字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 We are in the most expensive city in America, New York City. 我們身處美國最昂貴的城市——紐約市。 We just checked out a room here. 我們剛剛在這個飯店退房。 That was $10,000 a night. 一晚要價一萬美金。 How do these people afford this? 住在這的這些人是如何負擔得起的呢? Today, we're gonna find out by going up to New Yorkers and asking them, "What do y'all do for a living?" 今天我們會上前詢問這些紐約客,並詢問他們「你們以什麼維生?」 What kind of stuff do you guys do in New York? 你們在紐約做什麼工作? What was your career? 你的職業是什麼? Ship owning. 船舶業。 What? Really? 什麼?真的嗎? You own ships? 你擁有船隻? Yes. 是的。 Mostly tankers. 主要是油輪。 And you bought and sold tankers? 你買賣油輪? Yes. 是的。 Is that very lucrative of a career? 那是一個非常賺錢的職業嗎? There are good years and very challenging years. 有很好賺的時候,也有很具有挑戰性的時候。 This is the only city in the world we could have started that business. 這是世界上唯一一個我們可以開展這個產業的城市。 Very impressive. 非常厲害。 It's special. 這產業很特別。 What kind of company do you start? 你創辦了什麼樣的公司? It's called Haifa Limestone. So I import limestone from Europe and the Middle East. 叫做 Haifa Limestone。我從歐洲和中東進口石灰石。 We do high-end homes. 我們專做高級住宅。 How much does limestone cost? 石灰石的價格是多少? It used to cost me $5000 container to ship it before the pandemic. Now it's $20,000. 在疫情之前,我運輸一個貨櫃的費用是 5000 美元,現在已經漲到了 20000 美元。 When did you feel like you made it in America? 你什麼時候覺得自己在美國成功了? I wanted to make a million dollars before I turned 30 and turns out that was the easiest one to make. 我想在 30 歲之前賺到一百萬美元,結果發現這是最容易辦到的。 After that, it got harder. 那之後才變得更難。 It's been a really fun ride but success is different for everybody. 這是一段非常有趣的旅程,但對每個人而言,成功的定義是不同的。 It's like, what's success? Is it a million? Is it 50 million? Is it 500 million? 什麼是成功?一百萬? 五千萬? 五億? It's not a number, it's more what makes you happy. 成功不是用數字定義的,是什麼讓你快樂。 What does finance do? 金融業是做什麼的? I take people's money and try to give them more money back, essentially. 我拿著人們的錢,並試著幫他們賺更多的錢回來,本質上是這樣啦。 What do people make in that career? 這個職業可以賺多少? $100k to $300k. 十萬到三十萬美金。 So, if someone was just starting out, what would you recommend? 如果有人剛開始做這份工作,你會推薦什麼? Work hard, keep grinding. 努力工作,繼續磨練。 What was it like for you? 你自己的經驗是什麼? A lot of hours, kissing ass. You got to make a name for yourself. 付出了很多時間、討好上司,為自己打出名聲。 I sell farmland at auction. We sell in 40 different states. 我在拍賣會上出售農田。我們在 40 個不同的州出售土地。 We sell quite a bit of land in Texas. 我們在德州出售了相當多的土地。 (I) love Texas. Texas is a great state. 我愛德州。德州是很棒的州。 Is that a lucrative career selling farmland? 賣農田很賺錢嗎? It's a good career, excellent career. 很不錯,很棒的工作。 What kind of work are you in? 你從事什麼樣的工作? I head up operations for North America for a English brand. We design and manufacture kitchenware products. 我負責一個英國品牌在北美的營運。我們設計和製造廚具產品。 Really? Which kind of products? 真的嗎?什麼樣的產品? It's a brand called Joseph Joseph. Anything chopping boards. 這是一個叫 Joseph Joseph 的品牌,專門生產各種砧板。 Joseph, they have like the super famous cutting board. 這牌子的砧板非常有名耶。 Yeah, lots of colors. 沒錯,五顏六色的砧板。 How did you end up getting in that work? 你是怎麼進入那個行業的? I've been with the brand like ten years. (I) started off in customer service. 我已經在這個品牌工作了十年。一開始我是從客戶服務部門開始的。 From customer service to running all of North America. - Yes. 從客服到管理整個北美業務。- 是的。 