字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey, guys. Welcome back to the channel! 大家好,歡迎回到這個頻道! In this video, I'm going to go through the 10 things which I've stopped buying. 這支影片,我會回顧 10 件我不再購買的東西。 As we've already spoken about, I'm not a big believer in saving, but I am a believer in spending below your means. 正如我說過的,我不太相信儲蓄,但我相信量入為出。 And saving will only get you so far, but spending less so that you can use that money to invest and work and grow for you will make all the difference. 儲蓄能做的有限,但減少花銷就可以用省下的錢投資、運用及成長,這才真正能造成影響。 Cutting out these things has left me with so much more money every month without having to sacrifice on my quality of life. 不再購買這些東西讓我在不犧牲生活質量的前提下,每個月省下更多錢。 Let's get into it! 我們開始吧! Number one, books. 第一,書籍。 I read a lot and I think reading is super important and it's a great financial investment to increase your human capital and your knowledge. 我很常看書,我認為閱讀十分重要,這是項很好的投資,能幫助你增加人力資本及知識。 And that is something that no one can take away from you. 這些是任何人都無法從你身上奪走的。 Material items can go out of fashion, they can be stolen, looks fade, but knowledge, once you've acquired it, that's yours to keep. 物品可能會過時、被偷、褪色,但一旦你獲得了知識,沒人可以將其奪走。 It will... it'll always stay with you. 它就是你的了。 So, now, what I do is I keep my all-time favorite books in a hard copy and on my bookshelf, 所以,現在,我做的就是將我最喜歡的書以紙本形式保存在書架上, and then the ones that I know that I won't be reading again and again and again 而我知道自己不會重複閱讀的那些, I either buy on my Kindle or I rent it for free through my local library on an app called Libby. 我要麼會在 Kindle 上購買,要麼在當地圖書館一個叫 Libby 的應用程式上免費租閱。 Number two, a brand new car. 二,新車。 if you don't have money for it, just don't buy it. 沒錢,就不要買。 The second you put your key in the ignition and drive that car out of the showroom, it loses 10% of its value. 你插入鑰匙發動車子,開出展間的瞬間,百分之十的價值馬上蒸發。 An average brand new car will lose a further 60% by its third year. 到第三年,一輛普通新車會掉價 60%。 I know some people like the feeling of having a brand new car, but is it really worth that additional amount of money at this point in your life? 我知道有些人喜歡新車,但想想,在你生命這個階段,花那麼多錢真的值得嗎? Or can you hold off to invest that money into an asset that will generate the cash flow to buy that new car later on in your life, if that's what you want? 或者,如果你真的想買新車的話,是否可以將時間往後推遲,先把這筆錢拿去投資,增加資本? Number three, souvenirs. 三,紀念品。 I really love traveling. 我真的很喜歡旅行。 Flights, hotels, making memories, these are all things that I'll be buying more of. 機票、住宿、留下回憶的機會,這些都是我不會放棄的東西。 But what I've stopped buying is souvenirs from every trip. 但我不再購買的是每次旅行的紀念品。 More than a waste of money, it also massively cutters up my living space. 這不僅浪費錢,還會壓縮我的生活空間。 I live in a two-bedroom apartment with a kitchen that's the size of a shoe box anyway, 我住在一個兩居室的公寓裡,廚房只有鞋盒那麼大。 so the last thing I want is shot glasses from every city I've been to overflowing from my cupboards. 我最不想的就是旅行時買的城市紀念小酒杯從我的櫥櫃裡溢出來。 If you really want to kind of remember a trip, then write in a journal. 如果真的想留下旅行回憶,那就寫日記吧。 I've made an online journal/Vlog, and I've been writing in it after every holiday that I've been on since 2016. 我做了一個線上日誌兼 Vlog,上面紀錄了從 2016 年開始的每次假期。 And I just read through it before recording this video, and it brought back so many more memories than any souvenir there ever could. 我在錄製這段影片前剛看過這個旅行日誌,而它給我帶來的回憶比任何紀念品都多。 Number four, buying the updated version. 第四,購買更新版本。 The rate in which new technology comes out way exceeds our actual need to replace them, 如今,新技術問世的速度遠超過了我們實際需要更換物品的速度。 but regardless of this, we still do keep buying it. 但不管如何,我們仍舊會繼續購買。 I've actually found that the more I have of a particular thing the less additional happiness it gives me. 實際上,我發現,我擁有越多某樣東西,它帶給我的快樂就越少。 So, when I first got the Apple watch there was a big jump in my happiness and going from no Apple watch to having an Apple Watch. 第一次拿到 Apple Watch 時,我的幸福感直線上升,我從沒有 Apple Watch 變成了有 Apple Watch。 It was worth the money. 很值得。 I felt healthier, I felt happier with all the workout prompts. 