字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Nearly a million Twitter users leave as Elon Musk takes over. 在伊隆・馬斯克收購推特後,近百萬用戶離開了這個平台。 This is News Review from BBC Learning English. 這裡是 BBC 英語學習的新聞評論節目。 - I'm Neil. - And I'm Beth. - 我是 Neil。 - 而我是 Beth。 Make sure you watch to the end to learn vocabulary to talk about this story. 請務必觀看到最後以學習可以討論這個故事的詞彙。 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, like this video, and try the quiz on our website. 不要忘記訂閱我們的頻道、為影片點讚,並試試我們網站上的測驗。 Now, the story. 我們來講到故事。 Almost one million. 將近一百萬。 That's how many Twitter accounts have been deactivated since Elon Musk bought the social media platform last month. 這是自馬斯克上個月收購了這個社交媒體平臺以來,所停用的推特帳號數量。 Musk's takeover has been controversial. 馬斯克的收購一直備受爭議。 Some people are worried about his approach to free speech. 有些人擔心他對言論自由抱持的態度。 Thousands of staff have lost their jobs, and there are plans to make some users pay a subscription. 數千名推特員工失去工作,而也有計劃讓一些用戶付費訂閱。 Many users are moving to an alternative called Mastodon, a free social network platform where posts are called "toots". 許多用戶正轉移到一個叫做 Mastodon 的免費社交網絡平臺來替代推特,在那裡發文被稱為「嘟文」( toots)。 Eugen Rochko, the founder of the platform, tooted on Monday that he thinks the massive increase in users is pretty cool. 該平臺的創始人 Eugen Rochko 在週一嘟文中表示,他認為用戶的大量增長非常酷。 You've been looking at the headlines, Beth. Beth,你一直在看新聞標題。 What is the vocabulary? 上面有哪些詞彙? We have "flock", "on fire", and "mammoth". 有 flock、on fire 和 mammoth。 This is News Review from BBC Learning English. 這裡是 BBC 英語學習的新聞評論節目。 Let's take a look at our first headline. 讓我們來看看第一個標題。 This one comes from "The National", a Scottish media outlet. 這篇報導來自蘇格蘭的新聞媒體《國家報》。 Top Scottish Twitter users flock to Mastodon amid Elon Musk's Twitter takeover. 馬斯克推特收購案之下,重要的蘇格蘭推特用戶們湧入(flock)Mastodon。 OK, so, Twitter users in Scotland as well as many other places in the world are leaving. 好,那麼,蘇格蘭的推特用戶以及世界上許多其它地區的用戶都紛紛離開。 And the word that we are looking at in this headline is "flock" , which is connected to birds, isn't it? 而我們在這個標題中看到的單字是 flock(鳥群),它與鳥類有關,對嗎? Yeah, so "flock" as a noun is a group of birds. 是的,那麼 flock 作為名詞是指一群鳥類。 And, remember the Twitter logo is a bird, and you post "tweets". 別忘了,推特的標誌是一隻鳥,你會發布 tweets(推文)。 Now, "tweets" is a word that is the sound a bird makes. 而 tweets(啾啾)這個詞是指鳥叫的狀聲詞。 Yeah. So, the headline writer uses "flock", because of Twitter's connection to birds. 是的。新聞編輯使用了 flock (鳥類)這個詞,是因為推特跟鳥類有關。 And, it is used as a verb in the headline, but we can also see it as a noun, to refer to a group of bird or sheep. 它在標題中被用作動詞,但我們也可以把它看作是一個名詞,用來指一群鳥或羊。 So, what's the connection to sheep? 那麼,flock 跟羊有什麼關係呢? Well, if you picture a field with one sheep and it moves over here, all of the other sheep follow it. 假設你想象田裡有一隻綿羊,牠移動到這裡,而其他所有的綿羊都會跟著牠。 Sheep are famous for following each other. 羊群以互相跟隨而聞名。 And, so, the headline writer has used this as well to describe all of these people moving from Twitter to Mastodon. 因此,新聞編輯也使用了這一點來描述所有這些從推特遷移到 Mastodon 的人。 They're following each other, like sheep. 他們像羊群一樣跟隨彼此。 And so, there's a nice double meaning in this headline related to birds and sheep. 這個跟鳥類和羊群有關的標題有很好的雙重含義。 But the word "flock", is that one that we use in everyday English? 但是「flock」這個字,它是我們在日常生活中說的「flock」嗎? Yeah, we do. 是的。 So, imagine a shop has a sale, then all of the shoppers might "flock"there because they want to buy something for good price. 想像一下有家店正在打折,那麼所有消費者都可能「湧向」 那裡,因為他們想以優惠的價格購買商品。 Yes, and if your favorite singer or group is going on tour, people will "flock"to ticket websites to try and get a place at the concert. 是的,如果你喜歡的歌手或樂團要進行巡迴演出,人們會「湧向」售票網站,試圖在演唱會中獲得一席之地。 And also, if we make a good video, people "flock" to our website to watch it. 還有,如果我們做出一隻好影片,人們會 「湧向」我們的網站來觀看。 I hope that happens. 希望如此。 Yeah, same. 對,我也是。 Let's take a look at that again. 讓我們再看一次。 flock:在一個大群體中一起移動。例句:消費者渴切地湧入賣場來搶便宜。 Time for our next headline. 該來看下一則新聞了。 This one is from CNN. 這則新聞來自 CNN。 With Twitter in chaos, Mastodon is "on fire". 「當推特陷入一片混亂,Mastodon 卻『火力全開(on fire)』。」 