How did you do that? - Through hard work. 你怎麼做到的?- 努力。 I was able to move up to three different departments and yes, and now I've hit it up. 我順利晉升了三個不同的部門,現在我已經達到巔峰了。 If someone was starting in their career, what would you recommend for them? 如果有人要開始這個工作,你會建議什麼? Hard work, getting in, making sure you don't mind putting in the extra hours. 需要努力工作、投入時間、不介意加班。 We thought it'd be easy to get some advice from the rich and wealthy that live in New York City. 我們以為從居住在紐約市的富裕人士獲得建議很容易。 Sir, do you have a few minutes? 先生,你有幾分鐘的時間嗎? But the more we tried to approach them, the more we got rejected. 但我們越是試圖接近他們,越是被拒絕。 But the people we met who weren't part of the super rich had some of the most inspiring stories. 但是,那些我們遇到不是超級富有的人,卻有一些最令人振奮的故事。 How much is your rent here? 你在這裡的租金是多少? So I paid $1200. Literally right down here. It's small. It's 70 square feet, super small. 1200 美金。就在那邊而已。很小間,只有 70 平方英尺,超級小的。 70 square feet. 70 平方英尺。 Yeah, I didn't want to pay too much, but I wanted to live the New York experience. 對啊,我不想花太多錢,但我想體驗一下紐約的生活。 So started out small and then work your way out. 所以要從底部做起,逐步發展。 And what do you do for work? - Business development. 你做什麼工作?- 商業開發。 What do you all do in New York? 你們在紐約做什麼工作? I'm in horticulture. 我是搞園藝的。 What is horticulture? 什麼是 horticulture? Gardening. 就是 gardening。 I work in a baseball stadium. 我在棒球場工作。 So I do all the grounds outside the stadium. 所以我處理體育場外的所有場地的園藝。 You do the grass like the Mets or the Yankees? 你處理像大都會隊或洋基隊球場的草地? At City field. 在皇后區花旗球場。 What do horticulture make? 園藝師可以賺多少錢? Not enough. 不夠多。 Six figures? 六位數? $75k. 75000 美金。 What kind of work do you do in New York? 你在紐約做什麼工作? I do recruitment. 我做招聘。 What kind of people are you recruiting? 你招募的是什麼樣的人? So I do more in the fashion business. 大多是時尚行業的人才。 What does someone like that make as a recruiter? 作為招聘人員能賺多少錢? What's like the range of salary? 這工作的工資的範圍是怎樣的。 Well, you have a base and then you get commission. 有底薪,然後再加上佣金。 What was your first New York salary? Do you remember? The first paycheck. 你在紐約的第一份工資是多少?你還記得嗎?第一份薪水。 $34k. 34000 美金。 Alright. So we're taking a quick break from shooting and I want to thank ramp.com for helping make this video happen. 我們影片中場休息一下,我想感謝 ramp.com 幫助完成這部影片。 A few weeks ago, we were shooting a video in Miami and it was a mess. 幾週前,我們在邁阿密拍攝影片時情況很混亂。 No budget, no receipts, personal expenses, and we're still trying to figure it all out. 沒有預算、沒有收據、個人開支,我們仍在試圖弄清楚所有事情。 So I wanted to try out ramp.com in this New York video and I am so impressed. 所以我想在這個紐約影片中試用 ramp.com,而我非常印象深刻。 Here are my top three reasons why I am loving it. 以下是三個我為什麼很愛它的原因: Number one, I applied online and instantly got approved without a credit check for 100,000 credit line. 第一,我在網上申請,立即就獲得了十萬美元的信貸額度批准,無需進行信用評估。 Number two, I was able to issue Jeremy a virtual card instantly so he can start booking hotels, flights and room service. 第二,我可以立即將虛擬信用卡號給 Jeremy,這樣他就可以開始預訂飯店、機票和客房服務了。 And number three ramp.com automatically categorizes all the expenses so I can see what Jeremy is spending the money on. 第三,ramp.com 自動將所有費用分類,這樣我就可以看到 Jeremy 把錢花在哪些地方。 Damn it, Jeremy. It's a lot. 該死的,Jeremy。很多錢耶。 If you've been thinking about getting a credit card, I've been using cheats for years and this is so much better. 