he walked

  • One day John's dog stroll through the village and met some other dogs

  • He expected them to want a bell like his

  • But they laughed at his bail they said the Bell made people avoid him

  • John's dog shook his head

  • No they look at me because they like the Bell

  • The other dog said

  • You have the wrong idea about what makes you popular of course they like your butt

  • It tells them where you are so they can avoid you

  • You aren't able to bite them anymore

  • You see being popular isn't something positive when it's for the wrong reason

  • Active

  • Active

  • When someone is active they move a lot or have a lot of things to do

  • It is important to be

  • Adult

  • Adult

  • An adult is a person who is more than 18 years old

  • My mom

  • Age

  • Age

  • Ages how many years someone has lived

  • She died at the age of 80

  • Bad

  • Bad

  • When something is bad it is not good

  • She is unhappy because she had a bad day

  • Balance

  • Balance

  • Balance is when two or more things are equal

  • A good balance between work and fun

  • Bike

  • Bike

  • A bike is a vehicle with two wheels powered by human

  • He rides his bike to school everyday

  • Choose

  • Choose

  • To choose is to pick something or make a decision

  • I have to choose between taking art classes and sports lessons

  • Doctor

  • Doctor

  • A doctor is a person who studies medicine and helps sick people

  • You should go to the doctor when you are sick

  • During

  • During

  • During an event means while the event was happening

  • Did you sleep during the movie

  • Football

  • Football

  • Football with 11 members and an oval-shaped ball

  • Fun

  • Fun

  • When something is fun it is enjoyable

  • At the birthday party

  • Game

  • Games

  • A game is an activity where people compete against each other

  • Let's play a board game tonight

  • Heart

  • Heart

  • Heart is an organ that keeps the body alive

  • My heart beats fast when I am nervous

  • Golf

  • Golf

  • Golf is a sport with clubs and a small white ball

  • People play

  • Increase increase increase is to make something larger

  • I will increase my score if I study for the test

  • Lice

  • Lice

  • Life is the time when a person is alive

  • My grandfather had a long line

  • Kilometer

  • Kilometer

  • A kilometer is a unit of measurement that is 1000m

  • A marathon is 42.2 km

  • Often

  • Often

  • Often is when something happens many times

  • He goes to bed early during the week

  • Plenty

  • Plenty

  • If you have plenty of something there is a lot of it

  • Wait

  • Wait

  • Weight is how heavy something or someone is

  • I gained weight because I ate a lot of pizza

  • Ironman races

  • Have you heard of the Ironman Triathlon

  • It's considered one of the most challenging sporting events in the world competitors

  • Ride a bike and run the race consists of a 3.86 km

  • A 108.2 5km bicycle ride

  • 2.2 km run the race so competitors

  • Must keep going no matter what

  • People who choose to enter this race must be healthy and prepared in both mind and

  • Body

  • Ironman races are held all over the world some well-known competitions take place

  • Send New Zealand Germany and California in the United States

  • There are several rules for those who want to compete in the Ironman

  • The minimum age of razors is 18 so everyone competes isn't at all

  • Training for the Ironman can take more than a year

  • People who train distances first

  • And then increase the amount of length and time they swim bike and run

  • Training can be difficult because people need to find a balance of strength and injury

  • Prince Training without enough training people can get bad injuries some people

  • Leaving gain weight when training because they're Bonnie store calories instead of using them for energy

  • All people in training should drink plenty of water

  • Doctors believe that exercise is good for people's house and helps the heart

  • People participate in other sports and games such as golf or American football

  • But the Ironman is a challenging way to stay fat

  • Even though it is hard it can still be fun it's a great way to stay active

  • And enjoy life

  • Apart

  • Apart

  • When people or things are apart they are not next to each other

  • They moved apart and then came back together

  • Attribute

  • Attribute

  • An attribute is a characteristic of a person or thing

  • Isn't very clever

  • Have some other positive attributes

  • Bilingual

  • A bilingual person can speak two languages

  • Completely

  • Completely

  • Something completely different is very very different from before

  • I was completely wrong

  • Dash

  • Dash

  • 2 - means to run or move quickly

  • Step the stairs so she wouldn't be late for her appointment

  • Disgust

  • Disgust

  • Disgust is a feeling of distaste and anger caused by something rude or unpleasant

  • He stopped disgust toward his date because she had such terrible eating habits

  • Fashionable

  • Fashionable

  • Something fashionable is what people like to wear and do now

  • It is very fashionable to wear a hat

  • Foreign

  • Foreign

  • Something for something we are not used to

  • TS travel to foreign countries

  • Golf

  • Golf

  • A golf is a gap between people who do not understand each other

  • There has been

  • Mirror

  • Mirror

  • A mirror is usually made of glass and you can see yourself in it

  • Use the mirror to shine light in their eyes

  • Natural

  • Natural

  • Things that are natural are not made by people

  • Nowadays

  • Nowadays

  • Nowadays means at the present time

  • So many people smoke

  • Participant

  • Participant

  • A participant is someone who joins in a social event competition

  • Ritual

  • Ritual

  • A ritual is a formal Customs that people do regularly

  • Interested to learn

  • Spoken

  • Spoken

  • Spoken languages what we say

  • We cannot take back what has been spoken

  • Sport

  • Sport

  • Sport involves games like running jumping football antennas

  • She loves watching sport on TV

  • Surprised surprised

  • You are surprised when something unexpected happens

  • He didn't appear at all

  • Tents

  • Tents

  • When you are 10 you are not comfortable

  • And feel unhappy

  • I felt very tense

  • Totally

  • Totally

  • If you totally agree

  • You agree with everything just said

  • I am totally

  • Meg

  • Zagg

  • If something is vague it is not clear and gives very few details

  • His mother's health

  • But he was very

  • The twins

  • Katie and Alice we're twins they were so alike that few people could tell them apart

  • They were almost like seeing one person looking in a mirror they even spoke

  • In the same way as each other

  • They were best friends

  • But the twins attributes we're not all exactly the same

  • Alice preferred Sports and was a star athlete in soccer

  • Katie preferred foreign languages and was bilingual in French

  • Katie decided to be a participant at a summer camp and Friends Ellis was

  • Wasn't interested in the French language

  • So she didn't go

  • But she was angry that Katie wanted to spend the summer away from her

  • 2 months later Katie returned

  • Alice Dash to the airport to greet her sister but when Ellis saw Katie

  • She was surprised Katie now spoke French and she looked completely

  • Different she was wearing fashionable clothes and she looked taller

  • Alice felt very messy next to her she was just wearing an old t-shirt

  • And her hair looked untidy

  • When I was ask Katie about friends Katie was vague and didn't say much

  • They made Alice feel tens and filled her with disgust

  • Because in the past they'd always told each other everything now there was a huge

  • Gulf between them

  • Over the weeks the sisters spoke even less

  • 2 months later it was the twins birthday

  • All their lives they had a ritual before their birthday they talk all

  • All night long

  • That night Alice came into Katie's bedroom

  • I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you much lately

  • Katie said

  • I understand you have new friends now

  • Said Alice angrily

  • Katie said

  • My French friends don't write much nowadays

  • For a while I thought they were more exciting than my friends at home

  • But I was wrong you're my sister and you'll always be my best friend

  • Alex said

  • I'm sorry too I wanted our relationship to stay the same forever

  • But it's totally natural for twins to have different interests we can still be best friends

  • Without being together all the time

  • Allow

  • Allow

  • To allow something to happen means to happen

  • Having a ticket will allow you to enter the show

  • Announce

  • Announce

  • To announce something is to make it known

  • Announced his new idea for the company

  • Decide

  • Decide

  • Someone or something besides is next to you

  • The two brothers beside each other

  • Challenge

  • Challenge

  • Difficult to complete

  • It was a challenge to climb to the top of the mountain

  • Claim

  • Claim

  • To claim means to say that something is true

  • He claims to know why the country's laws were we

  • Condition

  • Condition

  • The condition of someone or something is the state that they are in

  • The patient's condition

  • Contribute

  • Contribute

  • To contribute to something means to do something to make it successful

  • Decided to contribute to the new hospital

  • Difference

  • Difference

  • A difference is away that something is not like other things

  • The biggest difference between the birds is the color of their feathers

  • Divide

  • Divide

  • To divide something is to split into smaller parts

  • Expert

  • Expert

  • An expert is someone who is very good at doing something

  • The wizard was an expert

  • Famous

  • Famous

  • A famous person or thing is well-known

  • The Eiffel Tower in Paris

  • Force is a person's strength or power

  • Astute

  • Harm

  • Harm

  • To cause harm is to hurt someone or damage something

  • Hot iron can cause great harm if you are not careful

  • Lay

  • Lay

  • Thule means to put or place in a horizontal or flat position

  • Peace

  • Keith

  • Peace is a time without War

  • A white is a symbol of peace

  • Prince

  • Prince

  • A prince is the son of a king

  • The Prince and the princess were married

  • Protect

  • Protect

  • To protect someone is to stop them from getting hurt

  • Protect us from fires

  • Sense

  • Sense

  • To send something is to know about it without being told

  • I could sense that he was watching me

  • Sudden

  • Sudden

  • When something is sudden it happens very quickly

  • He felt a sudden pain in his chest

  • Therefore

  • Therefore

  • Therefore means for this reason

  • He is fat

  • Therefore

  • The best Prince

  • King Minos was very sick his condition was getting worse

  • He had three sons he loved them all he had to announce who would be

  • Come King

  • Two of the princes stood waiting outside the King's Room

  • Theseus was the oldest and strongest

  • He thought his father would make him King

  • Julius II son thought differently

  • He was an expert in fighting

  • He sighed the king would choose him

  • When I'm King

  • Theseus told Pelias

  • I'll let you contribute to protect our country

  • You can leave the army

  • Pelias became angry

  • Father knows I'm famous for my fighting skills he'll make me King

  • You see Sia said he won't Choose You

  • The kingdom is mine

  • Ilyas claimed father will give it to me or I'll use Force to take it

  • Theseus made a sudden move to take out his sword then Pelias did the same

  • Beating me will be a challenge

  • Theseus Ed

  • Fight me now

  • The winner gets the kingdom

  • Pelias agreed

  • King Minos could hear his sons fighting the youngest son Jason

  • Beside him he sends his father sadness

  • The king latest hand on Jason's arm

  • Your brothers fight too much

  • The king told him

  • I must protect my kingdom from all harm

  • Dale divided between them

  • The people won't know what to do

  • There'll be War

  • I can't allow either of them to be king

  • Therefore

  • I'm making you King

  • Your kindness says always made you special

  • It's the difference between you and your brothers

  • You can bring peace

  • They can't

  • Then the King died

  • Bcsn Pelias heard that their youngest brother was King

  • They were surprised

  • They realize that they're fighting was wrong

  • It had kept them from saying goodbye to their father

  • They agreed to have Jason as their King

  • He was the best choice

  • Except

  • Except

  • To accept something that is offered to take it

  • I accepted the girls very nice gift

  • Arrange

  • Arrange

  • To arrange things is to put them in the right place

  • Please arrange the words in order from

  • Attend

  • Attend

  • To attend something is to go to it

  • My sister and I attend the same school

  • Chase

  • Chase

  • You chase people when you run after them and try to catch them

  • I was chased by a dog

  • Contrast

  • Contrast

  • A contrast is a sharp difference between two things

  • The contrast between my parents

  • Encourage

  • Encourage

  • To encourage people to make them want to do something

  • Familiar

  • Familiar

  • People or things familiar to you are those you know well

  • The two friends

  • To grab is to take a hold of someone or something suddenly

  • I grabbed from the Train

  • To hang something is to keep it above the ground

  • I drew pictures

  • Huge

  • Huge

  • If something is huge it is very big

  • Necessary

  • Necessary

  • If something is necessary you must do it

  • A passport is necessary if you travel to other countries

  • Pattern

  • Patterns

  • Pattern is a way in which something is done or organized

  • My pattern of brushing my teeth is the same as most people's

  • Propose propose

  • To propose something is to say that it should be done

  • Proposed that we have our picture

  • Purpose

  • Purpose

  • A purpose is the reason that you do something

  • The purpose of exercising is to get into shape

  • Release

  • Release

  • To release something is to stop holding it

  • She released the bird from her hands

  • Require

  • Require

  • To require something is to say that it is necessary

  • We require teachers to have a University degree

  • Satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • You are satisfied when you have what you wanted

