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- [Abby] Oh, hi!
We're picking vegetables from my garden.
- [Two-Headed Monster] Broccoli!
- Whoa! (speaking gibberish) - Yeah. (chuckling)
- Broccoli. And?
- Yeah. Carrot.
- Vegetabal!
- Carrots. And?
(Two-Headed Monster grunting)
- Beets!
- [Abby] Beets. (Abby laughs)
- Vegetabal. - Vegetabal.
- Look for more vegetabals on Sesame Street.
Oops! I mean vegetables.
(all speaking gibberish)
- Vegetabal.
- Vegetabal.
- Vegetabal.
♪ Ooh ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Sunny days ♪
♪ Sweepin' the clouds away ♪
♪ On my way to where the air is sweet ♪
Where the air is sweet!
♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ ♪ Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-bum ♪
♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪
Sesame Street!
♪ - [Cookie Monster] Another reason ♪
♪ - [Both] Another season ♪
♪ For making cookies ♪
(both laughing)
- [Chris] Oh hi.
Hey Cookie, check it out. Look who's here.
- Yeah. Hi hi hi hi hi hi.
- Hey, welcome to Sesame Street.
- Okay enough chit chat Chris. - Yeah.
- Cookies ready yet?
- No. Not ready yet, Cookie.
- How about now?
- Uh, no.
- But me so hungry for cookie, Chris.
Me no can wait!
Me Cookie Monster, remember?
- Yes, Cookie. How could I forget?
Um. I'll tell you what,
why don't you have some of these tasty carrots
while you wait?
- Okay.
(carrots crunching) - Om nom nom om nom nom. Mm.
Oh nom nom nom.
Me love carrots!
Mm. Om nom nom.
(dramatic news music)
- [Mario] This is Mario Lopez for Extra Sesame Street
with an Extra Sesame Street exclusive.
The Cookie Monster is now the Veggie Monster.
- What he say?
What you say!?
- I said the Cookie Monster is now the Veggie Monster.
- Oh. The Veggie Monster?
No, no, no, no.
Me Cookie Monster.
- Oh, no, no, no.
Don't try to hide it Veggie Monster.
Our Extra Sesame Street cameras caught the whole thing.
- Nom nom nom. Me love carrots mm.
(electronic beeping sound)
- Care to comment, Veggie Monster?
- Oh. Well of course me love carrots.
They crunchy and delicious and good for me googly eyes.
But that not mean...
- Then the rumors are true,
he is the Veggie Monster.
- Uh no, me not Veggie Monster.
Me Cookie Monster.
Yeah, ask Chris.
- Yeah definitely.
- He is the Cookie Monster. - Yeah
- He loves cookies!
In fact, I'm baking him cookies right now.
- Yeah.
- Now of course he does love his veggies too-
- Ah ha! Then he is the Veggie Monster.
- Nice going, Chris!
- Sorry.
- We'll be back with our exclusive Veggie Monster coverage
when Extra Sesame Street returns.
Mind if I have a carrot?
- Oh, well. Actually, I need-
- Thank you.
(sad trombone)
- Oh no. Now everyone think me Veggie Monster.
There only one way to prove me still Cookie Monster.
Chri- Chris, Chris, Chris.
Gimme cookie. Please, gimme cookie.
Me got to have Cookie.
- Cookie, I'm not done making them.
- Well are there any other cookies around here?
- No, no. You ate them all buddy.
Look Cookie, just relax okay?
Just be patient.
- Okay. Hurry, Chris. - They'll be done it no time.
- Hurry, Chris.
We got to stop this Veggie Monster rumor
before me reputation ruined.
- Okay, Cookie. Okay. - Okay. Okay.
(spoon tapping)
- Cookie? - Yeah?
- I will let you know when they're ready. Okay?
- You promise?
- I promise.
- Okay. In meantime, me going to go look for cookies.
Bye bye.
(upbeat jazz music)
- Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
- [Big Bird] Oh, hi Cookie Monster.
- [Snuffy] Hey there Cookie Monster.
(Snuffy chuckles)
- Oh. You no hear the rumors?
