字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Well hey there! I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! 嘿!各位!我是mmmEnglish的Emma Welcome to my channel! 歡迎來到我的頻道! Notice that I said "Welcome to my channel"? 有注意到嗎?我是說“Welcome TO my channel” Not "Welcome for my channel" 而非“Welcome FOR my channel” You're probably here for learning English, right? 你大概是來學(for learning)英文的,對吧? To learn English, right? 還是來學(to learn)英文的? Man, those little words 'to' and 'for', they're so tiny 老兄,to與for這兩個字還真小 but when they're used as prepositions in English 不過,當它們在英語句中用作介係詞時 sentences, grammar can get quite confusing! 那文法可能就令人頭暈腦脹 Can't it? 不是嗎 I'm sure that you've been confused by these words 我敢說兩個字曾令你混淆不清 at some point. 我敢說兩個字曾令你混淆不清 So in this lesson, 所以在這堂課中 I'll go over them in a little detail 我會詳細介紹它們 so that you can feel more confident using them 這樣你寫或講英文時 while you write, while you speak in English. 用到它們能更有信心 Prepositions in general are pretty easy to confuse. 一般來說,介係詞很容易搞混 For some of you, part of the problem is that 對於你們某些人而言 with these prepositions, you're thinking about 問題有部分是出在你思考時 the way that you use them in your own language 你會被這些字在你的語言中的用法干擾 not how they're used in English and it can be different. 而偏離它們在英語中的用法 For example, 舉例 Spanish and Portuguese speakers often use 英語中我們用介係詞on與in的地方 the preposition 'en' 英語中我們用介係詞on與in的地方 where in English we use both 'on' and 'in'. 西班牙語和葡萄牙語者則常都是用en Two separate words with very different uses in English. 在英文中這兩個字個別的用法差異很大 So part of the challenge when you're learning is 因此,學習過程中所面臨的挑戰之一便是 understanding how to use them separately in English 去理解在英語中它們分別該如何使用 and what the difference is, when to use one or the other. 不同點在哪,以及個別的使用時機 Some languages don't really rely on prepositions 有些語言甚至不太需要靠介係詞溝通 much at all. I mean sometimes English prepositions 有時候英文介係詞的使用沒什麼邏輯可言 don't have a lot of logic to them. They don't always 並非總是有規則可循 make sense. And for all of these reasons, 基於上述原因 English prepositions must be learned and practised 學習英文介係詞時必須連同上下文一起帶入 in context with other words. 學習英文介係詞時必須連同上下文一起帶入 So we won't focus too much on each individual 這堂課我們將不會著重於各個介係詞本身 preposition in this lesson. 這堂課我們將不會著重於各個介係詞本身 We'll look at words that they're often used with. 我們將著重於那些常跟介係詞聯用的字詞 And just before we get started, you might be interested 在我們開始前 in some of the other lessons that I've made 我製作了其他關於介係詞的課程,你可能會感興趣 about prepositions. My playlist's up there. 我的播放清單在上面這邊 I've made lessons about in, on, at, by. 關於in、on、at、by等一堆其他介係詞的課程 Lots of other prepositions. 關於in、on、at、by等一堆其他介係詞課程 But back to these two prepositions 現在回到我們今天要談的這兩個介係詞 we're talking about today. 現在回到我們今天要談的這兩個介係詞 Sometimes, using the wrong preposition doesn't affect 有時用錯介係詞對你句子的意思不會有太大影響 the meaning of your sentence too much. 有時用錯介係詞對你句子的意思不會有太大影響 Native speakers will recognise the mistake, 母語人士能認得出錯誤 but they probably won't correct you on it because 但他們大概不會因此而糾正你 they'll still understand you. 因為他們還是能理解你在說什麼 But with these two prepositions, they can often be used 這兩個介係詞在句法上常可相互置換 in place of each other and sometimes, 這兩個介係詞在句法上常可相互置換 the meaning completely changes. 但有時候意思完全變了 So here's what I'm going to do in this lesson. 所以這堂課我要做的是 I'm going to talk about the uses of 'to'. 我會談到to的用法 I'm going to talk about the uses of 'for'. 會談到for的用法 And then I'm going to talk about the times 然後我會講分別該使用to或for的時機 when you could use either 'to' or 'for'. 然後我會講分別該使用to或for的時機 And that's where things get a little confusing! 那邊就會開始有點令人困惑了 Make sure you stick around until the end of the lesson 請堅持到這堂課結束 because later on, I'm going to teach you some common 因為稍後我要教你一些用到to和for的字詞搭配 word collocations using 'to' and 'for' 因為稍後我要教你一些用到to和for的字詞搭配 so you can stop guessing which one you need to use 這樣你就不必再猜該用哪個 and just know which is the right one. 因為你知道正確的那個 And before we get started, make sure you subscribe 在開始之前 to the channel just by clicking that red button 記得按下方那紅色按鈕訂閱我們頻道 down there so that you can keep up-to-date 記得按下方那紅色按鈕訂閱我們頻道 with what's happening. 這樣你就能持續掌握最新上傳 Okay, let's start! 好,我們開始吧! When should you use the preposition 'to'? 何時該用介係詞to? So, you can use 'to' when there is some kind of 當提及從一處移至另一處的概念時,就用to movement from one place to another. 當提及從一處移至另一處的概念時,就用to Now keep in mind, this doesn't only relate to 要記得,不僅只適用於具體的移動或動作 physical movement and action. 要記得,不僅只適用於具體的移動或動作 It could also relate to other types of movement. 其他形式的移動也可以 We can use 'to' when there's some kind of transfer to的使用時機包括:當某種轉移發生時 happening or something is being moved 或某物從一處移往另一處,例如一個目的地 from one place to another - a destination. 