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  • foreign [Music]

  • because it's for getting pretty hot that was far more challenging than I ever expected

  • oh the stress the steaks are high oh because we need to rewire uh the first house the Chalet

  • we did have to cut some trees around the house so that the roofers would be able to replace

  • the new roof that's going in what are alfajores for the um I mean you could think of them

  • as Argentine cookies that's amazing this is my favorite one [Music] good morning good

  • morning everyone good morning everyone how are you doing today is going to be an adventure

  • it's already an adventure we're already off to a rough start so we have joined a trucking

  • Club we're going on an Excursion to the town of La cumbresita our local bus that we were

  • meant to take to get there did not show up today apparently it's not coming till 11 we

  • were meant to be on the 8 o'clock did it break down no we don't even know it's the holiday

  • we don't know there's just no bus so we're like messaging with the group on WhatsApp

  • can somebody pick us up because we've been trying to hitchhike but because it's a holiday

  • there's no one out on the road so we're meant to do a really cool truck today we have a

  • beautiful day it started off like overcast but um it's just the way when you're up here

  • in the mountains the weather can change on a dime you never know you never know so we're

  • pumped let's do it but anyways let's see if we got picked up soon yeah that'd be nice

  • [Music] hello please [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign

  • [Music] s we made it to town we made it to LA cumbresita we were thankfully rescued by

  • the bus that was bringing some of the Trekkers because some people arrived independently

  • they drove their vehicles but then there was also a bus and they had room for us since

  • our bus never showed up my gosh we waited like an hour and a half but anyway we made

  • it here it's a beautiful day at the end so you know this place like umbresita it's the

  • first pedestrian town in all of Argentina so you park your vehicle up top you walk in

  • on foot and yeah it's just all about enjoying nature and it's a lot more rugged super Scenic

  • beautiful

  • [Music]

  • [Music] foreign

  • yes how many meters for me to have climbed up this is that does that make me a wanker

  • Samuel I knew you were gonna go for that job I had to go for that guys oh my gosh I'm the

  • master of cheese okay anyways uh 17 seven why can't I speak 1715 meters above sea level

  • 1715. how does it feel it feels great it was um I think we kind of came into this hike

  • thinking it would be like a cakewalk it was not like it's challenging but in a good way

  • it's just like we're still not used to the altitude we've been here for less than two

  • weeks yeah and so we're getting used to that right now yeah but as a reward reaching the

  • top we got a little snack

  • um it's kind of like a wafer cookie and Turan I don't even know how to describe it how would

  • you describe it in English

  • kind of like white nougat very chewy yeah that's a nice knock yes

  • oh what's happening I'm gonna find the shade [Music]

  • all right [Music]

  • looking for Sam nowhere to be found where could he have gone and where do I find him

  • a little spot seeking out shade it took me like 20 minutes to find this place this is

  • my special Siesta Zone great I'm just trying to keep cool because it's getting pretty hot

  • what do you think no it's not well the midday Sun's strong 17 degrees it's hot for me

  • [Music] thank you

  • [Music]

  • right here

  • well hello hello hey guys we are back from the hike as you noticed we did not finish

  • that video because that was far more challenging than I ever expected look to be completely

  • honest Weaver lured in by a delicious picada at the end yeah we were all ravenous and it

  • was so funny what did the what did the tour leaders say about the way we were eating oh

  • piranhas around the table yeah we were like piranhas around the table Yeah so basically

  • Sam and I were under the impression that this was gonna be a half day hike just because

  • I had read like going up to like the peak of serawank or vank as they say here is 45

  • minutes so I thought oh we're just gonna go up and down that's the end of the tour we're

  • all good no oh that was just the beginning so yeah not only we were struggling with a

  • bit of the altitude we've only been here a couple of weeks but um we ended up joining

  • basically a hardcore hiking group that does these hikes every week and yeah and so uh

  • yeah we were just frosting to like everyone had proper hiking gear you could see by the

  • way they dressed it's like the clothes they had the visors the SPF you know shirts and

