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I was ready to level him and he was probably ready to scratch me up.
Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times SNL cast members didn't want to work with the hosts.
歡迎來到watch mojo,今天我們來盤點一下SNL演員不想和主持人合作的前10次評選。
Everything had to be precise.
Come on, let's play this list.
We're looking at moments when cast members on saturday night live had reservations about working with the host.
These can be opinions formed before or even during that hosts appearance on the show, which prospective SNL hosts would you not want to work with?
Let us know in the comments below number 10.
Andrew dice Clay.
Andrew dice Clay.
When cast member Nora Dunn learned that comedian Andrew dice, Clay was going to be hosting SNL.
She chose to boycott the episode.
This was due to what she and many others saw as his misogynistic comedy routines.
There's no reason to go on the Iceman is checking out.
Musical guest Sinead O'Connor also opted out of appearing, choosing to save her inauspicious SNL debut for a later date.
音樂嘉賓辛妮-奧康納(Sinead O'Connor)也選擇不出場,選擇將她不吉利的SNL首秀留到以後。
NBC even instituted a seven second delay, fearing what Clay might say that is.
Nora Dunn, but while done felt unsupported by the show in her boycott, the remaining cast and writers managed to keep Clay on script and Hickory Dickory Dock, the viewers were spared a shock.
諾拉-鄧恩(Nora Dunn)的抵制行為雖然讓她感到沒有得到劇組的支持,但其餘的演員和編劇還是設法讓克萊按劇本行事,而希科裡-迪科裡-多克(Hickory Dickory Dock)也讓觀眾免於受到衝擊。
You gotta take me back.
Guardian Devil, I want to do the show.
I want to do a lot.
I want to live.
Number nine Chevy Chase.
Well, this story is a little weird and I don't want you to think I made it up.
Chevy Chase earned a reputation for being difficult to work with as evidenced by an altercation that occurred between him and Bill Murray.
When Chase was the first time host, I finally went to his dressing room just before the show and said and opened the door and said, if you say something like that again, I'm going to you know, whatever.
Despite this, the former first season cast member hosted eight times in total, but his questionable behavior did eventually earn him what appears to be a lifetime ban on hosting.
It seems the final straw came when he reportedly swatted cast member cheri Oteri in the back of the head during rehearsals.
This upset, Will Ferrell so much that he complained to Lorne Michaels Chase has never hosted since though he has made a number of subsequent cameo appearances.
Pete Davidson who was a cast member decades after.
皮特-戴維森(Pete Davidson)是幾十年後的一個演員。
Chase has also spoken out against him number eight paris Hilton.
When paris Hilton hosted SNL, the cast had a bet as to whether or not she would ever ask any of them a personal question.
The first person she asks a personal question, I'll give 100 bucks.
I didn't ask one person that bet, never paid as the closest she apparently came was asking someone if Maya Rudolph was italian when being interviewed by Howard Stern Snl head writer at the time.
Tina fey channeled one of her mean girls characters by saying the heiress was quote unbelievably dumb and so proud of how dumb she is.
So your family.
I don't know if a lot of people, no the Hiltons own hotels all over the world, right?
Yes there in new york London paris wait so there actually is a paris Hilton among other equally rude things.
Although fe eventually walked back the most extreme parts of her statement, she still said that she felt paris quote could not be a worse role model.
雖然fe最終收回了她聲明中最極端的部分,但她仍然說,她覺得paris quote不可能是一個更糟糕的榜樣。
So we guess that's no thanks from Tina fey number seven Justin Bieber when cast members, jay pharaoh and Bill Hader were asked who was the worst guest on saturday night live.
Their shared answer was Justin Bieber maybe he's in a better place, but then he was in a very it was rough, hater clarified that Bieber seemed to be in a bad place earlier in his career and seemed exhausted when he appeared on the show like my dumb parents, like nobody, he understands me.
In other interviews, hater said he quote really didn't enjoy having Justin Bieber around and that he didn't appreciate having to deal with the BB's 20 men, strong entourage, lamenting having to navigate through them just to get into costume.
Clearly there were at least some SNl cast members who were not believers came backstage to say great job, great job, that's my time.
I'm mailing number six robert blake the star of Beretta was chosen to host in 1982 and he did but not without complaint in both directions.
What are you making a fool out of me for you don't need us to make a fool out of you bob, You do that pretty good job by yourself.
Reportedly, Blake was difficult to work with on the set and in the writer's room, frequently expressing dissatisfaction with the sketches offer to him.
Cast member Gary Kroeger once handed blake a script which blake read wanted up and threw in Kroger's face suggesting that he wiped his behind with it.