  • I'm very satisfied with your work

  • Single

  • Single

  • If something is single then there is only one

  • I have a single key in my hand

  • Tear

  • Tear

  • To tear something means to pull it apart

  • It is easy to tear paper

  • Theory

  • Theory

  • A theory is an idea about how something works

  • We talked about

  • How the sun and the moon were made

  • Do you ever wonder where the moon and the sun came from the Inuit people of Alaska

  • Have a theory

  • They tell a story about a beautiful girl

  • She was very nice

  • In contrast her brother was a mean little boy

  • One day he proposed something

  • We should go to a party he said

  • The girl accepted first it was necessary for her to get ready shiera

  • Ranged her hair and put on nice clothes

  • This required a lot of time

  • But the girl worked hard and soon she was satisfied she looked perfect

  • They attended the party together

  • The girl was having fun later she walked into the bathroom

  • Suddenly the lights were turned off

  • Someone grabbed her hair and tore her clothes

  • She ran out of the bathroom

  • She wanted to know who did this to her

  • Then she had an idea

  • She fixed her hair again

  • This time it was even more beautiful

  • She even arranged beautiful jewels in it

  • She wanted to encourage the person to grab it again

  • She put black dirt in her hair

  • The purpose of this was to catch the person

  • She went to the bathroom again and it was the same pattern the lights went off

  • And someone grabbed her hair

  • When he released it his hand was black

  • The girl returns to the party

  • She knew there was only a single person with a black hand when she saw that person

  • He was very familiar

  • It was her brother

  • He ran into the woods the girl ran after him

  • They both carried fire so they could see in the dark

  • The smoke went into the air as they ran they grew they became

  • Huge then they went into space

  • When the girls fire went out she hung in the sky

  • She became the moon and her brother became the Sun

  • They chase each other forever

  • Animal

  • Animal

  • An animal is a living thing that can move

  • The panda

  • Bus

  • Bus

  • Large vehicle that people travel on

  • My father takes the bus to work

  • Cat

  • Chat

  • Small animal related to lions and tigers that is kept as a pet

  • This cat just playing with

  • Command

  • Command

  • A command given to a person or animal to do something

  • The students to stand up

  • Depend

  • Depend

  • To depend on something for support or help

  • Minecraft

  • Dog

  • Dog

  • A dog is an animal with four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet or trained to work

  • This Woman's best friend

  • Door

  • Adore is an object that swings or slides open and shut

  • Can you close the door please

  • Friend

  • Friend

  • A friend is someone a person knows and likes spending time with

  • Brian's friend is very sad

  • Cheer

  • Here

  • To hear is to be aware of sound through your ears

  • Michelle cannot hear what you are saying

  • Help

  • Help

  • To help is to do something that makes something easier for someone else

  • Climb up there

  • Force

  • Horse

  • A horse is a big strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy things

  • I went to

  • Hospital

  • Hospital

  • Hospital swear sick or hurt people receive care or treatment

  • The doctor talks at the hospital

  • Leg

  • Leg

  • Is a body part used for standing and walking

  • She hurt her leg

  • Medical

  • Medical

  • Medical means related to the treatment of an injury or disease

  • Tyler is a medical student studying to become a doctor

  • Open

  • Open

  • To openness to move something so that an opening is not covered

  • Likes to open the window to let fresh

  • Pole

  • Pole

  • To pull is to hold onto something to move it toward you

  • The children

  • Rabbit

  • Is a small animal with long ears that lives in a hole in the ground

  • Look at the rabbit

  • School

  • School

  • A school is a place where children go to learn

  • The students study

  • See

  • See

  • To see is to use your eyes to look at something or someone

  • Stephen does not want to see this scary picture

  • Service

  • Service

  • Service is the act of helping or serving someone

  • This coffee shop has excellent service

  • Service animals

  • Have you ever seen a blind person on the bus with a dog this dog is mostly

  • Likely a service animal

  • A service animal is an animal that is trained to do things for people who cannot do that

  • Because of a disability

  • Dogs are most usually used as service animals because they are intelligent animals

  • They also have a good sense of smell and can sense dangerous situations

  • In addition dogs are easy to train and are loyal to their owners

  • When they're close to their owners will do anything to keep them safe

  • Service dogs are sometimes called dying dogs or hearing dogs

  • These dogs can help people who cannot see or hear

  • They are trained to open and close a door push a button and listen to a command

  • And these dogs can also help people who have a hurt leg and need to use a wheelchair

  • Where to get around

  • Service dogs are strong and can even pull wheelchairs

  • If these people ever need medical attention the dogs are trained to bark and get

  • Help

  • Dogs can also be used as therapy dogs

  • Therapy dogs made visit a school or hospital to help people who are feeling lonely or a

  • Anxious

  • Their bad feelings can create health problems

  • Therapy dogs can provide kindness and love to improve a person's mood

  • Can men improve that person's house

  • Although dogs are the most common service animals there are other animals that can be trained

  • To be service animals

  • You might see a cat a rabbit or a horse that is used as a service animal

  • These animals can keep a person company and become a good friend

  • Many people depend on service animals for help

  • Service animals can do jobs that people cannot do alone

  • And they can help improve the health of people by making them feel happy

  • Benefit

  • Benefit

  • A benefit is a good thing

  • Is a benefit to birds

  • Certain

  • Certain

  • If you are certain about something you know it is true

  • I am certain that zebras have stripes

  • Chance

  • Chance

  • A chance is an opportunity to do something

  • I had a chance to see the Colosseum in Rome Last Summer

  • Affect

  • Affect

  • And effect is a change made by something else

  • The medicine had a good effect on the boy

  • Essential essential

  • If something is essential it is very important and necessary

  • It is essential to have oxygen when you scuba dive

  • If something is far it is not closed

  • It's far from the east coast to the West Coast of America

  • Focus

  • Focus

  • To focus on something is to think about it and pay attention to it

  • Function

  • Function

  • The function of something is what it does

  • The function of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark

  • Grass

  • Grass

  • Grass is the green leaves that cover the ground

  • The grass looks so soft and green

  • Guard

  • Guard

  • To guard something is to take care of it

  • The police officer will guard us

  • Image

  • Image

  • The image of something is a picture of it

  • The image of her was very clear

  • Immediate

  • Immediate

  • If something is immediate

  • It happens quickly

  • An immediate response came from the pizza place

  • Primary

  • Primary

  • If something is primary it is the most important thing

  • His primary

  • Proud

  • Proud

  • People who feel proud are happy about what they have done

  • She is proud of the picture she Drew of her house

  • Remain

  • Remain

  • To remain somewhere is to stay there

  • My sister

  • Rest

  • Rest

  • To rest is to stop being active while the body gets back in Spring

  • Arrested on the couch

  • Separate

  • Separate

  • If two things are separate they are not together

  • New York and Los Angeles are in two separate parts of America

  • Site

  • Site

  • A site is a place

  • We found the perfect

  • Tell

  • Tail

  • Hotel is apart of an animal's body from its rear or back

  • Trouble

  • Trouble

  • Trouble is a problem or difficulty

  • I have trouble working with my boss

  • The first peacock

  • Argos lived in ancient Greece he was a husband and a proud father he

  • He worked hard and did well at his job

  • But one thing about him wasn't normal

  • He was born with 100 eyes

  • Having many eyes was usually a benefit to him he had a chance to see many

  • Anything's

  • Also since he had so many eyes he was very good at guarding things

  • While sleeping he only rested a few eyes at a time the others

  • Stayed open he worked for Hera

  • A great goddess

  • His primary function was to guard a special cow

  • The cow was very important to Hera she loved it

  • The most essential part of his job was to keep the cow loan it had to be

  • Be kept separate from all the other cows and far away from people

  • This was an easy job for Argos

  • The cow just ate grass all day

  • But the god Zeus wanted the cow he wanted to take it away from Harrah

  • He had a plan

  • He found a great music player

  • He asked the man to play a beautiful song for Argos Zeus was certain

  • Argos would go to sleep

  • The song had an immediate effect Argos couldn't focus on his job

  • He fell asleep

  • Zeus saw this and he took the cow era was very angry with Argos

  • She turned him into a peacock

  • She put his many eyes on his tail

  • Argos was very sad Zeus saw how much trouble he had given Argos

  • He made another plan

  • He turned our goes into a group of stars

  • He wanted our goes to remain in the sky forever

  • Even today Argos His Image remains there above the site where all his problems

  • Began

  • We can still see him in the night sky

  • Advertise

  • Advertised

  • To advertisers to describe or draw attention to a product or event by using a

  • Republic medium

  • The woman's company

  • Aware

  • Aware

  • If someone is aware they know that something or a situation exists

  • The student became a teacher was watching him

  • Battery

  • A battery is an object placed inside something to supply it with electricity

  • My brother needs his clock

  • Black

  • Black

  • Black is the darkest color

  • Because there are no street lights

  • City

  • City

  • A city is a place where a lot of people live

  • Tokyo is a very big city in Japan

  • Clean

  • Clean

  • To clean is to make something neat and tidy

  • I cleaned every Saturday

  • Country

  • Country

  • What country is an area of land with the same government and laws

  • France is a country in Europe

  • Develop

  • Develop

  • To develop is to make something larger or more advanced

  • This practice will help you develop your math skills

  • Electric

  • Electric

  • If something is electric it uses electricity

  • Some car companies

  • Eventually

  • Eventually

  • When something happens at a later time or in the end

  • It happens eventually

  • You will eventually move to London

  • Fact

  • A fact is a piece of information that is true

  • Glass

  • Glass

  • Glass is a transparent breakable material

  • Windows are made of glass

  • History history history is the study of the past

  • History was my favorite

  • Nature

  • Nature

  • Nature is everything in the physical world that is not made by people

  • On the weekends I love to walk among the trees

  • Never

  • Never

  • Never is when something is impossible or will not happen

  • They never eat vegetarians

  • People

  • People

  • People are humans

  • How many people live in China

  • Plastic

  • Plastic

  • Plastic is a material made by people

  • Many drinks are sold in plastic

  • Problem

  • Problem

  • A problem is a situation when something goes wrong

  • My problem is that I lost my

  • Street

  • Street

  • Breed is a road in a city or Village

  • What is the name of the street you live on

  • Pink pink

  • To think is to have an opinion or thought about something

  • I think summer is the best season

  • Keeping our earth clean

  • Across the world places are increasing their efforts to recycle and healthy and

