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- Elmo loves making farm animal sounds.
Oh, like this. A chicken goes bok bok bok bok bok!
Oh, and a piggy goes (snorting).
And a goose goes...a goose goes...
Boy, Elmo doesn't know what kind sound
a goose makes. (goose honking)
(Elmo laughing) Now Elmo knows.
Come on, let's More fun animal sounds on Sesame Street.
- [Both] Honk!
- That was good. (both laughing)
♪ Ooo, ooo, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away ♪
♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪
♪ Where the air is sweet ♪ (Cookie Monster eating)
♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪
♪ Sesame Street ♪
(dog barking)
(Elmo and Abby laughing)
Oh hi, welcome to Sesame Street.
Boy, look at all this cool stuff.
- Yeah, what's going on around here?
- I dunno but it looks like it could be fun.
Yuck. - Oh, this is so exciting.
More balloons!
- Whoa, Elmo thinks that Grover getting ready for something.
- More party snacks.
- What do you think Grover's getting ready for?
- More party confetti! Woo-hoo!
- Something tells me Grover's getting ready for a party.
- Yeah. - Not just any party.
Today I am throwing a farm fiesta.
- Well, what's a farm fiesta?
- Well, fiesta is the Spanish word for party.
So a farm fiesta is a party for farm animals.
- Wow! - Yeah.
- Is Grover sure that the farm animals
are gonna like a party like this?
- Well, I know I would like a party like this.
- Oh. (animals noises)
- Oh, the farm animals are coming.
Everybody let us hide, and when the animals come in,
we'll all jump out and yell surprise.
- Okay. - Here they come.
(country music) (farm animal noises)
- [All] Surprise! (animals screaming)
- Oh what happened?
Why did the farm animals not like the surprise?
Everyone loves a surprise.
- Well, Grover, it's not about what you like.
You have to think about what the farm animals would like.
I have no idea.
Now how are we supposed to get them
back to the farm fiesta?
- Elmo thinks that was can get the farm animals back
if we make animals sounds. - Good idea Elmo!
I'm gonna call the piggy with an oink oink.
- Okay, Elmo will call the chicken with a cluck cluck.
- And I will call the cow with a wubba wubba.
Cows don't go wubba wubba?
- Cows go moo moo. - Oh right. Moo moo, yes.
- Okay, come on, let's all make animal noises.
- Okay. Cluck cluck.
- Moo moo. - Oink oink.
- Cluck cluck
- Moo moo - Oink oink.
- Cluck cluck. - Moo moo.
- Oink oink. - Oh it worked! Yay!
- That means we can start the farm fiesta. Woohoo!
Isn't that party confetti not fun, farm animals?
- Grover, Grover, Elmo thinks that the farm animals
don't like the confetti.
- Well that is okay,
because now it the time for Farm Fiesta food.
(animals cheering)
- Looks like the farm animals are hungry, Grover.
- Great, one party pizza coming up.
Here you go, farm animals, take it.
- Pizza? Do farm animals even eat pizza?
- Of course, everybody loves pizza.
(pizza splatting)
Everybody except farm animals.
Why do the farm animals not like pizza?
Well Grover, we all like pizza.
But you have to think about what farm animals like to eat.
- Well I do not even know what farm animals like to eat.
(animals calling)
- Grover better think of something.
These farm animals want food, and they want it now.
- I bet Alan can help. Alan!
- [All] Alan! Alan!
- Hey guys, guys, what's going on here?
- Does Alan having anything at Hooper's Store
that the farm animals would like to eat?
- Well I'm not sure. What do farm animals eat?
(pizza splattering)
- Well, we know, they do not like pizza.
- Yeah. Oh, you know what?
I have an idea. I will check online.
Okay, it says that some farm animals
like to eat grain and hay.
(cow mooing)
- Oh, oh no no no no.
This is, it's not actual grain and hay,
this is just a picture, alright.
All right you guys, you guys,
we have to find some real grain and hay,
quick before she eats my phone.
- I'm on it. Grain and hay!
(magic sparkling) (animals cheering)
- Look at that, it worked.
The farm animals are enjoying the food at the farm fiesta.
- This is great!
Hurry up and eat little farm animals,
because now it this time for a pony ride.
- A pony ride?
- Every great party has a pony ride Alan.
Now come on cow and chicken and piggy,
everybody on the pony.
- Wait. What? (animal noises)
- Oh no.
- Too heavy, too heavy!
- That's it, I'm out.
(pony galloping)
- Oh no, it looks like the farm animals
can't ride on the pony.
- But everybody can ride on a pony.
