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thank you
and you're gonna notice a huge
difference we no longer have a roof I'm
so strange it's so strange
it's a bit of a weird feeling doing this
to a house you almost feel like you're
you're destroying it and this looks like
a ruin at the moment
guys today is the big day you can
probably hear all the noise in the
background that is because today is the
first day of putting a new roof in the
Chalet yesterday the crew came over in
the late afternoon that they set up the
scaffolding and then they arrived early
this morning and they've been removing
all the old tiles uh but yeah it's
coming off we've got half the tiles
already removed off of the roof and yeah
it's exciting to finally see progress it
was a whole ordeal of finding a roofer
we're on our second roof for now finally
we're taking a step forward with this
house renovation because it felt like it
was paused for so long
okay so Sam's getting a first look at
the house without the roof
are really different yeah yeah wait till
you go in look at this look at that what
a great space
totally open yes
I mean we're gonna have to hope that it
doesn't rain it's not meant to rain no
thankfully thankfully we're gonna throw
some Plastics over those yeah uh objects
going inside the house
look at all that light
it's uh
it's so strange it's so strange that you
get there huh yeah oh look at all the
ants crawling on the wall yeah there
were ant nests wasp nests bee hives 20
years of uh
time there was uh there were some new
occupants the creatures made a home the
creatures came and made themselves feel
very welcome in here it's just come wow
I I'm speechless honestly
it is so bright in here because we no
longer have a roof oh look at that oh my
oh my kind of kind of shocking to to see
it looking this way uh but I have to say
it looks a lot more inviting and
welcoming and homey now that there is
actually daylight pouring into the house
because I mean the the electricity isn't
connected at the moment so whenever I've
been working in here it's just been very
like dark and dungeony uh that sort of
vibe but man everything just like moved
along so quickly like honestly the the
roofers arrived yesterday they started
taking off the the old tiles and that's
basically what the first day was spent
doing and then the second day they
removed was what's called in Spanish
which you can still see a bit of it
left here like these actually it's all
over the floor let's just look down
all that right there is machimbre
so basically today they removed the
machimbre and the beams and they they
worked so fast that I'm I'm kind of in
shock I was not expecting to see uh the
house in this state when when I returned
later this afternoon like I left at noon
and I came back a few hours later and
we've got a completely new place I'm
kind of in shock uh they say we're gonna
have a new roof in within the next two
and a half weeks and
yeah I I'm still like taking it all in
I'm gonna set you down somewhere because
this camera is actually
kind of heavy
let's put you here
with a little piece of wood holding up
holding up the lens so we can see each
other but yeah I would say
it's a bit of a weird feeling
like doing this to a house you almost
feel like you're you're destroying it
you're massacring this I don't know
beautiful construction that was built 80
years ago by my grandfather
but like I I am trying to keep its
Essence like what it is at its core it's
just this this roof was in such a bad
State like originally we were just
thinking of replacing the the exterior
roof like not the ceiling but then oh
like once we started looking at it a bit
deeper and more closely we could see
that the beams were rotting in the
exterior there was just a lot of water
coming in and like a lot of damage has
been done we had to like knock back part
of the walls and
yeah it will look better I guess I have
to remind myself like
oh right right now it's it almost feels
like we're bringing it down to the Bare
Bones but it will look better and it
will feel like a home and this place
will continue its history in the family
third generation I'm hoping to improve
upon it and
yeah I don't know
I'm having a hard time speaking because
I'm still like soaking this in this
looks like a ruin at the moment
you know
like an old Jesuit ruin that you would
find in this part of the province of of
but yes like I said the idea isn't to
destroy it's to restore
um try to reuse as much of the materials
as we can like for example these
beautiful beams that you see up here
like this is a hardwood that was brought
over from the province of missiones
which is kind of like tropical jungle
because my grandfather used to work in
um so you can't actually get these types
of beams anymore uh so we were talking
about like the roofer and like the
construction guy like okay what what use
can we find for this so it doesn't go to
waste and they're like well this could
be used to to make like a nice outdoor
gallery like a covered patio where you
can have your morning breakfast and just
sit out there in the afternoon with a
bit of shade enjoy the weather enjoy the
scenery or we can also use part of it to
build a wooden deck on the exterior
because right now it's it's looking very
muddy like we don't even have grass so
those are some possibilities to give new
to these wooden beams we have here and
what else can I tell you I got stung by
a by a wasp today on my arm it was not
pleasant but there was a wasp
infestation in the roof and in the
bathroom like we still have a lot of
stuff that we need to move out of there
but I do not dare go in again
and yeah
let's let's show you around a bit and
then I'll keep talking
thank you
also since we're kind of on a roll with
the dead mice in this house renovation
remember we found one in the kitchen let
me show you another if you're squeamish
look away this one still has a bit of
fur these dry poor little Mossy it's
almost he didn't make it hopefully he
lived a good life while he was in here
all right
guys little update today is day three of
working on the roof in the Chalet I have
been sent on a mission to get some raid
some spray
um because there's just
so many different things attacking the
crew from ants to wasps the bees are
gone now
um but yeah the Wasps are really feisty
so they're trying to make some smoke uh