  • Recycling is when trenches reused and not thrown away

  • In recent history more and more cities and countries have started recycling

  • These places have developed their recycling programs to stop us from being cut

  • Covered with trash and black dirty air

  • According to the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States recycling also

  • Help save energy

  • The agency encourages the recycling of glass and plastic bottles paper

  • And aluminum cans

  • Many European countries have strong recycling programs as well

  • For being leaders in recycling

  • Countries that have a lot of recycling as well

  • There are many reasons why some countries recycle more than others the fact is

  • That these governments support Recycling and they are aware of its importance

  • There was also a lot of money spent on recycling however it is also necessary

  • Recycle what they can from their own homes

  • Other ways to fight the waste problem also exist many cities Place recycling

  • Dance on their streets cycling projects across some cities and in these

  • Companies advertise the need to recycle

  • This helps keep the city streets clean

  • Electric cars are another way to keep the environment clean

  • The motors of these cars are electric they get their power from electricity and Battery

  • Rather than from gas

  • The hope is that eventually all cities in all countries will recycle

  • And make our Earth a cleaner place

  • We must protect nature and never stopped thinking about how to protect it

  • So think before you throw away something that can be recycled

  • Alone

  • Alone

  • A person who is alone is not with another person

  • The boy wanted to be alone

  • Apartment

  • Apartment

  • An apartment is a set of rooms in a building where people live

  • She has a nice apartment in the city

  • Article

  • Article

  • An article is a story in a newspaper or magazine

  • Did you read the article in the newspaper

  • Artist

  • Artist

  • An artist is a person who paints draws or makes sculptures

  • To become an artist

  • Attitude

  • Attitude

  • Someone's attitude is the way they feel and think

  • John has a bad attitude he's always angry

  • Beauty

  • Beauty

  • Beauty is the state or quality of being beautiful

  • I heard my mother was a great Beauty

  • Compare

  • Compare

  • To compare means to say how two things are the same and different

  • If you compare cats and dogs you'll see that they're both good

  • Judge

  • Judge

  • To judge something is to say if it is good or bad

  • The boy was going to his mother's turkey taste

  • Magazine

  • Magazines

  • A magazine is a regular publication with news stories and articles

  • She likes to read magazines

  • Material

  • Material

  • A material is what is used to make something

  • Meal

  • Meal

  • Emile is a time when food is eaten

  • Such as breakfast lunch or dinner

  • Breakfast is my favorite meal because I enjoy cereal

  • Method

  • Method

  • A method is the way to do something

  • One message to remember things

  • Neighbor

  • Neighbor

  • A neighbor is a person who lives near you

  • I like my neighbor because he's very friendly

  • Professional

  • Professional

  • If something is professional it deals with work that uses special skills

  • If you want to be a pilot you must have professional training

  • Prophet

  • Prophet

  • A profit is the extra money you make when you sell something

  • Quality

  • Quality

  • The quality of something is how good it is

  • The quality of his cars

  • Space

  • Space

  • Syria

  • I don't have much space for things in my small house

  • Are the things that are used to walk up or down in a building

  • You can take the stairs to the second floor

  • Symbol

  • Symbol

  • A symbol is a thing that stands for something else

  • This tells us that we cannot smoke in this area

  • If someone or something is thin they are not fat

  • The man was thin because he didn't eat much

  • The crazy artist

  • Sprint offer was the best artist in the world everyone loved him the quality of his

  • His paintings was very high

  • He always used the best materials he made a big profit from his paintings

  • He had delicious meals with his Rich Neighbors

  • He taught art classes

  • Life was good

  • Then his attitude changed he's stopped Selling paintings and teaching

  • He tried a new method of painting

  • He stayed alone in his apartment all day he worked all day and all night rarely

  • Eating

  • Soon friend Hoffer became very thin

  • But he kept working on the same painting for many years

  • He worked as hard as he could

  • Finally he finished the painting

  • He was very happy and invited other artists to see it

  • I want your professional opinion he said he wanted them to judge attend

  • Compare it to other paintings

  • Everyone was very excited as they went up the stairs to his apartment

  • Friend offer was excited to show his painting and the artists were excited to see it

  • They'll love it he thought

  • But they did not

  • They were surprised by his painting there was no white anywhere

  • Friend Hoffer fill the whole painting with lines and colors

  • There is no space for a normal picture

  • It was full of strange shapes it looked bad to the other artists

  • He used symbols and they didn't understand them

  • They thought it was terrible

  • Why did you paint this strange picture someone asked

  • They didn't understand its beauty

  • But after some time many people began to like his painting

  • People wrote articles about it in magazines they said it was his best work

  • They loved his strange symbols they loved his strange colors

  • Sprint offers painting reminded everyone that just because something was new didn't mean

  • That it was bad he also helped them to realize that sometimes it takes people a little time

  • Time to understand great things

  • Accounting accounting

  • People study accounting so they can deal with money and finance properly

  • He works for an accounting firm

  • Appeal

  • Appeal

  • To appeal to someone is to be interesting or attractive

  • Sleeping all day but I have to go to school

  • Assume

  • Assume

  • To assume something is to think that it is true even with no proof

  • You are both familiar with this plan

  • Borrow borrow to borrow something is to take it and then give it back later

  • Can I borrow a pencil I'll give it back to you tomorrow

  • Client

  • Client

  • A client is a person or business that pays another to do a service

  • She has many clients to her salon

  • Downtown

  • Downtown

  • The downtown area is the center of most cities

  • The downtown buildings

  • Doll doll

  • If something is dull it is not exciting

  • The movie was very dumb

  • I fell asleep watching it

  • Embarrassed

  • Embarrassed

  • To embarrass people is to make them feel ashamed

  • Or foolish

  • She was embarrassed when he couldn't remember her name

  • Affair is an amount of money paid to use a bus train or taxi

  • Since he is a senior

  • Former

  • Former

  • Former describe something that used to be but is not anymore

  • The hotel cancel

  • Send

  • Send

  • To found a company or organization means to start it

  • The pilgrims founded the first colonies

  • Invest

  • Invest

  • To invest means to use money in a way that will bring a profit later

  • Loan

  • Loan

  • Alone is something usually money that one person lens to another

  • I got a loan from the bank

  • Practical

  • Practical

  • If something is practical it is useful

  • Learning English as practical

  • Quarter

  • Quarter

  • A quarter is 1/4 or 25% of something

  • He paid a quarter for the candy

  • Salary

  • Salary

  • Salary is how much money a person makes

  • He got a new job with better salary

  • Scholarship

  • Scholarship

  • A scholarship is money given so someone can go to school

  • I got a scholarship to University

  • Temporary

  • Temporary

  • If something is temporary it exists for a short time

  • This car is only temporary I'll get a new one soon

  • Treasure

  • Treasure

  • A treasure is a collection of valuable things especially Jewels or gold

  • They became very rich

  • Urge

  • Urge

  • Something

  • He urged his story

  • The taxi driver

  • Peter's job was driving a taxi downtown he made a small salary

  • Body like this job because it wasn't doll everyday he saw a new things

  • Ham

  • Peter was practical about the future

  • Maybe I can get a scholarship for college he thought my good study accounting and get

  • Add a job at a bank I could help clients invest their money

  • Peter stopped to pick up a passenger

  • He asked

  • Go to the 4th Street bank and don't talk to me I've had a rough day

  • The man said

  • Peter was a peaceful person so he was not angry when they stopped the man

  • Lanphier came to $10.25

  • I can't find my wallet

  • He said

  • I can't pay the fare

  • Peter said

  • I'll give you a temporary loan you can borrow $10 and a quarter from me

  • The man was embarrassed and said

  • I was mean to you but now I want to help you I founded this bank I want to give you

  • $100

  • That much money was like a treasure to Peter

  • The man urged him to take the money but he didn't

  • You're an honest person

  • The man sad

  • I assumed you would take it I want you to work for me

  • The next day Peter started his job at the bank he was happy to leave

  • His former job

  • Coach

  • Coach

  • A coach is a person who teaches Sports

  • Control

  • Control

  • To control something is to make it do what you want

  • To control the TV just push the buttons

  • Description

  • Description

  • A description of someone or something says what they are like

  • I gave a description of the man with the gun and had to the police

  • Direct

  • Direct

  • If something is direct it goes straight between two places

  • The Green Path is a direct route to my house

  • Exam

  • Exam

  • An exam is a test

  • I did some practice questions for the math exam on the board

  • Example

  • Example

  • An example of something that is typical of it

  • Is an example of a soft drink

  • Limit limit

  • A limit is the largest or smallest amount of something that you allow

  • My mother put on how much I could use the phone

  • Local

  • Logo

  • If something is it is nearby

  • The local market in my neighborhood sells all the food

  • Magical

  • Magical

  • Magical describes a quality that makes someone or something special

  • The fireworks

  • Mail

  • Mail

  • Mail is letters and other things send to people

  • I get a lot of mail because I have friends all over the world

  • Novel

  • Novel

  • Anabolism that tells a story

  • He wrote a great about ancient China

  • Outline

  • Outline

  • An outline is the plan for a story or essay

  • Before

  • Poet

  • Poet

  • Is a person who writes poems

  • Was one of the greatest

  • Print

  • Print

  • To print something is to put it onto paper

  • Make sure that you print your name clearly

  • Scene

  • Scene

  • A scene is one part of a book or movie

  • A movie short pieces or scenes

  • Sheet

  • Sheet

  • A sheet is a thin flat piece of paper

  • Single sheet of paper to do my homework

  • Silly

  • Silly

  • People who are silly show a lack of serious thought

  • I made a silly mistake of dropping mom's face

  • Store

  • Store

  • A store is a place where you can buy things

  • I picked up a few things at the grocery store

  • Suffer

  • Suffer

  • To suffer is to feel pain

  • Her headache

  • Technology

  • Technology

  • Technology things made by using science

  • He loves technology such as

  • A magical book

  • Sarah loved to read she read novels and poems she loved the beauty

  • People descriptions and phrases

  • She loved reading work by Poets and writers

  • She didn't like video games or technology

  • She was on the basketball team but she didn't like sports her parents made her

  • Play basketball

  • In fact ciris parents made her do many things

  • But she didn't want to do those things she just wanted to sit and read all

  • One day a small book came in the mail it was for Sarah

  • The book looked very special

  • It was printed on sheets of gold

  • Sarah began to read

  • The outline of the story was simple

  • It was about a magical place strange things happen there

  • One example from the book was about a boy who could control people

  • In one scene he made his friends tell funny jokes

  • Sarah love the book she read it all the time

  • Then something strange happened the book gave Sarah a special power

  • She could control other people she was like the boy in the book

  • During one exam she made her friend tell silly jokes her friend got into

  • Trouble

  • After-school Sarah did not make a direct trip home

  • On the way she went to the local store

  • She wanted to play more tricks on people

  • She made problems she made people fall down she left and had

  • Had fun

  • Finally she left and started to walk home

  • Then she saw something

  • Her basketball coach was about to walk in front of a bus he was looking the other way

