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  • Do you know dishwashers can be more sustainable  and environmentally friendly, use less water,  


  • save more energy, and be even more hygienic  than handwashing? Dishwashers recycle water  


  • during the washing process, making them more  water-efficient. Energy Star dishwashers are  


  • especially efficient. They are also more hygienic  due to the high temperatures they use. However,  


  • for families with young children, handwashing  some dishes may help develop a child's immune  


  • system. In summary, dishwashers are generally  more environmentally friendly, efficient,  

    系統。 總而言之,洗碗機通常 比手洗碗碟 更環保、更高效、

  • and hygienic than hand-washing dishes. Check  out my video in the comment for more detail.

    更衛生。 在評論中查看我的影片以獲取更多詳細信息。

Do you know dishwashers can be more sustainable  and environmentally friendly, use less water,  



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