字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 How To Build Good Study Habits 如何培養良好讀書習慣 Have you ever wondered how some of your friends keep getting top grades though they don't really look like they study hard? 你有沒有想過,為什麼你的一些朋友雖然看起來並不怎麼努力讀書,卻一直拿到好成績? Well, it could be because they're secretly a genius, and one study session the night before the exam is all it takes. 嗯,這可能是因為他們暗地裡是個天才,考試前一晚讀一次書就足夠了。 However, if you're a regular person like me, a certified non-genius, you might've also wondered how good life would've been if you were born gifted. 然而,如果你是個跟我一樣的普通人,經認證為非天才,你也可能想過,如果擁有天賦,生活會有多好。 You could do whatever you wanted all year and still pass with flying colors. 你整年都可以做任何自己想做的事,仍然以優異的成績過關。 It's hard not to feel a little envious of these people sometimes, because they seem to have an unfair advantage. 有時很難不羨慕這些人,因為他們似乎有不公平的優勢。 But if you really dig deep into their life and daily routine, you might find that they aren't any more special than you and I. 但如果你真的深入探究他們的生活和日常習慣,你可能會發現他們並不比你、我特別。 And the reason they do so good in exams is because they have a solid study habit. 而他們考試中表現優異的原因是,他們擁有堅實的讀書習慣。 But how do you build good study habits when you always struggle with life's many responsibilities and distractions? 但是,當你總與生活中許多責任和干擾作戰時,該如何建立良好的讀書習慣? Today, I'm here to help you with just that. 我今天就在這裡幫助你解決這個問題。 But before we get into the details of study habits and how to build one, let's take a moment to learn about habits in general. 但在我們討論讀書習慣的細節和如何建立習慣前,讓我們花點時間大略地了解習慣。 What are habits, anyway? 習慣到底是什麼? You must have heard the phrase, "Humans are creatures of habit." 你一定聽過這句話:「人類是習慣性動物」。 Just think about it and you'll know how accurate that observation is. 只要想一想,你就會知道那個觀察有多準確。 According to researchers, almost 40% to 95% of our total behavior pattern is driven by habits, which are subconscious acts that we tend to repeat in certain situations. 研究人員指出,我們所有行為模式中,幾乎有 40% 至 95% 是習慣驅動,也就是我們在某些情況下傾向於重複的潛意識行為。 So, the reasoning is simple: If you can develop good habits, they'll lead you to live a productive and satisfying life. 那麼,道理很簡單:如果你能養成好習慣,它們將引導你過上高效率和滿足的生活。 Bad habits⏤think excess junk food or too much TV⏤on the other hand, can hinder career plans and ruin your health. 另一方面,像是垃圾食品過量或看太多電視等壞習慣,都會阻礙職業規劃並破壞你的健康。 That's why it's crucial to develop good habits for anything you do in life, no matter how small or insignificant they seem. 這就是為什麼在生活中做任何事情都要養成好習慣,不管它們看起來多麼小或微不足道。 After all, the habits we follow make us who we are. 畢竟,我們所遵循的習慣會造就自己。 It's our regular study habits, such as sticking to a routine, keeping weekly and monthly study targets, and taking regular tests, that help us excel. 正是我們平時如堅持例行公事、保持每週和每月的學習目標,並定期進行測試等的讀書習慣,會有助於我們變得出色。 How, then, can you build good study habits? 那麼,如何才能培養好的讀書習慣? Here's a short, five-step formula that will help. 這裡有個簡短的五步驟可以幫上忙。 The Five Steps To Building Good Study Habits 建立良好讀書習慣的五個步驟 Number 5, Settle On the Habit 第五:決定習慣 The very first step to developing good study habits is to decide on the habits themselves. 培養良好讀書習慣的第一步就是訂定習慣。 Would you like to study early in the morning or are you a late-night person? 你想要在清早讀書,抑或你是夜貓子? Maybe you're trying out the Pomodoro technique and want to go even deeper into the principle. 也許你正在嘗試番茄工作法,並想更深入地瞭解它的原理。(譯註:番茄工作法為一種時間管理方法) Whatever study habit you're trying to develop, make sure it's repeatable, because that's where the second step leads us to. 無論你想培養什麼讀書習慣,都要確保它是可重複的,因為那是第二步引導我們的方向。 Number 4, Repeat Regularly 第四:規律地重複 The very definition of a habit tells you that these are behaviors we tend to repeat. 