  • She had to stop him

  • She used her power

  • She controlled him she made him stop walking

  • Sara learned something that day it was better to help people then make them suffer

  • So she put a limit on how she used her power

  • She did not want to do bad things with it anymore she only wanted to do good

  • Across

  • Across

  • To go across something is to go to the other side of it

  • He walked across the board to the other side

  • Breathe

  • Breathe

  • To breathe means to let air go in and out of your body

  • Strong healthy lungs to help us breathe

  • Characteristic

  • Characteristic

  • A characteristic is something that shows what a person or thing is like

  • Is there black stripes

  • Consume

  • Consume

  • To consume something means to eat or drink it

  • Jack consumed the whole plate of spaghetti

  • Excite

  • Excite

  • To excite someone means to make them happy and interested

  • I heard the school dance on Friday

  • Extremely

  • Extremely

  • If something is extremely good it is very very good

  • I was extremely

  • Beer

  • Beer

  • Fear is the feeling of being afraid

  • I have a great fear of skateboarding

  • Fortunate

  • Fortunate

  • If you are fortunate you are lucky

  • I was fortunate to get a seat

  • Happen happen if someone happens to do something he or she does

  • By chance

  • I happened to meet some new friends at school today

  • Length

  • Length

  • The length of something is how long it is from one end to the other

  • The length of the floor is 3 meters

  • Mistake

  • Mistake

  • A mistake is something you do wrong

  • Always yells at me

  • Observe

  • Observe

  • To observe something is to watch it

  • Brian observe the sun rising over the mountains

  • Opportunity

  • Opportunity

  • And opportunity is a chance to do something

  • I had an opportunity to take pictures

  • Prize

  • Prize

  • Apprise is something of value that is given to the winner

  • I want a prize for getting the best grade on my science test

  • Race

  • Race

  • Erase is a contest to see who is the fastest

  • Elizabeth fast runner

  • Realize

  • Realize

  • To realize is to suddenly understand

  • After I left my house I realized that I left

  • Respond

  • Respond

  • To respond is to give an answer to what someone else said

  • Question

  • Rest

  • Wrist

  • A risk is a chance of something bad happening

  • The snowy mountains

  • Wonder

  • Wonder

  • To wander is to ask yourself questions or have a need to know

  • The young mother wondered if she or a girl

  • Yet

  • Yet

  • Yet is used to say something has not happened up to now

  • We can't go out yet

  • The Big Race

  • A dog song group of animals cross the road

  • He walked over to meet them

  • What are you doing

  • He asked them

  • I just sold them tickets to a race between the rabbit and the turtle

  • The duck responded

  • The dog was extremely excited

  • He felt fortunate that he happened to be there

  • I don't have anything to do today the Dog sad

  • I want to buy a ticket to the dog sat down to observe the race

  • It would be many kilometers in length the rabbit and the turtle stood next to each other

  • They waited for the race to start

  • The dog wondered why the turtle agreed to run against the rabbit

  • Being fast was not a characteristic of turned off the rabbit was going

  • To win easily

  • Suddenly the race began the rabbit ran extremely quickly

  • Turtle walks slowly after a minute the rabbit looked back he

  • Saw that the turtle was far behind him and was breathing quickly because he was so tired

  • The rabbit smiled

  • And slow down to a walk

  • A minute later the rabbit said

  • I'm winning so won't take a rest

  • Tstak and began to consume some grass

  • Then he let his eyes closed

  • He wasn't the winner yet

  • But there was no risk of him losing the race

  • He went to sleep

  • Hours later a loud sound woke am all of the animals were talking loud

  • And looking at the field

  • He felt fear for the first time

  • The turtle was almost at the finish line

  • Now the rabbit realized his mistake

  • But the race was over

  • He gave the turtle an opportunity to win and the turtle took it

  • The duck handed the turtle his prize it was the happiest day of the turtle's life

  • The dog was happy for the turtle

  • He doesn't fast

  • The dogs I thought but he tried his best and did something great

  • Art

  • Fart

  • Art is something creative that expresses ideas and feelings

  • My sister likes to look at the art in the museum

  • Book

  • Book

  • Is a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover

  • The man smiles

  • Close

  • Close

  • Clothes are what people wear to cover their bodies

  • I bought one clouds for the cold winter

  • Community

  • Community

  • A community is a group of people who share the same area or interest

  • To plant trees

  • December

  • December

  • December is the twelfth month of the year

  • The last day of the year is December 31st

  • Dinner

  • Dinner

  • Dinner is the main meal eaten in the evening

  • I had a hamburger for dinner

  • To end is to stop or finish

  • Because the teacher was really

  • Exchange

  • Exchange

  • To exchange is to give one thing in return for another

  • Exchange business cards

  • Family

  • Family

  • A family is a group of people who are related to each other

  • For my family

  • From

  • From

  • From shows of starting place or position

  • Christie's from 10 to noon every morning

  • Green

  • Green

  • Green is the color of growing grass or leaves

  • I don't like green apples

  • Home

  • Home

  • A person's home is the place where that person lives

  • The family likes to stay home on the weekends

  • January

  • January

  • January is the first month of the year

  • My birthday is in January

  • Red

  • Red

  • Red is the color of blood

  • Jack is wearing a red shirt

  • 7

  • 7

  • 7 is the word for the number 7

  • I have seven colored pencils on my desk

  • To start is to begin doing something

  • Katherine has to start at 8 in the morning

  • Together

  • Together

  • Together shows an action is done with another person or thing

  • Let's work together to finish the project

  • University

  • University

  • A University's the school where people study for a degree

  • My dream is to go to a good University

  • Where

  • Where

  • To where is to have clothing on your body

  • The man has to wear a suit to work

  • Year

  • Year

  • A year is a period of 365 days or 12 months

  • You become one year older every birthday

  • Kwanzaa

  • Kwanzaa is a seven-day holiday celebrated in the United States and other countries by peep

  • People of African descent

  • It is celebrated from December 26th to January 1st each year

  • The celebration is dedicated to honoring African culture and working together as a community

  • Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by moulana Karen Turing was in

  • African studies professor at California State University

  • According to him Kwanzaa comes from the Swahili language and means first fruit

  • Kerrang wanted to create a holiday for African-Americans as a way for them to

  • Back with their heritage

  • The colors of Kwanzaa are black red and green these colors are seen in deck

  • Operations such as African pieces of art baskets and cloth

  • Millions of African-Americans wear African clothes during Kwanzaa and decorate

  • Raider homes with fruit and vegetables

  • Each day a family will celebrate one of seven different principles of their African Heritage such as

  • Unity faith and community

  • Then they lighted candle the candles are put on a candle holder called Aquino

  • The middle candle is black the three candles on one side of the Quintara are red

  • And the other three candles are green

  • On the sixth day of Kwanzaa families remember their ancestors and get together for

  • Big dinner called a caribou

  • Traditional African American dishes which include chicken fish rice beans

  • Peas sweet potatoes and other vegetables are served

  • Like Christmas there are gifts which are exchanged on the 7th Day

  • Books are always included because they symbolize the importance of learning about history and

  • Addition

  • Kwanzaa is a way of celebrating the end of the year by honoring African culture and traditions

  • And to start the new year with family members as well as the community

  • Appreciate

  • Appreciate

  • To appreciate something is to understand its good qualities

  • I can appreciate the lovely scenery

  • Available

  • Available

  • If something is available it means you can get it

  • There were many seats

  • Beat

  • Beat

  • To beat someone means to do better than they do

  • I managed to beat everyone in the race

  • Right

  • Right

  • If something is bright

  • It gives off a lot of light

  • The bright light from the explosion hurt my eyes

  • Celebrate

  • Celebrate

  • To celebrate is to do something to show that an event is special

  • We all celebrate the great news

  • Decide decide

  • To decide is to make a definite choice

  • Keep trying to decide which one to eat first

  • Disappear

  • Disappear

  • To disappear means to go away

  • Or not be seen

  • The top of the building is disappearing in the clouds

  • Else

  • Else

  • If you talk about something else you talk about something different

  • I wanted a bike for my birthday got something else

  • Fair means reasonable or right

  • He sold me his surprise

  • Slow

  • Slow

  • To flow is to move easily and continuously in One Direction

  • The water flowed over the rocks

  • Forward

  • Forward

  • If you move forward you move in the direction in front of you

  • When he saw his mother

  • Hill

  • Pill

  • Hill is a raised area of land

  • It is higher than the land around it

  • The sun was Rising

  • Level

  • Level

  • Scale that measures something

  • Please check the level of the temperature

  • Loan

  • Loan

  • Person or thing is the only one in a given place

  • Alone on the street

  • Puddle

  • Liquid on the ground

  • When the ice melted

  • Response

  • Response

  • A response is the answer to a question

  • She asked if I was my response was no

  • Season

  • Season

  • A season is a time of the year spring summer fall winter

  • Fall is a warm season

  • Solution

  • Solution

  • A solution is a way to solve a problem

  • Many problems

  • Waste

  • Waste

  • To waste means to use something carelessly and unnecessarily

  • Weather

  • Weather

  • You use weather when you must choose between two things

  • I could not decide whether to go left or right

  • Race for water

  • There was a town next to a river

  • The people there had a lot of water

  • But they wasted it

  • That disguise

  • It said

  • If you waste water I will take it away from you

  • But the people didn't listen

  • When the season changed from Spring to Summer

  • McLeod's disappeared

  • The bright Sun was hot and made the river dry

  • There was no water available

  • People last

  • When will the rain fall

  • The sky's response was

  • You don't appreciate water you waste it and now I will never make rain again

  • A boy decided that this wasn't fair

  • He thought of a solution

  • Yes the sky to race him

  • He said

  • If I get to the top of that hill before your rain can form puddles you must deliver River

