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  • He was driving his battered old car home on a country road one evening.

  • Ever since the Levi's factory closed, he'd been unemployed.

  • With winter raging on, the chill had finally hit home.

  • The afternoon was slowly fading into twilight.

  • Light snow flurries were coming down,

  • and he almost missed the elderly lady who was stranded on the side of the road.

  • and he almost missed the elderly lady who was stranded on the side of the road.

  • Fortunately, even in the dim light of day,

  • he could tell that she needed help.

  • So, he pulled up in front of her Mercedes-Benz and got out.

  • When he approached her, she was worried.

  • "No one has stopped over the past few hours, except for this man," she thought to herself.

  • "Is he going to hurt me?

  • He looks poor and hungry."

  • He looks poor and hungry."

  • Realizing that she was frightened,

  • he said quickly, "I'm here to help.

  • he said quickly, "I'm here to help.

  • You want to wait in the car, maybe?

  • It's too cold outside.

  • By the way, my name is Joe."

  • All she had was a flat tire,

  • but for an old lady, it was bad enough.

  • While Joe was changing the tire,

  • the lady rolled down the window and started to talk to him.

  • She told him that she was only passing through.

  • She was grateful that he came to her aid.

  • Joe just smiled as he put the flat tire in the trunk.

  • The elderly lady asked him how much she owed him,

  • and she added that any amount would be all right.

  • Joe, however, did not give the money a thought.

  • To him, this wasn't a job,

  • but rather a way to help someone in need,

  • just like those who had left him a hand in the past.

  • He told her that if she really wanted to repay him,

  • she could help someone else who was in need.

  • He waited until she had started her car and driven off.

  • It had been a cold and depressing day,

  • but Joe felt uplifted as he headed for home.

  • A few miles down the road,

  • the lady saw a small, dingy-looking cafe.

  • She went in to grab a bite and take the chill off before making the final leg of her trip home.

  • A waitress came over and brought a clean towel for her to dry her wet hair.

  • The waitress had a sweet smile,

  • one that even being on her feet for the entire day couldn't erase.

  • The lady then noticed that the waitress was heavily pregnant.

  • She wondered how a person, like this waitress, could be so giving to a perfect stranger.

  • Then she remembered Joe.

  • Finally, the lady finished her meal.

  • While the waitress went to get the change from a hundred-dollar bill that the elderly lady had given her,

  • the lady slipped out the door.

  • When the waitress returned, the lady was no longer in sight.

  • The lady had paid almost fifty times as much as the cost of the meal.

  • Then the waitress noticed something written on a napkin.

  • Tears filled her eyes as she read,

  • "Someone once helped me out in the way I'm helping you now.

  • If you really want to pay me back, don't let the chain of love end with you."

  • That night, after returning home from work,

  • the waitress lay awake in bed,

  • thinking about the money and what the lady had written.

  • "How would she know that we need money,

  • especially with our baby due next month?" she wondered.

  • Her husband, who was sleeping beside her,

  • was worried sick about their future.

  • She gave him a soft kiss and whispered,

  • "Everything will be all right. I love you, Joe."

He was driving his battered old car home on a country road one evening.


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