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  • well well guys hello hello and welcome

  • back to another video I thought this

  • week we would try something a little bit

  • different and since we've only been in

  • Argentina for a few weeks I thought it

  • would be fun to sit down and talk about

  • some differences I have noticed between

  • life and Canada Life in the city in

  • Canada and life in a rural Village in

  • the mountains of Argentina so for those

  • of you who are new around here my

  • husband Sam and I recently moved down to

  • Argentina because we're renovating a

  • property that has a few different houses

  • and a hotel so we're going to be working

  • on that for a while and it's been an

  • adjustment because I would say for most

  • of our adult lives Sam and I have either

  • been traveling in big cities or living

  • in Fairly big cities and this is

  • probably the smallest place we have ever

  • lived it's beautiful it's isolated

  • you're just surrounded by nature but I

  • have noticed a few idiosyncrasies a few

  • major differences so I've actually even

  • keeping a little list of things that I

  • find just different or strange or funny

  • so that's what today's video is gonna be

  • all about okay so first major difference

  • is in relation to water and the fact

  • that over here we need to pump water if

  • we want to have water in our house so

  • where we lived in the city you know you

  • just open your Taps without thinking

  • about it water flows out no big deal

  • here in this rural village where we're

  • currently located everybody's house is

  • on a well system so you buy your plot of

  • land you build your house and you've got

  • to dig yourself a well if you want to

  • have water in your home running water in

  • your home that means that a few times a

  • week we actually need to pump water into

  • a tank that sits on the roof of the

  • house and that's how we get the water we

  • need for our everyday needs for drinking

  • for cooking for toilets that sort of

  • thing okay so Sam's about to do some

  • dishes for us but we need to fill the

  • water tank how does it work we activate

  • the well we activated the pump

  • there you go and it's literally just a

  • light switch that's it and we wait but

  • the thing is if you keep it on too long

  • it will overflow yeah you have to manage

  • it properly yeah that's the key Point

  • yeah I'll show you when that happens

  • that's how we know it's full the tank is

  • full now the thing is it's very easy to

  • forget to pump water and sometimes I'll

  • actually find myself in the shower and

  • all of a sudden I start losing water

  • pressure and it starts to turn into a

  • trickle and you're like oh no I forgot

  • to pump water I haven't done that in a

  • few days so that sort of thing happens

  • another thing here is that we're in a

  • very dry arid area and there can be

  • water shortages so we have to be very

  • mindful of how we use our water you're

  • just far more aware of your consumption

  • which is actually a good thing because I

  • find in the city it's very easy to just

  • not think about how long you've been in

  • the shower or how many liters of water

  • you've consumed and that sort of thing

  • so even though it's been a change it's

  • been an adjustment it's also a positive

  • one because it has made us more

  • conscious about our water consumption

  • which I think is really cool okay so

  • Point number two I wasn't planning to

  • talk about water so much

  • the storm is coming the storm is coming

  • I've been waiting to film this video

  • this is my second time filming the video

  • by the way because last time I didn't

  • plug in the mic properly and then the

  • storm begins during my second attempt

  • but let's roll with this so Point number

  • two related to water again is that water

  • just doesn't come out hot out of the

  • Taps you don't just turn turn the tap

  • for hot water and lo and behold it flows

  • no in this house that we're currently

  • renting and honestly most places in the

  • area

  • you have a water heater that runs on gas

  • that you've gotta turn on manually I'm

  • going to show you how the heater for the

  • Water Works the famous californ here we

  • go this took me took me lots of practice

  • to be able to turn it on with ease but

  • basically we're gonna turn this knob to

  • the spark point and and then we're gonna

  • push in

  • and we pop this button

  • until the blue flame lights up

  • in there you see it and then

  • gotta hold it in this spot for 30

  • seconds you can maybe get away with 20

  • seconds but if you let go any sooner

  • it'll turn off and you have to do the

  • whole thing again and it used to drive

  • me nuts when we first moved into the

  • house because I couldn't figure it out

  • why does the flame keep going out we've

  • had our share of difficulties with this

  • thing yeah it's probably been about 30

  • seconds you let go and then you turn it

  • to how hot you want it this is minimum

  • yeah this is high

  • and there's that flame that is how we

  • get hot water in the house

  • [Music]