如果你有在考慮申辦信用卡,我已經使用多年,而這個產品好用得多。 If you're a small or medium sized business, I would definitely recommend you checking out ramp.com. 如果你是小型或中型企業,我絕對建議你到 ramp.com 查看一下。 You can get a $500 sign up bonus just for y'all at ramp.com/exclusive/noahkagan link below in description. 你可以透過 ramp.com/exclusive/noahkagan 的連結註冊,並獲得 $500 的獎金。連結在下方的說明欄中。 So what do you do in New York? 你在紐約做什麼工作? So I do tech sales for a company called Okta. 所以我在一家叫 Octa 的公司做技術銷售。 I'm a product manager and a property tech company as well. 我是產品經理,在一家房地產科技公司工作。 What are the range of salaries for these kind of tech companies? 這類科技公司的工資範圍是多少? Upwards of like $300k - $400k in a year. 一年賺到 30 萬到 40 萬美元。 But I know some people make around like $120k. 但我知道有些人一年賺大約 12 萬美元左右。 Dude, it's all over the place. 這種工作到處都是。 Depending on the job. As a product manager, I'd say the low end is probably around $100k. 依照不同的職業,薪資也不同。作為一位產品經理,我認為薪資的底限可能在 10 萬美元左右。 Guys at Google would probably make like $400k all in. 在 Google 工作的人可能會賺到大約 40 萬美金的總收入。 I'm a graphic designer. I now work at Google. 我是一位平面設計師,現在在 Google 工作。 Generally, how much do you make? Range? 平均賺多少錢?工資範圍是多少? When I first moved, I think I made like $80k a year or something like that and she was in school and making no money. 當我剛搬來時,我想我大概賺一年賺 8 萬美元左右,而她那時還在讀書,沒有賺錢。 What would be your advice for someone that's new, coming to New York? 你對剛來紐約的人有什麼建議嗎? Come with friends; be willing to live in totally shit situations, and take whatever job you can. 和朋友一起來,做好會住在非常糟糕的環境的心理準備,接受任何能找到的工作。 Take riskes; try new things; push yourself. 勇於冒險、嘗試新事物、挑戰自我。 I think playing it safe in New York doesn't get you very far. 我覺得在紐約打安全牌無法讓你走的長遠的。 Are you in tech or what do you do for work? I was trying to guess. 你從事科技業還是什麼工作?我在努力猜出來。 Designer? Architect? 設計師?建築師? No, I work in finance. 不是,我在金融領域工作。 Oh, do you? Do you wear this to work? 哦,真的嗎?你穿這樣去上班嗎? I've worn this to work, but I usually wear black pants. 我曾穿這個去上班,但我通常穿黑褲。 What kind of stuff do you do in finance? 你在金融行業裡做什麼樣的工作? Asset management. 資產管理。 What are the ranges of salaries that someone could be? 這樣的工作新水範圍是多少? Starting out, I think the average wage is $95K. 剛開始的話,平均薪資是 95000 美金。 What do you do for work? 你是做什麼的? Finance for Department of Education. 教育部的財務。 The government? So I help pay for you a little bit. 政府?所以我有付你一點錢。 Bascially, this is all of your taxpayer dollars. 基本上,我身上穿的這些都是你們納稅人的錢。 What does the Department of Education do with finance? 教育部的財務是做什麼的? So I oversee special ed finance; budgets and finance when it relates to special needs kids. 我負責監督特殊教育財務,包括與特殊需求學生相關的預算和財務事務。 And how much money is that in the budget that you guys manage? 這些由你們管理的預算有多少錢? I manage about $6 billion. 我管理大約 60 億美元。 That is wild. Is that wild to you? 好誇張。對你來說很誇張嗎? How much would you be making if you're in private, you think? 如果你在私人公司工作,你認為你可以賺多少錢? I want to say like $180k-$200k. 大概 18 萬到 20 萬美金。 What kind of stuff do you do in New York? What do you do for work? 你在紐約做什麼?你是做什麼工作的? I'm a lawyer. 我是一名律師。 I don't know if I want to be sued by you or have you as my defense? What kind of law? 我不知道我是想被你起訴還是想讓你作為我的辯護人?是什麼樣的法律? None of the above. Yeah, I'm a corporate lawyer. 以上都不是。我是一名企業律師。 