  • pants so yeah we were outclassed for sure but we ended up finishing it and it was a

  • great experience because yes we were sore um bonus tip do stretch afterwards makes the

  • world of a difference it does we we felt okay you know the next day we thought we were going

  • to barely be able to walk because we had that experience hiking in until 10 in the past

  • you know we kind of over challenged ourselves and then we were like basically immobile the

  • next day but this ended up being a great experience and we're actually Keen to do more hiking

  • yeah so the hike we completed I'll mention it turned out to be 15 kilometers because

  • there was a lady in the hiking Club who had like her little watch you know tracking the

  • distance yeah so yeah way more than we thought we would yeah a little D Excursion and we

  • had to scramble across um some Boulders basically we did yeah it wasn't all just defying path

  • we had to go through a river and some people went into a Subterranean River that's something

  • very popular in the town of La cumbresita there's basically these little entrances that

  • you can crawl through and you enter the the Subterranean River with a guide of course

  • and like torches on your on your forehead and you have to like swim through we skipped

  • that part we took a siesta instead actually we weren't the only ones but um yeah that's

  • the part of Sam napping in the shade while when other people are going underground but

  • yeah you can do that and the reason we wanted to do this hike and we want to do other day

  • hikes is because we'd love to climb the highest peak here in the province of Cordova which

  • is Cerro champaki that's a 3D Excursion 40 kilometers over the course of three days two

  • nights spent in a mountain Refuge and yeah I feel like it requires a bit of training

  • some endurance indeed so we'll we'll be training but we also realize that we're heading into

  • summer and it would be too hot to do it now so we're gonna delay that for a few months

  • but uh yeah definitely looking forward to doing that in the fall in the late fall yeah

  • it's 36 degrees now so maybe you know 40 kilometers in the sun it may not be the best time yeah

  • that's true but overall great experience and uh really tremendous value was inexpensive

  • and we ended up having a great time really good Community Spirit awesome picada Feast

  • I mean if you're gonna run a tour if you're ever thinking of running a tour feeding people

  • a good meal at the end is a very good uh business idea so they leave you happy you can be grumpy

  • and tired but you're fed well and then you you have positive memories moving forward

  • exactly and that's what happened that's exactly what happened good morning good morning everyone

  • we survived our Trek yesterday feeling a little bit sore but not too too bad but anyways we're

  • up super early this almost super early it keeps up seven FIFA World Cup Argentina's

  • first game against the airplanes Saudi Arabia yes up one nil yeah as he scored so thank

  • you missy yeah yeah I think there's there's been a lot of people saying that Argentina

  • has a good chance to go all the way this year and wouldn't that be amazing especially being

  • here yeah I mean the country would just erupt that happened but we're gonna keep watching

  • as long as they continue to have games and uh it's exciting I mean this only happens

  • once every four years and it's the most competitive tournament in in the world I mean you never

  • know who's going to win right yeah

  • if you'd like to go watch it at a bar like a sports bar or somewhere that's streaming

  • um but the times have been really strange since they are playing in Qatar so 7am no

  • bar is going to be open yeah I think like if there's like even a remotely close time

  • zone I don't know if we have to go watch a game at midnight or something that'd be fine

  • or even like one one PM but the fact that these games are starting at like seven in

  • the morning it's gonna be a little bit trickier but we'll see what's available we'll definitely

  • go and and try to watch with the crowd because I mean it's even more exciting when you share

  • the experience right so go team origin

  • there's a respect obviously for Argentina but you don't see a fear there we can't believe

  • it Saudi Arabia just scored were 1-1 oh hi they'll get it back no we cannot believe it

  • what is happening Samuel this is the biggest free kick of this game messy with a struck

  • oh two times

  • coming in

  • another day at work and Sam is here along this massive rock wall clearing the lovely

  • sarsamora that's grows and grows and Dr is my Granny's house you've seen us working there

  • before how was your work day coming along my friend fantastic I got to a stone wall

  • creating tunnels reading tunnels creating sarsa tunnels so yeah that's what I've been

