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  • - Joey doesn't share food!

    - 喬伊不分享食物!

  • - Rach, you're killing us here.

    - 瑞秋,我們快餓死了。

  • Will you serve the dessert already?


  • There's drunken dancers a-waiting.


  • - Look at it. Isn't it beautiful?

    - 看,很美吧?

  • - Yeah, yeah. What is it?

    - 蠻美的,這是什麼?

  • - It's a trifle.

    - 乳脂鬆糕。

  • It's got all of these layers.


  • First there's a layer of lady fingers, then a layer of jam,


  • then custard, which I made from scratch,


  • then raspberries, more lady fingers,


  • then beef sauteed with peas and onions, more custard, and then bananas.


  • And then I just put some whipped cream on top.


  • - What, what was the one right before bananas?

    - 什麼?香蕉之前那個是什麼?

  • - The beef.

    - 牛肉。

  • Yeah, that was weird to me too, but then, you know, I thought, well, there's minced meat pie.


  • I mean, that's an English dessert.


  • These people just put very strange things in their food, you know?


  • Oh, by the way, can I borrow some rum from your place?


  • - Yeah, sure. Yeah. - Okay

    - 好啊,當然。 - 好喔。

  • - And while I'm gone, don't you boys sneak a taste.

    - 我不在的時候,你們這些傢伙不要偷吃喔。

  • - Okay. - Okay.

    - 好的。- 好。

  • - Joey? what's going on?

    - 喬伊?發生什麼事了?

  • - What?

    - 什麼?

  • - Oh my God!

    - 我的天啊。

  • - I know. It's stuck!

    - 我知道,它卡住了!

  • - Step.

    - 小心台階。

  • How did it get on?


  • - Well, I put it on to scare Chandler.

    - 我是想嚇錢德勒。

  • - Oh my God!

    - 天啊。

  • Monica's gonna totally freak out.


  • - Well, then help me get it off.

    - 那就幫我把它弄下來。

  • Plus, it smells really bad in here.


  • - Of course it smells really bad, you have your head up a dead animal.

    - 當然會很臭,你頭上卡著動物屍體。

  • Ooh, ooh, Monica.


  • - Hey. - Hey.

    - 嘿。- 嗨。

  • Hey, did you get the turkey bast...


  • Oh my God! Oh my God!


  • Who is that?


  • - It's Joey.

    - 我是喬伊。

  • - What? What are you doing?

    - 你在做什麼?

  • Is this supposed to be funny?


  • - No, it's not supposed to be funny.

    - 不,你不該覺得好笑。

  • It's supposed to be scary.


  • - Get that off now.

    - 現在就把它拿下來。

  • - I can't. It's stuck.

    - 沒辦法,它卡住了。

  • - Well, I don't care.

    - 我不在乎。

  • That turkey has to feed 20 people at my parents' house and they're not gonna eat it off your head.

    我父母家有 20 個人等著吃那隻火雞,在你頭上要怎麼吃。

  • - Hold on, okay?

    - 等一下,好嗎?

  • Let's just all think.


  • - Hi. - Hey.

    - 嗨。 - 嘿。

  • You have got to try this cheesecake.


  • - Oh, you know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth.

    - 你知道的,我不太喜歡甜食。

  • - Oh my God, it's so creamy. - Oh.

    - 天阿,也太順滑了吧。- 哦。

  • - Oh my God, that is the best cheesecake I've ever had.

    - 我的天,這是我吃過最好的起司蛋糕。

  • Where did you get this?


  • - It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us.

    - 我回家時,它就在門口了,有人寄給我們的。

  • - Chandler, this is not addressed to you.

    - 錢德勒,這不是寄給你的。

  • This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs.


  • Thief.


  • - No, I didn't read the box before I opened it, and you can't return a box after you've opened the box.

    - 不是,我打開盒子前沒有讀過上面的字,而且開箱後就不能還回去了。

  • - Why, why not?

    - 為什麼?

  • - Because it's too delicious.

    - 因為太好吃了。

  • - Chandler, you stole this cheesecake. That is wrong.

    - 錢德勒,你偷了起司蛋糕,這是不對的。

  • - No, no, no, it is going to be okay because Mrs. Braverman is gonna send away for a free one.

    - 不,不,不,沒事的,因為布拉沃曼太太會再得到一個免費的。

  • And that way we all win.


  • The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate Mama's Little Bakery.

    唯一的輸家是大型起司蛋糕集團... 媽媽的小烘焙屋。

  • I feel terrible.


  • I'm a horrible, horrible, horrible person.


  • - Well, I'm sorry, what?

    - 嗯,抱歉,什麼?

  • - Hey, who wants pizza?

