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  • [Music] hello and greetings from Cate Breton Nova Scotia we recently spent a week road

    [音樂] 你好,來自 Cate Breton Nova Scotia 的問候,我們最近花了一周

  • tripping the island and what an adventure that was this was our fourth summer exploring

    的時間 在島上旅行,這是我們第四個夏天探索

  • Nova Scotia and this time around we focused on Southern Cape Breton specifically the area


  • between Saint Peters and Port Hastings I think this is a really interesting area to visit

    聖彼得斯之間 的地區 和黑斯廷斯港 我認為這是一個非常有趣的地方,

  • because it is very accessible Port Hastings is the first town you hit if you're Crossing

    因為它非常容易到達 黑斯廷斯港是你穿過的第一個城鎮,如果你穿過

  • via the kanso causeway the only land access point to the island so it's a logical starting

    kanso 堤道,這是唯一的陸地入口點,所以這是一個合乎邏輯的起點

  • point and it makes a lot of sense for travelers who want to see a bit of Cape Breton Nova Scotia without

    和 對於那些想在不 開車太遠的

  • having to drive too far we spent our week in southern Cape Breton doing an iconic sale


  • from Lake to Sea feasting on seafood at every meal tackling different hiking trails and


  • enjoying the warm Hospitality the island is known for so hit that subscribe button and


  • join us as we explore Southern Cape Breton travel guide


  • hello hello good morning guys so for our first activity of the day we are getting ready to

    你好,大家早上好,所以為了我們的 f當天的第一項活動我們準備

  • go on a boat tour of the Saint Peter's canal and we're gonna get to learn about their lock


  • system and how the bra door Lake flows into the ocean and you know they've got different


  • tides and things like that so there's a bit of a system to get the boats to go from Lake


  • to Sea yeah and I mean this is the part of Canada we're going on a boat is practically


  • your Birthright I mean Nova Scotia is surrounded by water is considered Canada's oceans playground


  • and I can't wait for us to go out sailing today foreign


  • [Music]

  • Canal National Historic Site is an 800 meter title lock Canal designed to compensate for


  • the tidal differences between the ocean and the lake the canal traces its history back


  • to a traditional mikma Portage route and later affordified 17th century French Trading Post

    傳統的 mikma Portage 路線,後來由 17 世紀的法國貿易站

  • the lock has Double Gates that close in a diamond shape and this is because depending


  • on the tides it could be the Lakeside or the ocean side that has the higher water levels


  • we did our tour through Richmond Adventure planning sailboat tours aboard the kunamara


  • which is a Celtic word meaning Hound of the sea the tour was an hour and a half in length


  • and we got to learn about the history of the canal and also hear about some of the fun


  • events that take place during the year like swim the canal [Music] foreign [Music]

    一年中發生的 一些有趣的 活動,比如游運河 [音樂] 外國 [音樂]

  • that was a lot of fun it was so much fun all right guys

    這很有趣 非常有趣 好吧,伙計們

  • we are back in the car because it's starting to rain we finished that tour just in time


  • and that was a lot of fun and we got to sail through the Saint Peter's Canal it was amazing


  • and uh Gordon was a fantastic guide yes very nice gentleman um couldn't have had a better


  • Captain very relaxed it's very friendly yeah the scenery was incredible and it was fascinating


  • to see the procedure of how they they opened the canal Yeah so basically we were entering


  • from the Lakeside towards the ocean so first they had to stop traffic and like this bridge

    看到他們打開運河的 過程 令人

  • swings open the boat goes through and then you have these two sets of locks That Swing

    著迷 你有這兩組鎖,那是

  • open because obviously the water level between the lake and the ocean it's different and


  • at its highest it can be up to three feet so you kind of enter the lock mechanism then


  • the water level either drops or Rises is and then the next set of locks opens and off you


  • go and once they had that part ready we were out out sailing so it is quite the procedure


  • but very cool to see I think that was my first time going through a lock system yeah so yeah


  • it's the thing to do if you're in this part of Cape Breton kind of like the southeastern


  • shore yeah I would highly recommend it for sure it's just a I mean when you're in Nova


