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Welcome to the United Kingdom (and a whole lot more) explained by me, C. G. P. Grey
歡迎來到大英聯合國 (還有更多的), 由我─ C. G. P. Grey ─ 來說明。
The United Kingdom, England, Great Britain? Are these three the same place? Different
大英聯合國、英格蘭、大不列顛? 這三個地方是相同的? 不同的?
places? Do British people secretly laugh those who use the terms wrongly? Who knows the answers
英國人對於他人使用錯的專有名詞會暗自竊笑嗎? 誰知道這些問題的答案?
to these questions? I do and I’m going to tell you right now.
我知道答案, 現在我馬上為你解答。
For the lost: this is the world, this is the European continent and this is the place we
這是全世界, 這是歐洲大陸, 而這是我們要釐清的地方。
have to untangle. The area shown in purple is the United Kingdom.
Part of the confusion is that the United Kingdom is not a single country but instead is a country
容易混淆的是, 大英聯合國並不是一個單一國家, 而是多個國家的一個國家。
of countries. It contains inside of it four co-equal and
當然, 這其中包含了4個平等且具有獨立主權的國家在內。
sovereign nations The first of these is England — shown here
其中的第一個就是英格蘭── 紅色標記處。
in red. England is often confused with the United Kingdom as a whole because it’s the
英格蘭常常和大英聯合國被混淆成一個整體, 原因是因為英格蘭是
largest and most populous of the nations and contains the de facto capital city, London.
面積最大及人口最稠密的國家, 而且包含實際的首都 ─ 倫敦。
To the north is Scotland, shown in blue and to the west is wales, shown in white.
北方是蘇格蘭, 藍色標記處, 西方是威爾斯, 白色標記處。
And, often forgotten even by those in the United Kingdom, is Northern Ireland shown
然後, 即便是在大英聯合國中, 依舊時常被遺忘的是北愛爾蘭,
in orange. Each country has a local term for the population.
While you can call them all ‘British’ it’s not recommended as the four countries
你可以通稱他們是"英國人", 不這麼建議用這個通稱, 這四個國家
generally don’t like each other. The Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh regard
大體來說不是很喜歡彼此。北愛爾蘭人, 蘇格蘭人和威爾斯人將
the English as slave-driving colonial masters — no matter that all three have their own
英格蘭人視為奴隸操縱殖民者 ─ 即便這三個國家擁有自己
devolved Parliaments and are allowed to vote on English laws despite the reverse not being
權力下放的議會並且允許對英格蘭的法律投票, 儘管反之非亦然 ─
true — and the english generally regard the rest as rural yokels who spend too much
英格蘭人一般將其餘三個國家的人民, 視為是花太多時間在羊群上的鄉巴佬。
time with their sheep. However, as the four constituent countries
然而, 身為構成國的四個國家
don’t have their own passports, they are all British Citizens, like it or not.
卻沒有屬於自己的護照, 他們全都是英國公民, 不管喜歡與否。
British Citizens of the United Kingdom — whose full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain
大英聯合國的英國公民 ── 全名為大不列顛
and Northern Ireland. So where’s Great Britain hiding?
及北愛爾蘭聯合王國。 那麼大不列顛藏在哪呢?
Right here: the area covered in black in Great Britain. Unlike England, Scotland, Wales and
就在這: 黑色覆蓋的區域為大不列顛。不像是英格蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾斯和
Northern Ireland, Great Britain is a geographical term rather than a political term.
北愛爾蘭, 大不列顛是地理性質的名稱而非政治性質的名稱。
Great Britain is the largest island among the British Isles.
Within the United Kingdom, the term ‘Great Britain’ is often used to refer to England,
在大英聯合國中, “大不列顛” 這個詞常用來單獨指稱英格蘭、
Scotland and Wales alone with the intentional exclusion of Northern Ireland.
This is mostly, but not completely true, as all three constituent countries have islands
這是大部分, 但絕非完全確實, 這三個構成國的國家擁有
that are not part of Great Britain such as The Isle of Wight, Isles of Scilly and Lundy
不屬於大不列顛範圍內的島嶼, 例如懷特島、 錫利群島和蘭迪島
which are part of England, the Welsh Isle of Anglesey and the Scottish
這些是英格蘭的一部分, 威爾斯的安格爾西島以及蘇格蘭的
** Hebrides ** Shetland Islands ** Orkney Islands ** Islands of the Clyde
赫布里底群島、 設德蘭、 奧克尼、克萊德島。
The second biggest island in the british isles is Ireland.