    - 誰想吃披薩?

  • - I do, I do, I do. - Oh, yes.

    - 我,我,我。 - 讚。

  • - Oh, great. Can you believe I found it on the second floor?

    - 太讚了,你能相信我在二樓找到披薩的嗎?

  • - Who is it?

    - 是誰?

  • - NYPD.

    - 紐約警察局。

  • - Oh my God. - Oh my God.

    - 哦,我的天。- 天啊。

  • - Uh, just a minute officer!

    - 呃,等一下,警官!

  • - Here's batch 22.

    - 這是第 22 批。

  • Ah, maybe these will tastes like your grandmother's.


  • This has a little bit of orange peel, but no nutmeg.


  • - Let's give it a shot.

    - 讓我們試試。

  • - I've not made this many cookies since I was in the ninth grade.

    - 九年級之後我就沒做過這麼多餅乾了。

  • - Oh, what was that for, like a bake sale?

    - 哦,那時候是為了什麼,餅乾義賣?

  • - No, just a Friday night.

    - 不是,只是平凡的星期五晚上。

  • - Mm, these are pretty good.

    - 嗯,這批蠻好吃的。

  • - Yeah, but not as good as batch 17.

    - 對,但沒有第 17 批好。

  • - Which one was that?

    - 17 批是哪個?

  • - The ones that we had right after you almost threw up.

    - 在你差點吐出來之後,我們吃的那個。

  • - Oh yeah, batch 17 was good.

    - 哦,對,17 批很好吃。

  • I did not like batch 16.

    我不喜歡第 16 批。

  • I'm okay.


  • - Are there any more from the good batch?

    - 還有沒有好的那幾批的?

  • 'Cause we could just work off of those.


  • - Yeah. Well, yeah. I think there's one from batch 17 left.

    - 嗯,我想第 17 批還剩一個。

  • It's batch 16. 16, people. Get out of the way!

    這是第 16 批,第 16 批,大家快讓開!

  • - Uh, I'm gonna go get some chicken. You want some?

    - 呃,我要去買點雞肉,你想吃嗎?

  • - Uh, no, thanks. No chicken. Bye bye then.

    - 呃,不用,謝謝。不要雞肉,拜拜。

  • - Okay.

    - 好喔。

  • You sure? Some extra crispy, dirty rice, beans?


  • - For the last time, no, get out! Get out, Joey!

    - 我說最後一次,不要,出去!快出去,喬伊!

  • - All right.

    - 好啦。

  • - Are you okay? I'm so sorry.

    - 你還好嗎?我很抱歉。

  • He wouldn't leave. He kept asking me if I wanted chicken.


  • - Chicken?

    - 雞肉?

  • I could eat some chicken.


  • - Hey, Joe!

    - 欸,喬!

  • - Yeah, could I get the a three piece, some coleslaw, and some beans and a Coke?

    - 我要一個三件套、一些涼拌菜跟一些豆子,還有可樂嗎?

  • Ah ah! Diet Coke.


  • - You see, my, my sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches.

    - 我的妹妹會做超好吃的火雞肉三明治。

  • Her secret is she puts an extra slice of gravy-soaked bread in the middle.


  • I call it the moist maker.


  • - What's wrong, buddy?

    - 怎麼了,兄弟?

  • - Someone at work ate my sandwich.

    - 工作時有人吃了我的三明治。

  • - Well, what did the police say?

    - 警察怎麼說?

  • - My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich.

    - 我感恩節剩下的三明治。

  • I can't believe someone just ate it.


  • - Ross, it's just a sandwich.

    - 羅斯,那只是個三明治。

  • - Just a sandwich?

    - 只是個三明治。

  • Look, I am 30 years old, okay?


  • I'm gonna be divorced twice and I just got evicted.


  • That sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life.


  • Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life.


  • You threw my sandwich away.


  • My sandwich! My sandwich!


  • - You are my Everest.

    - 你就是我的聖母峰。

  • - Joey, you don't have to finish that.

    - 喬伊,你不必吃完的。

  • - Oh yes, I do. Otherwise, what's next?

    - 我得吃完,不然誰知道接下來是什麼?

  • You know, today I'm just a guy who can't finish a turkey,


  • but tomorrow I'm the guy who eats half a PowerBar, wraps up the rest and puts it in the fridge.


  • No. No. I just, I just, I just gotta change my pants.


  • What was I thinking? Jeans have no give.


  • All right, where's that turkey?


  • - Joey, those are my maternity pants.

    - 喬伊,那是我的孕婦褲。

  • - No, no. These are my Thanksgiving pants.

    - 不,不是了,這是我的感恩節褲。

- Joey doesn't share food!

- 喬伊不分享食物!

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