This event seemed to turn the entire creative team against blake and he was banned and has never again been invited to host the show.
Of course, this was not even close to the most controversial thing to ever happen to robert blake.
Number five steven Seagal, It's probably not a great boon to your career to have.
第五位Steven Seagal,這對你的職業生涯可能不是一個很大的促進作用。
Loren Michaels refer to you as the biggest jerk to ever host SNL and that is probably why steven Seagal is so high on our list.
Cast member Tim Meadows once suggested that explaining jokes to single is the same as trying to quote, explain something to somebody in german, if they don't speak german over here and what you guys were saying, you know, oh, you were so quiet, you know, how long were you back there were just talking Meadows also said that Siegel had that rare combination of lack of understanding comedy and also being highly critical of the cast and writers who produced it?
演員蒂姆-米多斯曾經建議,向單身人士解釋笑話,就像試圖引用,向某人解釋一些德語,如果他們在這裡不說德語,你們在說什麼,你知道,哦,你是如此安靜,你知道,你在後面多長時間只是說話 米多斯還說,西格爾有那種罕見的組合,缺乏對喜劇的理解,也對製作它的演員和作家有高度責備?
In this case?
The host's behavior directly led to what is considered one of the worst episodes in the show's history.
Not in the mood, bad mood.
Number four walter Matthau, sometimes even an Academy Award winner can't quite cut it as an SNL host.
第四位是沃爾特-馬修(Walter Matthau),有時即使是奧斯卡獎得主也不能完全勝任SNL主持人的工作。
I won't tell anybody you're a pushover.
Thank you.
How old are you?
Walter Matthau was a classic funny man and the star of such classic films as the odd couple, grumpy old men and their Sequels.
But despite his massive experience in comic movies, his methods were not completely welcome on the set of saturday night live.
After spending a week with the saturday night staff and cast and crew.
It really is a relief to come out here to talk to some people I can relate to longtime cast member jane Curtin once said that he was one of the worst hosts she'd experienced due to his loosey goosey attitude and what she saw as a lack of respect for the craft of doing a live comedy show.
He came in thinking that it was, hey, come on, let's play.
Let's not knowing that this show was, it was down to the mill, down to the second the Academy Award.
Probably soothes that wound though.
Number three Milton, Berle Loren Michaels had to be coerced to let Milton Berle a comedy legend popular since the days of vaudeville appear on the show because he felt that SNL should steer clear of what he saw as a corrupt business.
I'm kidding.
Is this your wife?
What are you gonna do when Uncle Miltie arrived on the set though he was beloved for his classic tales of comedies.
The trouble started when Burl tried to take over the show, as he had been known to do in his past with shows like Texaco star theater.
I see all these young performers here, great ones and I think of myself when I was their age and I showbiz has been my life from upstaging cast members to questioning Michael to walking around in his underwear, to his questionable monologue.
God, I got so much gas Milton did not mesh with the Snl vibe and so was never asked back number two Donald trump while running for president in 2015, Donald trump hosted SNL for the second time.
A lot of people are saying Donald, you're the most amazing guy.
He also hosted in 2004 and according to cast member Maya Rudolph, much of the cast was against his hosting.
Even then she said the cast felt that it was something they did not want to be a part of.
I joined this band to be part of a team, but you are gene breads, you are a part of this Seth Meyers suggested that trump lacked a sense of humor in trump's 2015 hosting appearance, Colin jost said that the one sketch trump really seemed to like, was the one where Cecily strong and Vanessa bear played adult performers endorsing his run for president corn stars anymore.
But that doesn't mean we don't know a perfect president when he steps in to the oral office life and art collided and he apparently loved it.
We love you all.
Thank you very much.
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Number one Elon musk.
When Elon musk was tapped to host Snl in 2021 the cast was generally not shy about making their views known.
Some like Michael Che had a positive view of the idea what is does coin?
Well, it actually started as a joke based on an internet meme but now it's taken off in a very real way.
Okay, but what is those coins?
But when musk tweeted a cryptic message questioning how live the show actually is.
Bowen Yang responded with quote, what does this even mean?
Aidy Bryant reposted a Bernie Sanders tweet that stated that the wealth gap in the U.
Was a quote moral obscenity.
A clear shot at billionaire musk, you know Mario better than anyone.
He had just like me only different colors and I'm a little fatter in the end though.
The episode certainly had its weird moments.
It has been reported that musk was very professional and hardworking and showed great interest in the process.
No cap while I was out here chop it up with you your best.
He took a turn for the worst bro, you cap in.
No cap.
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