  • Scotia you got to get out on a boat and you got to explore the waters [Music] thank you

    斯科舍省時,你必須出去船,你要探索水域 [音樂] 謝謝你

  • after the sailing tour we drove down to Iowa Dam where we stopped to have lunch at the


  • island nest in erisha we got their fisherman platter with haddocks scallops shrimp and

    在 erisha 的島巢吃午飯,我們得到了他們的漁夫拼盤,裡面有黑線鱈扇貝蝦和

  • clam strips with a side of french fries and coleslaw the portions were pretty big so you


  • can probably share the platters their menu also featured fish and chips fish burgers


  • and breaded shrimp so you basically come here for the seafood so guys I am here with my


  • clam chowder it is so good like it's such a cold rainy day so this is exactly what I


  • wanted [Music] clams Lobster a little bit of everything and vegetables too oh there's

    想要的 [音樂] 蛤蜊 龍蝦 一點點所有的東西和蔬菜 哦還有

  • celery potato this is just perfect for the weather oh my gosh I have an amazing Seafood

    芹菜土豆 這非常適合天氣 哦我的天我有一個了不起的海鮮

  • fighter come check this out look at that shrimp clams haddock and last but not least scallops

    鬥士 來看看這個 蝦蛤 黑線鱈最後但並非最不重要的是扇貝

  • and I've got three different sauces gravy homemade gravy for the fries seafood sauce


  • and then tartar sauce yeah fried scallops are my favorites they're the best guys look


  • at that a whole lot of tartar sauce [Music]


  • amazing back in the car yes how's that meal oh so satisfying it's really our first taste


  • of the seafood that we're gonna be having while we're yeah in Nova Scotia so what a


  • what a delightful treat it was you eat well on the island oh yeah full satisfied not not


  • gut busting but I was a nice big hearty meal and the perfect kind of food something to


  • warm us up as it's raining a little bit and we're gonna do price point as is always requested


  • that meal was 48 yeah so twenty four dollars per person and we got the Fisherman's Platter

    那頓飯是48是的所以每人 24 美元,我們得到了漁夫拼盤

  • the clam chowder the iced tea and ginger ale and the gravy the home and the greens and


  • the biscuits and the crackers yeah [Music]

    濃湯 冰茶和薑汁汽水和肉汁 家庭蔬菜 餅乾和薄脆餅乾

  • okay so this next attraction we're bringing you to it's called the Lenoir Forge this is

    叫做 Lenoir Forge 這是

  • the historical building right behind me and we've just learned that this place used to


  • be a ship's chandlery an ice house and a Tavern as well as a forge so it's had a lot of different


  • uses over the years so we're going to bring you in show you some historical artifacts


  • and try not to get blown away by this wind [Music]


  • twice a week during the summer months they have a blacksmithing demonstration the schedule

    在夏季的幾個月裡,他們每周有兩次鍛造示範 時間表

  • is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 pm during July and August But be sure to check for updated

    是每週二和周四下午 2 點到 4 點七月和八月 在您訪問之前 一定要檢查更新

  • information before you visit they also offer a 30-minute walk-in blacksmithing experience

    信息 他們還提供 30 分鐘的步入式鍛造體驗

  • where participants get to make a small souvenir under the guidance of the blacksmith so aside


  • from the forge here at the Lenoir Forge they also have these three buildings that they

    Lenoir Forge 的鍛造之外,他們還擁有這三個他們稱之為棚戶區的建築物,

  • call shanties and they're using each of these buildings to kind of showcase what life was


  • like in the area back in the day so the one we're in at the moment is the schoolhouse


  • hey Sam it's fascinating yeah it just has a very specific smell inside of here you walk


  • and you're like the wood the chalk it smells like being in a wood shed and it's amazing


  • to see the deaths that were used the classic chalkboard I'm old enough to have used one


  • of these I wonder if you guys have this is a like stepping back in time and you know


  • what I went to a rural School in Argentina so I actually used these desks that you can

  • see here and are you serious yes yes that was wonderful oh wow and believe it or not


