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  • Hello. This is 6 Minute English  from BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.

  • And I'm Neil. When Helen Russell  was three years old, her new-born

  • baby sister died suddenly. Looking  back at that sad time, Helen remembers

  • making a big decisionshe wanted  to be happy. She became a bestselling

  • author and wrote a book called, The  Atlas of Happiness. She got married,

  • and even moved to the famously  happy city of Copenhagen in Denmark.

  • But the sadness Helen felt didn't  disappear, and the longer she lived abroad,

  • the more she wondered whether her  feelings were somehow connected to

  • being born in England, into a culture  where, traditionally, expressing your

  • emotions was discouraged.

  • In this programme, we'll be  investigating how the way people express

  • sadness is influenced by their  culture, and, as usual, we'll be

  • learning some new, useful vocabulary as well.

  • But first I have a question for  you, Neil. In English there are

  • many idioms which describe being  sad, including down in the dumps,

  • meaning that you feel miserable  and depressed. Also, emotions are

  • often associated with colours, for  example you might go red with anger,

  • or turn green with envy. But which  colour is associated with sadness? Is it:

  • a) yellow? b) blue? or, c) brown?

  • I think the answer is blue.

  • OK, Neil. We'll find out  the later in the programme.

  • Around the world, cultures  express emotions very differently.

  • In Spain, flamenco performers  express their emotions with

  • colourful displays of song and dancewhereas in Japan, crying is considered

  • weak and shameful. To discover more  about how British people express their

  • feelings, Helen Russell interviewedThomas Dixon, a professor at the Centre

  • for the History of Emotion, for BBC  World Service programme, The Documentary:

  • The word sad, as you will know, Helenliterally means sated or full. So,

  • its earliest use is in English, it means  being literally fed up, being full of

  • something sad or sated means heavy  and full. And then of course we

  • have this huge vocabulary of melancholysorrow, grief, depression and

  • many, many other terms, and they  all mean slightly different things.

  • Professor Dixon explains that the  original meaning of the word sad was

  • 'full' or fed up – a phrase which  today means being unhappy, bored or

  • tired of something which has been  going on a long time. For example:

  • everyone is fed up of Covid.

  • But fed up is just one of many words  to describe feelings of sadness,

  • each with a slightly different meaningOne of them is melancholy, a kind

  • of intense and thoughtful sadnessAnother is grief - a strong sadness often

  • caused by the death of someone you love.

  • In Irish culture, melancholy is  expressed artistically in poems or songs.

  • And in other cultures, India for examplegrief can be expressed by professional

  • mourners who are paid to cry by the  family of the person who has died.

  • In England, however, big public  displays of emotion are uncommon.

  • But according to Professor Dixon  that wasn't always the case. Here he

  • explains to BBC World Service programmeThe Documentary, how it was only

  • quite recently, during the time of Queen  Victoria and the British Empire, that

  • the English got a reputation for being repressed  - unable to show their true feelings and emotions.

  • By and large it's a Victorian, and then  Edwardian, and 20th century characterization.

  • As you can imagine, it fits with the era  of empire, of white British men going

  • around the world conquering it, and having  a stiff upper lip and ruling over the

  • peoplein other parts of the world, and  believing themselves, the white Europeans,

  • to be superiorand one sign of  that superiority, and Darwin writes:

  • Englishmen rarely caught cry except  under the pressure of the acutest grief.

  • Professor Dixon says the Victorians who  ran the empire had a stiff upper lip.

  • These men believed they were better than  everyone else, and that to cry was a sign of

  • weakness. When we cry, our top lip starts  to wobble and so this gave rise to the

  • idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not  show your feelings when you are upset,  

  • even though it is difficult not to.

  • Fortunately, most Brits are less repressed  nowadays, but it's still hard for

  • some people, especially men, to express  their feelings. Sometimes drinking

  • alcohol gives people the courage to say  what they are feeling, but this is not

  • so healthy and can even  increase feelings of depression.

  • It's talking to someone about your  feelings that can really help, and keep

  • away the bluesand in saying thatthink I've answered your question, Sam.

  • I asked Neil which colour is  often associated with feeling sad.

  • And I said it was blue

  • Which wasthe correct answer, and it  gives us another idiom about sadness

  • feeling blue. OK, let's recap the  vocabulary we've learned from this programme

  • about the emotion of sadness, or in  other words, feeling down in the dumps.

  • If you are fed up of something, you're  unhappy, bored, or tired of it, especially

  • if it's been happening a long time.

  • Melancholy is a type of intense and  thoughtful sadness; and grief is a strong

  • sadness usually caused by someone's death

  • The adjective repressed means unable to  show your true feelings and emotions.

  • And finally, the uniquely British idiomto keep a stiff upper lip, means not to

  • show your feelings when you're upseteven though it is difficult not to.

  • Hiding you feelings definitely won't make you happy,

  • but making friends and learning something  new might, so remember to join us

  • again soon, here at 6 Minute English. Bye for now!

  • Bye!

Hello. This is 6 Minute English  from BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.


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文化(How culture affects sadness - 6 Minute English)

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    joey joey 發佈於 2023 年 04 月 17 日