It is worth noting that Ireland is not a country. Like Great Britain, it is a geographical,
值得注意的是, 愛爾蘭並不是一個國家。如同大不列顛般, 這是一個地理性質的,
not political, term. The Island of Ireland contain on it two countries,
Northern Ireland — which we have already discussed — and the Republic of Ireland.
北愛爾蘭 ─ 我們已經討論過的 ─ 還有愛爾蘭共和國。
When people say they are ‘Irish’ they are referring to the Republic of Ireland which
當人們說他們是“愛爾蘭人”, 他們指的是愛爾蘭共和國,
is a separate country from the united kingdom. However, both the Republic of Ireland and
一個從大英聯合國分割出去的國家。然而, 愛爾蘭共和國和
the United Kingdom are members of the European Union even though England often likes to pretend
大英聯合國兩者都是歐盟會員國的成員, 即便英格蘭常喜歡自稱
that it’s an Island in the mid-atlantic rather than 50km off the coast of France. But
that’s a story for another time. To review:
The two largest islands in the British Isles are Ireland and Great Britain. Ireland has
on it two countries — the republic of ireland and northern ireland, while Great Britain
有兩個國家-愛爾蘭共和國和北愛爾蘭, 而大不列顛上
(mostly) contains three: England, Scotland and Wales. These last three, when combined
(主要是)包含三個國家: 英格蘭, 蘇格蘭和威爾斯。這後面三個國家,
with northern Ireland form the United Kingdom Finished… no
There are still many unanswered questions. Such as, why, when you travel to Canada is
there British Royalty on the money? To answer this, we need to talk about Empire.
英國王室會出現在紙鈔上? 解答此一問題, 我們需要談到帝國。
You can’t have gone to school in the English-speaking world without having learned that the British
在這個說英文的世界裡, 你過去求學時, 不可能沒學習到
Empire once spanned a 1/4th the worlds land and governed nearly a 1/4th its people.
大英帝國曾橫跨了四分之一的世界, 統治了世界上四分之一的人。
While it is easy to remember the part of the empire that broke away violently…
然而容易的就能想起, 帝國的部分地區激烈地掙脫著...
We often forget how many nations gained independence through diplomacy, not bloodshed.
我們也時常忘記有多少個國家是藉由外交來贏得獨立, 而非流血場面。
These want-to-be nations struck a deal with the empire where they continued to recognize
這些想要獨立的國家與帝國達成的協議, 他們仍會繼續承認
the monarchy as the head of state in exchange for a local, autonomous parliament.
君主國是他們的上位者, 藉此換取地方性的自主議會。
But this raises the question: are these countries then still part of the United Kingdom?
但這引發了個問題: 這些國家仍是大英聯合國的一部分嗎?
Well, not exactly, but to understand how they are connected, we need to talk about the crown.
嗯, 並不完全地, 但為了要了解之間的關聯, 我們必須提到王權。
Not the physical crown that sits behind glass in the tower of London and earns millions
of tourist pounds for the UK but the crown as a complicated legal entity best thought
為大英聯合國賺取百萬英磅觀光商機的實體君主, 而是複雜法律本質的王權,
of a one-man corporation. Who created this corporation?
God Did. According to British Tradition all power is
上帝建造的。根據英國的傳統, 所有的權力
vested in God and the monarch is crowned in a Christian ceremony.
是由上帝賦予的, 君主是在基督教的儀式中受到加冕。
God however — not wanted to be bothered with micromanagement — conveniently delegates
然而, 上帝不想被這些微小管理煩擾, 因此上帝合宜地授權
his power to an entity called the crown. While this used to be the physical crown in the
tower of london — it evolved over time into a legal corporation sole able to be controlled
此君主隨著時間逐漸發展成法律上的單一政府, 只能夠被
only by the ruling monarch. All the laws of the United Kingdom derive
their right to exist from the crown, which in turn derives its power from God.
