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  • Describe your first kiss.

    - [攝像師]描述一下你的初吻。

  • I think it was, like, after a party in high school on, like, a bean bag,

    - 我想這是在高中的一個聚會之後。

  • and his dad busted into the party and actually, like, took him off.


  • It was really scarring.


  • Tell me about your first kiss.

    - [攝像師]告訴我你的初吻。

  • My first kiss.

    - 我的初吻。- 呃。

  • What a memory.

    - 多麼美好的回憶。(笑)

  • Well...

    - 嗯...

  • - I was 11. - 12.

    - 我當時11歲。- 12.

  • I was 13 and I got dared to kiss Daniel Spalding and I, like, forgot to close my eyes.

    - 我13歲的時候,我被敢於親吻丹尼爾-斯波爾丁。而我忘了閉上眼睛。

  • We were playing suck and blow, and he purposefully dropped the dollar so I would have to kiss him,

    - 我們在玩吸和吹的遊戲他故意丟掉了美元 所以我必須吻他,然後。

  • and then he just, like, shoved his tongue in my mouth.


  • When was it?

    - [攝像師]什麼時候的事?

  • I know exactly when it was; it was

    - 我很清楚那是什麼時候。那是...

  • June 15th, 2016.

    - 2016年6月15日。

  • Think I was in, like, the 7th grade at a dance.

    - 我當時好像是在七年級的一個舞會上。

  • We were dancing; she leans back and says, "Have you ever kissed a lady before?"

    - 我們在跳舞。她向後靠了靠,說。 "你以前吻過女士嗎?"

  • - No. - Do you want to?


  • Yeah.


  • I remember him leaning over to me.

    - 我記得他靠在我身邊。

  • He had just eaten a tuna sandwich.

    - 他剛剛吃了一個金槍魚三明治。

  • His brother was playing World of Warcraft in the same room.

    - 他的弟弟在玩《魔獸世界》。在同一個房間裡。

  • And then he kissed me, and then afterwards, he was like, "Could you give me a hand job?" and I was like, "No."

    - 然後他吻了我,之後又吻了我。他說,"你能給我打打下手嗎?" 我當時想,"不。"

  • - Were you nervous? - I was crazy nervous.

    - [攝像師]你緊張嗎?- 我當時緊張得要命。

  • Probably was, like, sweating profusely.

    - 可能是像大汗淋漓。

  • I remember being really nervous and, like, asking my friends how to do it in middle school.

    - 我記得當時真的很緊張,就像。在中學時,我曾問過我的朋友如何做。

  • And were you like practicing on them or something?

    - [攝像師]那你是如何練習的?在他們身上還是什麼?

  • No, no!

    - 不,(笑)不!

  • - My first kiss⏤ - ... was in ninth grade.

    - 我的初吻 --- 當時在九年級。

  • - ... during a basketball game. - ... under a church pew.

    - 在一場籃球比賽中。- 在一個教堂的長椅下。

  • - ... on a river bank. - It was in a elevator.

    - 在一個河岸上。- 這是在一個電梯裡。

  • We were in his room, we sat on his floor.

    - 我們在他的房間裡,我們坐在他的地板上。

  • We were on a dock, looking up at the stars.

    - 我們在一個碼頭上仰望星空。

  • Describe your first kiss.

    - [攝像師]描述一下你的初吻。

  • I had been dating this guy for maybe, like, a week and we went to see a movie.

    - 我和這個人約會大概有一個星期了我們去看了一場電影。

  • - What movie? - "Finding Nemo".

    - [攝像師]什麼電影?- 海底撈》。

  • "Pirates of the Caribbean II"?

    - 加勒比海盜之二?

  • And the credits music of "Pirates" is really dramatic to kiss somebody to, especially for your first kiss.


  • We were watching "Pulp Fiction" in his basement.

    - 我們在他的地下室裡看《紙漿小說》。

  • It, like, went to credits, and then the credits eventually went to black.


  • My heart started beating really fast and I was like, "Oh, fuck."

