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Four gorillas hunting down ghosts
Welcome everyone to ah stream ah guerilla stream
featuring mios Takanashi Kiara
kiara uwu
and then we have Ina, say hello Ina
can we just give a shout out to Ina's incredible thumbnail
it's a multi-track pun
Ina I think my mom likes to even more now because
I think she was a fan of gorillaz
like the band?
Yeah, the band yeah. Not for real gorillas not specifically
oh yeah
Did chat get the reference? You guys got the reference right? In the chat
You didn't just see monkey and go ha ha funny monkey
I actually didn't get it right away.
All right good Gura you're the professional ghost hunter here out of all of us
I can't tell half of what you were saying just now
IRyS sounds much better to me though than Gura does
Nancy Martinez come out you fool, F*ing bitch
Nancy Martinez you suck~ You'll be alone forever. Nancy, where are you? Come on kill me try me try me I'm not a chicken, I'm a phoenix no matter how many times you kill me I'll be alive again. I'm not like you Nancy, you're dead forever
F* you
Nancy Martinez are you a murderer?
How much does Ina have? 100 bucks? Dang
I only have 17
I have a lot of money too. I have like a 150. I can buy a bunch of stuff what do I need to buy.
Alright, everyone take your items.
I took an ems thingy and the flashlight and I'll take some salt.
eh? I have something else?
I have a Thermometer? But it says EMS
What? EMS?
Is the thing you are holding yellow?
That happens to be a thermometer
Digital Assassin IRyS
wait wait wait. If the game is here
Do i have to do anything?
Very heavy. Yeah very heavy
The mute button is here
It mutes the narrator okay
Let's duct-tape him
Are you trying to get rid of me or what? Digital assassin
Digital assassin. That is the other name that I have
Yeah,it is sharp, it is sharp, very sharp
If only I could see him I could point poke him book him with this
poor narrato, still duct-tape
Is that what i think it is?
that looks like a... that looks like a certain
very very very universally popular game
no not cold
there we go
OK, super cool time and go to super cold for me
oh, it's only when i want to go to super cold it doesn't let me go there yeah
The legendary minecraft stream
all the ingredients
Wow this took a lot of resources guys
You know what i'm gonna do with this cake?
yes, guess what i'm gonna do with this cake
i brought some cake guys, like a good neighbor
cake is here oh wait
I think I went too high
a lot of resources to make
to my left?
is there something on the left?
my take farm?
What's a take farm?
is it free to take
Ta Ke, Ah....
Oh, it's Baelz
Have you seen any cods?
I'm gonna follow Ina, she probably knows where it is
Translator notes: she didn't know where it was
Stone donut?
That's a donut?
there's no hole in the donuts though
There are donuts without holes
that's your reward
I don't have any cheese on me
so you get a cod instead
Ina? What's up Ina?
Where are the cods?
Am i being blind again and not noticing where the cods are? Or they're really not here?
The cods...
The cods
no no no... it's not it's not... it's not this cod... no no no no
i'm innocent
I swear I swear
Oh my god! It's scary. No i swear. This is not
This is not the cods...
These are just random cods that I found... somewhere else
I fished them
Somewhere close to PPP, but it's not... it's not them
uh oh
uh oh
it's okay we're safe we're safe
the three of us are invincible
No, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. I promise
These are not the special cods
oh wow she's good
Ina has very good aim...
Sana's boing boing blocked her vision
Where am I?
You're... OK, if everything looks red and it's burning don't sleep there.
Uh, I'm gonna die
There is like a gaint octopus thingy
oh you're in the neither
The portal should be behind the KFP
The gaint octopus thingy took down the portal
Oh, it's not on fire anymore huh
No No, you are back here actually, you can just take the rail back home
Where's the rail
uh... It's literally in front of you
No no no, turn back, turn back, on the floor
I don't have a cart though
Just follow and walk?
Baelz's 50 Ways to die
Hi friend
Is that your family?
Look, he's putting on the hat and everything
Hug friend?
Oh my god, we gained a friend
I got friend
I got friend
I'm gonna put him up here
I can throw him! Okay
throw him
Someone played the game with zero deaths?
shoe monster
Oh wait wait no no no
It's there
We need to run up
You can do it, I believe
Easy haha. I spit in you face
what's next
This is what pro gamer does, you gotta scope out the...
I thought it was blind x2
What is this door?