- What rumors?
- Nevermind. Got any cookie?
- Uh, no, sorry. Just the bird seed.
- Yeah. And I have cabbage and spaghetti here.
(cookie sniffing)
- Oh boy. Cabbage.
Wow. That look good.
Me never had cabbage.
- It's all full of vitamins.
Hey, you wanna try some?
- Sure. Why not?
Take me mind off cookies.
Om nom nom om nom nom. (cabbage crunching)
Oh, delicious!
Oh. Cabbage. Om nom nom. (dramatic news music)
- This is Mario Lopez for Extra Sesame Street.
Right here, right now,
Veggie Monster is eating another vegetable.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on second. Me not eating vegetable,
me eating cabbage.
- Uh, Cookie Monster? - Yeah yeah, what what?
- Cabbage is a vegetable.
- No!
- Oh yeah, it's a vegetable alright.
- Okay. Me...
me not know that. Honest!
- He's eating vegetables and he doesn't even know it.
Oh yeah. He's the Veggie Monster alright.
- Okay. Just cause me love cabbage
doesn't mean me Veggie Monster.
- Oh, did you hear that?
The Veggie Monster loves Cabbage.
- Okay. That not what me said.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
- Watch... - Wha-
(electronic beeping)
- Me love cabbage.
(electronic beeping)
- Okay, that taken out of context.
- Up next on Extra Sesame Street,
more on this Veggie Monster scandal.
Plus, why did the Cookie Monster
give up cookies for vegetables?
- What? What? Come back!
Oh. Oh, you believe me not Veggie Monster, right?
- We don't care if you're a Veggie Monster.
- We're still your friends.
- But me not Veggie Monster.
Me Cookie Monster!
- Yeah. Yeah, right. (Snuffy chuckling)
- Me prove it. Yeah.
Me still love to eat cookies.
Chris! Cookies ready?
- Not yet, Cookie.
(Cookie groaning)
- Oh, that's okay.
You can show us later. - Mm hm.
- Come on Snuff, Let's go to the park.
- Bye-bye Veggie Monster.
- Bye Veggie Monster. - See ya later.
(Cookie groans)
- Hey! Here.
Thought you might like some celery
while you're waiting for your cookies.
- Celery?
Well, me no can eat celery, Chris.
- Why not?
You always say, "Me love celery, it good for my digestion."
- Oh boy. But me so hungry.
Wait, me have idea.
(playful music)
♪ La la, la la la la, la. ♪
Hello there!
- Cookie Monster?
- No, me just someone who love celery.
Yeah, me name Rose-Marie.
- Rose-Marie? - Yeah.
- Okay, Rose-Marie, here's some celery for you.
- Oh, celery. Delicious!
(celery crunching) Oh nom nom nom.
(wig whistles)
(dramatic news music)
Om nom nom nom om nom. (celery crunching)
- The Veggie Monster is at it again,
and only Extra Sesame Street has the story.
- Whoa. Me not Veggie Monste- oh.
(clearing throat)
Me not Veggie Monster. Me name Rose-Marie.
- Oh, I believe your exact words were "Veggie-bunga!".
- Hey everybody. Look what I just saw on MeTube.
- What? What what what? - What is it?
- What is it? Show us. (computer beeping)
- Oh nom nom om nom nom. Veggie-bunga!
- It's gotten over a million hits.
- [Group] Whoa!
- Me doomed!
Now everyone in world think me Veggie Monster.
Me starting to think me Veggie Monster, too.
(dramatic news music)
- He finally admitted it.
The Cookie Monster is the Veggie Monster.
- Me just being ironic.
- Can you tell Extra Sesame Street
how you're feeling right now, Veggie Monster?
- Frustrated.
No one believe me Cookie Monster,
not Veggie Monster.
- What's wrong with being the Veggie Monster?
Vegetables are healthy and they're delicious.
You even said so yourself.
- It just not
what me
(Cookie sighs)
(melancholy piano music)
♪ Me am what me am ♪
♪ Me Cookie Monster ♪
♪ That all there is to it ♪
♪ Me love to eat Cookie sometimes eat whole ♪
♪ Sometimes me chew it ♪
Who care!