to shoe them out of the the ceiling
they're stuck between like the roof or
and the ceiling and they don't want to
leave and the Ants are also biting ants
who knew that ants uh could bite and
cause so much pain but indeed that is
the situation
so yeah I'm just walking over to the
market thankfully it's just a short like
three minute walk
um and buy a market I just mean like a
little tiny convenience store so
hopefully they have what we need
so the guys can keep working
so yes that is today's adventure
spray has been procured so hopefully we
can continue with the job at hand
good afternoon guys day three end of day
three I'm up on the scaffolding and I
just wanted to show you a little bit uh
what the roof is looking like so the
fiber cement tiles have come off and now
we just have the like the inner ceiling
I guess we'll call it in the kitchen and
the bathroom it hasn't come out of those
two areas because of the wasp and ant
infestation we will get to that in in
the coming days we will get to that
tomorrow uh but yeah I just want to turn
around the camera and show you how it's
there's a chimney
we still have a few beams left that need
to be removed
you can see the the ceiling they're like
wooden planks that's the kitchen we're
looking at right now we no longer have a
roof but we will be getting a beautiful
beautiful roof in the coming weeks which
is very very exciting can't wait to see
that so here we've got some of the brick
and mortar that came off the roof
some big chunks right there
gotta pile that up somewhere
down the hill
we've got samolito why don't work
samuelito yeah it's looking clear yeah
remember when we couldn't even see down
here yes we had no idea it was even this
steep yeah it was just so much Bush it
just it almost looked level you know
what a difference
little by little yeah thank you for
working on that you've been focusing on
the Landscaping yeah I I I've come to
enjoy it it's like uh it's almost
meditative yes you come out here
I I I'll be honest like I I've actually
written some blog posts in my head while
working here I have plenty of time to
think and I love it cool
yeah Sam's been clearing out a part of
the lot
that is known as La Finca because down
there it used to be an area with lots of
fruit trees like plum trees peach trees
apple trees all sorts of fruit trees and
it's all overgrown with sarsa as you can
see some of these trees have died others
have grown old and no longer seem to
producing to be producing fruit
so yeah that's where he's been working
and yeah I'll just keep showing you a
little more around the house
here we've got some of the beams that
came down like I mentioned yesterday
this is all being reused this is wood
from like uh the tropical part of
Argentina this would have come from the
province of missiones where my
grandfather used to work in forestry and
yeah this is hardwood so we're going to
give it new life so we can continue
enjoying it here in the family and yeah
there's more wood over here let's just
give you a little little tour guys so
you can see what a construction site
looks like this wood in particular
it looks like it has tar on top of it
this came off of the the ceiling part of
the ceiling I don't even know but it
came off the ceiling and then we've got
all the
which also came off the ceiling
so yeah there's just loads of garbage
everywhere it's going to look a little
messy before it starts looking pretty
but that's kind of what we're up to so
here we are coming round to the other
side of the house the back side
well here we've got also a bit more
rubble and I'm protecting my little My
Little Peach Tree that we've got here
um because they threw a lot of the
rubble on top of it so I've come and
like dug out a little hole for it I put
some of this foam around it so the
little guy can Thrive once we remove all
of this
and yeah I think that gives you a pretty
good idea
of what's happening around here end of
day three and we'll be checking in again
alrighty guys day four of the roof
coming off
um so yeah we are inside the Chalet
right now this is the the entryway the
foyer and the roof is off as you can see
we still had the the machine the the
ceiling when we were here yesterday but
that has now been lifted off and if we
walk into the kitchen notice how bright
it is because there's no roof here
either so that is the the major change
in in the last couple of days no in the
last 24 hours is that there is no
ceiling and no roof at all in this house
it is completely open to the elements
definitely hoping it does not rain in
the next few days we did check the
forecast it looks clear but you just
never know and I mean
we don't really have a plastic big
enough to cover all of these different
rooms so yeah hoping that the clear
skies remain that way because we do have
a few items still piled up like anything
that's books and stuff like that I did
throw garbage bags over it and I mean
try to cover things as much as possible
anything super valuable I shoved into
the closet where there's a bit more
protection but I mean
but if you do look in the the main
bedroom there's there's still stuff in
there as you can see the only room that
is still
safe for now
is the bathroom and that was because of
the the WASP infestation attacked
everyone and I think people were like
okay let's just leave that for now uh so
yeah I guess the major update would be
that all the wood has arrived for the
new ceilings so that includes the beams
and man all these Spanish words that I
just cannot translate into English for
you because I don't know them but
basically what's going to become our our
wooden ceiling there's just different
types of beams different widths so yeah
that wood it is Pine it came here
natural so we have to treat it and first
it's being treated with an insecticide
so we don't develop termites or any kind
of problem like that and then afterwards
it's going to be varnished with a satin
finish so we didn't want gloss or super
gloss but we also didn't want knit mat
so the next step up from matte would be
the satin so that will be the finish and
yeah the guys have started working on
that they're doing the insecticide first
I have been all over the place today
that's why I was not here to film the
delivery of the wood or the treatment of
the wood but basically guys oh my gosh I