The door was stuck x3
okay we got time. We can crank it until we see it
Don't panic x2
No need to panic x2
let's try this again shall we?
okay let's try this one more time
Now we gotta line up to the corner
They just won't hang up
I'll see you around
Alright take care
You too
Wait should i uh uh leave this voice call?
it's up to you
you hanging up first
No, you hang up
No, you hang up
No, you hang up
No, you hang up
No, you hang up
No, you hang up
I need uh test subjects
all right one in seven chance
do you believe
What if one of these eggs are faulty and they don't hatch any hatchlings
if you believe it you can be somebody
Yeah they told me i could become everything so i became disappointment
Thank you Kiara
Gura you better stop singing or else Kiara will...
Oh shit there's a lot of people here
ah our favorite channel, the white noise
with a little bit of a color a beautiful color
This is what KFP looks like watching the stream
Nah you goota go through there
Uh hello nice to meet you...
I'm Takanashi Kiara
how's it going
how's it going
what's what's on tv today
What if I cover it up will you be mad?
No, you're okay
Nah, these guys are chill, I promise you
oh he's got no fingers
I feel the tension is uh...
First they take the finger, then they take the tongue
Gura stop stop.. I will... I will...
First they take the finger, then they take the tongue
If I ever see you If I ever meet you
First they take the finger
It's a me Kiawa
Are you naked?
Can I show this on stream?
uh i don't know
I didn't see anything in particular but
Those are a lot of naked people
Do they have uh the the the the
Wiener wurst?
The wiener wurst?
um i don't know
Chat say they do so....
oh oh naked guys again
Why are there so many wiener in this game
I only like my wiener with ketchup or I don't know maybe some mustard
But but those are different yeah
Gura You are sus because you did not stop by the washroom
I'm just a shark who likes berries and cream
Where am i going?
I'm just a shark who likes some berries and cream, berries and cream, berries and cream. I'm just a shark who likes some...
Gura: Nice try Ina: Gura for real?
Gura I saw you
Can you explain what gura did?
Can I have the floor please?
She was walking out of electrical after picking off Kiara's head
I have the megaphone I have the megaphone because i reported...
You self reported because you panicked
Excuse me I have a question
was the shark near the washroom?
I was in... I was
then you are sus
I watched Ina
No no no Mumei can vouch for me, she was right behind...
*Meanwhile Mumei...*
No you were by yourself You were by yourself in electrical because i was humming Berries and cream
I was humming the Berries and Cream tune and i was like
I know where electrical is because that's where i died last time
That's where you killed me last time so that's right
I'm gonna go to electrical
oh wait
insert card
Sana's body, Gura didn't notice
okay i'm going to
All this time
She's playing the dummy card
Did you ever stop by the washroom
Did I stop by the washroom? I spawned in...
I spawned in the place with the folder on the table and i went right down to electrical
I don't remember how...
So you never stop by the washroom that's pretty SUS
How is that SUS?
I just walked in and then I saw...
Everytime you were innocent you would do something in the washroom
Churning the Dookie Butter
oh literally
I'm locked in the latrine
I'm stuck in the bathroom
We just spawned in Kronii
We just spawned in give me some time to get to the toilet
I'm pretty convinced
Can i... can i have a moment
You are starting to stink Gura because you didn't shower
Can i have a moment?
Can I?
Can I have a moment
To discribe how Ina has suddenly flip-flopped her story
She's gone from weak and shy to very suddenly very demanding of the room's attention
I don't know it was so obvious that I walked in on you
All I can say is trust me on this
You can skip
Just steer clear of Ina
Someone follow Gura someone follow Ina
Yes please i would love to have follower around
I don't know how to defend myself here guys i'm innocent
I mean it's still early in the game, I'll keep my
Eh, zip it you
This is why I love Calli
Sing a bit when you're around the gnome? Maybe he'll respect you
What should I sing
Continue with what you're doing, I don't mind
OK sure
Ina got high because she's too tired
uh you know one of those times when you're so tired your brain filter is
just off and you're just saying whatever is on your mind
That's me right now
I can basically feel my eye bags
I was thinking about something i was like how
cause in japanese when you count different things you
have different uh words to count something like like sheets of paper it's
like something something “mai” um but eggs
i wasn't sure i wasn't sure what what where to use to
count eggs so i was like
Kiara, I know this is really out of the blue
but how do you count eggs in Japanese
and she's like Oh I'm the perfect person
basically yeah that's how that's how the stream started
or right before the stream
Pre-stream behind the scenes exclusive content
let's go
I'm sorry. Why am I laughing so much
Also, I forgot to drink my vitamins hold on
ah yeah
I forgot what I was gonna start off with
Started with eggs and now my brain is slowly going into Youtube
random youtube videos that i've been watching while i was
working on stuff including
How many layers of glue does it take to make a glove and shoe
Can thermites really break locks
Random youtube videos that show up on my feed
Wait, which one is the one that's the bug and which one is the one that like it's
really really hot when you light it on fire
Termite is the bug, thermite is the hot one
Ok, got it. The hot one
Speaking of hot ones
*Help her, she can't stop*
Anyways, this is not a chatting stream, this is a pokemon stream
Lies that Calli and IRyS believed in
I used to think that cracking your knuckles wasn't really good for your bones
but apparently it's just a myth I don't know
Yeah i've heard it like doesn't matter your neck is a different situation but like cracking like your
knuckles knuckles that's fine
Um I remember that a relative once told me
uh she told me that her her dad was like a doctor or a surgeon and she said
that the knuckles in your hands every time that you pop them like you're
popping a bubble inside of your body and your body only has so many bubbles
inside of it that if you pop all of them you die
Yeah that's what she told me said her dad who was a doctor told her that
and so I believed it
Yeah if her dad's a doctor
You would think oh yeah legit yeah oh my god
That reminds me of how like
some some people would tell me that like um if you you know if you hiccup a
hundred times in a row without stopping
huh that's why like whenever I... I used to like hiccup a lot as a kid
not as much anymore Actually, I don't even know if i hiccup often...
