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  • - I have a central tenant

  • that I follow for any kind of work that I'm doing.

  • And it's this.

  • If I find myself doing something repeatedly,

  • there is a process I have to follow all the time

  • over and over again,

  • then anything I can do to make that process more efficient

  • either by making it faster,

  • removing steps or automating steps, I should do.

  • And with that idea in mind that today,

  • I would like to share with you

  • my top 10 favorite productivity apps,

  • specifically for Windows.

  • Now I've got a couple of friends

  • who have done these kind of app roundup lists for the Mac.

  • And I do use Mac OS.

  • I use a lot of those apps,

  • but I actually use Windows more often.

  • I prefer on the desktop platforms

  • and I haven't seen a whole lot of these videos

  • for us Windows folk.

  • So today I'm gonna be breaking down my top 10,

  • including the one that I think is

  • probably gonna be the most interesting for you.

  • My surprise pick, one that you're probably not

  • expecting, a pair that work insanely well together.

  • They're the ones that I'm most excited to share

  • with you in this video.

  • And finally, the one that is objectively

  • the most useful app on this list.

  • One other great thing about this list is

  • that every app on it is actually free.

  • So let's get into this list,

  • starting with the one that I think

  • you might find most interesting

  • which is an app called Sharex.

  • Sharex is a screenshot tool for Windows.

  • It's free, it's open source.

  • And I use the heck out of it

  • because I take a ton of screenshots in my work

  • and I do this for multiple different purposes.

  • I do it for content creation.

  • If you've seen any of my written

  • Notion tutorial over on my website

  • you've probably seen my screenshots and animated GIFs

  • but I also use it to communicate more efficiently

  • with my team.

  • For instance, the other day

  • my personal website had a bug on it

  • and I was able to just take screenshots

  • of the bug and send them in Slack to my developer, Martin,

  • to show him exactly what was going on.

  • It's a lot more efficient than trying to type

  • up a long description, but Sharex has a trick up

  • its sleeve that a lot of other screenshot apps do not have

  • which is optical character recognition.

  • You can actually take a screenshot

  • of some text within a picture or YouTube video

  • and it will pull that text

  • out and put it right on your clipboard.

  • So you can then paste it into your note taking application.

  • Now I should mention that there is a builtin screenshot tool

  • within Windows called Snip and Sketch

  • and it's honestly very capable.

  • You can use it

  • by hitting Windows, Key, shift S.

  • You can take screenshots

  • put 'em on your clipboard, draw on them.

  • But the editor that comes

  • within Sharex is just vastly more powerful

  • and lets you do things like adding boxes, drawing arrows

  • adding pixelation and blurring for sensitive info.

  • It's just overall a lot better.

  • And that's why I personally like using it

  • over Snip and Sketch.

  • Now there are a couple of little tweaks

  • that I add to share X to make it a little bit better.

  • First I add multiple hot keys for different jobs.

  • So I like to use control shift F to add a screenshot

  • directly to my clipboard

  • or control shift C to open up the editor

  • so I can make boxes or arrows or what have you.

  • And then I use control shift alt C

  • if I want to use the optical character recognition

  • and pull text out of an image.

  • And I also configure my default screenshots

  • to live inside of Google drive.

  • So all my screenshots are available

  • to me across all my different devices.

  • App number two on this list is called Quick Look.

  • And if you've ever used Mac OS you probably

  • know there is a function built

  • into the operating system called Quick Look

  • which is sadly absent on Windows.

  • Well, this app brings it in there.

  • Now in Mac OS

  • Quick Look is a function in finder

  • where you can basically click

  • on a file without opening it

  • and see information about that file in the sidebar.

  • You can see an image preview,

  • if it's an image, you can see text inside of a text file.

  • And the Quick Look app inside

  • the Microsoft Windows store adds this to Windows.

  • You can click on a file and without opening it

  • you can just hit the space bar to preview it.

  • Now, this is less useful for really simple file types

  • like images or text because notepad

  • and the Windows photo viewer open pretty quickly

  • but this also works on Photoshop files.

  • So I can preview Photoshop files

  • in a very big window without open up Photoshop.

  • I can open up animated GIFs or videos

  • and preview them without launching a dedicated app for it.

