字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys, welcome to Lingual Marina. 嗨,大家好,歡迎來到 Lingual Marina。 Whenever people ask me, Marina, what is the best way to learn English? 每當有人問我,Marina,什麼是學習英語的最佳方法? I tell them practice every day. 我都會告訴他們:每天練習。 And by practicing for only 20 minutes, you can reach your goals in English pretty fast. 只要練習 20 分鐘,就能很快達到你的英語目標。 So in this video, I'm going to present you my 20 minutes daily learning routine that you can use for learning English. 在這支影片中,我會介紹我的 20 分鐘日常學習流程,幫助你學習英語。 I'm gonna give you resources where you can go and practice. 我會提供資訊,告訴你能去哪練習。 They're completely free. 這些資源都是完全免費的。 We're gonna talk about different things that you can do during the day to improve your language. 也會講到在一天之中可以做的,幫助提升語言程度的事。 Before we start, I wanted to tell you about something that inspired me to create this daily routine, daily practice. 在開始之前,先來講講啟發我創造這個學習法,每日練習的東西。 My younger daughter, Emily, she's three years old. 我的小女兒 Emily 今年三歲。 She just started like a mini school for kids, where they practice every day for just 10 minutes. 她剛進一個小型幼稚園,在那他們每天會練習 10 分鐘。 They're doing basic stuff connecting dots learning words. 做些基本的練習,畫線連接點跟學習單詞。 But the key thing there, and it's called Kumon, Japanese system. 關鍵是... 這套日本引學習系統叫 Kumon The key thing there is daily repetition, just for 10 minutes. 這套系統的關鍵在於每天重複,每天只要 10 分鐘。 And 10 minutes for your brain is like nothing. 10 分鐘對你的大腦來說根本不算什麼。 You're like, I'm gonna sit down for just 10 minutes. I'm fine 就像,我得坐下學習 10 分鐘,小菜一碟。 And I always give her a candy after she practices because she sometimes needs this extra motivation to continue. 我總會在她練習後給她一顆糖,因為她有時需要額外動力才能繼續下去。 So, I want you to get inspired by a three year old and by this amazing system that they've created, Kumon, 所以,我想讓你從一個三歲孩子和這個令人驚艷的系統 Kumon 中得到啟發。 where you've practiced daily but for very shot period of time. 雖然時間很短,但保持每天練習。 Because sometimes, if it's a two hour class, 因為有時候,如果是兩小時的課, we're like, ah... maybe I should have tomorrow, maybe I should have next week. 你會想「啊,也許我該明天再上,也許我該下週再上。」 But when it's a 20 minute daily routine, if you tell me, Marina, I don't have 20 minutes, 但如果是 20 分鐘的日常練習,而你還是告訴我:「Marina,我沒有 20 分鐘時間。」 I tell you, you're not interested in learning language. 那你大概對學語言沒興趣。 When you're super passionate about something, 當你對某件事情有極大熱情時, when you understand that you really need it, you're gonna find those 20 minutes. 當你明白自己真的需要它時,你就會擠出那 20 分鐘。 Now, let's talk about the daily routine. 現在,我們來談談這個日常練習流程。 The first thing that we're gonna talk about is listening. 第一,聽力。 Listening is very important in English just because of all the accents. 聽力在英語中非常重要,因為有口音之差。 I've been learning English for almost 10 years when I first came to the UK. 我剛來英國時,已經學了將近 10 年英語了。 And I realized, like, it was useless because I didn't understand what people were saying. 但好像沒什麼用,因為聽不懂別人在說什麼。 And it took me some time to actually get used to their accent. 我花了好一段時間才真正習慣他們的口音。 The problem with today's world is that there are so many accents, there is Indian accent, which is super popular around the world. 當今世界的問題是,腔調實在太多種了,有全球使用率超高的印度腔。 There is Chinese accent, Russian accent, American, British, Scottish, Australian, New Zealand. 還有中國、俄羅斯、美國、英國、蘇格蘭、澳洲、紐西蘭等地方的口音。 Like, there are so many people who speak English, and your task is to make sure you understand all of them 說英語的人口眾多,而你的任務就是確保自己能聽得懂。 because who knows who's gonna be in your group when you go to a university 畢竟,誰知道你的大學小組同學會是誰。 or if you're taking an online course, who you're going to be matched with to practice your English. 或者,誰會是你線上課程中,配對到練習英文的人。 So start your 20 minute practice with a five minute listening task. 