那些鍛煉提示都讓我感覺更健康、快樂。 It did the job that I was looking for. 非常符合我的期待。 And then, a year later, a new version came out and I spent a few hundred quid more to get the upgrade. 一年後,新版推出,我又花了幾百英鎊來升級。 And that maybe five percent increase in happiness that I got from getting a slightly better version just didn't correlate to the amount of money I spent on it. 獲得稍微好一點的版本後,我的快樂可能增加了 5%,這跟我花在上面的錢不成正比。 So now, whenever I think of upgrading something, I always ask myself, is it really worth spending that a hundred thousand quid more to upgrade the specific thing, 所以現在,每當想升級某產品時,我總是問自己:這是否值得多花十萬英鎊? or should I rather spend that money on a new experience or a new item that will correlate more to the amount of happiness I get from it? 還是我應該將這筆錢花在新體驗或新事物上,從而獲得更加符合比例的幸福感? Number five, items on sale. 第五,特價商品。 There's a difference between buying something on sale and buying something because it's on sale. 購買打折商品和因為打折購買商品是有區別的。 Sales can seem like a great way to save money at first 一開始,購買打折品似乎是種省錢的好方法, because when stores do these 20% off, 30% off, 40% off sales 但商家打八折、七折、六折促銷時, they're just actually using a psychological trick to make you justify that spending in your head. 其實只是操控人心,讓你在腦中合理化自己的消費。 If there's a jacket that you were going to buy anyway and now it's on sale from 200 dollars down to 140 dollars, 如果有一件你本來就打算買的夾克,售價從 200 美元降到了 140 美元, then, yeah, you've saved 60 dollars. 那沒錯,你省了 60 美元。 But if you're buying it because it's on sale, 但如果你買它是因為它打折, then you've got to look at it like you're 140 dollars out of pocket. 那你就得把這看作是多花了 140 美元。 Sales are just a way of buying things that you wouldn't have otherwise bought. 因打折購物就只是多買了原本不會購買的東西而已。 And remember it's you against these multi-billion dollar organizations with huge marketing budgets behind them. 請記住,你對上的是擁有巨額營銷預算,價值數十億美元的企業。 Number six, investing in things that I don't understand. 第六,投資不了解的事物。 This isn't one that I stopped buying, but it is one that I've stopped putting my money in, and it's things I don't understand . 也不算是停止購買,比較像是停止投入資金,那就是我不理解的事物。 A lot of people put their money into Investments without really understanding what they're investing in. 很多人在沒有真正理解自己投資的是什麼時,就把錢投進去了。 And even if you do have a financial advisor, 即使你有理財顧問, you should have a basic level of understanding in where your money is going, 你也該對你的錢流向哪有個基本的了解, whether it's ethical, whether you actually want to invest in that thing 該項目是否合乎道德,你是否真的想投資它, because no one would care about your money and where it's going as much as you will. 因為沒人會比你更關心你的資金流向了。 Number seven, fast-fashion. 第七,快時尚。 I mentioned in one of my other videos how I haven't bought an item of clothing in the last six months. 在另一支影片中有提過,我已經六個月沒買新衣服了。 I didn't think this was anything surprising, but it seems to be. 我不認為這是什麼大不了事,但似乎不是這樣的。 Long story short, I used to shop at all the fast-fashion shops you can think of, Forever 21 Missguided, Boohoo, whatever. 長話短說,我曾經也跟隨快時尚,像 Forever 21、Missguided、Boohoo 等品牌。 But when I look at my closet today, none of those fast-fashion items that I bought are still in there. 但現在,我的衣櫥內早已沒有那些快時尚單品了。 I used to spend a lot of money on stuff that I'd wear a few times, and then I'd get rid of them because it started frailing or went out of fashion. 過去,我花了很多錢在只會穿幾次就丟掉的衣服上,這些衣服很快就損壞、過時了。 Now, I've learned my lesson, and when it comes to clothing, I'm so much more about quality over quantity. 現在,我吸取教訓,在服裝方面,我更重質而不是量。 If something feels really good and it's really comfortable, 如果衣服品質好,穿起來舒服, then I'd buy it even if I'm spending a bit more money than I would have if that was a fast-fashion item at Forever 21 or something. 那即使它比 Forever 21 的快時尚單品貴一點,我也會買。 Also, I find that having fewer clothes just frees up my mental space. 另外,我發現衣服越少,需要花的心力就越少。 I don't have to spend much time deciding what I'm going to wear. 我不必花太多時間來決定要穿什麼。 And I have like three different tops that I choose between when I'm recording my YouTube videos, 錄製 YouTube 影片時,我有三種上衣選擇。 and it's just one last thing that I have to worry about. 除此之外,我都不用費心。 