  • So overall really useful tool.

  • And I love that it has a button that'll let me

  • make the preview stay on top of other windows,

  • as I sometimes want to say, take a screenshot

  • and make sure it floats on top of something else,

  • just so I can reference it.

  • App number three on this list

  • and you probably saw this coming, is Notion.

  • I can't make this list complete

  • without Notion because I use it every single day.

  • And there is in fact desktop app.

  • So I can use it directly on Windows

  • which means I'm not breaking the rules of this list.

  • Now I do have a confession to make,

  • which is that I think that Mac OS has a greater number

  • of top tier note-taking applications than Windows does.

  • It has Ulysses, it has Bear

  • and has Apple Notes, which is frankly fantastic.

  • But at this point, notion has made enough improvements both

  • in its speed and in fixing some

  • of the annoyances I used to have with it

  • that it is now my favorite note taking application,

  • in particular, just recently,

  • they fixed the bug where you couldn't select text precisely

  • across blocks, which was actually kind of a bug

  • in pretty much all based text editors.

  • I think Whimsical was the first one to really fix it

  • at least that I noticed, but now Notion has done as well

  • which means that I can select text

  • like I could in a regular word processor like Google docs.

  • And that means I can write

  • and I can edit precisely inside of Notion

  • and Notion runs a lot more than just my note taking.

  • In fact, I run my entire content

  • creation process inside of Notion.

  • We capture ideas there, we run the entire content pipeline

  • in there from research, to scripting to editing.

  • And we even have a library of all of our past videos

  • so we can pull information from them when we need it.

  • That system is called Creators Companion.

  • I've actually turned it into a template

  • and you can check it out

  • And for personal productivity,

  • I like to manage my tasks in notion.

  • I have a full template for that.

  • I do my note taking in Notion,

  • but what I've really wanted ever

  • since I discovered this app is a full

  • on second brain template.

  • Something would marry tasks and projects and notes

  • and goals and have them all work in harmony.

  • I've been kicking around with this design

  • in my head for a very long time.

  • It's very tough to get right

  • to get the UX to be easily usable,

  • so it won't turn into a mess later on

  • but I think I'm just about done designing this template.

  • And I've got a second channel called Thomas Frank explains.

  • It's all about Notion build guides and tutorials.

  • So if you are interested

  • in that kind of thing, check that channel out.

  • I'll have it link the description down below

  • and let's move on to our fourth app in this list

  • which actually takes our award

  • for the most surprising app on the list.

  • And it's actually Microsoft Edge.

  • The browser that comes built into Windows.

  • Yes, I have had Microsoft popping up little things

  • telling me to switch over from Chrome to edge for years now

  • but I've always ignored it until I looked

  • up some stats and found out

  • that Edge is actually a faster browser than Chrome.

  • And I was getting kind of tired of Chrome

  • just hogging up tons of resources on my system.

  • So I decided to give Edge a try.

  • And what do you know?

  • It's actually kind of great.

  • At this point, it's built on top of Chromium

  • which is the engine that Chrome is built on.

  • So it's very familiar.

  • All the keyboard shortcuts are the same and crucially

  • you can install extensions

  • from the Chrome Web store into Edge.

  • Pretty much any extension that works inside

  • of Chrome now works in Edge,

  • which means that I'm not losing anything

  • by making the switch.

  • And I'm gaining quite a few things.

  • Number one, Edge does feel snappier and it feels

  • like it takes up less resources than Chrome does.

  • There's even a built in feature that will put tabs to sleep

  • after two hours by default, if you're not using them

  • which frees up system resources even more.

  • But maybe my favorite feature on Edge

  • is if you go up to your tab bar and right click

  • you can turn on vertical tabs,

  • which will move your tabs from being a horizontal list

  • across the top of the bar to a vertical list on the side,

  • which means that even if you are a tab hoarder like I am,

  • you can still see the names

  • of all your tabs, which you cannot do in Chrome

  • without a third party extension.

  • App number five on the list

  • is actually one that is built

  • right into Windows and it's the Windows Clipboard Manager.

  • So if you've ever used a clipboard before

  • if you've ever copied and pasted

  • you probably know that the clipboard is one

  • of the most useful functions in any operating system.