習慣的定義在在指出,這些是我們傾向於重複的行為。 So, it's a no-brainer that once you're sure of which habits you'd like to develop, you need to repeat them regularly. 所以當你決定想要培養的習慣後,規律地重複它們的必要性是顯然易見的。 For instance, if you're trying to study from six to eight every morning, then you need to repeat that behavior regularly for at least two months before it becomes a habit. 例如,如果你想在每天早上六點到八點之間讀書,那麼你就需要至少規律重複那行為兩個月才能養成一種習慣。 Here, it's important to note that the time required for building up habits depends on the habits you're trying to cultivate. 這裡的一個重點是,培養習慣所需的時間取決於你所要培養的習慣。 The more complex the habit, the more time you'll need to make it second nature. 習慣越複雜,你就需要更多時間來使它成為第二天性。 Number 3, Monitor Over the Long Term 第三:長期監測 Though this is the third step in building good study habits, it needs to be carried out in tandem with the second step. 雖然這是建立良好讀書習慣的第三步,但它需要與第二步同步進行。 Habits can be sneaky and tend to slip away if we become a bit too relaxed. 習慣可能很狡猾,如果我們太過放鬆,它往往就會溜走。 That's why you need to closely monitor behaviors over the long run and ensure that you don't cheat. 這就是為什麼你需要長期且密切地監測行為,確保你不作弊。 And one of the easiest ways to do that is to make sure that the routine doesn't become a hassle. 而要做到這點最簡單的方法之一就是確保日常規律不會成為麻煩的事情。 Number 2, Make It Convenient 第二:讓它變得方便 Because, let's face it, we always like to take the easy way out. 因為我們得面對現實:我們總是喜歡走捷徑。 So, the best way to make your study habits stick is to make it convenient for yourself to practice those habits. 所以說,讓你的讀書習慣堅持下去的最好方法是,讓練習這些習慣變得更方便。 For instance, if you're trying to wake up early to study, set a loud alarm on your phone. 舉例而言,如果你想早起讀書,那就在手機上設置響亮的鬧鐘。 Create a study room free from distractions, if you have the convenience. 如果你方便的話,創造一個不受干擾的學習室。 Another good study habit that you can work on is regular exercise. 另一個你可以努力養成的良好讀書習慣是定期運動。 Believe it or not, working out regularly helps the brain to retain coursework better. 信不信由你,規律運動有助於大腦更好地記憶課業。 To make it easy, you can consider setting up a home gym and working out before sitting down to study. 為了方便起見,你可以考慮設立一個家庭健身房,在坐下來讀書之前先運動。 Number 1, Reward to Reinforce 第一:獎勵以強化 Finally, don't forget to reward yourself. 最後,別忘了獎勵自己。 It's an established fact that habits are best developed when you reward yourself for accomplishing them. 一個既定的事實是,當你獎勵自己完成這些任務時,習慣的培養會有最佳效果。 However, there's a bit of a catch: Your reward can't just be anything. 然而,有一個小問題:你的獎勵不能只是任何東西。 To build successful study habits, your reward must be something that reinforces the habit itself. 要建立成功的讀書習慣,你的獎勵必須是能強化習慣本身的東西。 For instance, after successfully waking up early for a few days, you shouldn't reward yourself by sleeping till noon for the next few. 例如,在成功地早起了幾天後,你不應該透過在接下來幾天裡睡到中午來獎勵自己。 Instead, it's better if you get a fancy alarm clock that ensures you wake up early and don't have to face your phone first thing in the morning. 相反地,如果你給自己買一個花哨的鬧鐘會更好,這可以確保你早起,且不必在早上第一時間就面對手機。 This way, your reward reinforces your habit and helps to make it permanent. 這樣一來,你的獎勵會強化習慣,並有助於使它成為永久性的。 Good habits can do so much more than earn you good grades. 好習慣可以做的,遠比讓你拿到好成績還多。 They can lead you towards a path of a more calm and fulfilling life. 它們可以引導你走向更平靜、更充實的生活。 So, start implementing these tips now and see how your grades change for the better. 那麼,現在就開始實施這些訣竅,看看你的成績如何改善吧。 I wish you all the success. 我祝你們一切順利。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 習慣 讀書 培養 獎勵 養成 規律 5 個步驟輕鬆養成良好讀書習慣!(How To Build Good Study Habits Easily) 157557 1298 Misaki 發佈於 2022 年 12 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字