So, the headline says that Twitter is in chaos, lots of people are leaving, they're joining Mastodon, a rival. 這則新聞標題上寫 Twitter 一片混亂,許多人正在離開並加入推特的競爭對手 Mastodon。 The expression we are looking at is "on fire". 我們看到「on fire(著火)」這個字眼。 Now, this sounds a little bit dangerous. 這聽起來有點危險。 Beth, if something is on fire, that's not a good thing. 貝絲,如果有東西著火了,這不是一件好事。 Shall I call the fire brigade? 我要打電話給消防隊嗎? No, no. Don't call the fire brigade. 不,不。不要叫消防隊。 So, this expression, "on fire", is used to talk about a good thing, to say that something is amazing or is doing well. 「on fire」這個詞被用來談論一件好的事情,指某件事情很驚人或做得很好。 So, the headline writer is actually praising Mastodon because it's so popular at the moment. 所以,新聞編輯其實是在讚美 Mastodon,因為它現在很受歡迎。 Yeah. So, often in this programme, we talk about metaphorical language. 對。在這個節目中我們經常談論到隱喻。 "On fire" , literally, means that something is in flames. 「On fire」字面上的意思是指某物在燃燒。 That's not the sense here. 這不是這裡的意思。 No, in this headline, and also in informal conversation, we use "on fire" to say that we're impressed with something. 對,在這則報導以及非正式對話中,我們用「on fire」來表示我們對一些事情印象深刻。 Yeah. And not just social media platforms, we use it more widely. 是的。而且不僅僅是在社交媒體平臺上,我們更廣泛地使用它。 Yes, we do. So, we often use it to talk about "skills". 是的,我們會這麼做。我們常用它來形容「技巧」。 For example, I watched my friend play football yesterday, and she scored three goals–she was "on fire". 例如,我昨天看了我朋友的足球比賽,她進了三顆球—她「火力全開」。 Yeah. And I saw you preparing the script this morning. 對。我今天早上看到你在準備腳本。 Beth, you were "on fire". Beth,你「火力全開」。 Thank you, Neil. 謝謝你,Neil 。 I think we're both "on fire" today. 我想我們今天都「火力全開」了。 Let's take a look at that again. 讓我們再複習一下。 on fire:因某件事做得非常好而印象深刻。例句:你的社群媒體貼文「火力全開」,快要達到百萬觀看次數了! Time for our next headline, please. 請看我們的下一則新聞報導。 This one is from "Slate". 這篇來自《Slate》(譯註:《Slate》為美國的一本線上雜誌,內容涵蓋時事、政治和文化等內容。)。 The headline is asking, if Mastodon could become a social media "Mammoth". 這則新聞的是, Mastodon 是否能成為社交媒體中的 「猛獁象」(Mammoth)。 "Mammoth" is the word we're looking at. Mammoth 就是我們要看的單字。 What is a "mammoth"? 猛瑪象(Mammoth)是什麼? Well, they are extinct animals. 嗯,他們是已經滅絕的動物。 They looked a little bit like hairy elephants: They have a big trunk and they were absolutely enormous. 他們看起來有點像多毛的大象:他們有一個巨大的鼻子,他們極為龐大。 Yes. And so, size is the key in this headline. 是的。因此,規模是這則新聞的關鍵。 It's asking whether Mastodon could become a really big social media platform. 這是在問 Mastodon 是否能成為一個非常大型的社交媒體平臺。 Exactly. And "mammoth" is also related to another very big and extinct animal, that also looks like a hairy elephant, "a mastodon." 正是如此。而「猛獁象」也與另一個非常大型的絕種動物有關,它看起來也像一隻毛茸茸的大象—乳齒象。 And that is the name of this new social media platform. 而這就是這個新的社交媒體平台的名字。 Yeah. So, there's a really nice double meaning in the headline. 是的。所以,這個標題有非常好的雙關義。 It's quite clever. 這個標題取得很聰明。 It links the "mammoth" to the "mastodon", another really big extinct animal, and also the name of this social media platform. 它將 「猛獁象」與 「乳齒象」—另一個非常大型的絕種動物,以及這個社交媒體平臺的名字連結起來。 And, we're looking at "mammoth", though as an adjective, it can be used to describe really big things. 我們正在看「mammoth」這個單字,作為一個形容詞,它可以用來描述非常巨大的事物。。 Yes, it can. 是的,它可以這麼做。 So, for example, this morning, it took me over two hours to get to work. 舉例來說,今天早上我花了兩個多小時才來上班。 It was a "mammoth" journey. 這是一趟「艱巨」的旅程。 Yes, and I had a "mammoth" task at the weekend. 是的,我在週末時有一項「艱巨」 的任務。 I tried to get my kids to clean their bedroom and took a long, long time. 我試圖讓我的孩子打掃他們的臥室,這花了很長、很長的時間。 Let's have a look at that again. 讓我們再看一次。 mammoth:非常巨大的東西。 例句:搬家是一項浩大的工程。 We've had "flock", move together in a large group. 我們已經有了「flock」,在一個大群體中一起移動。 "On fire", impressive because something is done very well. 「On fire」,因為某件事情做得非常好而令人印象深刻。 And "mammoth", something very big. 還有 「mammoth」,非常巨大的東西。 Don't forget there's a quiz on a website, bbclearningenglish.com. 不要忘記在我們的網站 bbclearningenglish.com 上有一個測驗。 Thank you for joining us and goodbye. 謝謝你的觀看,再見。 Bye! 再見!
B2 中高級 中文 推特 新聞 標題 用戶 媒體 鳥類 BBC新聞評論:推特數百萬名員工離職 (BBC News Review: Twitter: Millions leave) 435 36 林宜悉 發佈於 2022 年 11 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字