As a kid I used to like always hiccup
after eating a meal or something and i would freak out i would count my
I would count my hiccups and like drink tons of water hoping it would stop
Sometimes it would reach like 20 or 30 I'm like oh no seventy more hiccups and I'm dead
oh geez that's so cute
RIP Watson, she's dead for sure
You sure she's the CEO of KFP?
What a catch Yeah nice catch
Are you supporting him or me
KFP Which one is it
Does that hurt you bitch? Well think about how many children you've hur t
Do I need to bring you with me?
Are you coming
No? Give him a tight hug? But is he gonna kill me if i give him a tight hug?
I can't do much more than this
Can we drop him?
I have too much power
Am I going to hell?
Ina got friendzoned
Okay I have some uh I have a... I have presents for you too
Are you my present?
This is for you You see I wore...
Well you like it more now right? Because i wore it first
Oh yeah, you are my present
Let me catch you
Ina you don't have to, I'm already yours
The last thing is this
Is this...
Is this what i think it is?
Would you like to continue being an amazing gen mate to me
and a lovely super cute beloved friends to me
Did I just get friend zoned?
Did I just get friend zoned?
I didn't know that there was a possibility of more than just the friend zone
I was just thinking because you know maybe you want to wait until
oh don't run away
Ina, don't cry
I'm looking forward to the day when we meet in real life hopefully so..
so stop! Don't go away
I didn't bring my bathing suit
Come back! Ina I can't follow you
We should wait until they sell flight tickets
don't go by ocean
We're not ready to go to japan yet
This place is not really safe if the lock is outside
I feel like... I feel like with my special eyes would see something suspicious
There must be a button hide in some where
Maybe under the bar
Or... Or there is some speakers listening to us say a specific special keyword password
and then they will let us out
Maybe you can unlock it with a smartphone
Alexa open the door
Hey Alexa, open the door
Let us out
Hi, I'm Cortana
Well, we are dead, it's Cortana
Hi, I'm Cortana
Hi, I'm Siri
Hi, I'm Siri
Kiara: Hi, I'm Cortana Cali: Hi, I'm Siri
At least you guys do seem to have a little...
a little smart...
smart friend down there
Wait, there is a Siri?
It's called Archebold
Calli: Your personal butler Gura: Hey Archebold, I've been kidnapped call 911
Calli: You got it, calling 911 Gura: Call in the SWAT Team
Hey Ar.. Ar.. Archebold
This is the Mython police department
Can we get two...
Number 9
Focus, you focus
Do you kids ever learn to stop calling us?
God Damn
Calli: They hang up Ina: I was gonna call the cops
Why you always gonna eat burger, it's not good for you
I like McDonalds
I was gonna cook healthy pasta
Watoto will grease up now
OK, do it
I'll help you Watoto, let me... let me grease you up
Watoto has to be naked
Watoto takes off his shirt and gets all oiled up
with the hot with the um... Olive oil
Hello 911
Cali: Hello, Archebold here. Would you like me to call 911? Ina: 911, I can't breath
No, that's OK Archebold. Thank you
Archebold, play Baewatch
You got it
Now playing Baewatch theme
Archebold plays the Baewatch theme
Would you like to... Would you anything else?
No Archebold, thank you
You can change my settings anytime
Hey Archebold, change language settings to italian