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  • Chat: Please have mercy

  • What do you want me to do?

  • Just playing the game

  • Chat: Play better

  • Fuck it

  • All right, now...

  • I don't know which way to go from here is the issue

  • I mean, I'm guessing it has to be to the left

  • It's got to be the left, a full left

  • She's here

  • Hello

  • I'll be there soon, I promise you

  • Fuck

Chat: Please have mercy


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A1 初級 美國腔

被觀眾叫玩好點後崩潰的死神(【CC英文字幕】被觀眾叫玩好點後崩潰的死神【Mori Calliope/ HoloEN中文】)

  • 274 6
    黃俊凱 發佈於 2022 年 10 月 28 日