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  • What if we told you that this year you could travel the world in just nine innings?


  • Yep, for the first time since the United States won its only title, thanks to a dramatic Adam Jones leaping catch in 2017, the World Baseball Classic has returned.

    沒錯,自從 2017 年亞當·瓊斯的驚人跳躍接球幫助美國贏得唯一的世界棒球經典賽冠軍以來,經典賽終於回歸了。

  • From Japan to Puerto Rico, Nicaragua to Israel, and everywhere in between.


  • Get your geography textbooks out because we're going positively international.


  • So quick question: What's the deal with the World Baseball Classic?


  • Now, the World Baseball Classic isn't the first international baseball competition in history.


  • In fact, the sport has been worldwide for more than 100 years.


  • Yes. Those are Major League players in front of the actual Sphinx during a world tour in 1889.

    是的,這些是大聯盟球員在 1889 年世界巡迴賽期間在真的獅身人面像前拍攝的照片。

  • Baseball has even been part of the Olympics off and on since 1904 and could be back again in the future.

    自 1904 年以來,棒球甚至時不時成為奧運的其中一個競賽項目的,而且在未來可能再次回歸。

  • And when the sport was still a fledgling child in Merry old England,


  • "Baseball is rather like an intensive form of rounders with headed pip and fouler."


  • they actually defeated the United States in a five game test series in 1938.

    英格蘭在 1938 年的五場系列賽中擊敗了美國。

  • But this year, the World Baseball Classic is the biggest ever with the overall field growing from 16 teams to 20.

    但今年,世界棒球經典賽是有史以來規模最大的一次,總參賽隊伍從 16 支增加到 20 支,

  • And they'll all be battling it out for the title of the world's best.


  • Now, if you're looking for the most top-level info like when and where, we've got you.


  • Games will be played across Taiwan, Japan, Phoenix, and Miami from March 8 to March 21.

    經典賽將於 3 月 8 日至 3 月 21 日在台灣、日本、鳳凰城和邁阿密舉行。

  • But we know you wouldn't come all the way to quick question just for something so easily googleable


  • No. You want to know who you should be watching.


  • Yes, we have traditional baseball powerhouses like Japan, whose roster features the man himself, Shohei Otani,


  • "Shohei Otani, he has done it."


  • the only player in baseball history to pitch and hit with such remarkable skill.


  • Their roster also has (a) young starter, rookie Sasaki.


  • Rookie Sasaki, I think is probably the name that you're going to hear so much in this tournament is the Japanese who basically almost threw two perfect games last year in the NPB.

    我認為新秀佐佐木是本次經典賽中很常會聽到的名字,他去年在 NPB 中幾乎投出了兩場完美的比賽。

  • He has a 100-mile-per-hour fastball.

    他的球速高達每小時 100 英里。

  • He was born in 2001. He's going to be a big star in baseball.

    他 2001 年出生。他會成為棒球界的一個明日之星。

  • Japan won the first two tournaments in 2006 and 2009 and they'll be looking to take back the title in 2023, starting by playing on their home turf in Tokyo.

    日本隊在 2006 年和 2009 年贏得了前兩場比賽,他們希望在 2023 年奪回冠軍頭銜,首戰是在東京主場的比賽,

  • But they'll have to get by South Korea, featuring Jung-hoo Lee, the reigning MVP award winner in the KBO.

    但他們必須先贏過韓國,其中包括 KBO 的衛冕 MVP,李政厚。

  • He's become a huge star in the KBO, one of the best players in that league, despite being one of the youngest. He's the son of a legendary KBO player.

    儘管他是隊中最年輕的球員之一,但他已成為 KBO 的巨星,是該聯盟中最強的球員之一。 他是 KBO 傳奇球員的兒子。

  • That's the guy that I think is gonna have potential to be one of the best Korean hitters of all time, coming over to Major League Baseball at some point.


  • Team USA's roster is equally stacked with superstars Mike Trout,


  • "Knock to the wall. That ball's gone."


  • Mookie Betts,


  • "He makes a catch."


  • Nolan Arenado,


  • "Worth the price of admission just to see him play defense."


