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This is one example of quiet quitting, a trend that has been dominating social media and especially TikTok.
這是一個「安靜離職」的實例,這個趨勢霸佔了社交媒體,尤其是 TikTok。
In July, Zaid Khan, a 24-year-old engineer from New York, posted a video about quiet quitting, and it went viral.
在七月份,紐約的一位 24 歲工程師 Zaid Khan 發佈了一部有關安靜離職的影片,影片迅速竄紅。
Since then, the trend has spread like wildfire, with hashtags like #quietquitting, #quitting, and #quieting.
其後,這個趨勢像野火般迅速擴散,配有像 #quietquitting、#quitting、和 #quieting 等的標籤。
Does anybody want to work anymore?
Then, the mainstream media became covering it.
Like, working overtime? No, thanks. Late night emails? Ignore those.
Quiet quitting is a really bad idea; if you're a quiet quitter, you're not working for me.
The world is changing, and the way of work is changing.
Even people saying, "I'm not going back to the office, and if I do, I'm definitely quite quitting until I find a job that is a lot more flexible."
COVID was the ultimate reset.
COVID was that moment where people start to ask a bigger question,
"What do I want from my life?"
Do I want to continue working the way that I have, or do I want something different?
Do I want to continue to work, which is awesome, but do I also want to be able to enjoy my family?
Do I also want to be able to enjoy my life?
So, I think all of these things are coming in stages.
And I think quite quitting is just the trend that's come as a result of the ultimate reset, which is COVID.
Something like 40% of workers are now saying they plan to change jobs this year.
大約 40% 的勞動者現在表示他們計劃在今年換工作。
The pandemic also triggered the Great Resignation.
... and to retain people, but they're really running scared.
Millions of Americans quit their jobs in 2021.
2021 年,數百萬美國人辭去了他們的工作。
Some for better opportunities, some for a career break.
The pace of quitting continued well into 2022.
這狀況一直持續到了 2022 年。
This chart tracks job openings and labor turnover in the US economy, JOLTs for short.
這個圖表追蹤了美國經濟中的職缺和勞動力流動情況,簡稱 JOLTS。
We do think that quiet quitting is part of the Great Resignation story.
So, it fits into the general story of having a high level of quits over the past year, year and a half, and certainly a very tight labor market.
And in that type of labor market, it makes a lot of sense that workers may not be willing to work as hard as they have in the past 'cause it's very easy to get alternative employment.
So, the question is: What is quiet quitting?
Quiet quitting is referring to a situation where employees are making a choice to not necessarily go above and beyond what they're being asked to do.
It doesn't mean that they're not doing their job.
They're just not going above and beyond.
Back in my day, it was called coasting.
在我那個年代,這樣的行為稱作 coasting(混日子)。
For me, my last time quiet quitting was five years ago.
I used to be in tech sales.
What I did was work less⏤I wasn't putting in the 40 hours anymore.
我選擇少工作:我不再投入 40 個小時工作。
I wasn't giving in to the drama anymore. I wasn't giving in to work gossip anymore.
I wasn't answering emails or texts or Slack messages, you know, DMs after the work days, so weekends were free; they were mine.
我不再回覆工作上的郵件、簡訊、Slack 訊息,或工作日以外傳的私訊,所以我的週末是自由的,屬於我個人。
Even though it's Millennials and Gen Zers who are actively talking about it on social media,
雖然現在積極在社交媒體上談論這件事的是千禧一代和 Z 世代,
quite quitting has been happening amongst Gen Xers, which I'm part of the Gen Xers, for the better part of two to three years.
但實際上,我所屬的 X 世代已經有了近兩到三年的安靜離職現象。
The anti-work movement is not a new trend.
In 2021, the "lying flat" or "tang ping" movement took off in China; many viewed it as an anti-work phenomenon.
This is a labor protest movement in China against the country's relentless work culture.
Some argue that quiet quitting is similar to the lying flat movement.
In the US, quiet quitting could also be a backlash to hustle culture, the 24/7 Startup Grind popularized by figures like Gary Vee and others.
在美國,安靜離職可能也是反擊「搏命文化」的一種反擊,這種文化被一些像 Gary Vee 等人推廣,強調人要無時無刻地投入工作。
I think it is almost direct resistance and disruption of hustle culture, honestly, and I think it's exciting that more people are doing it.
