And so, you know, these apps say thousands of these have mushroomed and Uber Eats is taking very definitive action to clean up what they say has become a wild wild west out there of these virtual brands that they say that they need to call some of these just so their customers can really trust what they're ordering is an actual distinct restaurant with its own, you know, own food and own menu as opposed to a copycat.
是以,你知道,這些應用程序說,成千上萬的這些已經如雨後春筍般出現,Uber Eats正在採取非常明確的行動,以清理他們說已經成為這些虛擬品牌的野生西部,他們說,他們需要調用其中的一些,只是讓他們的客戶可以真正相信他們所訂購的是一個真正獨特的餐廳,有自己的,你知道,自己的食物和自己的菜單,而不是一個山寨。