- Well, Grover, we can ride on ponies,
but you need to think about
what the farm animals can ride on.
- Great idea Alan, thank you for volunteering.
- Volunteering? For what?
- Time for an Alan ride! - Alan ride?
(animal noises)
- Oh too heavy, too heavy.
- I don't think Alan rides
are such a good idea for farm animals either.
- Oh no, the farm fiesta is ruined.
(animals crying)
- No it's not Grover.
No, we just need to find something
that farm animals can ride on.
- Yes. I will check my phone.
Oh no no, hey, give me that.
- Oh, now we'll never find something
that farm animals like to ride on.
- Oh yes we will Grover. Be right back
- Where are you going, little Elmo?
- To get this book. (Grover screams)
- I hardly think farm animals
can ride on the book little Elmo
- No Grover. It's a book about the farm.
See, look at this.
They farm animals are riding on a tractor and a wagon.
- Oh. It not what I planned, but they like it.
I'm head to the tractor dealership now.
- Or I can use this.
♪ Eye of newt and song of dragon ♪
♪ Bring out a tractor and a wagon ♪
(wagon rolling) (animals cheering)
- Oh boy, the farm animals love
riding on a tractor and wagon.
- Good job you guys.
Okay, now that that's settled and I have my phone,
I will see you later. - Wait, wait.
Do you not want to stay for the big
farm fiesta song and dance?
- I don't know. Do I?
- Elmo does, Elmo does.
- Oh great. How about you Abby?
- Oh I sure do.
(animals cheering)
- Looks like the farm animals want to sing and dance too.
- All right, I'm in too. Hey, what's the song?
- It is a big disco number. (disco music playing)
Wait a minute. I just thought of something.
I like disco music, but what music
would the farm animals like?
I know. How about Old McDonald?
(animals cheering)
- I think they like Old McDonald.
- Old McDonald it is.
Oh, I just wish I remembered the farm costumes.
- Oh well I'm on it.
♪ Flick my wrist and wave my arm ♪
♪ Bring us costumes from a farm ♪
(everyone cheering)
- Come on. Sing with your cute and furry farmer Grover.
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ And on that farm they had a cow ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ With a moo moo here and a moo moo there ♪
♪ Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo ♪
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
Your turn Farmer Abby.
- Thank you kindly, Farmer Grover.
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ And on that farm they had a chicken ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ With buck buck here, and a buck buck there ♪
♪ Here a buck, there a buck, everywhere a buck buck ♪
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
- Can Elmo take a turn? - Go for it Farmer Elmo.
- Oh thank you. Here we go.
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ And on that farm they had a piggie ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ With an oink oink here and an oink oink there ♪
♪ Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink ♪
♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪ ♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
Looks like animals really loved their farm fiesta.
- Aw, any time cute little farm friends.
Now come on, let's bring it home.
♪ E-I-E-I-Oooooooooo ♪
(everyone cheering)
(whistle blowing)
♪ Jump up, get down, come dance with Elmo ♪
♪ We're moving our body to the ABCs ♪
♪ Dance nearby, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ Dance far away, now clap your hands ♪
♪ To the letter of the day, clap clap ♪
♪ What's the letter clap clap ♪
♪ What's the letter clap clap clap clap ♪
♪ What's the letter, what's the letter ♪
♪ What's the letter, what's the letter, what's the letter ♪
♪ The letter of the day is F ♪
♪ Clap clap, it's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap clap, it's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap clap, it's the letter, it's the letter ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ It's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap clap, it's the letter of the day ♪
♪ Clap clap, day, day ♪
♪ F ♪
- [Elmo] F is for farm.
(folksy music)
- [Narrator] Today we went to Stone Barn Center.
Stone Barn Center is a place
where there are animals and vegetables.
People come here to learn about farming.
- [Farmer Craig] So you guys ready to collect some eggs?
- [Children] Yeah.
- [Narrator] Farmer Craig showed us where the chickens live.
They live in an egg mobile.
(children clucking)
Today we collected some eggs.
- [Farmer Craig] Chickens like to lay their eggs
in a really nice quiet spot where it's nice and cozy.
- [Narrator] The chicken play their eggs in the egg boxes.
- Oh, there's a lot of eggs in here.
See this.
- [Narrator] Be careful not to break them.
- [Farmer Craig] Are the eggs cold?
- This egg was hot cause the chicken was laying on it.
- I can carry a chicken. Take a picture.
- Why are their faces red?
- Well the red parts on their faces, this is called a comb.
You know like those combs that you use in your hair?
- [Narrator] We picked a lot of eggs
and then we took the eggs and scrambled them.
- And start whisking, everyone together.
