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  • Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.

    你好。這裡是 BBC 學英語的《六分鐘學英文》節目。 我是 Sam。

  • And I'm Neil.

    而我是 Neil。

  • In 1436 in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press - a machine capable of making many copies of the same page of text.

    1436 年在德國,約翰尼斯·谷騰堡發明了印刷機,一種能夠將同一頁文本複印多份的機器。

  • Ever since, printing has been used around the world to produce books, newspapers and magazines.


  • Printing technology has come a long way since Gutenberg's time, but even today's most advanced laser printers have only printed flat, two-dimensional objects... until now.


  • In this programme, we're discussing 3D printersprinters which can build solid, three-dimensional objects out of a variety of materials, including plastic, concrete and metal.

    在本節目中,我們將討論 3D 列印機——可以使用各種材料,包括塑料、混凝土和金屬製造實體三維物體的列印機。

  • Now, Neil, when you say a printer that can make solid objects, I guess you're not talking about a normal printer.


  • That's right, Sam.


  • These large and complex 3D printers work in a completely different way.

    這些大型和複雜的 3D 列印機是完全不同的運作模式。

  • Unlike a sculptor who chips away at a block of stone to reveal a shape underneath, 3D printers work in the opposite way, building up physical objects by adding material layer on layer.

    跟雕刻家在一塊石頭上雕刻來展現下方的形狀不同,3D 列印機的運作方式恰恰相反,是通過一層一層地添加材料來構建實物。

  • And the ability to print objects in this way is providing solutions to many problems, as we'll be finding out...


  • But first I have a question for you, Neil.


  • Before Johannes Gutenberg invented his printing press, copies of texts were made by block printing, using hand-carved wooden blocks pressed into ink.


  • So, what was the oldest known text to be printed this way?


  • Was it: a) a religious teaching?, b) a cooking recipe? or, c) a love letter?

    是:a) 宗教教義,b) 烹飪食譜, 或者 c) 一封情書?

  • I think it might have been a recipe.


  • OK, Neil. I'll reveal the answer later in the programme.


  • The idea of printing solid objects is not new, but it was only after the millennium that tech companies began to realise how it could be done.


  • Here's Professor Mark Miodownik, a material scientist at University College, London, explaining more to BBC World Service programme, People Fixing The World:

    以下是倫敦大學學院的材料科學家 Mark Miodownik 教授在 BBC 國際台《People Fixing The World》節目中的採訪內容:

  • As the millennium turned, patents expired and that meant people started making really cheap 3D printers.

    隨著千禧年的到來,專利到期,這意味著人們開始製造非常便宜的 3D 列印機。

  • And people started mucking about with them and going, "Hold on a minute! It's not just an industrial tool. You can put them in schools, you can put them in universities.


  • Ohh, it's actually really great for prototyping."


  • And then people got excited about it and it became the answer to everything. Everything was going to be 3D-printed!

    然後人們對此感到興奮,它成為了一切的答案。 一切都將被 3D 列印出來!

  • After the year 2000, 3D printers suddenly got much cheaper and tech companies started mucking about with themspending time playing with them in a fun way.

    2000 年之後,3D 打印機突然變得更便宜,科技公司開始胡鬧它們,muck about 的意思是花時間以有趣的方式玩弄它們。

  • They realised that 3D printers had many uses - for example, they discovered that 3D printers were great at making prototypesmodels of a product that can be tested, improved and used to develop better products.

    他們意識到 3D 列印機有很多用途,例如,他們發現,3D 列印機在製作原型方面非常出色,原型就是可以測試、改進並用於開發更好產品的產品模型。

  • Professor Miodownik thinks these tech companies were surprised at how useful 3D printing was.

    Miodownik 教授認為這些科技公司他們對 3D 列印的實用性感到驚訝。

  • He uses the phrase 'hold on a minute!' to express this surprise or disbelief.


  • In fact, in turned out that 3D printers were excellent at making bespoke thingsobjects which are made specially for a particular person.