  • we actually also had a stove like this that one of the students would have to eat in the


  • winter time no way I know I know it's hard to believe but this is I mean it feels like


  • Little House on the Prairie like that type of school yeah and yeah it's kind of nice


  • this isn't stepping back in time this is just reliving your childhood that's fascinating


  • we're in the next building uh-huh and as you can see it's in the dining area yes yes yeah


  • so it's meant to Showcase you know kind of utensils and just items they had in a kitchen


  • a dining area back in the day what's really capturing my attention is just the stove stove


  • and these things are built to last like this will Outlast any water and Appliance if it's


  • kept well I mean it's just so heavy duty made it's incredible you know what I'd like to


  • film a stove like that one day I would too I would actually I'd use it yeah for sure


  • it'd be cool to you know fire it up the old-fashioned way and uh and cook you know you want to get


  • me one for our Argentine home the South American one yeah we'll save up for it how's that [Music]


  • after visiting the Lenoir Forge we continued our loop around Iowa Dam and drove to Lennox


  • passage Provincial Park this park is located on the north side of Iowa Dam so it's one


  • of the first places you come across when you drive onto the island a bit of a rainy one


  • a bit of a wet today but we have driven over to Lennox passage Provincial Park where we


  • can visit the Grand Deke Point Lighthouse so that's where we're bringing you along to


  • check out this cute little Lighthouse they're they're very small in this area but very I


  • don't know there's something sweet like historic and rustic and they are sweet and their locations


  • tend to be fabulous so yeah yeah we're gonna enjoy this one right here aside from being

    往往很棒所以是 的 我們會在這裡享受這個,除了是

  • home to grandik Point Lighthouse Lennox passage Provincial Park also has two kilometers of

    grandik Point Lighthouse Lennox通道省立公園還有兩公里的

  • Shoreline as well as hiking trails through the forest [Music] laughs [Music]


  • we then made our way back to the Groundswell Pub and Inn which also happened to be where

    然後我們回到了地斯維爾l Pub and Inn 這也恰好是

  • we stayed on Isle Madame this place serves up some great food and it was recommended

    我們在 Isle Madame 住的地方,這個地方提供一些美味的食物,

  • To Us by locals over and over again so be sure to check it out if you're in the area


  • [Music]


  • bourbon maple syrup scallops like bacon every ingredient fell off and they're all combined

    波旁楓糖漿扇貝 像培根 每種成分都掉了下來,它們都混合在一起

  • I haven't even taken a bite but I'm so excited for this I'm salivating behind the camera

    了 我什至還沒咬一口,但我為此興奮不已,我在鏡頭後垂涎三尺

  • [Music] that's way too good where do I begin crunchiness of the bacon juiciness of the

    [音樂] 太好了我在哪裡 扇貝 的培根多汁開始鬆脆,

  • scallops it absorbs the maple syrup in the bourbon


  • and then for the mains Sam got the Cajun linguine with shrimp which was divine the sauce was


  • so rich and creamy that I kept stealing bites and meanwhile I ordered the Thai green curry


  • with haddock and rice I like this Twist on a Southeast Asian dish using local K Breton

    配黑線鱈和米飯 我喜歡用當地的 K Breton 海鮮製作的東南亞菜餚上的 Twist

  • seafood and now while we're talking about the Groundswell I want to mention that aside

    ,現在當我們談論 Groundswell 時,我想提一下,除了

  • from delicious food and great music they also offer a variety of accommodations you can


  • choose between staying at the Inn where each of the rooms are named after a different song


  • by The Beatles or their two-bedroom cottage which is where we stayed the cottage is Right


  • By the Sea and it felt rustic warm and cozy plus we also got to enjoy some spectacular


  • sunrises

    的 日出

  • another place not to be missed in St Peter's is battery Provincial Park which can be accessed


  • from the Saint Peter's Canal you just have to walk across the Lock Bridge to the east


  • side and you're there this Provincial Park sits on a hill overlooking Saint Peter's Bay


  • and it is home to Jerome Point Lighthouse you can enjoy some really nice panoramic views