以 5 分鐘的聽力練習開啟你的每日 20 分鐘練習。 That could be anything YouTube, audio book, whatever. 可以是 YouTube 影片、有聲書,都可以。 One of the websites that I wanted to recommend is called ello.org. 我想推薦 ello.org 這個網站。 They have a lot of lessons, including audio and video lessons on different topics, 他們有很多課程,包括不同主題的有聲及影音課程, and those conversations are actually divided into levels 這些對話分為不同等級。 because I know how complicated it is when you go to YouTube or you start watching a TV show on Netflix, 我知道看 YouTube 影片或 Netflix 影集時,情況有多複雜。 and then you realize it's just not your levels, too complicated. 往往看了之後,才發現這對你的水平來說太難了。 Well, if you are a beginner or intermediate, 如果你是初學者或中級學生, I would highly recommend that website because everything is based on the level of English that you have. 我強烈推薦這個網站,因為這裡的一切都是以你的英語水平為基礎。 What I also like about them is that they actually have a script of every single conversation, 我還很喜歡的是,他們每個對話都有提供逐字稿。 which I do not recommend you to read right away. 我不建議邊聽邊看。 But if you listen to a conversation and you're like I say, still don't get what's going on here, then you read the script. 但如果你聽完對話,還是聽不懂內容,那逐字稿就可以幫到你, And another thing that they've done for you, they've actually created a vocabulary so you can learn all the words that you've encountered during your listening practice. 還有另一個功能是,這網站有詞彙表,以便你學習你在聽力練習中遇到的所有詞彙。 I also like that their conversations are not superficial because sometimes listening tasks sound like this, and no one really talks like this in real life. 我也喜歡他們的對話不流於表面,因為有時聽力練習聽起來是這樣的,而現實生活中沒有人真的這樣講話。 People have accents, people speak fast. 人們有口音,語速會很快。 So on that website, you will get exposed to many different accents and you will get exposed to real English language speech. 在那個網站上,你會接觸到很多種不同的口音,可以接觸到真實的英語口說。 The next five minutes of your 20 minute practice will be speaking. 而接下來的 5 分鐘會是口說。 Speaking is incredibly, incredibly important. 口說非常非常重要。 The problem is you might be able to listen to a lot of things. 問題在於,你可能聽得懂很多東西。 But when it comes to saying them, words are not in your active vocabulary, they're in your passive vocabulary, 但說到這些話時,你沒辦法使用那些詞彙,你只會被動接收字詞。 which means you understand them, but when you need to actually say them, they flip from your mind. 也就是說,你聽得懂,但當你真正需要說出口時,卻怎麼也想不起來。 You're like, oh, what is this word? 你會想:「這字要怎麼說?」 How do I actually pronounce it? 「這要怎麼發音?」 The thing is even reading out loud can be considered speaking practice because when you read out loud, you're like, oh, how do you actually read this word? 朗讀也可以被視為口語練習,因為大聲朗讀時,你會練習到實際上字詞該怎麼發音。 Because when you're reading a book, you don't really think about pronouncing something. 因為看書時,你不會真的考慮到發音。 But when you start reading out loud, you're asking yourself questions. 但大聲朗讀時,你就會問自己問題。 Oh my God. How to pronounce this word? 「天啊,這字怎麼讀?」 I've never said it in my whole life. 「我這輩子都沒唸過這字。」 And by saying it for the first time, you actually start practicing it. 而通過第一次說出口,你實際上就開始練習發音了。 So first of all, reading out loud. 所以,首先,大聲朗讀。 Second website that I wanted to recommend is actually called, speakandimprove.com. 我想推薦的第二個網站是 speakandimprove.com。 It is a research project by University of Cambridge. 這是劍橋大學的一個研究項目。 It's basically a robot. 它基本上是個機器人。 Let me, let me show you something. 我展示給你看。 So, they will start asking you questions and you will answer them. 他們會開始問你問題,然後你回答。 What's your name? 你叫什麼名字? My name is Marina. 我叫 Marina。 You're gonna listen to your answer. 你得聽自己的回答。 How do you spell your family name? 你的姓氏怎麼寫? How do you spell your family name? 你的姓氏怎麼寫? Okay. 好。 M O G I L K O. M O G I L K O Where are you from? 