♪ If me eat carrot or collard greens ♪
♪ Me also like broccoli ♪
♪ And lettuce ♪
♪ And Lima beans ♪
♪ Me still Cookie Monster ♪
♪ That not a sham ♪
♪ Hey me am what me am ♪
♪ Me am what me am ♪
♪ Not Veggie Monster ♪
♪ Not one scentella ♪
♪ Me love to eat cookie ♪
♪ Chocolaty fudge ♪
♪ Or lemon vanilla ♪
♪ So what if me like old raw ♪
♪ Eggplant or zucchini ♪
♪ So what if me munch mushroom, ♪
♪ Pea pod, or green bean-y ♪
♪ Oh... ♪
♪ Life! ♪
♪ Not worth a yam till me can say ♪
♪ Hey! ♪
♪ Me am what me am! ♪
(Cookie sighs)
(piano music ends)
- Sorry, Cookie Monster. I should have known.
No matter how much you like vegetables,
you'll always be the Cookie Monster.
- [Chris] Here you go, Cookie Monster. Cookies!
- Cowabunga!
Om nom nom om nom nom.
(all laughing)
- And now a story you won't find anywhere else.
Don't believe what you've heard,
the Cookie Monster really is the Cookie Monster.
This is Mario Lopez for Extra Sesame Street.
- Yeah, you know me still hungry for more cookies.
Me gotta go look for cookie.
(instrumental jazz tune)
- Do you know what time it is?
♪ Hold tight ♪ ♪ It's time for the letter of the day ♪
♪ - [Together] That's right ♪
♪ It's time for the letter of the day I say ♪
♪ 'Cause the letter of the day is on its way ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ - [Together] Hey ♪
♪ Hey ♪
♪ - [Together] Hey ♪
♪ - [Together] Hey! ♪
♪ - It's time sing ♪ ♪ - It's time to tweet ♪
♪ - It's time to get up on your feet ♪
♪ - And give a cheer ♪
♪ - Loud and clear ♪
♪ - 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪
♪ - [Together] Hey, hey ♪
♪ It's here ♪ ♪ - [Together] Hey, hey ♪
♪ The letter of the day is here! ♪
It's the letter V.
- [Together] Yay V!
♪ - [Together] Hey hey ♪
♪ It's here ♪ ♪ - [Together] Hey, hey ♪
♪ The letter of the day is here ♪
♪ - [Together] Hey hey ♪
♪ It's here ♪
♪ - [Together] 'Cause the letter of the day is here ♪
- V is for vegetables.
♪ Carrot, carrot, carrot ♪
♪ You look pointy ♪
♪ You are orange ♪
♪ My friends love to eat you ♪
♪ So do I ♪
♪ Onion, onion, onion ♪
♪ You are round and you have layers ♪
♪ If I cut you up, you'll always make me cry ♪
♪ Brussels sprouts, oh brussels sprouts ♪
♪ You tiny, leafy greeny circles ♪
♪ Plucked off stalk that look like tiny trees ♪
♪ Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage ♪
♪ Yeah you look like bigger Brussels sprouts ♪
♪ Your colors range from red to white to green ♪
♪ Broccoli and cauliflower ♪
♪ Your tops look just like little clouds ♪
♪ Imagine veggies flying in the air ♪
♪ Into a bowl with spinach or with lettuce or with kale ♪
♪ It's called a salad and there's just enough to share ♪
♪ A salad in your bowl ♪
♪ Come from vegetables that grow ♪
♪ In the garden and there's always lots to share ♪
- [Together] V is for vegetables!