  • of the town of Saint Peters from this point plus you can watch the sailboats and fishing

    從這裡欣賞到聖彼得斯鎮的 一些非常漂亮的全景

  • boats make their way through the canal and out to sea the park also offers plenty of

    ,還可以觀看帆船和漁船 穿過運河並出海公園還提供許多

  • hiking trails to enjoy plus lots of campsites with epic sea views [Music]

    遠足小徑供您欣賞,還有許多露營地可欣賞壯麗的海景 [音樂]

  • another nice activity to enjoy in Saint Peters is a walk along the Saint Peter's Coastal


  • Trail this is a 3.5 kilometer Trail one way that stretches from Saint Peter's Canal to

    小徑散步,這是一條 3.5 公里的小徑是的,從聖彼得運河

  • River tillard along the Saint Peter's Bay the trail is on a converted Railway bed and


  • it's a grassy trail with several access points to the beach you also get some really nice


  • views of battery Provincial Park and the Jerome Point Lighthouse plus it's just so nice to


  • listen to those rolling waves and enjoy the Sea Breeze we lucked out meeting this German


  • Shepherd on the beach who wanted to play yeah yeah I'm getting him wow

    聽那些滾滾的海浪和享受海風 真是太好了 我們很幸運 在海灘上遇到了這個想玩的德國牧羊犬耶耶我讓他哇

  • [Music]


  • thank you foreign


  • [Music] we also ate at the Lock Masters Pub which is located at the Brad door Lakes Inn

    [音樂]我們也在位於 Brad door Lakes Inn

  • Sam got the surf and turf which came with steak and a Lobster Claw in a side of mashed


  • potato swirls meanwhile I got their pan-seared scallops served with a pea and lobster risotto

    的 Lock Masters Pub 用餐燴飯

  • their menu also featured all the pub food Classics plus lots of seafood pasta and the


  • best part was that they had live music in the evening foreign

    最好的部分是他們晚上有現場音樂表演 外國

  • [Music] ERS starting off with the clam chowder for appetizer looks so good we've been having

    [音樂] ERS ​​從開胃菜的蛤蜊濃湯開始,看起來很棒,我們已經蜂了 在這次旅行中 吃

  • quite a bit of clam chowder on this trip and this one is the creamiest thickest one I have


  • seen so far it comes with clams Lobster shrimp and haddock look at that this is gonna be


  • good I can just tell [Music]


  • that is how it's done that's so good it also has potato and on the side a bit of garlic


  • bread my goodness I have an exciting lunch I love my Mac and Cheese you can get it with


  • lobster these are the chunks of lobster I'm getting look at that look how cheesy this


  • is that is gonna be the first bite


  • whole new level it's like the Mount Everest mac and cheese really wow for the mac and


  • cheese yeah I love stir and it comes with yeah it comes with sweet potato fries and


  • more garlic bread and a chipotle dip here and I opted for the seafood pasta I got the

    哇在這裡蘸一下墨西哥辣椒,我選擇了海鮮意大利面 我得到了

  • fettuccine G which comes with muscles black tie your shrimp a white wine sauce vegan scallops

    帶有肌肉的意大利細麵條 G 黑領帶你的蝦 白葡萄酒醬 素食扇貝

  • that combination of seafood and bacon would recommend seafood and bacon is amazing yes

    海鮮和培根的組合會推薦 海鮮和培根很棒 是

  • the walk so we drove to the port bury community Trails well guys we have arrived at our next

    的 步行所以我們開車去伯里社區步道好伙計們,我們已經到達下一個

  • destination we are now in Port Hawkesbury and we're checking out the Port Hawkesbury


  • Community Trails there is a lot of hiking to do here so yeah we're super pumped super


  • excited the rain is holding off and the temperature is actually quite agreeable so we're looking


  • forward to heading into the woods and just enjoying a bit of nature also lots of different


  • trails to choose from and they all have tree names so we've got the hemlock Trail the Maple


  • Trail the spruce Trail right now we're hitting up the Tamarack Trail so yeah this is really


  • nice it's been a while since I went hiking so it's always nice to be out in the greenery