你來自哪裡? So this cute little robot is gonna ask you questions about you, and then it's gonna dig into different topics. 所以這個可愛的小機器人會問關於你的問題,然後拓展到不同主題。 I think this is very useful for people who just don't want to talk to themselves. 我認為這對那些不想自言自語的人來說非常實用。 Because it is so weird sometimes when Marina tells you on youtube that you have to talk to yourself. 因為我在 YouTube 上跟你說你得自言自語,有時是蠻奇怪的。 And I honestly, I love talking to myself out loud, but not everybody likes it. 而且老實說,雖然我喜歡大聲自言自語,但不是每個人都喜歡。 So the robot is a great way to practice your spoken English. 所以,這個機器人就是練習英語口語的一個好方法。 Again, the website is called speakandimprove.com. 再說一次,網站叫 speakandimprove.com。 Another way to practice is to actually use another website that I mentioned today, ello.org. 另一種練習方法是用我今天提到的另一個網站 ello.org。 What they have there is they have videos of people answering questions. 這個網站有人們回答問題的影片。 So for example, the question, do you like taking selfies? 所以,比如說問題是:你喜歡自拍嗎? So your task is to pause right there, answer, but don't say yes or no elaborate. 你的任務是暫停,然後回答,但不要直接說是或不是,詳細回答。 Yes, I love taking selfies because I can create the best lighting for myself because I know the best angles and I just love documenting my face every day. 喜歡,因為我可以調整最適合自己的光線,我知道自己最好看的角度,而且我很喜歡每天記錄自己的臉。 Whatever, try to elaborate, and then you press the play button and you start listening to other people answering the question. 都可以,試著闡述,然後按下播放鍵,開始聽其他人的回答。 I think it's a great way to practice your answer first, and then get inspired by people answering the same question 先試者回答,然後再參考別人的答案是個很好的方法。 because you can borrow some vocabulary and some phrases that they've used. 你可以借用一些他們用的詞彙和片語。 Another great website actually allows you to talk to your phone. 另一個很棒的網站可以讓你跟自己的手機對話。 The website is called speechnotes.co. 網站叫 speechnotes.co。 It wasn't actually created for language learning purposes. 實際上,它不是為語言學習而創建的。 The whole idea behind this website is for you to say things and it's going to transcribe them, 這個網站的初衷是想讓你說話,然後把語音轉錄成文字稿, which means the "robot" on the website, whatever, the algorithm on the website will create a transcribed version of whatever you said. 也就是,網站上的「機器人」或演算法,不管叫什麼,會把你所說的任何話轉成文字。 Two things why it's a good way to practice English, 這是個練習英文好方法的原因有兩個。 First, if you mispronounce something, if you mispronounce the word, the algorithm wouldn't understand it and you will need to check your pronunciation. 首先,如果你發音錯誤,網站就沒辦法理解,你就得檢查自己的發音。 Google that word, say it again until the algorithm actually understands. 查這個詞發音,再說一遍,直到網站理解。 And the second thing, the robot would actually add all the symbols like semicolon, exclamation point, question mark, 第二件事,機器人會幫你加上標點符號,比如分號、感嘆號、問號。 so you will learn how to use them in English. 你就可以學習如何使用英文標點。 And again, when it comes to speaking, I would say just talk to yourself. 再說一遍,口說這塊,我會建議就跟自己說話吧。 talk to yourself about your day, talk to yourself about your goals. 跟自己說說你的一天、你的目標。 I love talking to myself. 我很喜歡自言自語。 In general, I love talking, as you might have guessed. 我就是很喜歡講話,你可能已經猜到了。 Okay, we have 10 minutes left for your practice. 好,練習還剩 10 分鐘。 And seven minutes go to vocabulary. 用 7 分鐘練習單詞吧。 Once you've done your listening part, once you've done your speaking part, you've probably encountered at least 3-5 new words and this is your time to practice them. 一旦完成聽力和口說部分,你可能已經碰到至少 3-5 個新單詞了,是時候練習這些詞了。 I wouldn't recommend learning more than five words a day. 我不建議每天學習五個以上的單詞。 So write them down and again, create sentences with them, and say them out loud. 把單字寫下來,用它們造句,大聲唸出來。 Just try it. 試試吧。 I know you're like, OK, OK, Marina, whatever, I will say them out loud. 我知道你會說:「好啦,Marina,知道了,我會唸出來的。」 