Number eight, anything high-maintenance. 第八,任何難維護的東西。 So, that's getting my nails done, getting my eyelashes done, getting my hair dyed, 像是美甲、接睫毛、染髮。 it's all too high-maintenance and it just doesn't happen anymore. 這些都太難維護,而我已不再做了。 And a big part of why I don't get this done is also because of the time it takes to get those things done. 我不做這些事很大一部分也是考量時間因素。 When I'm getting my nails done I can't do anything else at the same time, I can't get my work done at the same time. 做指甲時,我不能同時做其他事情,不能同時工作。 So, it's... for me, it's not only the price I pay for getting these things done 所以,對我來說,這不僅僅只是關於花費。 but I also think about it as a time value of me sacrificing an hour that I could've spent on doing something else that would get me a greater return. 這也會犧牲我一個小時的時間,這時間可以用來做其他回報更大的事。 Just FYI, I don't think of this time dollar value with everything in my life, 但我不是生活中所有事都這樣衡量的。 like seeing my friends, family, going on date night, 如果見朋友、家人、去約會等事都如此衡量 that would be a bit outrageous, 就有點超過了。 but it is with things that I think are just a waste of time. 這只針對我認為是浪費時間的行為。 Number nine, a pre-nup. 第九,事前協議。 This Christmas I'll be signing up to a prenup, which is a no unnecessary present pact. 今年聖誕節,我將簽一份事前協議,不送不必要禮物的協議。 Usually, during Christmas, we give presents to an extended list of people, but right now we're going through a cost of living crisis 聖誕節期間,人們通常會贈送禮物,但現在我們正經歷生存危機, and expecting to see the longest recession in the UK to date. 預計英國將出現迄今為止持續最久的經濟衰退。 And honestly, I feel like holiday gifts are things that we just do out of habit, and very often, I get things that I don't even want or need, 老實說,我覺得節日送禮是出於習慣而做的事,而且很多時候,我會收到一些我不想要或不需要的東西, but then I feel obliged to give it back to that person and vice versa. 但收到後,我會覺得需要回禮,反之亦然。 According to findit.com, the average British adult would fork out 548 pounds of Christmas gifts, and the average American will spend 990 dollars. 根據 findit.com 數據,英國成年人平均花費 548 英鎊購買聖誕禮物,美國人則平均花費 990 美元。 And I'm no Grinch, but I think there are free ways to give back which will still be very much appreciated. 我不是鬼靈精,但我認為有其他不必花大錢,也能感動對方的方式。 And that way, maybe other people won't feel like they need to spend on you just for the sake of it, either. 這樣一來,也許其他人也不會覺得他們必須得為你花錢。 My overall mindset for spending is that I have absolutely no problem in spending things that really bring me joy and value, 我的消費心態是,在真正能帶給我快樂和賦予價值的東西上,我絕不吝嗇。 but I don't want to spend on things just because it's out of habit 但我不想因為習慣而花錢。 or because it's based on my ego and feeling like I need to impress people. 也不想因面子或想讓人刮目相看而花錢。 I think if you cut out on those two things, then you'll be in a pretty good place financially. 我認為如果你不執著於這些,那麼你的經濟狀況就會很好。 With all of these things, I like to kind of look at my financial decisions in terms of trade-offs. 除了以上幾點,我喜歡從權衡角度來審視我的財務決策。 So, if I'm buying a liability or something that is going to decrease in value over time over time, 如果買這個東西得犧牲未來經濟利益,或它會隨時間推移而貶值,那就得思考: "Is that extra amount of money that I'm going to pay for this thing worth the trade-off of potentially sacrificing my financial freedom?" 「這個東西是否值得我犧牲財務自由?」 So, spending maybe an extra five grand on a better car right now might not feel like it's a big deal, 現在多花五千買輛更好的車可能感覺沒什麼大不了, but if it's a choice between spending that five grand on a nicer car 但如果是拿花五千買輛更好的車 versus spending that five Grant on an investment or to educate yourself or to build wealth that could potentially change your life, 跟將這五千拿去投資、學習或累積資本改變生活相比, then, is it really worth it? 這真的值得嗎? If you want to know how much I spend each month, then I've got another video here that I'll link. 如果想知道我每個月花多少錢,那麼可以看這支影片,我會放連結。 Thank you so much for watching. 謝謝收看。 Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. 還沒訂閱的話,也別忘了訂閱。 And hopefully see you in my next video. 下支影片見!
A2 初級 中文 投資 影片 美元 時尚 衣服 apple 我為了賺更多錢而停止購買的9件東西 (9 Things I Stopped Buying to Make More Money) 50020 363 林宜悉 發佈於 2023 年 02 月 10 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字