(fun flute music)
♪ Last night ♪
♪ When I sat down to eat my dinner ♪
♪ Mommy brought my plate ♪
♪ And I couldn't wait ♪
♪ But then she set it down and I saw something ♪
♪ I'd never seen ♪
♪ It was all green ♪
♪ So I stared at my plate and asked my mommy ♪
♪ What's this I see ♪
♪ She said broccoli ♪
♪ She said just have a taste and you may like it ♪
♪ I took a bite and she was right ♪
♪ I took one real full bite and then I took two ♪
♪ Pretty soon my broccoli was all through ♪
♪ I never thought that I would like it ♪
♪ But I tried it and you'll see ♪
♪ Now I like to shout hooray, hurrah for broccoli ♪
♪ Ha ha! ♪
(humming along with tune)
♪ - [Broccoli] She took one real small bite ♪
♪ And then she took two ♪
♪ Pretty soon her broccoli was through ♪
♪ She never thought that she would like it ♪
♪ But she tried and you see ♪
♪ Now she likes to shout hooray, hurrah for broccoli ♪
♪ - And then I said now for broccoli hooray, hurrah ♪
♪ And then she said now for broccoli ♪
♪ Hooray, hurrah! ♪
- Yum!
(Abby giggles)
(xylophone keys)
- [Announcer] The following preview
has been rated F for focus.
(fanfare music)
- Om nom nom nom
(cookie crunching)
- [Announcer] He was determined
to destroy all the healthy vegetables in the world.
- [Bon Bon] People of Earth,
prepare to be desserted.
(Bon Bon laughing)
(spaceship sounds)
(cookie dough splatters)
- Hey! My broccoli.
(cookie dough splatters)
- What happened to my asparagus?
(cookie dough splatters)
- [Together] Our carrot sticks are ruined!
(kids crying)
- [Announcer] Only one hero,
actually make that a whole bunch of heroes.
It will take a whole bunch of heroes,
to save the healthy food in
Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon.
- Onion Man, where you?
- [Onion Man] I got a Bon Bon Chocolate Chip on my tail,
coming your way.
Dr Brownie, are you ready to eat it?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Me ready to turn green, get big,
and eat giant chocolate chip, Onion Man.
- That's what I like to hear. I'm on my way.
- [Dr Brownie] Terrific.
- [Captain] You gotta stop the chocolate chip
when it comes around.
I'll protect you with my shield.
- Ooh, that good plan, Captain Americauliflower.
(Onion Man zooming)
Oh. Hey...
that shield round shape look like...
(shield clanging) Nom om nom nom.
- Hey! My shield!
That's what makes me special.
(cookie dough splatters)
- Whoa! - Oh!
- What happened?
- We're getting creamed out here.
- Ugh. Oh.
- Aww. And this was a brand new suit
for the sequel, too. Boo!
- [Black Bean Widow] Dr Brownie, You got distracted.
The ship flew right past you.
You need to stay focused.
- You're right, Black Bean Widow.
But what can me do to help me stay focused?
- [Mighty Corn] Try talking to yourself
to stay focused on the ship.
Tell yourself, "Stay focused on the ship",
"Stay focused on the ship". Hm?
- Wait that good strategy, Mighty Corn. Yeah.
- I shall use my HAMMER to get rid of any distractions.
- Alright, I'm coming back around.
- Okay. And me talking to myself to stay focused.
"Stay focused on ship".
"Stay focused on ship".
(Onion Man zooming)
Hey, you know what, this working.
Yeah, maybe me talk to me self some more.
with toasted graham cracker cookie
and little bit of chocolate
and roasted marshmallow.
Ah. Om nom nom nom.
(hammer crunching)
- My hammer! What am I supposed to use now?
My socket wrench? That's just lame.
(cookie dough splatters) - Whoa!
- Ugh. Looks like I'm cream corn.
- Doc, come on!
What happened this time!?
- [Zucchin-Eye] Dr Brownie got distracted. Again.
- Well, me at least tried to do something, Zucchin-eye.
What you ever do?
- I do...
I do stuff.
I'm very cool, you know.
- Cucumber's cool. You zucchini.
- Hurtful!
- Okay guys, can we focus on the problem?
Onion Man, what's going on up there?
- Don't know. My radar's been jammed.
Look, I'll take him around one more time,
but this is our last chance.
- Dr Brownie, you have got to stay focused on the ship.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Me need new strategy. Uh, what you got?
- I don't know.
But Zucchin-eye and I will cover you.
- Right. Look at me.
Keeping an eye out with my super cool binoculars.