  • The sky laughed

  • Little boy I am the sky I am above everything else

  • You cannot beat me

  • But the boy knew he would win

  • When the race began the boy ran forward

  • The sky started raining on the hill

  • Mud puddles did not form there

  • When it rained on the hill the water went down

  • The skycap training the water flow down into the river

  • When the boy reached the top of the hill the river was full the people begin

  • And to celebrate

  • It was the highest level the river had ever been at before

  • The sky was angry

  • Aboite me

  • I won't fill your River

  • It said

  • The boy laughed

  • It doesn't matter whether you want to fill it or not he said

  • You already did

  • The sky looked at the full River

  • You tricked me it said

  • It asked the people

  • Do you appreciate water now

  • Yes

  • They said

  • We won't waste it

  • That is how alone boy saved his town and won the race for water

  • Always

  • Always

  • Always means that something happens all the time

  • They always brush their teeth in the morning

  • Ask

  • Ask

  • To ask is to say or write something to get an answer

  • Please ask questions if you do not understand

  • Banana

  • Banana

  • A banana is a long yellow fruit with soft white flesh inside

  • Did you eat a banana for breakfast

  • Red

  • Red

  • Bread is a food made from flour and water

  • Pieces of bread to make a sandwich

  • Cake

  • Cake

  • Cake is a sweet dessert made from flour water sugar and eggs

  • What a beautiful birthday cake

  • Carrot

  • Carrot

  • A carrot is an orange vegetable

  • I put a carrot in my salad

  • Chicken

  • Chicken

  • Chicken is a bird that is often used for food

  • Chicken is his favorite kind of meat

  • Chocolate

  • Chocolate

  • Chocolate is a sweet food made from cacao beans

  • I made a chocolate from my Mom's party

  • Contain contain

  • To contain is to hold or have something

  • I have to find something to contain these

  • Delicious

  • Delicious

  • If a food is delicious it is tasty

  • I love the delicious Fried Chicken

  • Diet

  • Diet

  • A diet is the food regularly eaten by a person

  • Consist of fruits and vegetables

  • Eat

  • Eat

  • To eat is to chew and swallow food

  • You should eat breakfast everyday

  • Food

  • Food

  • Food is things people and animals eat

  • Is a famous food in Italy

  • Fruit

  • Fruit

  • Food is a type of healthy food that grows on trees and plants

  • Types of fruit

  • Great

  • Great

  • When something is great

  • It is very good

  • It was a great exciting game

  • Health

  • Health

  • Health is the state of a person's body

  • Good health should not smoke

  • Recipe

  • Recipe

  • The set of instructions for cooking a certain type of food

  • Do you use a recipe when you make that sauce

  • Restaurant

  • Restaurant

  • A restaurant business where people sit and eat food

  • Let's eat at the Indian restaurant

  • Special

  • Special

  • If something is special it is unique and different

  • The cupcake was special Blue Frost

  • Water

  • Water

  • Water is a clear liquid that people need to survive

  • Drink 8 cups of water everyday

  • Eat healthy

  • It is important to eat healthy food

  • There are five main healthy food groups

  • They are grains fruits vegetables protein and Dairy

  • A food pyramid can show you how much of each group you should eat

  • Many different kinds of food are necessary for a balanced diet

  • You need to eat grains such as rice wheat and several types of bread

  • Fruits and vegetables are also important

  • Fruits such as bananas are good for you others such as oranges and kiwi

  • These contain a lot of vitamin C

  • Vegetables are an important part of a daily diet

  • They are extremely healthy and can be eaten in many ways

  • Salads with raw vegetables such as spinach and carrots are coming but you can all

  • Also cook vegetables in many different ways

  • Soups are another easy way to get vegetables into your diet

  • Protein is an important food group to Meats such as beef and chicken

  • Are well-known forms of protein tofu beans eggs and nuts

  • Also contain high amounts of protein

  • You should also eat dairy products such as cheese yogurt and milk as well

  • A healthy diet includes drinking lots of water instead of sugary drinks such as so

  • Soda and juice while Suites may not be considered healthy foods they are fine

  • And if you don't eat too many

  • Chocolate and Cake are well-loved Suites commonly found at restaurants and grocery stores

  • They are often served at special events such as birthday parties and weddings

  • At restaurants you can ask the waiters to tell you which ingredients are included in different

  • Dishes at home you can always find healthy and delicious recipes in cookbooks

  • Or on the Internet

  • Eating healthy food is great for your health

  • Alive

  • Alive

  • Someone or something that is alive is not dead

  • My grandparents are still even though they're over 90

  • Bone bone is a hard part of the body

  • I brought home a nice

  • Father father father is to make the effort to do something

  • No one bothered to wash the dishes today

  • Captain

  • Captain

  • A captain is the person who controls a ship or airplane

  • The captain sailed

  • Conclusion

  • Conclusion

  • The conclusion of something is the final part of it

  • Conclusion of the race The Spectators cheered for the winner

  • Doubt

  • Doubt

  • Doubt is a feeling of not being sure

  • I have doubt that the story is true

  • Explorer

  • Explorer

  • Two explorers to look for new places

  • He wants to explore new things

  • Glad

  • Glad

  • If you are glad you are happy

  • However

  • However

  • However means despite

  • Or not being influenced by something

  • She is a great she never had professional lessons

  • Injustice

  • Injustice

  • Injustice is a lack of fairness or Justice

  • Putting an innocent person in jail is an act of Injustice

  • International

  • International

  • If something is international it involves more than one country

  • The United Nations is a powerful International Organization

  • Lawyer

  • Lawyer

  • A lawyer works with the law and represents people in court

  • The lawyer left the courthouse

  • Mention

  • Mention

  • To mention something is to talk about it

  • The doctors mention the problems

  • Old

  • Old

  • Someone who is old has lived for many years

  • My mother is 70 years old

  • Policy

  • Policy

  • A policy is a rule

  • He told us that his policy was to put customers first

  • Social

  • Social

  • If something is social

  • It is about many people in a community

  • People should come together and fix the world social problems

  • Beach

  • Speech speech is something said to a group of people

  • She gave a speech to the class

  • Staff

  • Staff

  • A staff is a group of people working together in a company

  • My dad has a staff of four people to help him at the office

  • Toward

  • Toward

  • If you go towards something you go closer to it

  • Santa wants to my house with a bag of gifts

  • What is the thing that trees are made of

  • I put the pieces of Empire

  • Shipwrecked

  • Simon Yates was a lawyer

  • He helped many people

  • However he was not a nice man

  • His policy was to help only rich people he didn't bother about social

  • Injustice he made a lot of money but many people didn't like him

  • Even people on his death didn't like him

  • In fact they were glad when he got into trouble

  • Simon had a very bad day

  • He did many things wrong and lost his job

  • He didn't have any money

  • His wife mrs. Yates

  • Begin to have doubts about him

  • Simon wanted to start a new life

  • He planned to leave the country

  • He mentioned his plan to the captain of a ship

  • The captain was exploring the world

  • The captain felt bad for Simon and said

  • I will take you to foreign countries

  • They left the next day

  • Near the conclusion of their International trap the weather turned bad away

  • Pushed Simon off the boat

  • But he was alive

  • He swam toward an island after a long time he got there

  • At first he was upset

  • He was lost and alone

  • I'll never go home again

  • He thought

  • He had a lot of problems but he didn't die

  • He built the house in a tree he lives on a diet of fish

  • He made tools from wood and bones

  • He made a cup to drink rainwater

  • Slowly he learned to be happy on the island

  • He swam everyday

  • He had trouble sometimes but he always found a way to fix the problem

  • Life was simple he likes it

  • Finally people on his ship saw Simon on the island they wanted to take him

  • But Simon was happy

  • He gave them a long speech about life

  • He said he wanted to stay

  • He liked his new simple life more than his old life

  • Achieve

  • Achieve

  • To achieve something is to successfully do it after trying hard

  • I was happy that I could cheat

  • Advise

  • Advise

  • To advise someone is to tell them what to do

  • My mother often advises people about their money

  • Already

  • Already

  • If something happens already

  • It happens before a certain time

  • It is already time for the movie to start let's go win

  • Basic

  • Basic

  • If something is basic it is very simple or easy

  • I learned some basic English skills

  • Bit

  • Bit

  • A bit is a small amount of something

  • I ate a bit of chocolate before I went to bed

  • Consider

  • Consider

  • To consider something means to think about it

  • Pete didn't like

  • Destroy destroy

  • To destroy means to damage something so badly that it cannot be used

  • The glass was destroyed

  • Entertain

  • Entertain

  • To entertain someone is to do something that they enjoy

  • The clown entertained

  • Extra

  • Extra

  • If something is extra it is more than what is needed

  • The squirrel had extra for the winter

  • Goal

  • Goal

  • A goal is something you work toward

  • Her Go

  • Lie

  • Lie

  • July is to say or write something untrue to deceive someone

  • Whenever Pinocchio lied to his father his nose

  • Meet

  • Meet

  • Meat is food made of animals

  • This piece of meat

  • Opinion

  • Opinion

  • An opinion is a thought about a person or a thing

  • Make my story she said it was

  • Real

  • Real

  • If something is real it actually exist

  • Some people don't believe in aliens from space

  • But I think they're real

  • Reflect

  • Reflect

  • To reflect is when a surface sins back light heat sound or NM

  • Was reflected in the smooth glass

  • Regard regard to regard people is to think of them in a certain way

  • The boys a good friend

  • Serve

  • Serve

  • To serve someone is to give them food or drinks

  • He served us our drinks quickly

  • Vegetable

  • Vegetable

  • A vegetable is a plant used as food

  • Vegetable

  • War

  • War

  • A war is a big fight between two groups of people

  • Many young men died in the war

  • If something is worth an amount of money it costs that amount

  • Our house is worth a lot of money

  • The Seven Cities of Gold

  • Many years ago a Spanish officer named Coronado heard the story of seven Great cities

  • The walls of these cities are made of gold his friends told him the people eat me

  • Meet from Golden Plates and dress in nice clothes they said

  • They called these cities the Seven Cities of Gold

  • Where the cities real

  • Coronado never considered asking his friends

  • Coronado thought to himself

  • The things in these cities must be worth a lot of money so he went to find the seven

  • Cities of Gold he took along 300 men many horses and extra food

  • They headed west

  • Coronado wanted to achieve his goal very badly

  • Coronado and his men rode for many days

  • Then they saw some cities

  • We found the Seven Cities of Gold

  • His men said but Coronado wasn't happy

  • He had a different opinion

  • These can't be the Seven Cities of Gold he said

  • Look they're made of dirt

  • Coronado was right

  • The cities weren't bright and golden they were dirty and brown

  • The people didn't deepmead from Golden Plates they ate vegetables from regular Bowl

  • They wore the most basic clothes

  • Coronado regarded the cities as ugly places

  • What happened to the Cities of Gold

  • He thought

  • Did someone destroy them

  • Was there a war

  • Did someone already come and take the gold

  • That night the people of the Cities entertained Coronado and his men and serve them food

  • They advised Coronado to go home

  • There is no gold here they told him

  • Coronado was angry

  • Did his friends lie to him

  • He left the next morning he looked back at the city's one more time

  • The sun reflected light on the dirt houses

  • Coronado thought he saw a bit of gold

  • We're his friends right after all

  • No he told himself it's just the Sun

  • Then he turned away and went home

  • Appear

  • Appear

  • To appear is to seem

  • She appeared to be sad she was crying

  • Bass

  • Bass

  • The base is the bottom of something

  • The base has three legs

  • The brain is the organ in your head that lets you thing

  • You must use your brain to solve the problem

  • Career career

  • A career is a job that you do for a large part of your life

  • He was in the hospitality business for most of his career

  • Clerk

  • Clerk

  • Clerks in a store help customers

  • The clerk

  • Effort

  • Effort

  • Effort is hard work or an attempt to do something

  • Studies

  • Enter

  • Enter

  • To enter a places to go into it

  • Two guards as I entered the front door

  • Excellent

  • Excellent

  • When something is excellent it is very good

  • I got an excellent score on my school

  • Hero

  • Hero

  • Hero is a brave person who does things to help others

  • Two children the man in the blue and red costume

  • Curry

  • Curry

  • To hurry is to do something quickly

  • I heard

  • Inform

  • Inform

  • To inform someone is to tell them about something

  • I called about my idea

  • Later

  • Later

  • Later means after the present expected or usual time

  • She missed the train so she'll arrive a little later than expected

  • Leave

  • Leave

  • To leave means to go away from someone or something

  • He packed his bag and was ready to leave for home

  • Locate

  • Locate

  • To locate something is to find it

  • I could not locate my keys in the house

  • Nurse

  • Nurse

  • A nurse is a person who helps sick people in the hospital

  • A nurse helped me get better

  • Operation

  • Operation

  • An operation is when a doctor replaces or removes something in the body

  • Pain

  • Pain

  • Pain is the feeling that you have when you are hurt

  • His head was full of pain

  • Refuse refuse to refuse something is to say no to it

  • The dog refused to play

  • Do is used when one idea makes another seem surprising

  • Do you like to be active

  • Various

  • Various

  • If something is various there are many types of it

  • Sion

  • Katie

  • I first met eight-year-old Katie on a rainy afternoon I was a nurse at a hospital

