Tina Turner offered to Cliff Richard, Phyllis, Hyman and Donna Summer After a tumultuous period in her career, Tina Turner made a phenomenal comeback when her 1984 single, What's Love got to do with it, hit the top of the charts, but as synonymous as the song now is with Turner's name, it went on quite the journey before getting into her hands.
蒂娜-特納提供給克利夫-理查德、菲利斯、海曼和唐娜-薩默 在經歷了事業的動盪期後,蒂娜-特納在1984年的單曲《愛情有什麼用》中實現了驚人的復出,但就像這首歌現在與特納的名字同義一樣,它在進入她的手中之前經歷了相當長的旅程。