  • doing yeah it's really interesting to clear the bush and like see what you find because

  • you never know what's behind it'd be a beautiful rock wall it could be a shed we have found

  • two Wells we have found a wheelbarrow like it's just a surprise every single day and

  • today I met up with the electrician so I've been with him probably for the past hour or

  • so because we need to rewire uh the first house the Chalet the first house we're renovating

  • because it is an 80 year old house and I mean like the electric sockets that that house

  • has are no longer used like it's the one with the two little holes and now you've got like

  • the three prong diagonal socket so yeah we're trying to modernize so we did a very thorough

  • walk through in there and yes it's been a good day I feel like we're making progress

  • It's really good to be connecting with different contractors meeting people and it's also interesting

  • that hurts oh up on my leg I wore leggings and my ankles are exposed um yeah I was saying

  • it's interesting because since this is a small town it's like we're all interconnected and

  • my electrician used to be someone that my dad would drive to school when we lived here

  • so he's like are you Daniel's Daughter it's like yeah so very small world in this Village

  • so yeah I've got myself an electrician I'm going to be buying materials in the coming

  • days and we can get started so it feels good to be aligning everything up that is the update

  • hello hello happy Thursday how's it going happy Groundhog Day I look the same and I've

  • got the same set of scissors it's going great same thing it's going great the difference

  • between groundhog days that we're actually making progress and um yeah just snipping

  • away slipping away slipping away and the the Sheep are visiting hey they are they've become

  • used to us working here and they seem to like being here this time of day it's uh nice and

  • Shady over here yes we love it over here so I shall continue we shall continue get to

  • walk well it really does feel a bit like Groundhog Day because I also have the same outfit only

  • decision I'm regretting is putting on shorts it has been so so hot and humid like disgustingly

  • hot lately like mid-30s with humidity sticky you're just sweating all over so I thought

  • hey I'll just wear shorts and walk over to the property and on the way here I got eaten

  • alive by mosquitoes so not only am I hot I'm also really really itchy but anyway I wanted

  • to take you over to the Chalet and show you some of the work that's been done we did have

  • to cut some trees around the house so that the roofers would be able to replace the new

  • roof that's going in but yeah I'm just gonna take you over and give you a little update

  • show you what's been happening this week

  • [Applause] so here we are time for the little tour um so if you recall I don't even know

  • if I filmed this but if we Face the Chalet head-on to the right hand side there were

  • a whole bunch of trees they're called Alamos which we sadly did have to cut down because

  • the direction in which they were growing they were growing over the roof some of the branches

  • had already broken on the roof it's like if we're replacing the roof we can't have this

  • issue again so we did have to see Dubai to these trees I don't like cutting trees down

  • but in this case it was just the wrong place for them and they have caused a lot of damage

  • uh so I mean eventually along this rock wall uh I'd love to have some uh maybe bushes some

  • kind of Shrubbery to create some division between this house and the one just up above

  • uh so yeah but I mean this is what it looks like now it's a lot more open here are some

  • of the branches that came down most of them have actually already been piled and sorted

  • so I'll show you that this was a pretty big job and there's still a few a few trees to

  • go a few branches to go [Applause]

  • so here we have some of the the branches which we'll be able to use and the trunks uh sliced

  • into more manageable or cut into more manageable pieces and then if we continue down over here

  • we've got a Giant Mountain of like thinner leafy branches so we're gonna wait for this

  • to dry a little bit and then we can put it through the wood chipper uh to process it

  • then over here we have kind of like dead branches leaves that sort of thing and another additional

  • pile of more leafy branches also drying so yeah it's looking a lot more open I think

  • one positive is that we're going to be getting a lot more sunlight and this used to be like

  • a very cold damp house it was just a little bit humid because it's always been surrounded

  • by trees and it didn't get a lot of daylight so that's one positive thing to come of it

  • like we are still surrounded by Greenery it feels like we're in the bush in the middle

  • of the Woods uh so that's nice but still eventually I will plant and replace uh what we had to

  • cut down with a more appropriate plant tour a more appropriate type of vegetation so that's