  • so I turn it on in the morning and then

  • I turn it off at night and you do get

  • instant hot water it's not like I have

  • to wait 30 minutes for the whole time to

  • heat up like it Heats it in the moment

  • but it can happen that I'll be like

  • washing dishes or I'll be you know like

  • trying to wash my face in the bathroom

  • sink and it's like why is there no hot

  • water flowing out of here what's going

  • on it's like oh yeah I haven't turned on

  • the California so that's been another

  • difference if you want hot water you've

  • got to make sure you turn on the heater

  • there you go

  • foreign

  • number three is that around these parts

  • you have got to deal with your own

  • garbage there is no garbage or recycling

  • truck that's going to show up at your

  • house once a week take your garbage and

  • you're recycling away and poof it is

  • magically gone you didn't have to deal

  • with it so over here there is no garbage

  • collection system

  • so

  • it's a lot more work dealing with your

  • trash basically we try to generate as

  • little Trash as possible because it's a

  • bit of a headache to get rid of it

  • anything that I can use to make a fire

  • cardboard like toilet paper rolls

  • newsprint like cereal boxes anything

  • like that I keep in a little basket next

  • to the the wood burning stove and

  • whenever I need to start a fire like

  • that's what I'll use and then for the

  • garbage

  • we have to drive it to a neighboring

  • town that has a dump it's about 10 or 15

  • minutes away by car but we don't have a

  • car yeah the key is basically produce as

  • little garbage as possible so that you

  • have less to deal with what about

  • plastic bottles and glass bottles you

  • ask well for that there actually is a

  • recycling center next to the bus

  • terminal in another town that takes us

  • about 40 minutes to get to by bus so I

  • only recently learned about that place

  • but that's where you can get rid of that

  • sort of stuff and if not plastic bottles

  • like people use them a lot to like plant

  • new trees like little saplings I guess

  • saplings or seedlings I forget what you

  • call them basically you would cut the

  • the plastic bottles in half and you

  • would plant uh whatever it is you're

  • trying to grow because as you can see

  • this is a very green Place lots of

  • vegetation lots of plants and flowers

  • and trees yeah a lot of people in the

  • area enjoy gardening and that's one use

  • that you can find for your plastic

  • bottles okay so next big difference is

  • in regards to public transportation and

  • well it's not very frequent it is

  • existent we do have a bus but it is not

  • very frequent so basically anytime that

  • Sam and I want to run an errand in town

  • we need to catch a bus and we have to

  • make sure that we arrive at the bus stop

  • with plenty of time to spare because we

  • do not want to miss that one morning bus

  • basically there's one bus in the

  • mornings and if you miss that one there

  • isn't another one for four hours so that

  • kind of throws off your whole day if

  • you're coming from the city you're

  • probably used to buses passing by every

  • five minutes every 10 minutes there's

  • just greater frequency but around here

  • well we do have a bus it just doesn't

  • come by that that often good morning

  • we're currently on our way to catch the

  • bus sure are how out of breath are you

  • actually not so bad not so bad it's just

  • me well I'm slowly getting used to the I

  • mean every time we come here we have to

  • get used to being in the mountains the

  • high altitude and it is definitely an

  • adjustment yes but

  • I don't know I'm working out for a

  • couple of years my lungs are feeling

  • pretty good

  • yeah I would say it's about a 20 minute

  • walk you think it's less no 15 to 20

  • minutes it really depends on your pace I

  • mean we're hightailing it we don't want

  • to miss the bus yes it'll be the worst

  • thing ever because it comes like what

  • every few hours so four hours in the

  • morning we miss this bus and we end up

  • just going back to the to the cabin oh

  • man trying to get in tomorrow that would

  • be depressing yes and the thing about

  • the bus here is that it comes at very

  • specific times not all that frequently

  • so the name of the game is to get here

  • on time and make sure you catch your bus

  • otherwise you might have to do whatever

  • it is that you have planned another day

  • or hitchhike that is true we we actually

  • have enough friends in town that we've

  • had it there's been a couple times we've

  • been waiting here and we've gotten a

  • ride into town by uh by a local friend

  • anyways but yeah you could probably

  • hitchhike too that would be uh the