  • isn't it fantastic yeah I did a little one yesterday while you were warming up and um


  • yeah this is so nice it's a beautiful trail system here and it's not far from the town


  • either it's like you kind of just head out from the residential area and you're right


  • out here in the woods it's amazing nature is never far in Nova Scotia so one thing I've

    在樹林裡,這是驚人的自然在 Nova S 中從未有過所以我在這裡註意到的一件事

  • noticed here is that there's a lot of the old man's beard moth hanging from some of

    是,這裡的一些 樹枝上 掛著很多老人的鬍鬚蛾, 有人告訴我這是空氣

  • the branches on the trees here and I've been told that's a really good sign of the air


  • quality it means you have really Pure Clean Air so that's always really nice to see and


  • you know makes you want to take just a deep breath Breathe It In Breathe that Evergreen

    聞起來是如此美妙和清新,尤其是在 下雨之後,

  • just smells so nice and fresh especially after a rainfall like when you walk through a forest


  • right after it's rained I don't know that just opens up your lungs well we're having


  • a little giggle here can you can you tell us about the sign it's a tiny bit sad there


  • is no poop Fairy After All I always believed in one but apparently there isn't if your


  • animal takes a poop especially your dog you should pick it up because the poop fairy does


  • not exist here on this Trail [Music] foreign [Music] guys another day another restaurant


  • we are bringing you to Country Kitchen this is a restaurant that's been around for over

    便便 仙女 已經存在了

  • five decades now and they specialize in diner food yeah party meals we had an awesome breakfast


  • here earlier this morning and we're heading back for lunch I mean it's literally across

    我們 要回去吃午餐

  • the road from where we're staying so exactly Ultra convenient and yeah I think we were


  • looking at the lunch menu we're thinking about getting the hot turkey sandwich as one of


  • the items maybe the fish and chips we'll see [Music]

    也許我們會看到炸魚和薯條 [音樂]

  • it's enjoying the man did you say the liver and onions is a country kitchen tradition


  • [Music] friends we are indulging in the ultimate comfort food check out this hot gravy sandwiches

    [音樂] 朋友們,我們正在沉迷於終極舒適的食物,看看這個熱肉汁三明治

  • so basically you have the classic hot turkey sandwich and I've got one with a burger instead


  • I've got the bread covered in gravy Burger in the middle tons of fries and corn again


  • okay oh yeah that's so good with the gravy gravy for the wind friends if you're gonna

    好吧 哦 是的 肉汁對風朋友來說

  • have a sandwich like this little you better bring your appetite it's very filling all


  • righty so we are out I would mention this restaurant is located in the Hearthstone Inn

    了定位在Hearthstone Inn

  • it is a motel along the highway but they also do food yeah and price points yeah so we had


  • breakfast and lunch there and most items were between eight and twelve dollars so very affordable


  • very filling meal so you go there to eat well and we did that twice today twice today we


  • gotta go exercise it off we're gonna hike because we are stuck yep [Music] thank you


  • [Music] where are we and what are we up to we are visiting right up here the Celtic Shores


  • Coastal Trail which is part of the Great Trail formerly known as the trans candidate yeah

    Coastal Trail,它是 Great Trail 的一部分,以前被稱為跨性別候選人

  • and still mostly known as that most people don't know it's a great Trail we didn't even

    ,是的 ,並且仍然主要是因為大多數人不知道這是一條很棒的 Trail,我們

  • until recently but this is a massive Trail guys come check out where you can go from

    直到最近才知道,但這是一條巨大的 Trail,伙計們來看看你可以從哪裡去

  • so we've been sort of staying in the this area the port Hastings area but now we're


  • at Troy it goes all the way up here so basically it finishes uh in Inverness this would take


  • good question I have no idea how long that would take well I'll tell you driving from

    一個很好的問題我沒有知道這需要多長時間 我會告訴你開車從

  • Port Hastings to Inverness is about an hour and a half so imagine doing that on foot it


  • would take you a while yes the Celtic Shores Coastal Trail stretches 92 kilometers from