法律權利衍伸來自於王權, 王權則是依次衍伸來自於上帝。
It’s a useful reminder that the United Kingdom is still technically a theocracy with the
這是個有意義的提醒, 大英聯合國嚴格地來說仍然是君權神授的國家,
reigning monarch acting as both the head of state and the supreme governor of the official
state religion: Anglicanism. Such are the oddities that arise when dealing
with a 1,000 year-old Monarchy. Back to Canada and the rest, the former colonies
這些奇怪的事應運而生。回到剛剛加拿大討論停止的地方, 舊時的殖民地
that gained their independence through diplomacy and continue to recognize that authority of
藉由外交贏得了獨立, 並且持續承認王權的權力,
the crown are known as the Commonwealth Realm. They are, in decreasing order of population:
** Canada ** Australia ** Papua New Guinea ** New Zealand ** Jamaica ** Solomon Islands **
** 加拿大** 澳洲** 巴布新幾內亞 ** 紐西蘭 ** 牙買加**所羅門群島 **
Belize ** The Bahamas ** Barbados ** Saint Lucia ** Saint Vincent and the Grenadines **
Grenada ** Antigua and Barbuda ** Saint Kitts and Nevis ** Tuvalu
格瑞那達 ** 安地卡及巴布達**聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 **吐瓦魯
All are independent nations but still recognize the monarchy as the head of state even though
it has little real power within their borders. There are three further entities that belong
to the crown and these are the Crown Dependencies. Unlike the Commonwealth Realm, they are not
這些是皇家屬地。與大英國協王國不同的是, 他們不被認為是
considered independent nations, but are granted local autonomy by the crown and British Citizenship
獨立國家, 但王權允許賦予地方自治權, 而大英聯合國允許賦予英國公民權-
by the United Kingdom — though the UK does reserve the right to over-rule the laws of
there local assemblies. The Crown Dependencies are:
** The Isle of Man ** Jersey ** Guernsey Are we all done *now*?
**曼島**澤西**根西** 現在全部都解答完成了嗎?
Almost, but not quite. There are still a couple of loose threads, such as this place:
幾乎快了, 但並不完全。仍然還有幾個不明確的事, 好比這個地方:
The tiny city of Gibraltar on the Southern Coast of Spain famous for its rock, its monkeys
西班牙南方沿海區域上直布羅陀的小城市, 以巨巖、猴子聞名,
and for causing diplomatic tension between the United Kingdom and Spain.
Or what about the Falkland Islands? Which caused so much tension between the United
或者是福克蘭群島? 使得大英聯合國和阿根廷間, 有著如此多的緊繃的局勢,
Kingdom and Argentina that they went to war over them.
These places belong in the last group of crown properties know as: British Overseas Territories.
這些地方屬於最後一代王權的領土, 也就是英國海外領土。
But their former name — crown colonies — gives away their origins.
They are the last vestiges of the British Empire.
Unlike the Commonwealth Realm, they have not become independent nations and continue to
與大英國協王國不同, 這些地方並未成為獨立國家, 並且還
rely on the United Kingdom for military and (sometime) economic assistance. Like the Crown
Dependencies, everyone born in their borders is a British Citizen.
皇家屬地, 生於國界中的每個人都是英國公民。
The Crown colonies are, in decreasing order of population:
**Bermuda** Cayman Islands ** Turks and Caicos Islands ** Gibraltar ** British
Virgin Islands ** Akrotiri and Dhekelia ** Anguilla ** Saint Helena ** Ascension
Islands ** Tristan da Cunha ** Montserrat ** British Indian Ocean Territory ** South
Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ** Falkland Islands ** British Antarctic Territory **
Pitcairn Islands. In our final review, the United Kingdom is
皮特凱恩群島. 最後的複習, 大英聯合國
a country situated on the british isles and is part of The Crown which is controlled by
是一個處於不列顛群島上的國家, 並為皇家的一部分,
the monarchy. Also part of the crown and the british isles
被君主政體控制著。同時, 部分的王權及不列顛群島
are the crown dependencies. The independent nations of the former empire that still recognize
是屬於皇家屬地。早期大英帝國中, 仍然承認王權的獨立國家,
the crown are the commonwealth realm and the non-independent remnants of the former empire
屬於大英國協王國, 而那些早期大英帝國殘餘中的未獨立國家,
are the British overseas territories.