  • The clerk at the desk told me about Katie

  • She was there because she felt a lot of pain the doctors located a problem at the

  • The base of her brain

  • I knew she was special even before she got better

  • I'll always remember Katie as a hero

  • When I entered Katie's room she was not in her bed

  • She was in a chair next to Tommy a little boy

  • Do Katie did not feel well she was playing with Tommy and his toys

  • It took a lot of effort for her just to sit in the chair

  • But she played with Tommy because it made him happy

  • Katie was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain

  • She refused to just lie in bed

  • One day I found her painting a picture later she gave it to one of the older

  • Patience

  • Another day she went outside to get flowers for another sick little girl

  • Katie made everyone smile

  • The doctors hurry to fix the problem and Katie's brain

  • The operation was successful the doctors inform the hospital staff of the good news

  • Katie was fine she soon felt excellent

  • She got better and was able to leave the hospital a month later

  • I have had a long career as a nurse

  • I have met many patients however

  • I have never met another girl like Katie

  • Even after she got well she still came to the hospital

  • She played various games with the young patients she read many books to the older page

  • Katie's kindhart helped her get better so quickly she is

  • Antihero to me and everyone else at the hospital

  • Actual

  • Actual

  • Actual means real or true

  • This is the actual sword that they came

  • Amazed

  • Amaze

  • To amaze people is to surprise them very much

  • The news in the paper maze Jack

  • Charge

  • Charge

  • A charge is the price to pay for something

  • The charge for the shirts was $15

  • Comfort

  • Comfort

  • To comfort someone means to make them feel better

  • I wanted to comfort my friend

  • Contact

  • Contact

  • To contact people is to speak or write to them

  • I contacted Sue about my party

  • Customer

  • Customer

  • A customer is a person who buys something at a store

  • The customer put a few items in a bag

  • Deliver

  • Deliver

  • To deliver something is to take it from one place to another

  • The man delivered to my house

  • To earn means to get money for the work you do

  • Earns his living as a chef and a great restaurant

  • Date

  • Date

  • A gauge is a type of door

  • Gates are usually made of metal or wood

  • Include

  • Include

  • To include something means to have it as part of a group

  • Does this meal include a soft drink

  • Manage

  • Manage

  • To manage something means to control or be in charge of it

  • I had to manage the meeting myself

  • Mystery

  • Mystery

  • A mystery is something that is difficult to understand or explain

  • The path on the map with a complete mystery to me

  • Occur

  • Occur

  • To occur means to happen

  • Thunderstorm

  • Opposite

  • Opposite

  • It's a is the opposite of B

  • A is completely different from B

  • The opposite of black is white

  • Plate

  • Plate

  • Up late is a flat Brown thing that you put food on

  • I put my plate down

  • Receive

  • Receive

  • To receive something to get it

  • I received a present on my birthday

  • Reward

  • Reward

  • A reward is something given in exchange for good behavior or work

  • He was given a reward for his excellent performance

  • Set

  • Set

  • To set something is to put it somewhere

  • Please set the dice down on the

  • Steel

  • Steel

  • To steal is to take something that is not yours

  • Trying to steal money from the bank

  • Beef

  • Beef

  • Thief is someone who quietly takes things that do not belong to them

  • A thief broke into our home and took my mother's jewelry

  • A better reward

  • Jenny delivered food for restaurant

  • She read the newspaper and said oh

  • There was a story about a thief

  • He stole food and no one had seen him

  • Even the police couldn't catch him

  • Jenny was a little scared

  • She worked close to that area

  • The newspaper included a message from the police

  • If anything strange occurs call us if you help us catch the thief

  • You'll earn a reward

  • Jenny talked to Jim

  • He managed the restaurant

  • Do you know about the thief

  • Yes he said

  • But he steals more than one person can eat

  • And why haven't the police stopped him yet

  • It's a mystery

  • If you see him contact the police don't run after him

  • Jenny drove to a customer's house

  • She left her car and open the gate to the house but then she heard a noise by her car

  • She said

  • Thief

  • She wasn't scared

  • She wanted the reward

  • She did the opposite of what Jim told her to do

  • Hey she said get back here

  • She set the food on the ground and ran to her car

  • But the thief had already left with the food

  • Jenny follow the noise around the corner

  • She was amazed

  • She saw a dog and some puppies

  • They were eating her food

  • They looked thin and scared

  • The actual Thief is just a dog

  • She's feeding her puppies

  • She said that's why she steal so much food

  • Jenny felt bad

  • She tried to comfort the dogs with another plate of food

  • Then she took them back to the store

  • Everyone there took a puppy home

  • Jenny call the police

  • She told them there was no real Thief

  • Jenny didn't do it to receive the reward anymore

  • She said it was just a dog

  • But there's no charge for catching this thief she said

  • My new dog is a better reward

  • Advance

  • Advance

  • To advance is to go forward

  • Athlete

  • Athlete

  • An athlete is a person who plays Sports

  • Some athletes can play many sports

  • Average

  • Average

  • If something is average it is at a normal level

  • I'm not rich or poor

  • Behavior

  • Behavior

  • Your behavior is the way you act

  • What's good this semester

  • They didn't cause trouble

  • Behind

  • Behind

  • Behind me to be at the back of something

  • The little girl

  • Course

  • Course

  • Of course is a class in school

  • I took a PE course in school this year

  • Lower

  • Lower

  • To lower something is to make it go down

  • The chart shows how his production has lowered for the year

  • Match

  • Match

  • Two matches to be the same or similar

  • The two shoes matched they looked the same

  • Member

  • Member

  • A member is a person who is part of a group

  • Julie is the newest member of our team

  • Mental

  • Mental

  • If something is mental

  • It has to do with your mind

  • I made a mental picture of the room

  • Passenger

  • Passenger

  • A passenger has a person who rides in a car or airplane

  • One passenger was standing near the subway train

  • Personality

  • Personality

  • Your personality is what you are like and how you behave

  • John has a bad personality

  • A poem is a short kind of writing

  • William Shakespeare

  • Pole

  • Cole

  • A pool is a long thin made of wood or metal that supports things

  • The flag was hanging from the flagpole

  • Remove

  • Remove

  • To remove something is to take it away

  • I remove the nail from the

  • Safety

  • Safety

  • Safety means the condition of being safe and free from danger

  • For his own safety he was placed in a car seat

  • Shoot shoot

  • 2xu just to fire something like a bullet at someone or something

  • The hunter raised his gun to shoot at the

  • Sound

  • Sound

  • To sound means to make a noise

  • The alarm clocks

  • Swim

  • Swim

  • To swim is to move through water

  • I love to swim in the ocean

  • Is a home made by a spider

  • The spiderwebs

  • The camp

  • Stacy wanted to stay at a nice hotel for vacation but her parents sent her to

  • Terrible Camp instead

  • For breakfast Stacy like fresh juice and chocolate milk but she got

  • Water at the camp

  • In the afternoon she wanted to write poems but she had to swim

  • The camp with loud planes

  • Spiderwebs for her bad behavior

  • Very bad

  • No girl matched her personality she hated it

  • One day they had a class mental exercise sounded good to Stacy

  • But it was a course on water safety

  • They learned how to be safe passengers on a boat

  • Stacy didn't ever plan to go on a boat

  • The next day they played a game

  • There was a red team and a blue team

  • Stacy was on The Blue Team

  • Each team had to try to remove the other team's flag from a pole

  • They also had to use water guns

  • I'm not much of an athlete she said but she still had to play

  • Stacy took a water gun and look for somewhere to hide

  • A boy said Stacy you would dance to the middle I will go right

  • Dos2 will go left

  • Stacey still didn't want to play she walked into the forest and saw a red

  • Team-player coming

  • Daisy hid behind a tree and then jumped out and shot the other player

  • This is fun

  • Stacy.

  • Several minutes after moving further Stacy saw the red flag

  • A red team member was watching over it

  • She shot him with her water gun

  • Then she lowered the flag and ran back to our team I got it

  • She said

  • The Blue Team won Stacy was the hero

  • For the rest of the week Stacy had fun she even made new friends

  • Block

  • Block

  • A block of wood or ice

  • I saw a block of ice on the floor

  • Barry

  • When you bury something you put it under the ground or under a lot of other things