  • alternative option so Alternatives you

  • can hitchhike hitchhiking is actually

  • really common here and people will just

  • pick you up if they see you standing at

  • the bus stop they'll be like hey where

  • are you going do you need a ride and you

  • just get in and sometimes it'll be

  • neighbors it'll be people you actually

  • know and sometimes it'll be strangers

  • but there's just kind of this I don't

  • know unspoken rule that you offer people

  • a ride if if you have space because it's

  • not very easy getting around and then

  • for coming back into town when we've

  • missed a bus or we don't feel like

  • waiting for a really long time there is

  • the option of catching a taxi up the

  • mountain you can't catch them down the

  • mountain but you can catch them going up

  • from the bigger town so sometimes we

  • will shell out 10 bucks for a 40 minute

  • ride up the mountain to get us back to

  • our house because we'll often be

  • carrying like bags of grocery and like

  • fruit and vegetables and like what we

  • need for the week and and materials and

  • tools and supplies so when we're packed

  • like mules then we do take the taxi so

  • that is our transportation situation

  • again a bit of an adjustment but it

  • works so the next big change that I

  • actually thought was going to be a way

  • bigger to you than it actually is is the

  • fact that we don't actually have a

  • washing machine in the house we

  • currently rent and I thought that was

  • going to make things really hard like oh

  • my gosh what am I going to do with my

  • clothes

  • um I do them by hand and you know what

  • I've gotten used to it and I just get

  • more use out of my clothes I feel like

  • maybe in the past I would just wear it

  • once throw it in the wash but now it's

  • like um

  • sniff sniff can I wear this the second

  • or a third time obviously not with

  • undergarments you know

  • um but yeah you do get more wear out of

  • your clothes

  • and yeah we just wash stuff in the sink

  • by hand scrub scrub hang it to dry in

  • the clothesline it dries in the sun

  • almost immediately the sun is really

  • strong here because of the altitude and

  • yeah we're doing things the

  • old-fashioned way which is actually kind

  • of fun I don't mind it I thought it was

  • going to be this huge hassle but it's no

  • big deal doing doing laundry by hand we

  • have since learned that there is a lady

  • who offers laundry service here in the

  • town and we've used her a few times for

  • kind of like the the heavier items like

  • say a pair of jeans or like a pair of

  • work pants that you've been wearing for

  • a few weeks and they're just so dirty

  • that you're like there's no way I can

  • scrub this then we'll take our clothes

  • over to be washed and you pay by by The

  • Weight by the kilo and yeah this lady

  • will wash her clothes fold them deliver

  • them to our house and voila done but for

  • every day washing we do it by hand so

  • that's been a change never thought I'd

  • be washing my clothes by hand but here

  • we are okay so the next thing I want to

  • talk about is how we heat the home hence

  • why I'm sitting next to this pile of

  • wood and this Barrel holding a whole

  • bunch of pine cones so basically back in

  • Canada I was very used to just walking

  • up to the thermostat going beep beep two

  • degrees warmer and it would magically

  • just happen well here if we want to keep

  • the home we've got three options so

  • basically in the bathroom we have an

  • electric heater that we plug in only in

  • the winter time when it's like really

  • cold like really damp and humid and you

  • just do not want to take your clothes

  • off and go into the shower we plug in

  • the electric heater and then in the

  • bedroom we have a gas heater that I also

  • only use it in the winter and I only

  • turn it it on during the day or right

  • before going to bed to kind of warm up

  • the the room and then I turn it off once

  • we're going to sleep

  • but for the main area like the living

  • dining and kitchen area which is just

  • like one open space we depend on a wood

  • burning stove so Sam and I were here in

  • when was it we were here in the autumn

  • autumn heading into winter earlier this

  • year and they got really really cold

  • because in this area like when the

  • clouds come down they just cover the

  • whole area like you're basically living

  • inside of a cloud and it gets very cold

  • and humid and you really feel it in your

  • bones so I was having to light the the

  • wood burning stove quite often so I got

  • pretty good at that it was it was kind

  • of a challenge at first but I feel like

  • I've become pretty good at lighting

  • fires because I needed to do so in order

  • to stay warm and what we would use