- Hey! That how me stay focused.
Yeah, Yeah. Me use binocular.
- That's my thing.
- Oh, okay, well then uh...
Oh maybe, maybe me use me hands like binoculars
so me can stay focused on ship so me can eat it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- But you just ate a shield and a hammer.
You couldn't possibly be hungry.
- That me secret,
me always hungry.
(Cookie groaning)
(suspenseful music)
(Onion Man zooming)
Om nom nom nom!
(cookie crunching)
- Do you know how long it took to bake a ship that size?
(Bon Bon crying)
- [Announcer] Coming soon.
Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon.
- So uh, you guys want to go get veggie shawarma?
(Onion Man zooming)
♪ Yum yum yum ♪
♪ Dum de de dum ♪
♪ How many cookies are there today? ♪
♪ - [Together] Yum Yum Yum. ♪
♪ Dum di de dum. ♪
♪ How many cookies today? ♪
♪ - While they still bakin' ♪
♪ - [Together] Bake, bake, bake, bake. ♪
♪ - Let's do some shakin'. ♪
♪ - [Together] Shake. Shake, shake, shake. ♪
♪ Bake de bake de bake ♪
♪ Shake shake ♪
♪ How many cookies today? ♪
♪ - While they still bakin' ♪
♪ - [Together] Bake bake bake bake ♪
♪ - Let's do some more shakin' ♪
♪ - [Together] Shake, shake, shake, shake. ♪
♪ Bake de bake de bake ♪
♪ Shake shake ♪
♪ How many cookies today? ♪
♪ - Me think they're ready ♪
♪ - [Count] Everybody steady ♪
(door creaks) (bell dings)
(alarm beeps) (tray scrapes)
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15,
Ah ah ah!
(thunder crashing) - Cookies! Om nom nom nom ah
(cookies crunching)
Nom nom nom oh nom nom om nom nom nom nom nom nom.
♪ - [Together] Dum dum dum ♪
♪ Dum di de dum ♪
♪ That's how many cookies there were today ♪
- 17!
(cookies spinning)
- [Girl 1] What are we going to find in the garden today?
(nature music)
- [Girl 2] Mushrooms!
- [Girl 1] Let's count the mushrooms.
- [Girl 2] 1, 2,
- [Girl 1] 6, 7,
- [Girl 2] 11, 12, 13,
- [Girl 1] 16,
- [Together] 17 mushrooms!
(upbeat music)
♪ - [Elmo] La la la la ♪
♪ La la la la ♪
♪ La la la la la la la la ♪
♪ Elmo's full of wonder ♪
♪ Wonder what he will discover ♪
♪ In Elmo's Wonderful World! ♪
(Elmo giggling)
Hi. Welcome to Elmo's World.
Oh, guess what Elmo is wondering about today.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
(Elmo giggles)
- [Lettuce] We'd like to join you if you'll lettuce.
- Ah ha ha ha, funny.
Boy, Elmo loves vegetables
and wants to find out more about them.
Hey! Let's ask Elmo's friend, Smarty!
Let's call her together.
- [Together] Oh, Smarty!
(bell ringtone)
- [Smarty] Hi Elmo!
Look, I'm dressed up like my favorite vegetable.
Can you guess what vegetable I am?
- Let's see. Smarty's a... Broccoli?
- That's right!
Green and delicious broccoli.
- Oh well that's perfect, Smarty.
Because Elmo wants to learn all about vegetables.
- Well, what do we do to learn something new?
- [Together] We...
Look it up!
- Getting to the root of vegetables.
Here we go.
Vegetables come in all different colors, shapes and sizes.
Vegetables grow in different places.
Root vegetables like carrots grow under the ground.
Leafy vegetables like spinach grow above the ground.
After getting plenty of water and sunlight,
they're ready to be picked.
Sometimes you can eat vegetables by themselves.
Sometimes they're mixed in with other foods.
It's important to eat plenty of vegetables every day.
They keep us healthy and give us energy.
(Elmo giggles)
- Elmo loves vegetables, Smarty.
- Me too. See you later Elmo.
