But of course right now for us to be able to defend our land, means to be able to de occupy our land to liberate our territories and for this, we need heavy tanks for this, we need armored vehicles and from this perspective, today's Ramstein was very successful and this is something that our Minister of Defense Mr Alexey Reznikoff said today, but at the same time it could have been even more successful because look, this was Ramstein number eight, but at the same time, for example, Ukraine has been already target of 12 massive missile attacks.
但當然,現在對我們來說,能夠保衛我們的土地,意味著能夠佔領我們的土地,解放我們的領土,為此,我們需要重型坦克,我們需要裝甲車,從這個角度來看,今天的拉姆施泰因非常成功,這是我們的國防部長Alexey Reznikoff先生今天說的,但與此同時,它本來可以更加成功,因為看,這是拉姆施泰因第八次,但與此同時,例如,烏克蘭已經成為12次大規模飛彈襲擊的目標。