  • Port Hastings to Inverness along the west coast of Cape Breton Island it mainly follows

    沿著布雷頓角島的西海岸從黑斯廷斯港到因弗內斯綿延 92 公里,主要

  • the coast going past Scenic harbors and fishing communities we only hiked a small portion


  • of the trail joining the trailhead in the town of Troy this is a very easy spot to access


  • for those traveling around the southern part of Cape Breton plus there's a big parking


  • lot and even picnic tables for a Seaside lunch we're doing a little show and tell here because


  • we've been shopping for souvenirs tell us about yours so we went to the cape brand shop

    我們一直在購買紀念品告訴我們你的所以我們去了 Cape 品牌商店

  • they have a lovely collection of all kinds of things really nice clothes hoodies t-shirts

    他們有各種各樣的可愛的東西非常漂亮的衣服連帽衫 T 卹

  • Celtic jewelry Celtic jewelry they also had a really nice Celtic scarves and I decided

    凱爾特人珠寶 凱爾特人珠寶 他們也有一條非常漂亮的凱爾特人圍巾,我決定

  • to get this shirt because I'm a little short on shirts on this trip so Cape Breton and


  • it's a Moosey Moose what sold me was the moose and the transposed trees nice so and I also

    它是 Moosey Moo賣給我的是駝鹿和倒置的樹很好,所以我也

  • really like green so it's like yeah it took the all the boxes probably gonna throw this


  • on momentarily momentarily okay and I got some Maple Tea I don't think I've ever tried

    ,暫時還好,我得到了一些楓茶,我想我沒有 在它成為綠茶之前, 我曾經嘗試過

  • Maple Tea before it's a green tea so I think this is gonna be really tasty it feels very


  • Nova scotian very Canadian and it'll be nice for Autumn yeah one place you can't miss if


  • you're driving to Cape Breton is the kanso causeway since this is the only land access

    你開車去布雷頓角, 你不能錯過的地方

  • point to the island the kanso causeway may look like an average Crossing but let me tell

    是 kanso 堤道,因為這是通往該島的唯一陸地入口

  • you it's actually a feat of engineering by definition a Causeway is a raised Road or

    kanso 堤道可能看起來像一個普通的十字路口,但讓我告訴

  • track across low or wet ground and the kanso causeway is a road across the Strait of kanso


  • which connects Cape Breton Island to the Nova Scotia Peninsula prior to construction of


  • the causeway Crossing to Cape Breton involved taking a ferry yes even train carriages were

    之前 將 布雷頓角島連接到新斯科舍半島

  • loaded onto the ferry to complete the journey 10 million tons of rock were quarried to fill

    堪薩斯海峽的深度為 66 米,經過 27 個月的持續

  • in the Strait of Kansas which has a depth of 66 meters it took 27 months of continuous

    努力,建造了世界上最深的堤道,並於 1955 年 5 月通車鐵路和公路,

  • work to create the world's deepest Causeway and it opened to rail and road traffic in

    總共開采 了 1000 萬噸岩石

  • May of 1955.

  • so if you find yourself along the southern part of Cape Breton this is a place worth


  • visiting [Music] since we were already in the area we decided to drive across the kanso

    遊的地方 [音樂] 因為我們已經在該地區我們決定開車穿過 kanso

  • causeway and have lunch off the island we went to The Cove Restaurant in ALDS Cove a

    堤道並在島上吃午飯我們去了 ALDS Cove 的 The Cove 餐廳

  • nice Seaside restaurant with a strong nautical theme [Music] [Applause]

    不錯的海邊餐廳,有強烈的航海主題[音樂] [掌聲]

  • [Music]


  • time for another meal hello we have bottomless fit stomachs here so this time I have ordered


  • Atlantic salmon on rye with cream cheese and capers that's a nice combo okay it's nice


  • oh that's delectable it goes beautifully with the cream cheese and capers onions too I should


  • mention and very high quality toasted bread right Brad yum as for me I got the fish cakes

  • and some bunions I haven't had fish cakes in such a long time and I love the saltiness


  • of them

  • um I like the contrast to the saltiness with the sweet buns oh the beans look so good that's