  • But by default, it has one major limitation.

  • It only remembers the last thing you copied.

  • It's a lot more useful

  • if you have clipboard history turned on

  • so you can see everything you've copied

  • and you can go back and paste something old.

  • And that is exactly what the clipboard history feature does.

  • So if you wanna turn it on

  • all you gotta do is hit Windows key V.

  • It will ask you if you wanna turn it on,

  • and then you can even sync your clipboard history

  • across devices, if you want to.

  • I don't do that because I put passwords on my

  • clipboard and I don't really like the idea

  • of having it transmitted across anything

  • that isn't into my Password Manager

  • but it is an option if you want to use it.

  • And that brings us to one

  • of two apps that I am personally most excited to share

  • with you in this video.

  • These two apps work really well as a pair.

  • So that first app is called Flow Launcher.

  • And all Flow Launcher does is bring up a small text window

  • on your computer when you hit a key command

  • by default alt space.

  • But once it's there, you can type commands

  • to do pretty much anything on your computer

  • quite a bit faster than you would by doing it normally.

  • Again, we're going back to that concept

  • of taking repeat processes and making them more efficient.

  • So with Flow Launcher, I can launch websites.

  • I can do Google searches.

  • I can bring up files or directories on my computer.

  • I can even do calculations quite a bit faster

  • than I would with the stock calculator app.

  • And I can even control Spotify.

  • I can type SP in the name

  • of a playlist or a song and I can start playing it.

  • I can turn on shuffle.

  • I can do all kinds of cool stuff.

  • I absolutely love Flow Launcher.

  • And you can customize the heck out of it to just bring

  • up this little thing and do stuff quite a bit faster.

  • And I'm just gonna roll right

  • into the seventh app of the list

  • which is called Espanso.

  • And Espanso is a text expander app

  • which you'll find very useful

  • if you often find yourself typing the same long strings

  • of text, like your email address or common URLs

  • or if you do customer support or something,

  • the same exact response to customers.

  • You can define these very short key snippets

  • that when you type they automatically expand

  • into that longer snippet of text.

  • So for instance

  • I can type EMT to auto expand my email address.

  • I can type PWF to auto expand my Notion fundamentals URL

  • which I'm constantly pasting inside of comments.

  • I can even expand really

  • really long strings of text as well.

  • And I personally love Espanso more than then say

  • Auto Hot Key, which I used to use for this purpose

  • because Espanso also comes

  • with a search bar that you can bring

  • up very similar to Flow Launchers,

  • but you can search your snippets

  • and then automatically paste them without having

  • to type the entire thing, which is really, really nice.

  • And I'm putting Flow Launcher and Espanso together

  • because in my workflow, they work very well in tandem.

  • Personally, I have to bring

  • up a lot of different directories on my computer very often.

  • I've got one for video thumbnails.

  • I've got one for current projects being edited.

  • I've got one for my second channel.

  • So I've defined little key snippets in Espanso

  • that I can type into Flow Launcher to automatically

  • launch those directories way quicker

  • than I would get to them if I was navigating normally

  • and to continue my complaints

  • about Windows Explorer, we're gonna move on

  • to app number eight, which is called Everything.

  • And Everything is a simple utility that lets you

  • search your files and folders

  • and Windows because Windows's folder search

  • and file search is famously slow.

  • It takes forever.

  • And for whatever reason, everything indexes your hard drive

  • and lets you search pretty much instantly.

  • Now there was also an Everything plugin for Flow Launcher.

  • So you can actually use Flow Launcher

  • to search your computer pretty well,

  • but sometimes you're looking for a file

  • and you wanna be able to browse a lot more

  • on your screen than Flow Launcher will show you.

  • So I also recommend having everything installed

  • by default so you can use it when you need it.

  • App number nine on this list is good old Google Drive.

  • I don't think this list would be complete without

  • an app that gets files off

  • of your computer and syncs them to another destination,

  • so they're backed up

  • and also available on other devices as well.

  • Google Drive, I think is the best option still

  • even though there is also a Dropbox

  • and OneDrive and other options because for free,

  • they give you the most storage space.

  • They give you 15 gigs

  • versus OneDrive's five and Dropbox is paltry two.