  • And more all joining the squad in hopes of repeating their championship run after the 2017 World Baseball Classic.

    還有更多人加入這支球隊,希望在 2017 年世界棒球經典賽之後重演他們的冠軍爭奪戰。

  • But Puerto Rico who had finished second in each of the last two tournaments will do its best to finally take home the prize.


  • Whether it's with a massive homer from Francisco Lindor,


  • "What a shot."


  • A Javier Baez no look tag.


  • "He never even look at the tag."


  • or perhaps by taking over the world, one bleach-blonde head at a time.


  • And we can't forget the Dominican Republic, winners of the 2013 tournament.

    我們也不能忘記 2013 年經典賽的冠軍多明尼加共和國。

  • You may as well just call this club a dream team, with players like Rafael Devers, Sandy Alcantara, Vlad Guerrero Jr, Juan Soto and more suiting up for the DR squad.


  • Oh, and their fans, they make every matchup feel like a home game.


  • Dominican Latinos, in general, we are loud.


  • So you have the country being represented (on) such a large stage, the fans are going to go nuts.


  • The WBC, it's the best of the best.


  • That's why things are so much heart in it, that's why there's so much love and passion.


  • The point is, baseball is not just an international game but one with some incredible talent spread all around the globe.


  • So many baseball's biggest stars today are not American.


  • A lot of the big personalities in the sport are given an opportunity to shine as full people, not just as athletes.


  • But if you've ever watched the World Cup, March Madness or even a really compelling season of Top Chef, you know it's not just the obvious favorites that get you tuning in.


  • We all want an underdog story to get behind.


  • In 2017, that was team Israel and their Mensch on a bench.

    2017 年,這是以色列隊和他們坐在板凳上的 Mensch。

  • He's a mascot. He's a friend. He's a teammate.


  • Upsetting South Korea in a 2-1, 10-inning shocker that year to advance to the second round.

    他們當年以 10 局 2-1 擊敗韓國晉級第二輪。

  • And this year, your choice might be between Great Britain,


  • a team whose journey to the classic was started by Mariner's top prospect Harry Ford,


  • and finished in the aftermath of the queen's death, with the team planting the Union Jack on the field while singing God Save The King.


  • Great Britain. They was doubtin' us. We want team USA, we're going for team USA.


  • Or Chinese Taipei, who will begin their tournament by playing on their home field with Pirates prospect Tsung-che Cheng .


  • But the supreme underdog of all underdogs to watch out for is the Czech Republic.


  • Despite the nation not having a major leaguer since at least 1952, and with nearly every player playing in the local league while holding a day job,

    儘管這個國家至少從 1952 年起就沒有球員進入大聯盟了,而且幾乎每個球員在當地聯賽打球的同時要有一份正職工作,

  • they managed to upset the heavily favored Spain 3-1, to punch their ticket.

    他們成功地以 3-1 擊敗了備受青睞的西班牙隊,贏得了經典賽的入場門票。

  • We're baseball classic, the Republic of Czech.


  • The team's manager is the leading neurologist in Bruno.


  • It's best pitcher is a firefighter, missing a game every week because he has to be at the firehouse.


  • And another pitcher is the team's media manager, having to get a replacement to fill in for him when he's on the mound.


  • Trust us when we say these guys know no bounds when it comes to multitasking.


  • The whole thing starts on March 8th, and just like the World Cup, it will begin with pool play.

    整個賽事從 3 月 8 日開始,就像世界杯一樣,採取分組賽。

  • Four groups of five teams will play each other with two clubs from each advancing.


  • They'll take each other down, pitch by pitch, hit by hit, until the very end when only one team raises the trophy.


  • This is the World Baseball Classic.


  • Baseball like you've never seen before with more surprises, excitement and unbelievable talent in a month you'd least expected.


  • Are you ready?


What if we told you that this year you could travel the world in just nine innings?


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睽違六年的世界棒球經典賽即將開打!想知道今年該關注哪一支球隊,哪一個棒球巨星嗎?千萬不要錯過這支影片! (What is the World Baseball Classic? | Quick Question)

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