    事實上,事實證明,3D 列印機精於訂製東西,意思是專門為特定的人製作的物品。

  • One area which 3D printing dramatically improved was medical prosthetics - artificial body parts made specially for someone who has lost an arm, a leg or a foot, for example.

    3D 列印極大地改善了一個領域,就是醫學義肢。義肢是專門為失去一隻手臂、一條腿或一隻腳的人製作的人造身體部位。

  • In 2021, Stephen Verze, who lost an eye in a childhood accident, became the first person to be fitted with a 3D-printed prosthetic eye.

    2021 年,失去一隻眼睛的 Stephen Verze 在一次童年事故中,他成為第一個安裝上 3D 列印義眼的人。

  • It's prosthetic, so the new eye doesn't restore Stephen's sight, but it has boosted his confidence.

    它是義眼,所以新的眼睛不會恢復 Stephen 的視力,但這增強了他的信心。

  • Surgeon Mandeep Sagoo, led the team at Moorsfield Hospital that operated on Stephen's eye.

    外科醫生 Mandeep Sagoo 領導了 Moorsfield 醫院的團隊,為 Stephen 的眼睛進行了手術。

  • Here he is explaining more to BBC World Service's, People Fixing The World:

    以下是他在 BBC 國際台的《People Fixing The World》節目中的採訪內容:

  • In many countries, particularly the developed world, there are facilities for custom-making a prosthetic eye to match the other eye,


  • and that's an artisan process which is very time-consuming and requires real artistry on the part of the ocularistthe ocularist is the person who fits the prosthetic eye

    這是一個非常耗時的過程,需要製造義眼人真正的藝術,ocularist 是製作義眼的人,

  • and so what we have been developing is a technique to automate the whole process.


  • Even before 3D printers, prosthetic eyes were custom-made, a word similar to 'bespoke' which means specially made according to a particular person's requirements.

    甚至在 3D 列印機出現之前,義眼就是「客製化的」,這個詞類似於「訂製」,意思是根據特定人的要求專門製作。

  • But the traditional way of making artificial eyes by hand is very time-consumingit takes a lot of time to do.


  • Nowadays, 3D printing can complete the whole process in just thirty minutes.

    如今,3D 列印僅需三十分鐘即可完成整個過程。

  • It's great to see technology helping people, and amazing how far new inventions like 3D printers have come since the days of Johannes Gutenberg.

    很高興看到科技幫助人們,也很驚訝自約翰尼斯·谷騰堡時代以來 3D 列印機等新發明取得了很大的進展。

  • Speaking of which, Neil, it's time to reveal the answer to my question.


  • Right. You asked me about the earliest known text to have been printed using wooden blocks, and I guesses it was a cooking recipe. So, was I right?

    沒錯。 你問我已知最早的用木塊印刷的文字是什麼,我猜是烹飪食譜。 那麼,我是對的嗎?

  • You were... wrong, I'm afraid, Neil!


  • The oldest known wooden block print was actually a religious textthe Buddha's Diamond Sutra.


  • OK, let's recap the vocabulary from this programme, starting with 'mucking about', an informal way to say playing with something carelessly, not for a serious reason.

    讓我們回顧一下這個節目中出現詞彙,從 mucking about 開始,這是一種非正式的說法,表示隨意地玩弄某物,而不是出於嚴肅的原因。

  • A 'prototype' is a model of a product that can be tested, improved and used to develop a better product.


  • The phrase 'hold on a minute!' can be used to express surprise or disbelief.


  • 'Prosthetics' refer to artificial body parts such as arms, legs, feet or eyes, which are used to replace a missing natural part.


  • The words 'bespoke', and 'custom-made' describe something specially made for a particular person.

    bespoke 和 custom-made 這兩個詞描述的是為特定的人特別製作的東西。

  • And finally, if something is 'time-consuming', it takes a lot of time to do.


  • Goodbye for now!


  • Goodbye!


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Sam.

你好。這裡是 BBC 學英語的《六分鐘學英文》節目。 我是 Sam。

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