When it comes to hustle culture and quiet quitting, we're seeing from Gen Zers, especially.
當談到勵搏命文化和安靜離職時,特別是 Z 世代,
They're really focused on ensuring that they have that work-life balance, and, really, mission-driven purpose when it comes to work.
And we see this across Millennials as well.
People are being more honest about the fact that they just don't want to give beyond the 40 hours of work that they normally would give because they're tired.
人們更坦誠表示自己不想再工作超過每週 40 小時的工時,因為他們感到疲累。
There has been a tsunami of job resignations.
In 2021, the Great Resignation dominated the economic news cycle.
2021 年,大辭職潮佔據了經濟新聞。
... or need to remain in their roles, so...
In the second quarter of the same year, US productivity data posted its biggest ever annual drop.
And some economists blame workers leaving jobs or not trying hard at their current jobs for the hit to productivity.
Quiet quitting is probably part of the reason for the slowing in labor productivity.
It's hard to tell, from aggregate data, exactly why labor productivity has slowed so much over the course of the pandemic,
but it is certainly one of the reasons that you would expect to be weighing on labor productivity right now.
Employee engagement also appears to be declining.
A recent poll from Gallup showed employee engagement in the US dropping for the first annual decline in a decade, dipping from 36% engaged employees in 2020 to 34% in 2021.
蓋洛普最近的一項民調顯示,美國的員工參與度十年來首次出現年度下降,從 2020 年的 36% 下降到 2021 年的 34%。
Disengagement⏤not being engaged⏤that's affecting the productivity.
Mentally, they're just not there, and they really aren't giving it their all anymore, and they are just trying to stay under the radar and they are disengaged, that's very much been impact productivities.
I do think quiet quitting is a part of the Great Resignation.
People are so burnt out, we've just gone through and are still going through a pandemic.
We are recognizing that life can be so fleeting and so short, and we want to spend it doing something we love.
And that doesn't mean work has to be our dream job.
I think that myth of the dream job is slowly or rapidly dying.
People that shut down their laptop at 5, want that balance in life, want to go to the soccer game, 9 to 5 only, they don't work for me, I can tell you that.
那些在 5 點關掉筆電,想要生活平衡,想要去看足球比賽,只朝九晚五的人,他們不會是我的員工,我可以肯定告訴你。
Labor demand remains red hot in 2022.
2022 年勞動力需求依然火熱。
That's despite the looming risk of a recession; economic downturn could make quiet quitting a short lived trend.
Well, if the labor market were to turn, you'd imagine that quiet quitting would become less of a phenomenon.
While the risk, if you're a quiet quitter, is that the economy would slow and then you could find yourself in a situation where you're in a job where you haven't been given the most effort that you can,
and it puts you at a disadvantage in terms of moving forward at that job.
If others have been giving more effort, they're more likely to have a greater job security than otherwise.
So, certainly, as the labor market slows, and if we were to go into a recession, (it) could potentially put those workers at a disadvantage.
In addition to talking to thousands of employees per year, I talked to thousands of leaders per year, all the way from your supervisor all the way up to your C-suite CEOs.
除了每年與數千名員工交談外,我每年還與數千名領導者交談,從主管一直到最高管理層的 CEO。
And I will tell you that they are bothered by this trend because it speaks one of two things.
One, we have employees who are doing their job, but they're not going above and beyond.
Two, what have we done as an organization to these employees that make them feel like they can't give their best effort?
We're evolving as a culture, we're evolving as a people, and the workplace is evolving.
And we need to be OK with it.
Because it's the same concept for me as people saying, "Just because I didn't have it, means you shouldn't have it too."
"You should have to work hard."
Just want to be careful about just saying that quiet quitting is the the, you know, the Gen Zs and the Gen Ys.
我想提醒大家的事,雖然說安靜離職屬於 Z 世代和 Y 世代。
I think that it can be happening all over the place.
And the more we stay engaged and connected and share our purpose, the less of an issue disengagement will be.
And then, hopefully, the quiet quitting term will start fading to the background.
And we'll see both employees being productive and well engaged and employers being very successful.