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You are looking at the demographic breakdown of China and India's populations.
In 1990, both countries' demographics resembled a pyramid which meant that there were far more young people being born than there were old people.
1990 年,這兩國的人口結構呈金字塔形,代表出生的年輕人遠遠多於老年人。
But fast forward to projections for 2050, and you'll notice a dramatic change.
但快進到 2050 年的人口預測圖會發現一個巨大的變化。
The Chinese pyramid narrows to resemble a shape more like a funnel.
For more than two centuries, China has had the largest population in the world.
This year, the UN said India will take its place.
India's population is expected to keep growing for the next four decades, peaking at nearly 1.7 billion in 2063.
印度人口預計將在未來四十年保持增長,並在 2063 年達到近 17 億的高峰。
China's population is projected to shrink rapidly.
By the start of the next century, India's population is expected to be double that of China's.
All the science point to a very challenging future for China, demographically.
Here's why this shift marks a watershed moment for both nations and what the change could mean for the global economy.
This year, China announced its first population decline since 1961.
今年,中國宣布了自 1961 年以來的首次人口下降。
In 2020, China's fertility rate⏤or the number of children a woman has over her lifetime⏤came in at 1.3, which is one of the lowest in the world.
2020 年,中國的生育率或一個婦女一生生育的孩子數量為1.3,是世界上最低的國家之一。
The roots of China's demographic crisis can be found in its one-child policy.
The policy was designed to keep birth low so that China would have the opportunity to grow its economy.
It turns out, in reality, the one-child policy has far more long-lasting impacts the policy makers intended.
In a way, it worked too well.
Starting in 1980, most Chinese couples were strictly limited to one child.
從 1980 年開始,大多數中國夫婦只生一個孩子。
Despite reversing the one-child policy in 2016, China's fertility rate has continued to decline.
儘管 2016 年一胎化政策有所逆轉,但中國的生育率仍在持續下降。
The replacement rate needed to keep a population stable is 2.1.
保持人口穩定所需的生育更替率是 2.1。
Meaning that a woman would need to give birth to at least two children to keep the population stable and, essentially, replace the parents.
With a fertility rate of 2.0, India's fertility rate is slightly lower than the replacement rate.
印度的生育率為 2.0,略低於生育更替率。
The reason why India's population is projected to keep growing for several more decades is because India, unlike China, still has a fairly large group of women of reproductive age.
That's very different from China.
In China, the one-child policy produced a dramatic gender imbalance that originated in strong cultural and social preferences for male children.
In 2021, the number of marriage registrations plummeted to 7.6 million, the lowest since the government started keeping records in the mid-1980s.
2021 年,中國的結婚登記人數驟降至 760 萬,是自 80 年代中期以來的最低紀錄。
The global economy has grown to rely on China's vast pool of factory workers for manufactured goods,
and its consumers represent a growing market for Western-made cars and luxury goods.
A declining Chinese population would mean that there will be fewer workers to make products that are exported to other countries,
and there will be fewer consumers, especially younger consumers, to buy goods from other countries.
In the coming decades, demographers expect China will face a huge worker-to-retiree gap.
In 2020, 14% of China's population was over 64 years old.
2020 年,中國 14% 的人口超過 64 歲。
While in India, just 7% of people were over 64.
而在印度,只有 7% 的人超過 64 歲。
By 2070, nearly 59% of people in China will be over the age of 64.
到 2070 年,中國近 59% 的人口將超過 64 歲。
While in India, only 30% of the population will be in the same age bracket.
而在印度,只有 30% 的人口處於同一年齡段。
A larger group of retirees will mean that younger Chinese people will have a bigger of a burden to support the elderly.
That's especially true in the rural areas.
In some ways, India looks like China did 30 years ago.
It has a rapidly expanding working-age population, with 610 million people under age 25, and relatively few older people to care for.
它的工作年齡人口迅速增加,25 歲以下人口有 6.1 億,需要照顧的老年人相對較少。
India's rising population means it's likely to keep its economy growing, buy more of the world's goods, and play a bigger role in global affairs.
But India's rise isn't assured.
India's problem now is all about jobs.
Yes, it does have a large working-age population but, at the same time, it is struggling to create jobs for its young people.
India is primarily a rural nation and still lags behind China in urbanization.
Unlike China, where millions of migrant laborers move to cities to work in factories, many Indians are reluctant to leave their hometowns.
India also significantly lags behind China in terms of female labor participation.
India's cultural norms have meant that families who can't afford to keep their daughters and wives at home prefer to do so.
When Mao took power, he really pushed the idea that women is equal to men.
For a long time, China's women labor participation rate has been very high, and for India, that seemed to be not the case.
Whatever happens, the world's future population will be tilted more towards the Global South, and South Asia, in particular.
In 2060, the three successor states to pre-independence India will have 2.3 billion people versus China's 1.2 billion, guaranteeing profound changes to the global economy.
到 2060 年,獨立前印度的三個繼承國將擁有 23 億人口,而中國將有 12 億人口,全球經濟確定會發生深刻變化。