went to like three different Western
Unions uh
what's stressing me out these days is
bringing money into Argentina and
getting the blue rate as opposed to the
official rate but yeah I don't I don't
even know if I should dive into that
because oh that could be a 20 minute
video and I feel like it would be a rant
and there wouldn't really be any useful
information it would just be me
frustrated I don't know uh but yeah
basically I've got materials to pay for
I've got workers to pay and yeah trying
to get money at the blue rate is a
little bit tricky
um but anyways I will get that resolved
that is my number one priority at this
time so oh there's still books here this
needs to go in a box
what do we have we have schlotzfeld
yogged hoof on Chevron oh a book about
German shepherds in German a German book
about German shepherds well it seems
our family has been fond of German
Shepherds for three generations
it's not all that surprising guys is it
so let's go in here shove this probably
100 year old book into a box
just need you to survive a few days here
little book
um so yes wow this is a five minute
ramble already that is all for now I
will see you tomorrow because my workers
have informed me that they are working
Saturdays and they are working Sundays
and I am just in shock like these guys
who are working on my roof are some of
the hardest working people I know uh one
of the guys shows up at 7am because he
lives nearby other people show up around
eight and they're coming from like an
hour away
so yeah I'm super impressed with their
punctuality hard work ethic
and yeah very very pleased I've already
recommended these roofers to some
friends of ours who are also in need of
a new roof
so yeah good times good times guys
alrighty I'm looking forward to resting
and I'll see you a bit more refreshed
so we are walking over
to the property
see what's progress was made today
particularly to check out the wood
the wood you excited to see the new
ceiling yeah you've been talking about
it all day so let's check it out
I'm excited to see this installed it's
gonna be so nice
uh so yeah just heading on over
also look at this more land has been
cleared excellent news all around we've
a few different people working for us
doing different things
so exciting times guys yeah I haven't
been to this area that's been cleared
yet I did a little bit of snipping
actually when we first came here in May
yeah but this is
becoming so much more open all the time
I know look look to that to that side of
it specifically specifically yeah how
does it look looking really good I mean
honestly every time we come to the
property we notice it different in the
sense that the work that we've put in
and the work that we have other people
doing just kind of like accumulates adds
up it compounds a little bit and
it's just getting impressive let's go
you know the first thing you notice the
smell oh yeah you smell the the varnish
we have to try not to kick up too much
dust because we'll we'll ensure it's dry
by now it's been out in the sun for the
whole day oh we're being greeted by the
dog everything the Sheep it's all
they're all dogs the Sheep hello hello
creatures yeah so we're starting Monday
with laying down the the central beams
yeah I mean wow
we have a new roof it's going to bring a
whole new outlook to the to the place
yes I mean it's uh it's fascinating to
to have walked around with the roof off
it just feels it almost feels like
you're walking around in a ruin or
something that's another problem
you know gets over the over the trust
issue oh all the dogs greeting us at the
same time
okay Luna don't be nervous
this is
gracias Luna so sweet
so this is the current situation roof
off and it has been raining uh
yeah nothing to keep the water out so
this is where it is puddling
so clearly our floors are not even
as you can see because it only happened
same in the kitchen
oh my oh my
so yes in the last video we were talking
about how potentially we want to keep
the original oh my we want to keep the
original floor tiles and um
shine them buff them there is there's a
term for this type of tile to to make it
shine again and like really show its
so well I think we're actually gonna
have to remove all the tiles and even
out the floor
underneath the underfloor I don't know
the terminology for this in English
but yes hello we this is my first
morning here after a rain a heavy rain
uh yeah yeah yeah
I have a lot of work to do this morning
well guys so it is the end of week two
actually of putting on a new roof in the
house and I thought I would check in and
give you a little update things have
definitely slowed down a little bit
during the second week for starters we
had a lot of rain like two days of some
seriously heavy rain this is my second
morning coming in and finding that the
house is flooded there you can see a
giant puddle in the kitchen which I will
have to clear out again
and yeah also it's been a lot of prep
work so the beams the wooden beams were
delivered and well we've had to treat
them with the insecticide and then also
varnish them so we're maybe not seeing
as much progress in terms of the
installation but work is still being
done today we're also waiting on another
big delivery of materials and some sand
and brick because we're going to need to
kind of like finish up some of the the
walls that
sort of came down or had to be knocked
down a little bit
a couple gross this bottle there we go
there and here inside the house
so this wall here
so up here we need to complete that wall
then here behind us complete that
section as well and yes our beautiful
wooden floors
which that's a whole other topic the
floors are sunken I thought we were
maybe going to be able to just leave the
floors intact but no the floors need to
come up regardless it's going to be a
question of whether we want to keep the
these original
tiles not tiles they're like individual
pieces of wood that have been put
together like a like a jigsaw puzzle
um the installation is going to be a bit
tricky and expensive or new wood but
quick little update there while I wait
for the crew to arrive
and yeah that's that's where we're at
delivery day we are getting sand so we
can go ahead with construction so very
exciting times
not the smoothest but well here we are
you're a Peabody studying the stubbing
you're okay it's far away