  • kind of the little update over here all righty so checking in for your Friday update what

  • have we gotten up to um basically we were running errands all morning and I'm really

  • bad at filming when I'm running errands because I just get in the zone and I forget about

  • the camera in my purse but basically we took the bus into town and then we went to the

  • hardware store I needed a few random things like measuring tape and a new frying pan Which

  • apparently you can get at a hardware store um and we were just like looking at prices

  • for tiles and things like that and then we also had to buy our groceries so we went to

  • the supermarket we went to the fruit and vegetable shop we ended up having a quick bite in town

  • and then we just came back and like did some work but yeah I just wanted to check in since

  • this is the weekly Vlog and I kind of almost skipped over Friday but yeah busy times and

  • oh speaking of the supermarket if you guys are interested in a supermarket tour and seeing

  • what kind of food items you can find in Argentina and what the prices are like let me know because

  • Sam is a huge fan of foreign supermarkets so he's suggested making uh like a supermarket

  • tour if you guys are into that we've done them in like Japan and Korea if you want to

  • see one from Argentina write it in the comments and we'll make that happen so yeah that's

  • kind of what we got up to and now I'm just gonna do some computer work try and do a little

  • bit of editing I'm trying to get ahead of the game so that is the updates I'm gonna

  • spend the rest of the night on the computer okay okay

  • got a little taste test a treat a treat it is now Saturday and last night Friday night

  • uh we drove into the town of LA cumbesita with a friend we went out for a beer and some

  • food but we ran into my friend's mom who runs a souvenir shop well they make beer first

  • of all they make beer uh it's called el viejos suizo the old Swiss man but they also have

  • a little souvenir shop called Casita Suiza which means Swiss house and she gifted me

  • alfajores and I was like oh my gosh thank you thanks seriously such a nice surprise

  • yeah um what are alfajores for the uh I mean you could think of them as Argentine cookies

  • they usually have dulce de leche or some other filling sometimes and they're very sweet very

  • tasty you can have them a snack or as a meal replacement we've done okay all right so we

  • thought it would be fun to cut these up do a little taste test and show you what's inside

  • of them yeah it's a very diverse selections oh we like this stuff yep so this one right

  • here I believe is their their classic alfajor filled with dulce de leche and coated in chocolate

  • sorry guys I almost finished it yeah last bite very good doctor didn't I would describe

  • it as decadent very nice I like it what's the next one let's try this one I've never

  • seen one this one has an interesting it is crumbly and it looks like it has nuts it's

  • oh it's very dense I see walnuts yeah try that oh [Music] that's amazing this is good

  • it's really my favorite one just something new and it's completely different I was like

  • ordinary a very nutty cookie and stuffed with uh filling all right guys so this next one

  • is a glazed alfajor it is covered in Sugar bathed in sugar if you will but it's got the

  • consistency of a macaroon yeah it reminds them of a Mecca macaroon it's not so petite

  • and it is filled with the Quince Jam which is like a little sour it's like really sweet

  • it's our new favorite one and I I thought that would be it would be hard to oh class

  • the uh the one with the uh what a mixed nuts yeah we're total pigs here I don't mind us

  • so yeah what a taste test yeah that was that was lots of fun if you come to Argentina you

  • need to try the alfajor there are so many different varieties like there's probably

  • hundreds of alfajores out there just so many alfajores try them all try them all one a

  • day one a day can't hurt make sure you exercise I might go back a little plump yeah yeah well

  • guys that is it for the weekly Vlog the week in the life that's what we got up to a little

  • bit of hiking a little bit of football working on the property and just running errands around

  • town so if you enjoyed the video feel free to give it a like hit that subscribe button

  • and we'll be seeing you very very soon with more progress reports stay tuned [Music]

  • foreign [Music]

foreign [Music]


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B1 中級

Daily LIFE in ARGENTINA: World Cup ⚽ + Mountain Trekking ? + Renovations! ? (Weekly Vlog)

  • 6 0
    Summer 發佈於 2022 年 12 月 14 日