- [Narrator] Then we added some milk.
- Little bit of milk for you.
- [Narrator] And cook them.
- All right everyone. I think it's time to eat.
I'm starving. What do you guys say?
(children cheering)
Pretty amazing that just a little while ago
you guys were collecting these eggs
and here we are eating these
incredible fresh scrambled eggs.
What do you guys think?
- [Children[ We love eggs. We love chickens.
♪ It's time to get up and stomp your feet. ♪
♪ Do this great foot stomping Transylvanian beat ♪
♪ Start nice and slow ♪ ♪ One, two ♪
♪ And speed up more ♪ ♪ One, two, three, four ♪
♪ And stomp away because we are about to find out ♪
♪ The number of the day ♪ ♪ What's the number ♪
♪ Stomp stomp, what's the number ♪
♪ Stomp stomp, what is the number ♪
♪ The number of the day you're about to see ♪
♪ The number of the day is three ♪
♪ So that's the number, stomp stomp ♪
♪ Yes that's the number ♪ ♪ Stomp stomp ♪
♪ That's the number, stomp, the number of the day. ♪
♪ That's the number, stomp stomp ♪
♪ That's the number of the day ♪
- Three. Now let's stomp three times.
One, two, three. Ha ha ha.
(dramatic music)
- [Narrator] He observes.
- Oh no, no, oh no. (Grover scream)
- [Narrator] He questions.
- Hubba what?
- [Narrator] He investigates?
- Hm, what does this button do?
(Grover screams)
- [Narrator] Super Grover 2.0. He shows up.
On a farm in the middle of farmland,
someone is facing a whole stack of trouble.
- Help, help.
(Super Grover screaming)
- Super Grover 2.0! I'm so glad you showed up.
- I always do.
Now what seems to be the problem little lamb?
- Sheep.
- You're having a problem with sheep?
- No. I am a sheep and I lost my knitting needle.
- Well that is no problem.
I will simply unleash my powers of observation to find it.
Ah-ha, there it is. Right there in your hoof.
No need to take me, all in a day's work
for Super Grover 2.0.
- No no no no no no Super Grover 2.0,
my other knitting needle.
I need two knitting needles to finish my sweater.
I dropped one of them in this haystack.
- So the question is,
how do you find a knitting needle in a haystack?
Oo, my Super Grover 2.0 senses are tingling.
- Hay fever?
- No, I must observe this situation more closely.
- Oh. - Stand back.
(Super Grover shouting)
Finding that knitting needle in a haystack
is like trying to find a needle
in something that is very hard to find a needle in.
- Oh no. Oh no.
- Oh yes! But do not worry, little lamb.
- Sheep. - Yeah, whatever.
It is time to unleash the power of technology.
- Technology?
- Yes, my cute little goat,
let me just check my utility sock.
Ah-ha, I shall use my super bullhorn.
- You keep that in your sock?
- It is no wonder I have bunions.
All right knitting needle, you are surrounded.
Come out with your hands up.
- Super Grover, a knitting needle can't hear you.
You see, it doesn't have any ears.
It also doesn't have any hands to put up, see?
- Let me observe!
Ow, hey, it is very hard to observe that knitting needle.
It is too shiny.
- Well that's because it's made of metal.
- Hmm, then what we need is
some kind of metal picky upy thingy.
Come on sock, don't let me down.
How did this get in there?
This is not the super tool.
(helmet clanging)
- Hey, I think that's a magnet.
- Whatever it is, it is sticking to my helmet.
- Right. Magnets are attracted to metal.
And your helmet is made of metals.
- So?
- So my knitting knitting need is made of metal.
- Wonder if the magnet will be attracted to that.
- Knitting needle! - Wait a minute.
I just thought of something.
Maybe this magnet can help us find that knitting needle.
- Super Grover, you're a genius.
- It Is time to unleash the power of investigation.
Magnet, do your stuff. (kisses)
(cowbell plunks)
Viola, here is your knitting needle.
- Um, that's not knitting needle Super Grover.
- Oh! My cowbell!
- I've been all over for that. Thank you.
You're a real hero. - Well it's my pleasure.
- I was talking to the magnet.
- Maybe this magnet is only good for finding cowbells.
- No, Super Grover.
A cowbell is made of metal too.
- But I tried and I tried to use the magnet,
but it is just not helping to find...
- (gasps) My knitting needle!
You found my knitting needle.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
- I know, I know you are talking to the magnet right?
- No I am talking to you.
Thanks Super Grover 2.0.
Now I can finish my sweater.
- [Narrator] And so are cute and fuzzy hero has discovered
that magnets are tools that attract metal.