    - 我的心臟開始跳動得非常快我當時想,"哦,他媽的"。

  • And who made the first move?

    - [攝像師]誰先動的手?

  • - She did! - He made the first move.

    - 她做到了!- 他邁出了第一步。

  • I started off by, like ,devouring his face, and he, like, pushed me away and said,

    - 我一開始就像吞噬了他的臉一樣他好像把我推開了,說。

  • "No, slow down. This is how we're gonna do it."


  • So, he, like, grabbed me, spun me around, and then dipped, and then basically was, like

    - 所以,他就像,抓住我,把我轉了一圈然後浸泡,然後基本上是像(漱口) --

  • And was there tongue?

    - [攝像師]有舌頭嗎?

  • Yes. Yeah.

    - 是的。是的(笑)。

  • He used way too much tongue, not even completely in the mouth.

    - 他用了太多的舌頭。甚至不完全在口中。

  • - It was a lot of slobbering. - A lot of saliva over my face.

    - 這是一個很大的口水問題。- 我的臉上有很多口水。

  • I ended up whole-mouth kissing above all of her lips.

    - 我最後在上面全口吻了一下她所有的嘴脣。

  • Lots of, like, big big mouths, like, big mouth.

    - 很多人喜歡,大嘴,喜歡大嘴。

  • I think we missed, like, 5 or 6 times.

    - 我想我們好像錯過了五、六次。

  • It was just like a smush of faces.

    - 這就像一張臉的粉碎。(親吻)

  • And I was like, "Is this... is this how everybody does it?"

    - 我當時想,"大家都是這樣做的嗎?"

  • I was thankful my mom called me in the middle of it to end the kiss.

    - 我很感激我媽媽在中間給我打電話來結束這個吻。

  • Was is enjoyable?

    - [攝像師]很愉快嗎?

  • I wouldn't say that.

    - 嗯,我不會這麼說。

  • Do you remember it?

    - [攝像師]你記得嗎?

  • - Unfortunately. - I don't remember my first kiss.

    - 不幸的是。- 我不記得我的初吻了。

  • I can't remember it.

    - 我不記得了。

  • My first kiss was interesting because we had grown up together.

    - 我的初吻很有趣,因為我們曾一起長大。

  • So, he was sort of like a brother.


  • That's the only thing that made it weird.


  • She was Peruvian, so she had, like, really nice, dark, black hair, and she was hot.

    - 她是祕魯人,所以她有像真的很好。她有一頭烏黑的頭髮,而且很性感。

  • I mean, for... being 12.


  • So awkward.


  • It was in a car sitting in the backseat; my mom actually told him he should kiss me.

    - 這是在一輛汽車裡,坐在後座上。我媽媽實際上告訴他,他應該吻我。

  • He gave me, like, a quick peck on the cheek, and then he was driven home.


  • It was really awkward.


  • What was his name?

    - [攝像師]他叫什麼名字?

  • - Trevor. - Andrew.

    - 特雷弗。- 安德魯。

  • - Nate. - Justin.

    - 內特。- 賈斯汀。

  • - Hannah. - Diana.

    - 漢娜。- 戴安娜。

  • - Maria. - Mike Lima.

    - 瑪麗亞。- 邁克-利馬。

  • Ooph, if hhe ees this, ugh.

    - 當他看到這個,唉。

  • I honestly don't remember his name; Kevin, Ryan, one of those dude names.

    - 說實話,我不記得他的名字了。凱文,瑞安,這些花花公子的名字之一。

  • His name was Tyler Hojanaki.

    - 他的名字叫泰勒-胡亞納基。

  • Do you know where he's at now?

    - [攝像師]你知道他現在在哪裡嗎?

  • No idea; I wish I did, thoughdang, you gonna make me hunt this boy down.

    - 不,我沒有,但我希望我有。當,你會讓我追捕這個男孩。

  • Why... why do you want to hunt him down?

    - [攝像師]你為什麼要追捕他?

  • He put his mouth on me; I should know where he lives.

