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  • This chart shows China's birth and death rate

  • over the last 60 years.

  • For most of it, births are high.

  • But in 2022, China had more deaths than births

  • causing its population to decrease

  • for the first time in 6 decades.

  • To get why this is such a big deal, consider this:

  • China is the world's manufacturing superpower

  • and that's in large part because of its huge population.

  • Nearly 30% of the country's economic output

  • comes from manufacturing.

  • Now, here's China's population over the last 60 years.

  • Even after losing almost a million people in 2022

  • its population is still about as big as it's ever been:

  • 1.4 billion people.

  • But that's projected to shrink by nearly half

  • by the end of the century.

  • Over the years, China's growth and policies

  • have contributed to its population decline.

  • Today, it's looking to reverse course

  • to keep its population steady.

  • The problem is it might be too late.

  • In the 50s, under Mao, China experienced

  • one of the most gruesome famines on record.

  • 30 million people died.

  • If we look at that on the birth and death rates chart

  • you'll see a big spike in deaths.

  • At the same time, the birth rate dropped

  • causing the population to shrink.

  • But, as often happens with wars, famines, and other major crises

  • immediately after, there was a baby boom.

  • Combined with global medical advances

  • that decreased infant mortality rates

  • China's average family now had 6 children.

  • The birth rate had skyrocketed

  • which the government saw as a big problem.

  • The Chinese leadership realized

  • the population was growing too fast

  • and something needs to be done.

  • The government came out with a policy...

  • They called itLater, Longer, Fewer”.

  • Later marriages, longer birth intervals, and fewer births.

  • As a result, China's birth rate started trending down...

  • but it wasn't low enough for China's leaders.

  • And in 1980, they implemented the extreme one child policy

  • which limited most families to one child.

  • That policy was also backed up by very harsh measures.

  • There were campaigns of sterilization...

  • IUD insertion and induced abortions.

  • And while these campaigns began during the Later, Longer, Fewer era

  • they were at their worst under the one child policy

  • when China sterilized 20 million men and women

  • and induced nearly 15 million abortions in a single year.

  • But China had accomplished its goal.

  • Population growth was under control.

  • Except, as China would soon realize

  • these restrictive policies worked a little too well.

  • In order for any population

  • to stay the same size in the long run

  • each couple needs to have, on average, 2.1 children.

  • This is called the replacement rate.

  • The idea is that one child replaces one parent

  • and that 0.1 makes up for children who die

  • before they become adults.

  • But China has had a fertility rate

  • that's far below 2 for over 3 decades.

  • To bring that up

  • in 2016, China finally ended the one child policy.

  • And after briefly trying out a three child policy,

  • in 2021 they finally let families have as many children as they'd like.

  • But it hasn't worked.

  • One big reason is the unique family structure

  • produced by the one child policy.

  • We're looking at what's called a 4-2-1 family structure

  • with a couple having 4 parents above them and 1 child below.

  • Most countries have diverse family structures

  • some with 3 kids, others with none.

  • But with China's 4-2-1 model

  • millions of only children are under increasing pressure

  • to care for their aging parents and elderly grandparents.

  • And this can make having multiple children even harder...

  • especially as the cost of living keeps rising.

  • A recent survey revealed that more than 50% of young people

  • don't want more than one child

  • because of financial and work pressures.

  • We have seen cash subsidies for additional birth

  • longer maternal leaves...

  • subsidies for kindergarten

  • and all sorts of monetary support.

  • Well, the thing is, almost none of them have worked

  • because having a child is exceedingly expensive

  • and it's a lifelong commitment.

  • And so it's really actually hard...

  • to put a price on this.

  • But China's population crisis isn't just about babies.

  • It's also about the balance between young and old.

  • If we look at population pyramids that show distribution by age...

  • we see that countries like Kenya

  • with rapid population growth look like this:

  • wide at the bottom

  • representing a lot of new young people, and narrow at the top.

  • Countries experiencing slower growth

  • like the Philippines, are still triangular.

  • But the difference between top and bottom is less pronounced.

  • Now take a look at China, and notice the narrow bottom, so, fewer babies.

  • And the heavy top: a larger number of elderly people.

  • Which is a happy...

  • outcome of our improvement

  • in health and in standard of living

  • but combined with sustained low fertility...

  • that just produces sustained population aging.

  • In 2050, that pyramid is projected to look like this.

  • And that will further drive down China's population

  • shrink its labor force and put the whole country

  • in a uniquely difficult position.

  • In the 80s, China became a hotspot for foreign investment

  • cheap manufacturing and exports.

  • A generation later, it was shooting up the ranks

  • and becoming one of the world's leading

  • and fastest growing economies by GDP.

  • But not only did that economic modernization

  • drive birthrates down further, it also didn't

  • translate to an equally strong economy for everyone.

  • If we look at the GDP per capita

  • the best indicator we have for standard of living

  • China is much lower than these high income countries.

  • China became a major world economy nearly overnight

  • but it's still a middle income country.

  • Many, especially in rural areas

  • haven't benefited much from China's economic boom...

  • and China has yet to develop the necessary safety nets

  • to support its aging population.

  • To build the social infrastructure...

  • like the social programs in health care and in pensions...

  • It takes time.

  • And that's getting...

  • actually tougher with the economy that's slowing down.

  • And a slower economy will inevitably redefine

  • China's role in the world as a manufacturing superpower.

  • What this means for China, for the world

  • is that the resource constraints from within...

  • would also constrain Chinese ambition...

  • and its global reach.

  • In some ways, China isn't alone.

  • A lot of Asian and European countries

  • are experiencing population declines, too.

  • What makes China different is how fast this all has happened.

  • It was only 40 years ago

  • that China started leveraging its booming population

  • to become an economic superpower...

  • all while still trying to stem population growth.

  • Now that China's population growth is officially over...

  • China may have to rethink its future

  • not just as a global superpower

  • but for its citizens at home too.

This chart shows China's birth and death rate


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B1 中級 美國腔

Why China's population is shrinking

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 03 月 27 日