- It is true. Ah!
- You found my tractor.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- All in a day's work for Super Grover 2.0.
- I was talking to the magnet.
- Of course. (tractor sputters)
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
♪ La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's World ♪
♪ That's Elmo's World ♪
- Hi, this is Elmo's World
and Elmo is so happy to see you.
So is Dorothy. Say hello Dorothy.
Guess what Elmo's thinking about today?
♪ Ya-di-di-Dah ♪
(side table oinking)
Huh? (window crowing)
(door mooing) What's going on?
- Hey there wee little one. I'm Old McDonald.
(farm animals calling)
Where did they go? Come back!
You know, ♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪
♪ E-I-E-I-O ♪
- Return to me wee little...
- You know farms. - Which way'd they go?
(playful music)
(chickens clucking) (sheep bleating)
(horse neighing)
Oh, look at that. Dorothy's been thinking about farms too.
What? Oh, Elmo knows.
And Dorothy has a question.
What animals live on a farm?
Hey, good question Dorothy.
Oh, let's ask Mr. Noodle.
Mr. Noodle, what animals live on a farm?
(chicken clucking) - [Children] Chickens!
- [Child] They live on a farm.
- [Children] Chickens live on farms.
- [Elmo] Yay Mr. Noodle, you did it.
That's enough Mr. Noodle.
- [Child] Real chickens!
- [Elmo] He's such a good chicken,
those chickens think he's chicken.
What? Oh, okay okay.
Dorothy wants to ask someone else.
What animals live on a farm?
Dorothy, I'm a big (snorts).
Thank you Dorothy.
Now Elmo will ask a baby.
Hi baby.
Baby, what kind of animals live on a farm?
Elmo will give you a hint.
Here you go. Oh thank you baby.
How can we learn more? Hmm
(TV neighing) Oh yeah
That's right TV, we can watch the farm channel.
- [Narrator] Once upon a time there was a boy
who wanted to be a farmer.
- I wanna be a farmer.
- [Narrator] He tried being a farmer in the city,
but it didn't work.
- Who put this sidewalk here? I'm trying to plant alfalfa.
- [Narrator] The boy tried to be a farmer at the beach
but that didn't work either.
- Hey, that cow kicked sand in my face.
- This is no good. Come on, let's go.
- [Narrator] The boy tried everything.
He tried being a farmer on a boat, but it didn't work.
The animals got seasick.
- [Animals] E-I-E-I-Ohhhhh.
- [Narrator] Finally the boy tried the country.
And it worked!
- [Animals] E-I-E-I. - Ohhhh.
- [Narrator] The end
- [Announcer] Stay tuned to the Farm Channel
for "A Farewell to Farms," starring Jeanette Old McDonald
and Nelson Piggy.
- Thank you TV!
Boy, Elmo love farms so much,
Elmo would like to be a farmer, just like that little boy.
(farm animals shouting)
Are you okay?
- Aye. Old McDonald's not as young as he used to be.
I'll tell you a farmer's work is never done.
It's always chase the vegetables, milk the cows,
feed the wee little pigs.
- Oh look, Dorothy's imagining farmer Elmo
feeding the wee little pigs.
See, see? See? - Wow
- Sooie, sooie pigs. There you go, eat up.
Vroom vroom, get the land ready to plant things.
(corn rumbling) - Uh oh.
(Elmo laughing)
Wow. Now Elmo's as high as an elephant's eye.
Elmo loves farms
And Dorothy loves farm too.
That's why we gonna sing the farm song.
(piano playing) Here we go.
You sing along too.
♪ Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪
- Hold on just a wee little second. I know that tune.
- Oh really? - May I?
- Sure, be Elmo's guest. Go ahead.
Oh, great piano playing. - Thank you
♪ Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪
♪ With a farm farm here and a farm farm there ♪
♪ Here a farm, there a farm, everywhere a farm farm ♪
♪ Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm, E-I-E-I-O ♪
- Say goodbye Dorothy.
Here we go everybody, dance and sing.
♪ Doop dup da doo, doop dup da doo, doo doo doo ♪
You too, come on.
♪ Doop da doo doo, da da da da ♪
♪ That's Elmo's World ♪
See you tomorrow everybody.
- [Everyone] Goodbye!
♪ Come on and move your body and use your mind ♪
♪ Cause you know you are growing all the time ♪
♪ You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder on Sesame Street ♪
♪ Kind at home and when you play ♪
♪ Try some sharing and caring every day ♪
♪ You're getting smarter, stronger, kinder on Sesame Street ♪
♪ Smarter, stronger, kinder on Sesame Street ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
("Sesame Street Theme")