    - 他把他的嘴放在我身上。我應該知道他住在哪裡。

  • Describe your first kiss.

    - [攝像師]描述一下你的初吻。

  • First kiss or, like, first real kiss?

    - 初吻還是像,真正的初吻?

  • Real kiss.

    - [攝像師]真正的吻。- 呃... (笑)

  • - It was horrible. - I did not like it.

    - 這很可怕。- 我不喜歡它。

  • My first kiss was in the closet of my church during Bible study.

    - 我的初吻是在教堂的壁櫥裡在學習聖經期間。

  • What thoughts were running through your head?

    - [攝像師]你腦子裡有什麼想法?

  • Oh, my gosh, we're gonna get in trouble; does this mean we're not going to Heaven any more?

    - 哦,我的天哪,我們會有麻煩的。這是否意味著我們不會再去天堂了?

  • I was so guilty; I told my pastor immediately.

    - 我是如此的內疚。我立即告訴我的牧師。

  • Did you get a boner?

    - [攝像師]你勃起了嗎?(笑)

  • Yeah; she broke up with me the next day.

    - 呃,是的。第二天她就和我分手了。

  • My first kiss.

    - 我的初吻。

  • I think the girl said something about, "Aw, that was sweet."


  • And then we were only ever friends.


  • I was 14, she was 18, and we kissed in the rain on her front steps, and now I'm gay.

    - 我14歲,她18歲我們在雨中在她門前的臺階上接吻 而現在我是同志(笑)。

  • Even though you were gay, did you still enjoy the kiss?

    - [攝像師]即使你是同志。你還喜歡這個吻嗎?

  • Oh, yeah, it was still a pretty good kiss.

    - 哦,是的,這仍然是一個相當好的吻。

  • Did you tell everyone afterwards?

    - [攝像師]事後你有沒有告訴大家?

  • I told my mom, which, thinking back on it, was pretty gay.

    - 我告訴我媽媽,這回想起來。是相當同志。

  • I guess my first, like, real kiss was after I came out.

    - 我想我的第一個真正的吻是在我出來之後。

  • All the other kisses before that, not real.


  • I was on the streets of Rome with a guy named Fabio.

    - 我和一個叫法比奧的人在羅馬的街頭。

  • I remember being, like, "This is it," like, that's what it's supposed to feel like.


  • And then, that's when I really knew I was gay.

    - 然後,那時候我才真正知道我是同志。

  • Describe your first kiss.

    - [攝像師]描述一下你的初吻。

  • - Oh, God. - Oh.

    - 哦,上帝。- 哦。

  • - It's a revelation. - I felt like the man.

    - 這是一個啟示。- 我覺得自己就是那個人。

  • How old were you?

    - [攝像師]你當時多大了?

  • - 18? - 18.

    - 18?- 18.

  • - 21.

    - 21.

  • I actually haven't had my first kiss yet.

    - 事實上,我還沒有過初吻。

  • - How old are you? - Yeah. I just turned 20.

    - [攝像師]你多大了?- 我剛滿20歲。

  • I mean, if anyone comes along, I'm right here.


  • I was old; I was 22.

    - 我很老了,當時我22歲。

  • Do you still know him?

    - [攝像師]你還認識他嗎?

  • Yeah, I still know him, yeah.

    - 是的,我仍然認識他,是的。

  • We're marriedno, we're not; we're not married, no.


  • Wouldn't that be a great story?


  • My first kiss.

    - 我的初吻。

  • Do you remember who it was?

    - [攝像師]你記得是誰嗎?

  • My husband.

    - 我的丈夫。

  • - That... that... - He was the only person you ever kissed?

    - [攝像師]他是你唯一親吻過的人?

  • Yes.

    - 是的。

  • And what was it like?

    - [攝像師]那是什麼樣子的?

  • I don't think it was... I was too impressed with it.

    - 我不認為我對它印象太深(笑)。

Describe your first kiss.

- [攝像師]描述一下你的初吻。

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