(Elmo giggles)
- Thank you, Smarty. Bye bye.
Boy, there's so many different kinds of vegetables!
Hey! That gives Elmo an idea.
Lets play a game together.
Yeah. Come on, come on.
(whimsical tune)
(crayon scribbling)
Elmo wonders if we could pick the vegetables
and sort them by color.
Are you ready?
Let's play.
Okay, so we've got celery, a carrot
and radish.
The green vegetables go in the green bin,
Orange in the orange
and red in the red.
Ready to pick?
- [Children] Ready!
- [Elmo] Okay, let's start with the carrot.
Should the carrot go in the red bin?
- [Girl] No. Carrots are orange.
- [Elmo] That's right.
Now what vegetable should we pick next?
- [Boy] The celery.
- [Elmo] Which bin should we put the celery in?
- [Girl] The green one.
- [Boy] Celery is green.
- [Elmo] Yeah! Now where does the radish go?
- [Boy] The red bin!
- [Elmo] Yay, we did it!
Wow, Good job!
Boy, Elmo loves vegetables.
Oh, and that makes wonder even more.
Does Mr Noodle know about vegetables?
Oh, let's ask him.
Hey, Mr Noodle!
(curtains creak)
(Elmo giggles)
It's Mr Noodle's poodle, Schmoodle!
Hi Schmoodle!
- [Dog] Schmoodle!
- Elmo was wondering,
does Schmoodle know about vegetables?
(dog barks)
You do? Oh! Show us a vegetable, Schmoodle.
- [Child 1] Yeah. Show us a... cabbage.
- [Elmo] Yeah, show us a cabbage.
(dog toy squeaks)
- [Child 2 ] That's a football!
- [Child 3] A football isn't a vegetable.
- [Elmo] A cabbage is leafy and round.
Try again, Schmoodle.
(dog toy squeaks)
- [Child 2] Hey look!
- [Elmo] Is that a cabbage, Schmoodle?
- [Child 3] No, that's a cheeseburger.
A cheeseburger isn't a vegetable.
(dog whines)
- [Elmo] Aw, don't give up. You can do it!
Show us a cabbage, Schmoodle!
(dog barks)
- [Child 4] He's pushing a shopping cart full of cabbages!
- [Child 5] That's right, cabbages are vegetables.
- [Elmo] Yeah, now you've got. Good work!
Thank you, Schmoodle.
(dog toy squeaks)
Learning new things makes Elmo so happy.
it makes him want to dance. Come on!
♪ Happy happy dance dance, ♪
♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪
♪ When we learn something new, ♪
♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪
Let's see your happy dance!
Yeah, cool!
See you next time, keep learning.
Elmo loves you!
♪ Happy happy dance dance, ♪
♪ Happy happy dance dance ♪
♪ When we learn something new, ♪
♪ We do the happy dance dance ♪
(Elmo laughs)
- I hope you had fun learning about vegetables!
(Abby giggles)
- Vegetabal! - Vegetabal!
- Yeah yeah. - We got celery.
(both speaking gibberish)
- We got a cabbage! - Oh, look.
- Yeah a cabbage.
(Abby laughs)
- See you next time on Sesame Street.
(munching noises)
♪ - [Together] Come on and move your body ♪
♪ And use your mind ♪
♪ 'Cause you know you are growing ♪
♪ All the time ♪
♪ - You're getting smarter, ♪
♪ - Stronger, ♪
♪ Kinder, ♪
♪ On Sesame Street ♪
♪ - Kind at home and when you play ♪
♪ - Try some sharing and caring everyday! ♪
♪ - You're getting smarter, ♪ ♪ - Smarter! ♪
♪ - Stronger, ♪ ♪ - Stronger! ♪
♪ - Kinder, ♪ ♪ - Kinder! ♪
♪ - On Sesame Street ♪
♪ - Smarter ♪ ♪ - Hey! Hey! ♪
♪ - Stronger ♪ ♪ - Hey! Hey! ♪
♪ - Kinder ♪ ♪ - Hey! Hey! ♪
♪ - On Sesame Street ♪
- [Together] Yeah!