But do it actually, you will see how your... because it happens to me all the time. 但真的去做吧,你會看到自己... 因為這總是發生在我身上。 I start reading something out loud or I start talking to someone, a native speaker, about a book that I just read in English, 我開始大聲朗讀一些東西,或者和英語母語人士談論我剛讀過的一本書, and I want to pronounce a word or like some name that I saw in that book. 我想念出一個詞或在那本書中看到的某個名字, And I realize I can't because I never pronounced it. 然後我意識到我講不出來,因為我從沒唸過。 And I'm like, Oh my God. 我就會想,「天啊。」 So it's either an audiobook or you read out loud all the names that you do not understand how to pronounce. 所以要麼聽有聲書,要麼你得大聲讀出所有你不知道如何發音的名字。 It's really important. 這真的很重要。 And I want you to wrap up your practice with a three minute reflection of your goals or where you're heading. 我希望你用三分鐘的時間反思你的目標或你想去的地方來為練習收尾。 I love telling people to create a dream board. 我喜歡叫大家做願景板。 It's crazy how it works for you because you're creating a destination for your brain, a destination for all of your goals. 這有用的程度真的很誇張,這是在為你的大腦創造一個目的地,你所有目標的目的地。 I am learning English because I have this dream board where I have Gary Vaynerchuk because I want to be in the same conference with him. 我正在學習英語,因為... 我有一個願景板,上面有蓋瑞·范納洽,因為我想與他一同參加大會。 I want to be a speaker at a business conference in the US together with Gary, he's a very inspiring immigrant. 我想在美國的一個商業會議上做演講,跟蓋瑞一起,他是個非常鼓舞人心的新移民。 I have a house that I want to buy. 我想買間房。 I even have bed sheets that I really, really like and they're on my dream board. 上面甚至有我非常非常喜歡的床單,它們都在我的願景板上。 And every time that I sit at my desk, I stare at this dream board and I'm like, I am getting closer. 每次我坐在辦公桌前,盯著這個願景板,我就覺得自己離夢想越來越近。 And today I was invited to an event, hopefully it's gonna happen, 今天我被邀請參加一個活動,希望能成, they're gonna send me official confirmation next week. 他們會在下週正式向我發送確認函。 That event, red carpet event, was on my dream board. 那個紅毯活動,就在我的願景板上。 So it's just crazy how it works. 願景板真的非常有用。 And I highly, highly encourage you to create at least 100 wishes that are connected with your English language level and be as specific as you can. 而我非常鼓勵你至少寫下 100 個與你英語水平相關的願望,盡可能具體。 Like, I want this apartment in Los Angeles. 比如說,我想要洛杉磯的這間公寓。 This is how much it costs. 這間公寓多少錢。 This is how I get there. 我該怎麼達成目標。 I want this degree from this university. 我想要這個大學的學位。 This is how much it costs. 得花多少錢。 This is, you know how much I need to score my TOEFL. 我托福需要多少分。 I want to have this... like, even think of physical things. 我想擁有這個... 甚至是實體的東西。 I want a new iphone. 我想要新的蘋果手機。 I want the new laptop. 我想要新的筆電。 I want this book, that book, like put everything on your dream board and understand that English is your instrument that's gonna get you there. 我想要這本書,那本書,把所有東西放在你的願景板上,知道英語是幫助你達到目的工具。 And if you're like, Marina, is there a one resource for me to do all of this? 而如果你想問:「Marina,有沒有一個集合資源可以完成所有練習?」 I can recommend my workbook that I've created together with my team. 我推薦我的書,我和我的團隊一起創作工具書。 It's 180 pages plus of English theory and practice. 它有 180 多頁的英語理論和練習。 It's our bestseller, tens of thousands of copies sold and students just love it. 這是我們的暢銷書,已售出數萬冊,學生們都很喜歡。 The link will be down below 連結在下方。 And thank you so much guys for watching this video up to the very end. 感謝大家看完這支影片。 Thank you so much for being subscribed to this channel. 謝謝你訂閱頻道。 Oh, and don't forget to share this video with everyone who learns English. 哦,別忘了跟每個學習英語的人分享這支影片。 Bye bye. 掰掰。
A2 初級 中文 練習 英語 網站 發音 學習 聽力 想要學好英文嗎?每天只要20分鐘的學習計畫你一定要學起來! (English study plan - 20-minute daily English learning routine) 346067 3255 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 03 月 01 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字