  • And my tip for using Google Drive efficiently

  • is to ignore the documents, pictures, music

  • all those different directories on your computer

  • and instead create a sort

  • of root file system within your Google Drive folder.

  • That way you're gonna have a single place that you know

  • to go to, to start looking for files,

  • if you're not choosing to search for them

  • using say Everything.

  • And that brings us to our final app on this list

  • which is probably objectively the most useful app

  • out of any that I've covered here.

  • And that is F.lux or maybe F.lux

  • if you wanna pronounce it that way.

  • This is a very small tiny utility that does one thing

  • as it gets closer to dark,

  • to your bedtime, it dims your screen and it makes it warmer.

  • And the reason it does this is that light,

  • be it artificial light

  • or sunlight messes with our circadian rhythms.

  • There's a little part of your brand called

  • the suprachiasmatic nucleus that is connected to your

  • eyes and when your eyes intake light waves

  • it essentially adjusts your circadian rhythm

  • and it can make it harder to fall asleep

  • or to get quality sleep,

  • if you're exposed to artificial light late at night.

  • And as it turns out, blue light affects this more

  • than other types of visible light.

  • So the idea behind F.lux and the idea

  • behind those blue blocker glasses you probably heard

  • about is it gets rid of some

  • of that blue light and possibly makes it easier

  • for you to fall asleep or to have better quality sleep.

  • So if you find yourself on the computer late

  • at night or on your phone late at night,

  • using something like F.lux

  • may actually help you sleep better.

  • And as we've talked about in many different videos

  • sleep is one of the three pillars of health

  • with the other two being your nutrition

  • and your exercise,

  • that really form the foundation

  • of your ability to get things done.

  • So all these other tools we've talked

  • about are kind of just, you know, extra icing

  • on the cake.

  • F.lux may actually help you live a more

  • healthy life and hence a more productive one.

  • Now, earlier I talked

  • about how Notion was my constant companion

  • for my video production process.

  • One of my most essential tools

  • for getting these videos done and done more efficiently.

  • Let me share one additional resource that really helps

  • with my video production process as well.

  • And that is Story Blocks, who have kindly

  • sponsored this video.

  • If you are a creator, if you make videos like I do

  • you definitely want to check out Story Blocks

  • because they give you access to a library

  • of more than 1 million creative assets

  • that you get unlimited access to use inside your content.

  • That includes a B roll and stock footage.

  • It includes sound effects and music.

  • So you can level up your sound design.

  • It includes After Effects templates, motion graphics

  • templates, tons of stuff that can level up your content.

  • And to give you a bit

  • of an insight to our actual video production process

  • we cut down this talking head footage

  • to what we call an A roll cut.

  • At that point, my team and I come up with B roll ideas

  • to go on top of that A roll

  • and we do shoot some of that B or selves

  • but often there are shots that we just can't get on our own.

  • And Story Blocks allows us to get a lot of that

  • which allows us to make our content a lot more engaging.

  • And another great thing about Story Blocks

  • is that they are extremely affordable.

  • Normally if you wanna license stock footage

  • a lot of sites wanna charge you hundreds

  • of dollars per clip, seriously, but with Story Blocks

  • you have one low subscription that gets you unlimited access

  • to as many assets as you want.

  • And they have plans to fit pretty much any budget

  • whether you're a solo creator or running a large team.

  • So if you wanna start leveling up your content

  • and get started, go over to

  • to sign up or go to the link right there on screen.

  • If you do choose to use Story Blocks, thank you so much

  • for supporting my sponsors.

  • This is a great to support this channel as well.

  • Hopefully you enjoyed this.

  • If you found something useful,

  • maybe a brand new tool

  • that's gonna help your workflow

  • hit that like button for the algorithm.

  • And if you're looking for something else to watch

  • I've got a great companion video for this one

  • on the best browser extensions for productivity

  • or if you are a Notion user, I just made a brand new video

  • on 10 things you might be doing wrong

  • in your Notion workspace.

  • check those out and I'll see yet in the next one.

- I have a central tenant


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B1 中級 美國腔

2022 年 10 個最佳 Windows 生產力應用程序(The 10 Best Windows Productivity Apps in 2022)

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    Kerwin 發佈於 2023 年 03 月 04 日