或某物從一處移往另一處,例如一個目的地 Something is being moved to somewhere or something. 某物在被移至某處 Right? 對吧? So there's movement, of course, (你通常是搭公車上班嗎?) in the direction to work. The destination is work. 這其中當然有移動的概念 Now I'm going to give you a few other examples 前往上班地點,目的地是工作場所 and I want you to pay attention to the destination 現在我再舉幾個例子 or the direction being described in each one. 注意每個例子中所描述的目的地或方向 Now if you're talking about distance, 注意每個例子中所描述的目的地或方向 you should also use 'to', (若你覺得不舒服,就應該跟醫生說) since distance is the length or the time (你能不能很快跑一趟店家?) from one place to another - to a destination. (他們邀我們去他們家晚餐) Now we also use 'to' when we're talking about 若是在講距離,也應該用to time and the amount of time between two points in time 若是在講距離,也應該用to Of course, we use it when telling the time, right? 因為距離指從一處至另一處的長度或時間 When we're talking about one point in time 因為距離指從一處至另一處的長度或時間 to another point in time, we can also use 'to' (從我家到辦公室只有六公里) From this time to that time. to也用於描述時間 So this is a period from this time to that time. 以及兩個時間點之間的時間量 That's the direction, that's the movement. 當然我們也用to來報時,對吧? Now if there are two things and you'd like (再過一刻鐘便是七點) one of those things a little more than the other, (再過五分鐘就八點) you prefer it, right? 當提及一個時間點到另一個時間點 You prefer one thing to the other. 我們也可以使用to I like chocolate ice cream more than vanilla. (超市從九點開門營業至晚上七點) It's way better obviously! (我每週週一至週四研讀英文) And I would rather have chocolate ice cream. 從這個時間點到那個時間點 Not me! I love coffee! 所以是從此時間點到彼時間點的期間 Okay, what about you now? I want you to 就是這個方向,這個移動 tell me about some of your preferences 若現在有兩個東西 in the comments below. 而你想要其中之一,多過你想要另一個 So make sure you're comparing two things 那我們會說你偏好其中之一,是吧? and that you're using the preposition 'to'. 你偏好一個東西多過(to)另一個 I prefer summer to winter, for example. (我偏好巧克力冰淇淋多過香草冰淇淋) Add it to the comments. 我喜歡巧克力冰淇淋勝過香草口味的 Now, we can also use 'to' to talk about the point 巧克力口味明顯美味多了 where something finishes or ends. 我更願意吃巧克力冰淇淋 It's the limit that you can't go past. (他偏好騎腳踏車多過走路) So in this situation, talking about limits, (你偏好茶勝於咖啡嗎?) you may also hear the phrasal verb 'up to' 我沒有!我超愛咖啡! The water came up to my knees. 好,現在看你的了 during the high season. 我要你在下面的評論中告訴我一些你的偏好 Okay I want to check you've been paying attention. 我要你在下面的評論中告訴我一些你的偏好 Okay? Time for a quick quiz. 記得你是要比較兩個東西 What are the four different situations where 而且是要用介係詞to we commonly see the preposition 'to' being used? 例如,比起冬天,我更喜歡夏天 The four situations that I just talked about. 把它寫進評論中 Write them in the comments. 我們也可以用to來指稱事物完結之處 Quickly! You've got ten seconds! 我們也可以用to來指稱事物完結之處 Direction or destination. 是無法超過的界限 Time. 洪水氾濫期間,水淹到了我膝蓋處 The time between two points. 在這種情況,講到界限 Preference. 你可能還會聽到片語動詞up to And the limit or the endpoint of something. 水淹到了我的膝蓋 Right? 旺季時票價可高達每張200元 Nice! 我要檢查一下你有沒有在注意聽 Let's check out what 'for' is used for now. 隨堂小考時間~ So we can talk about benefits using 'for'. 我們常見的四個不同的to使用時機為何? The positive effects or results of something. 我們常見的四個不同的to使用時機為何? So we can use 'for'. 我剛才談到的四種情況 For example, one of the benefits of eating ginger 將它們寫在評論中 is that it helps your immune system. 快!給你十秒鐘! So.. 方向或目的地 Right? That's a benefit. 時間點,或兩時間點間的一段時間 We also use 'for' to talk about time. 時間點,或兩時間點間的一段時間 We use it when we're doing something over a 偏好 period of time. 以及事物的界限或完結 So when something has happened for a number of 對吧? hours, days, weeks, months, years.. 很好! you get the idea, right? 現在我們來看看for用在什麼地方 We do something for a duration, 我們可以用for來提及好處 a period of time. 事物的正向影響或結果 Wait a second. 此時就可以用for Notice how all of those examples are using 比如說,食用薑的好處之一是 the perfect tense? 它對你的免疫系統有益 'For' is often used when talking about time in this way. 所以 You can actually check the lesson that I made about (薑對你的免疫系統很好) the present perfect tense and using 'for' and 'since' (每天運動對你的健康很好) right here. 那是好處沒錯吧 I'll link to it at the end of this lesson as well 我們還用for來講述時間 so you can keep watching this one now. 當我們描述做某事做了一段時間,就用for If you do something to help someone out 當我們描述做某事做了一段時間,就用for or do something nice, 當事情進行了幾小時、幾天、幾週、幾個月、幾年 then you are doing something for them. 當事情進行了幾小時、幾天、幾週、幾個月、幾年 You'll see from these examples that 你知道我的意思 this is an important one to know 我們做一件事持續一個期間,一段時間 so that you can ask someone for a favour. 我們做一件事持續一個期間,一段時間 "Can you please do something for me?" (他們已在這城鎮住了三年) This is a helpful phrase, right? A helpful one to know. (你研讀醫學多久了?)