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TikTok is trying to tackle EU fears over data and head off a US ban.
TikTok 正試圖應付歐盟對於資料外流的擔憂並改變美國禁令。
On Wednesday, the social network unveiled a new security regime, dubbed "Project Clover", that will see it store European user data locally starting this year.
As part of the plan, it will open new data centers in Ireland and Norway.
The move comes after the app was banned from staff phones at EU institutions.
Brussels is concerned that the Chinese-owned product could be used to harvest data for Beijing.
TikTok has taken similar steps to ease concerns in the US, where it faces a mounting crackdown by lawmakers.
TikTok 已經採取類似措施已減緩美國境內的擔憂,它在當地面臨了立法人員攀升的制裁。
This week, the White House backed legislation, giving the administration powers to ban TikTok and other foreign-based technologies.
白宮於本週給予立法單位支援,給予禁止 TikTok 以及其它外來科技的行政權力。
TikTok says it is a pro-compliance company and always open to working with authorities to address problems.
TikTok 表示,它是一間支持守規的公司,並隨時願意與當局合作解決問題。
Beijing has sharply criticized global moves to crack down on the app, saying they are really a bid to limit competition.