  • My father was buried

  • Cheer

  • Cheer

  • To cheer is to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement

  • The home team

  • Complex

  • Complex

  • If something is complex it has many small parts

  • It is hard to understand

  • A jigsaw puzzle can be complex because it has so many pieces

  • Critic

  • Critic

  • A Critic is someone who gives opinions about movies books plays Etc

  • The wine credit so he can give his opinion

  • Direction direction

  • A direction is the way to go

  • Go for 10 minutes and you will get to the river

  • Event

  • Event

  • An event is something that happens

  • Especially something important

  • Finishing high school was a major event in his life

  • Exercise

  • Exercise

  • To exercises to run or play sports so that you can be healthy

  • You should exercise everyday

  • Friendship

  • Friendship

  • Friendship is the relationship between people who are friends

  • Michael and Lisa have a very strong friendship with each other

  • Guide

  • Guide

  • A guide is someone who shows you where to go

  • We followed a guy at the park

  • Lac

  • Lac

  • If there is a lack of something there is not enough of it

  • His only problem is a lack of money

  • Perform

  • Perform

  • To perform is to do something in front of people who watch

  • He will perform a song for the class

  • Pressure

  • Pressure

  • Pressure is what you apply to make someone do something

  • They put pressure on him to change his mind

  • Probably

  • Probably

  • If something will probably happen it is likely to happen

  • If you study for the test

  • Public

  • Public

  • If something is public it is meant for everyone to use

  • I went to the public park to play with my friends

  • Smart

  • Smart

  • Smart means intelligent

  • Is a smart student

  • Drake

  • Drake

  • To strike people or things is to hit them

  • Girl in the face

  • Support

  • Support

  • To support something is to like it

  • And help it be successful

  • A term for something

  • I also use the term mistake

  • Unite Unite

  • To unite just to get together to do something

  • If we we can finish our project faster

  • A strong friendship

  • Tim was the strongest man in the town

  • When he played Sports he always one

  • He performed and exercised in the public park

  • He did this to show everyone how strong he was

  • Most people liked him

  • But one man didn't

  • His name was Jack

  • Jack hated Tim

  • Jack was a movie critic and the smartest man in town

  • He could solve complex math problems

  • But no one cared

  • Jack wanted to be famous like Tim

  • One day there was an unusual event

  • A big storm came suddenly

  • The town was buried in snow

  • No one could get out they needed food

  • The people said

  • This is a task for a strongman

  • Tim was under pressure to save them but Jack wanted to be a hero so they both

  • Went

  • Tim said

  • You can't help because of your lack of strength

  • But Jack knew the local area very well and could find paths that were usable

  • Despite the snow

  • They LED in the direction of another town

  • That town had food

  • They walked until there was a block of ice in their way

  • Jack said we can't get past it

  • But if you strike it it might break

  • Tim knew he probably had enough strength so he struck it with a hammer

  • It broke

  • When there were more blocks of ice Tim broke them

  • That made him tired he couldn't walk anymore

  • Jack said let's unite and support each other I'll get the food alone

  • You rest here

  • Jack came back with food

  • Tim couldn't remember which path LED home

  • He needed Jack to be his guide

  • The men became friends by working together

  • Intown people saw Jack with the food and cheered

  • They call Jack a hero

  • But Jack didn't care

  • He was thinking of something else

  • He said to Tim I thought I was smart

  • But I learned a new term today friendship

  • Associate

  • Associate

  • Associate means to connect something with a person or thing

  • Most people associate birthday parties with having fun

  • Environment

  • Environment

  • The environment is the place where people work or live

  • Keeping is important to our house

  • Factory

  • Factory

  • The building where things are made or put together

  • We have only one

  • Feature

  • Feature

  • A feature is an important part of something

  • The cell phone has many features

  • Instance instance

  • An instance is an example of something

  • I have never experienced an instance of hate have you

  • Involved

  • Involved

  • To involve means to include as an active participant

  • The whole family was involved playing the game

  • Medicine

  • Medicine

  • Medicine is something you take to feel better or treat an illness

  • The doctor gave me medicine for my called

  • Mix

  • Mix

  • A mixes different things put together

  • The green next we made in science class spilled onto the table

  • Organize

  • Organize

  • To organize is to plan or get ready for an event

  • Make a list to help you organize the things you need

  • .

  • .

  • Up. Is an amount of time when something happens

  • In one. In Europe

  • Populate

  • Populate

  • If people populated area

  • They live there

  • Billions of people populate the Earth

  • Produce

  • Produce

  • To produce something is to make or grow it

  • This tree produces every year

  • Range

  • Range

  • Arrange the number or a set of similar things

  • I saw a range of cars to choose from

  • Recognized

  • Recognize

  • To recognize something is to know it because you have seen it before

  • From many years ago

  • Regular

  • Regular

  • If something is regular it happens often and in equal amounts of time

  • Sign

  • Sign

  • Assign is an indication giving information directions awarding Etc

  • The sign indicated that today would be

  • Tip

  • Tip

  • Disappointed end of something

  • The tip of his pain was very shy

  • Tradition tradition

  • A tradition is something people have been doing for a long time

  • Marriage is a tradition all over the world

  • Trash

  • Trash

  • Trash is waste material or unwanted or worthless things

  • Please take out the trash it smells bad

  • WYD

  • WYD

  • If something is wide

  • It is large from side-to-side

  • The door was as wide as my arms

  • Joe's pond

  • Joe make the world a better place

  • He got the idea to do that at school

  • He watched a video there

  • It was about a factory

  • This Factory produced a lot of trash and put it in a river

  • The trash and water bad Max

  • People populated the area by the river and drink its water

  • This made them sick

  • Many of them needed medicine and made regular visits to doctors

  • But the video wasn't all bad news

  • It showed ways to pick up trash

  • And why it's important to do that

  • It said people can make a difference to their environment

  • The videos important features mencho Associated trash with hurting people

  • One day Joe walkthrough part

  • He recognized some of the problems from the video

  • One instance of these problems with the trash in the pond it was full of plastic

  • Cops

  • There was too much trash and Joe didn't want it to hurt anyone

  • He told his grandfather about the park

  • His grandfather said

  • You know it's a tradition in our family to help people that's why we give food to poor

  • 4 people maybe you can help people by cleaning the park

  • Cleaning the park would involve hard work

  • Joe decided to organize a group to help him

  • He chose a wide area of the park

  • It had the most trash

  • He asked his family and friends to come

  • On Saturday he gave everyone a sharp stick they wondered why

  • He said you use the sticks tip to pick up trash

  • This makes it easier

  • They worked for 6 weeks

  • Different people help each time but Joe was always there

  • In that period of time Joe saw a range of results

  • There was no trash in the water

  • People could swim in it

  • Joe knew that was a good sign

  • He was happy because he helped his environment

  • Advice

  • Advice

  • Advice is an opinion about what to do

  • I don't know how to study for my exams can you give me some advice

  • Along

  • Along

  • How long means down the length of river Etc

  • Walk around this time for 10 minutes and you'll see a door on the left

  • Attention

  • Attention

  • Attention is the notice consideration of someone

  • His work workers

  • Attract

  • Attract

  • To attract means to make a person or thing come closer or be interested

  • The Meg

  • Climb

  • Climb

  • To climb means to use your hands and feet to go up something

  • The girls climb to the top of the mountain

  • Drop

  • Drop

  • To drop is to fall or allow something to fall

  • A small amount of water

  • Final

  • Final if something is final

  • It is the last part

  • In the final part of the film

  • The man and the woman got married

  • Further

  • Further

  • Further means at or from a greater distance or time

  • The escalator is further than I thought

  • Imply

  • Imply

  • To imply something is to suggested without saying it

  • The man in plaid

  • Maintain

  • Maintain

  • To maintain means to make something stay the same

  • The constant movement

  • Neither

  • Neither

  • You use neither to connect to negative possibilities

  • On the left

  • Otherwise

  • Otherwise

  • Otherwise means in another way if you don't do this

  • It's good to stay active

  • Physical

  • Physical

  • If something is physical it is related to your body and not your mind

  • Biking is good for your physical health

  • Prove

  • Prove

  • To prove something is to show that it is true

  • My teacher proved the answer on the board

  • React

  • React

  • To react is to respond by acting in a certain way

  • To the news

  • Ride

  • Ride

  • To write something is to travel on it

  • You can ride an animal a bike Etc

  • For the first time today

  • Situated

  • Situated

  • If something is situated somewhere it is in that place

  • The Whiteboard is situated between the two

  • Society

  • Society

  • Society is a group of people who interact and share a culture

  • Society expects people to be honest

  • Standard

  • Standard

  • A standard is what people consider normal or good

  • This older model TVs

  • Suggest

  • Suggest

  • To suggest something means to give an idea or plan about it

  • He suggested that we go to see his boss

  • Archie and his donkey

  • Old Archie needed some money

  • He decided to sell his donkey

  • So he and his son Tom went to town it was situated many miles away

  • Soon they met a woman

  • Where are you going she asked

  • To town said Archie

  • Any smart person would ride the donkey she said

  • What are you implying RGS I'm very smart

  • Archie wanted to look smart so he climbed onto the Donkey

  • Then they continued in the direction of the town

  • Further along the road they met a farmer

  • Hello Sid Archie

  • We want to sell this donkey

  • Do you want to buy it

  • I don't need a donkey

  • Said the farmer but if you want my advice don't write it

  • The donkey needs to be in good physical condition

  • Good idea said Archie

  • Tom I want you to write it

  • Your lighter

  • Neither you nor your son should write it

  • It looks very tired

  • You should carry the Donkey

  • Suggested the farmer

  • You're right said Archie

  • Come on Tom will carry it for the final few miles

  • The donkey was very heavy and they couldn't maintain a good speed

  • They didn't arrive until late in the evening

  • At last they walked into the town

  • But there they attracted the attention of some teenage boys

  • They laughed at Tom and Archie they started to throw stones at them

  • The donkey reacted by kicking

  • Tom and Darcey drop the donkey it fell on the ground and then ran away

  • Archie lost his donkey he went home with no money

  • What does this story teach us

  • We cannot please everyone in our society

  • Don't take everyone's advice

  • But set your own standards

  • Prove to everyone that you can make decisions by yourself otherwise you may end

  • End up with nothing at all

  • Actually

  • Actually

  • Actually means in fact or really

  • My dad looks a little but actually he's

  • Bite

  • Bite

  • By just using your teeth to cut and tear into something

  • Coast

  • Coast

  • The coast is the land by an ocean

  • I stayed on the southern coast of Australia

  • Deal

  • Deal

  • A deal is an agreement that you have with another person

  • I made with the other company

  • Desert desert

  • The desert is an area of land without many plants or water

  • Not many plants grow in the desert

  • Effective

  • Effective

  • If something is effective it works well

  • Swimming is an effective way to stay healthy

  • Examine

  • Examine

  • To examine something is to look at it carefully

  • The doctor examined my eyes today

  • False

  • False

  • If something is false it is not correct

  • If you think the answer is false press the red button

  • Figure out

  • Figure out

  • When you figure something out

  • You come to understand it and find an answer

  • I couldn't figure out what he wanted me to do

  • Gift

  • Gift

  • A gift is something you give someone

  • Received for Christmas

  • Hunger

  • Hunger is the feeling that you get when you need to eat

  • He was filled with

  • Imagine

  • Imagine

  • To imagine something is to think of it in your mind

  • Sally

  • Journey

  • Journey

  • A journey is a long trip

  • Country with my parents

  • Puzzle

  • Puzzle

  • A puzzle is something that is hard to understand

  • The question was a puzzle to

  • White

  • White

  • It means that something is a certain way completely or very much

  • I think typing

  • Rather

  • Rather

  • Rather is used when you want to do one thing but not the other

  • I would rather have

  • Specific

  • Specific

  • If something is specific it is precise or exact

  • Please choose a specific place on the map

  • A spider is a small creature with eight legs

  • Tour

  • Tour

  • Is a short trip in which you see many sites

  • Trip

  • Trip

  • The journey to a certain place

  • Took a trip to the city yesterday

  • The Spider and the bird

  • There was once a very big spider

  • However if a bug got into his web he didn't eat it right away

  • He would carefully examine it he asked the question first

  • It was always quite a difficult puzzle if the bugs answer was correct

  • Let It Go

  • If not he ate it

  • One day a small bird flew into the spider's web

  • The spider couldn't imagine eating a bird it was so big

  • But his hunger was too great

  • He said the bird

  • If you cannot give me a specific answer I will eat you

  • The bird laughed

  • I couldn't hear you

  • But the bird was actually scared

  • She had used all her energy trying to get out of the lab and a spider's bite

  • Can be very effective in killing animals

  • Please don't eat me

  • The bird said

  • I would rather make a deal with you

  • Okay

  • The spider said

  • If your answer is right

  • I will let you go

  • If not

  • You must give me a gift

  • It must be something of great value

  • The bird said

  • You can pick anything you want to eat I will find it for you

  • The spider agreed

  • Where can you take a trip to the coast the desert and the mountains at the same time