What's the range of what a lawyer can make in New York? 在紐約,律師可以賺多少錢? Maybe between $50k to maybe $100k. 也許五萬到十萬美金。 But if you're in the corporate space, you probably make six figures. 但如果你在企業領域,你可能可以賺到六位數的收入。 What do you do in New York? 你在紐約是做什麼的? I'm a composer. 我是一個作曲家。 That is so cool. What do you compose? 太酷了。你作什麼曲? I compose music for TV. 我為電視節目創作音樂。 Is there anything that we've heard or...? 有沒有什麼是我們聽過的? The opening sequence on Shameless, the TV show. 電視節目《Shameless》的開場音樂。 What's a top composer make? I have no idea. 頂尖的作曲家可以賺多少錢?我沒什麼概念。 There's Hans Zimmer. He makes billions but then it goes down to pennies per stream on Spotify or whatever, like .0008 cents. 像漢斯·季默那類的可以賺數十億,但其他作曲家在 Spotify 等流媒體平台上的收入卻只有每次點播 0.0008 美分之類的。 What do you do in New York? 你在紐約是做什麼的? I'm a consultant for a healthcare company. 我是一家醫療保健公司的顧問。 I work with getting legalized medical marijuana. 我從事合法化醫用大麻的相關工作。 Really? 真的嗎? How did you get into that career? 你是如何進入這個行業的? Former client in the pharmaceutical industry sought me out. 一家過去的製藥行業客戶主動找上了我。 I worked for CBS television for 21 years, running their health division. 我在 CBS 電視公司工作了 21 年,負責管理他們的健康部門。 What's the salary of someone like this is, someone inspired to be a consultant? 像這樣的人,即有志成為顧問的人,薪水大概是多少? It's an IPO, so pay isn't great, but there's the equity when it goes public. 這是首次公開募股,所以薪水不是很高,但當公司上市時會有股權。 What kind of work are you in? 你從事什麼樣的工作? I work in finance but there's opportunities in every industry. 我在金融業工作,但每個行業都有機會。 How do you think you made it? 你認為你是怎樣成功的? Just hard work. If you like to work, come to New York. 努力工作就對了。如果你喜歡工作,就來紐約。 How much work is hard work? 怎樣算努力工作? I'm a workaholic. 我是一個工作狂。 But I think in any field, whether you're a lawyer, a banker, New York City is a place, a magnet for people who like to work hard. 但我認為,在任何領域,不論你是律師、銀行家,紐約都是一個吸引喜歡努力工作的人的地方。 Do you love what you do? 你熱愛你的工作嗎? I love what I do. 我愛我的工作。 That was great. Thank you guys so much for taking the time. 很好。非常感謝你們抽出時間。 What's been different and interesting about the story that we're not expecting is that just because someone's dressed well, doesn't mean they're rich, but they're definitely indicates more than that. 這個故事不同和有趣的地方是,即使有人穿著光鮮亮麗,也不代表他們很有錢,但這肯定暗示了更多的含義。 And there's also a lot of people who are very wealthy that don't dress well, kind of made me think about how we judge each other. 還有很多非常富有的人並沒有穿著光鮮亮麗,這讓我想到我們是如何評斷彼此的。 Definitely a lot of interesting people in New York. 在紐約肯定有很多有趣的人。 And I think one of the common themes from the variety of people that we got to chat with today, was that all of them really said you just got to keep going. 今天我們跟各種不同的人聊天時,其中一個共同的主題都是要繼續前進。 Ladies and gentlemen, if you love this video, you are gonna love this video right up here where we go talk to Supercar owners and find out what they do for a living. 女士先生們,如果你們喜歡這個影片,你們也會喜歡這部我們去訪問超跑車主,瞭解他們生活的影片。 Make sure you subscribe to the channel if you're not already. Uncle Noah loves you and I'll see you out there. 如果你還沒有訂閱記得訂閱這個頻道,諾亞叔叔愛你,我們再見。
A2 初級 中文 紐約 工作 美金 美元 行業 影片 想到紐約追夢嗎?詢問紐約百萬富翁如何成功出人頭地! (Asking New York Millionaires How To Make $1,000,000) 40137 339 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 04 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字