  • what I want I'm negotiating together how are they [Music]


  • the following day we continued our travels around southern Cape Breton and made our way


  • to Dundee this is a small community overlooking the brador lake and it is home to the Dundee


  • Resort and golf club now our stay here happened to coincide with the biggest storm of the


  • Year yes a hurricane so we didn't get to do many touristy things to share with you all

    是颶風,所以我們沒有做許多旅遊景點與大家分享, 但該

  • but there is plenty to do in the area just to give you an idea there's a beautiful Coastal

    地區 有很多事情要做,只是為了讓您了解

  • drive you can do between West Bay and Roberta if you want to get out on the water there


  • are places where you can rent Kayaks canoes and stand-up paddle boards plus you have Eileen


  • and Bria Vineyards which is Nova scotia's northernmost Estate Winery and Cape breton's

  • first and only Estate Winery if you're a guest at Dundee Resort and golf club or even if


  • you're just passing through Dundee you can have lunch at mcrae's dining room which is


  • located inside the Dundee Resort we ate here several times over the course of our stay


  • and the food was Fantastic Sam had an amazing beer battered hand-cut haddock served with


  • fries and tartar sauce it was the best fish and chips we had on the whole trip crispy

    薯條和韃靼醬這是我們在整個旅程中吃到的最好的炸魚和薯條 酥脆的

  • batter but soft and juicy fish and since I was on a quest to sample all the Chowder across

    麵糊,但又軟又多汁的魚,因為我正在嘗試品嚐 島上

  • the island I ordered their seafood chowder with haddock shrimp scallops salmon potatoes

    所有的雜燴, 所以我點了他們的海鮮雜燴,配黑線鱈蝦扇貝鮭魚土豆

  • onions and celery this one also made it to the top of the list it was super creamy and

    洋蔥和芹菜一個也位居榜首 它超級奶油和

  • flavorful


  • tell us all about today's lunch while I steal a fry Samuel this is fantastic guys so I've


  • had some different types of fried seafood here but I haven't had the fish and chips


  • yet oh we've been old enough for some one of the classic things to have so let me pack


  • that open for you show you how lovely that is look at that that looks nice doesn't that


  • look good and we've been already having some fries they are delicious they're amazing they're

    看起來不好看,我們'已經有了g 一些薯條 他們很好吃 他們很棒 他們

  • amazing got some tartar sauce coleslaw so let's just dunk this into the tartar sauce

    很棒 有一些塔塔醬涼拌捲心菜 所以讓我們把這個

  • oh yeah that's how you eat the fishy chips friends

    泡 在塔塔醬裡

  • oh

    哦 是的 這就是你吃魚薯條

  • yeah that's so good if we get stuck here for a few days then we have to keep eating this


  • for lunch I'll be very happy not complaining at all so good as for me I got the clam chowder


  • it looks amazing I've been having a lot of clam chowder on this trip this is probably


  • like my third bowl at least and this one looks fantastic first of all the size of the bowl


  • guys can we just appreciate that this is not an appetizer this is a main oh yeah


  • that's so creamy creamy goodness huh oh there's scallops


  • this is gonna be good I had a good time since we've been here huh we sure have perfect meal


  • for a rainy day yeah and enjoyed swimming at the pool just making the most of it yep

    的 一 餐 我們希望您喜歡

  • [Music] and that's the wrap for a road trip around southern Cape Breton we hope you enjoyed


  • exploring this part of the island with us we certainly had a good time this was our


  • fourth summer in a row visiting Nova Scotia and it certainly won't be our last in the


  • meantime if you have any local recommendations you'd like to share with fellow Travelers

    ,這 肯定 不會是我們的最後一個夏天。

  • be it things to do or places to eat at feel free to do so in the comments below and if


  • you enjoyed this video we invite you to like subscribe and join us for More Travel Adventures


  • see you soon foreign


  • [Music]


[Music] hello and greetings from Cate Breton Nova Scotia we recently spent a week road

[音樂] 你好,來自 Cate Breton Nova Scotia 的問候,我們最近花了一周


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