  • is this hardwood I think this might be

  • quebracho which is it's just like a very

  • hard wood that burns slowly so it lasts

  • a long time and it just produces a lot

  • of a lot of warmth a lot of heat and

  • then the pine cones to get the the fire

  • started so that is our situation we have

  • three different systems to to heat the

  • house thankfully we only need that in

  • the winter and like maybe shoulder

  • season like late fall early spring but

  • for the most part the weather is just

  • nice enough that you don't need anything

  • you don't need heat or you don't need AC

  • for most of the year next big difference

  • is specialty shops in the sense that

  • that's the way you shop here that's the

  • way you do your groceries so back in

  • Canada back in the city I was very used

  • to just going to One supermarket getting

  • everything I need and I'm done it's a

  • One-Stop shop over here things are a

  • little bit different and I actually kind

  • of like it in the sense that I get to

  • visit multiple specialty shops on the

  • day that I do my groceries so usually it

  • will take the bus into town and then

  • we'll go to a fruit and vegetable shop

  • to get all of our fresh produce then we

  • can go to a butcher and get our

  • milanesas or whatever meat we want to

  • have that week then I can go to the

  • Baker and get my loaves of bread my

  • pastries things like that and then you

  • do also have like a more traditional

  • Market where you can buy your dried

  • Goods canned food and that sort of thing

  • so usually when we're doing our weekly

  • shop we'll visit multiple places over

  • the course of the day and then we'll

  • make our way back up the mountain with

  • our grocery bags and it's actually kind

  • of fun because I feel like I'm getting

  • more quality products because

  • everybody's an expert in what they're

  • providing if you go to the pastry shop

  • you can expect some really good via

  • noiseri some pastries uh bread that's

  • been freshly baked that morning and same

  • for the produce like there's just lots

  • of variety and like a really nice

  • selection and I don't know I just feel

  • like I'm getting quality stuff that may

  • or may not be the case but at least in

  • my mind I feel like I've visited a

  • specialist

  • a specialist in bread

  • um so yeah that's what our grocery

  • shopping is like around here next

  • difference around these parts is the

  • fact that we are surrounded by Wildlife

  • every minute of the day and it is pretty

  • cool one of the biggest highlights is

  • when we wake up in the mornings we come

  • and have breakfast here on the Terrace

  • and we have foxes join us like foxes

  • just parading through the garden being

  • all cute the other day we watched one

  • catch uh it caught like a little

  • chinchilla or like a little hamster like

  • that type of little animal rodent-like

  • creature and it just feels like we're it

  • feels like we're in the middle of a

  • National Geographic episode just

  • watching it unfold around us what other

  • animals can we see here wild boars

  • apparently there are plenty of wild

  • boars in the area still haven't

  • encountered one face to face kind of

  • hope I don't same thing with Pumas we do

  • have Pumas in the area but haven't seen

  • one yet and I'm kind of okay with that

  • I'd be happy to see one in a national

  • park from a distance but here in the

  • yard

  • I'm cool I'm cool so yeah that's been

  • really nice really enjoying the wildlife

  • very different from when we lived in

  • Toronto for a really long time where I

  • feel like the most the most exciting

  • thing would be like a squirrel or a

  • raccoon we did spend some time out in

  • the Rockies earlier this summer where

  • okay of course there we've got plenty of

  • wildlife I mean we saw black bears we

  • saw deer we saw moose

  • so yeah it's really nice to be getting

  • our our Wildlife quota

  • ah

  • Okay so

  • another difference has been

  • the power of Word of Mouth I would say

  • so coming from a city I'm very used to

  • Googling everything I need to find for

  • example I need a sushi restaurant I'm

  • there in Google I need a seamstress I'm

  • in Google I need to find

  • I don't know anyone someone to turn my

  • VHS tape into like a modern day file I

  • Google it where can I do that

  • um

  • over here I feel like people people

  • don't miss their businesses on Google

  • um everything is word of mouth and like

  • getting personal recommendations that

  • kind of thing so because we're doing a

  • house renovation and eventually a hotel

  • renovation like I've just been on the

  • lookout for contractors for everything

  • so at first I was looking for like

  • roofers electricians plumber on Google

  • and I was getting zero results like