  • The spider asked

  • The bird said

  • Can you help me figure that one out

  • But the spider did not say anything

  • I can see those places when I fly

  • Is the sky the right answer

  • False

  • Said the spider

  • The answer is Hawaii

  • Now you must find some bugs for me

  • The spider climbed on the birds back

  • The flu and ate bugs together

  • They took it to her of the forest

  • Then the bird took the spider home

  • From that day on they were friends

  • And they never tried to eat each other again

  • Band

  • Band

  • A band is a group of people who play music

  • Barely

  • Barely

  • Barely means by the smallest amount almost not

  • I barely had enough money to pay for my bus ticket

  • Boring

  • Boring

  • If something is boring it is not fun

  • I think the internet is boring

  • Cancel cancel

  • To cancel means to decide that an event or a request will not happen

  • She canceled the rest of her plans because of the

  • Driveway

  • Driveway

  • A driveway is a short private road that leads to a person's home

  • The long driveway let us to their new house

  • Garbage

  • Garbage

  • Garbage is waste material like unwanted or spoiled food bottles

  • Etc

  • The boy cleaned up

  • Instrument

  • Instrument

  • An instrument is something designed to do a certain task like play music

  • My favorite musical instrument is the piano

  • List

  • List

  • A-list is a record of information printed with an item on each line

  • My mom makes a list of groceries

  • Magic

  • Magic

  • Magic is the power to do impossible things

  • The magician

  • Message message

  • A message is a set of words that you send to someone

  • I left a message for you in the envelope

  • Notice notice

  • To notice something is to see it for the first time

  • Did you notice the view

  • To own something means to have it that thing belongs to you

  • Dad house

  • Predict

  • Predict

  • To predict something is to say that it will happen

  • She predicted the next year

  • Professor

  • Professor

  • A professor is a person who teaches in college

  • Mike science processor

  • Rush

  • Rush

  • To rush is to go somewhere or do something very quickly

  • Nancy rush to finish her homework

  • Schedule

  • Schedule

  • Schedule is a plan that tells you when to do things

  • What is your class schedule for today

  • Cher

  • Cher

  • To share something is to give some of it to another person

  • Stage

  • Stage

  • A stage is a place where actors or musicians

  • A large screen

  • Storm

  • Storm

  • A storm is very bad weather there is a lot of rain or snow

  • Did that storm wake you up last night

  • Within

  • Within

  • You use within to say that something is inside another thing

  • In the Box

  • The party

  • Cody's family moved to a new house

  • His dad got a new job as a professor

  • Cody likes his new town but he missed his grandparents

  • For his birthday Cody wanted to have a party is Dad said

  • Yes we could even have a band play

  • On the day of the party Cody woke up and rushed to get ready

  • He started to check his list of things to do

  • He was so excited

  • But then he noticed something terrible there was snow on the ground and lots of it

  • He said

  • How can the band play their instruments outside

  • Dad said

  • Will move the stage inside

  • It barely fit within the garage because there were some boxes and garbage there

  • But when they finished

  • They got a call from the band

  • They did not want to come in the storm

  • Dad said

  • Let's get someone to perform Magic

  • But no one would come because of the snow

  • Finally dad said

  • Cody there's too much snow we need to cancel the party

  • Yes sir Cody said sadly

  • It's going to be a boring birthday he predicted

  • Cody wanted to share his birthday with someone he wanted to be at his old home

  • He wanted to see his grandparents

  • But then something got his attention

  • He noticed a car in the driveway

  • His grandparents owned a car like that

  • Cody was right

  • His grandparents came for his birthday

  • Happy birthday Cody we're sorry we are late but there was so much snow

  • Made us go off schedule

  • We tried to leave a message to tell you

  • Cody told them what happened

  • I'm sorry

  • Said Grandpa

  • I was sad kodie sad

  • But I'm not anymore I'm so happy to see you

  • Dad brought out something special for Cody's birthday

  • It was his favorite

  • A sundae with whipped cream on top

  • Then Cody told his grandparents about the Newtown it was his best birthday ever

  • Burden

  • Burden

  • Is a serious or difficult responsibility

  • Compromise

  • Compromise

  • To compromise is to agree to something that is not exactly what you want

  • Decided to play

  • Craft

  • Craft

  • To crack something is to make it using skill

  • She crafted the bookcase out of solid

  • Dive dive

  • When you dive into water you go down head-first into the water

  • I like skydiving from an airplane

  • Fragile

  • Fragile

  • When people or things are fragile they are not strong and can be damaged

  • French glassware

  • Half half if you cut something into two parts that are the same size

  • You cut it have

  • The machine can divide

  • Innocence

  • Innocence

  • Innocence is the lack of experience of difficult or complex things in life

  • Everyone who found her innocence to be Charming

  • Lead

  • Lead

  • When you leave something you go first and it follows you

  • I will lead you to the right place

  • Meeting

  • Meeting

  • When you have a meeting you are with other people

  • We have lots of to plan what to do

  • Merge

  • Merge

  • To merge two things is to combine them into one whole thing

  • The storm clouds

  • Moderate

  • Moderate

  • When something is moderate it is not too big or too small in size or a

  • Amount

  • Patients to be around small children

  • Overwhelm

  • Overwhelm

  • To overwhelm is to exist in such a large amount that someone cannot deal with it

  • The amount of homework her teacher's test overwhelmed

  • Payment

  • Payment

  • When you make a payment you give someone some money for what you get

  • I made the left yesterday

  • Perception

  • Perception

  • A perception of a situation is a way of thinking about it or understanding it

  • His perception of life was much different than mine

  • Settle

  • Settle

  • When you settle something you reach an agreement

  • Settle the argument

  • Shiver

  • Shiver

  • A shipper is a shaking movement the body makes when someone is cold or scared

  • I got Shivers on my way because it was

  • Sociable

  • Sociable

  • When someone is sociable they are friendly

  • Many of my good friends are sociable

  • Speed

  • Speed

  • When you speed you go very fast

  • Is the cause of most car accidents

  • Talkative

  • Talkative

  • When someone is talkative he or she talks a lot

  • Whenever she is on the phone

  • Usual usual

  • When something is usual it is what we expect

  • It was just the usual people who came

  • The demons Bridge

  • A young woman's Cowhead cross the river in the morning when the water level was mod

  • But when the woman returned with her dog to get the cow she was overwhelmed

  • By how high the water had risen

  • Even if she crossed

  • She still couldn't lead her kalbac through the river

  • What am I going to do

  • She wondered

  • Suddenly a man appeared across the river

  • A fragile young lady like you shouldn't have to work so hard to get across a river

  • Never

  • He said

  • I'll build you a bridge

  • The man was not the usual kind of person she mad

  • The young woman's perception of him was that he was a sociable person

  • He was talkative yet something was strange about him

  • But her innocence allowed to trust the man

  • I don't want to be a burden to you sir

  • The woman replied

  • Don't worry

  • He told her as he began crafting a bridge

  • He merged the pieces of the bridge together with amazing speed

  • Soon it was finished

  • Oh but how can I give you money for your work

  • Let's compromise I am sure that we can find a fair solution

  • What do you think

  • The woman asked

  • The only payment I need is the first living thing that crosses the bridge

  • The man replied

  • She thought

  • This still sounds strange

  • Maybe he's actually a river demon

  • She shivered because she realized that he had taken advantage of and settled the

  • Deal somehow

  • But she had a plan of her own

  • She pulled a piece of bread from her pocket and threw it across the bridge

  • Her dog ran after it

  • The dog is the first living thing across the bridge

  • She said to the man

  • The man was angry

  • He suddenly changed into a half human and half fish

  • What's the matter with you

  • She shouted

  • You tricked me I have no use for your dog

  • He screamed and dived into the river

  • The woman sped across the bridge to the other side and had a happy meeting

  • Wizard dog and cow

  • Above

  • Above

  • If something is above it is at a higher level than something else

  • Straighten the sign that was above the crowd

  • Ahead ahead something is ahead of something else it is in front of it

  • The blue card

  • Amount

  • Amount

  • Ed amount is how much there is of something

  • Can I use my card to pay

  • Belief

  • Belief

  • A belief is a strong feeling that something is correct or true

  • A preacher or priest

  • Center

  • Center

  • The center of something is the middle of it

  • The center of a dartboard is the most important

  • Common

  • Common

  • If something is common it happens often or there is much of it

  • It is common for snow to fall in the winter

  • Cost

  • Cost

  • To cost is to require payment

  • These designer shoes cost more than the regular

  • Demonstrate

  • Demonstrate

  • To demonstrate something is to show how it is done

  • She demonstrated her plan to work co-workers

  • Different

  • Different

  • Different describes someone or something that is not the same as others

  • Each of my sisters has a different hairstyle

  • Evidence

  • Evidence

  • Evidence is it fact or thing that you use to prove something

  • Use the pictures as evidence that UFOs are real

  • Honesty

  • Honesty

  • Honesty means the quality of being truthful or honest

  • A courtroom should be a place of honesty

  • Idiom

  • Idiom

  • An idiom is a phrase with a meaning different from its words

  • The idiom

  • Independent independent

  • If something is independent it is not controlled by something else

  • She chose to live

  • Inside

  • Inside

  • Inside means the inner part space or side of something

  • The inside of the box was empty

  • Jail

  • Jail

  • Is a place to keep bad people

  • He was sent to jail for taking other people's cars

  • Master

  • Master

  • A master is a person who is very good at something

  • My brother is a master of

  • Memory

  • Memory

  • Memory is something you remember

  • The memory of my first time in the city

  • Pocket

  • Pocket

  • Pocket is a part of your clothing where you can keep things

  • She always had her hands in her pockets

  • Proper

  • Proper

  • If something is proper it is right

  • It is not proper to throw

  • Sale

  • Sale

  • If something is for sale you can buy it

  • Everything for sale here is the same price

  • Cats and secrets

  • In English there is a common idiom let the cat out of the bag

  • It means to tell a secret

  • But where did this idiom start

  • It came from a part of England

  • Long-ago people there went from town to town to sell things like vegetables clothes

  • Send pics

  • They had strong beliefs about honesty they didn't like lying

  • One day a man went to the town center to sell things

  • I have a baby pig for sale it won't cost much

  • He said

  • He held the animal above his head

  • His style was different from honest people style he was a master of tricking people

  • And lying

  • A woman named Beth looked at his Pig

  • He offered her the pig for one gold coin

  • That was a very small amount

  • Beth gave him the coin

  • He put it in his pocket

  • He walked ahead of Beth to get the pig

  • He gave her a closed back and said

  • Here's your pig

  • He then left very quickly

  • Beth looked at the bag

  • It was moving

  • She opened it to let the pig out

  • Cat was inside

  • He tricked me

  • That isn't proper

  • She said

  • Later the man returned to trick more people

  • Bet saw him and the memory of The Cat Came Back

  • She told her friends

  • They stopped him

  • But no one knew what to do next

  • Someone said

  • We need an independent and fair person to decide that

  • They went to the judge

  • Beth told him about the cat in the bag

  • The judges

  • Is there evidence can you demonstrate how he did it

  • Look in his bag

  • Said Beth

  • She opened it and let a cat out of the bag

  • They learn the man secret and he went to jail

  • That's how the idiom let the cat out of the bag came to mean to tell a secret



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4000個基本英語詞彙1(4000 Essential English Words 1 (2nd Edition))

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    MMH 發佈於 2023 年 04 月 27 日