  • what's going on is they're not a plumber

  • in this Village or the surrounding area

  • and it just turns out that people don't

  • don't list their businesses online like

  • they won't have a website or like even

  • an Instagram page or any form of digital

  • footprint so basically I've learned that

  • word of mouth is the way to go so

  • anytime I need a recommendation for a

  • contractor I walk into like my local

  • Corner Shop hey do you know a good

  • electrician hey have you heard of any

  • good plumbers in the area hey can you

  • recommend a roofer and same with

  • neighbors like if I'm chatting with

  • people I'll ask them for personal

  • recommendations and they often have

  • someone to share and yeah once I hear

  • somebody's name several times it's like

  • okay this person who comes highly

  • recommended okay I will reach out to

  • them and contact them and

  • pick up the phone and do things the

  • old-fashioned way no emails here so yeah

  • that's kind of been a little bit

  • different yeah there's more there's more

  • social interaction here you you have to

  • ask you have to speak up and ask some

  • questions uh that's different so another

  • another change another adjustment shall

  • we call it has been uh the pace of life

  • which is obviously a lot slower here in

  • the countryside uh people are just a lot

  • calmer they're not in a rush everyone's

  • more chill there's just no no hurry for

  • for anything and I think that's been a

  • change for me mainly in regards I mainly

  • notice it in regards to like working

  • with with contractors where I feel like

  • in the city it would be like okay

  • working hours are Monday to Friday nine

  • to five you're gonna be there first

  • thing in the morning

  • and here things just take a lot more

  • time take a lot more time

  • um and that's cool because I mean the

  • the job does eventually get done so yeah

  • I think it's been an adjustment for me

  • mostly because I think I'm just used to

  • things being done

  • so so fast quick like very very

  • efficient let's get done as fast as

  • possible soon now but yeah I'm learning

  • to be to be patient uh because things

  • just move a lot slower here and instead

  • of fighting that which is my initial

  • reaction like why aren't you showing up

  • already it's more about like relaxing

  • and being like okay the job's gonna get

  • done you know I can chill out it might

  • take a few weeks longer it might take a

  • month longer but it will get done and

  • just not stressing over things because

  • I'm not going to change the way things

  • are done here just the the pace of

  • things in the countryside it's like I'm

  • the one that needs to adapt it's not

  • about me changing other people but

  • I'm feeling relaxed I'm feeling cool so

  • we're all good uh yeah so I think that's

  • where where I'll end the video today I

  • just wanted to sit and make like a

  • chatty little video talking about some

  • of our Impressions things we've noticed

  • yeah just just changes coming from the

  • city to to a very small rural Village up

  • in the mountains I would say also it's I

  • think it's very easy for people to

  • idealize Country Life just based on what

  • you see in movies on YouTube on

  • Instagram it's so idyllic and perfect

  • and relaxed and you're just like

  • prancing through the countryside and

  • it's like no it's it is a lot more work

  • but I feel like it's worth it I find it

  • to be a very rewarding experience being

  • out in nature and obviously things take

  • more time certain things are harder to

  • do you don't have all your modern

  • everyday conveniences

  • but it feels like a fair trade for what

  • you get in return which is a lot of

  • peace and a lot of Nature and a lot more

  • control over your schedule and how you

  • spend your free time so yeah those are

  • just like some random thoughts little

  • jot notes I had in my notebook and I

  • thought I would take what I spilled on

  • paper and turn it into video form so let

  • me know if you enjoyed it if you want to

  • see more videos like this one just

  • talking about life in Argentina or life

  • in the countryside

  • yeah just experimenting over here hope

  • you liked it if you did feel free to

  • give the video a like that always helps

  • the algorithm you're also welcome to

  • subscribe and hit the little

  • notification Bell if you want YouTube to

  • let you know when there's new videos

  • from us and that's all for now have a

  • good one Tata

well well guys hello hello and welcome


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What's Countryside LIVING in ARGENTINA Really Like? ?? | 10 Ways Rural Life is Different! ??

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    Summer 發佈於 2022 年 10 月 13 日