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  • In 2000, a company called ViroPharma ran clinical trials of pleconaril, a new pill designed to treat the common cold.

    在 2000 年時,一家名為 ViroPharma 的公司進行了 pleconaril 藥物的臨床試驗,這是一種旨在治療普通感冒的新型藥丸。

  • In many patients, the pill helped.


  • But in seven of them, just a few days into the treatment, researchers found mutated virus variants that were almost completely resistant to pleconaril.

    但在其中 7 位病人中,研究人員在他們接受治療的幾天後發現了幾乎完全抵抗 pleconaril 的突變病毒的突變體。

  • The viruses are always mutating, but this one mutated so quickly that it managed to outmaneuver years of research and development in just a few days.


  • If you didn't have an immune system and caught a cold, the infection would quickly spread deep into your lungs.


  • Rampant viral replication would destroy tissue there, until your lungs couldn't supply your body with enough oxygen and you'd asphyxiate.


  • Unfortunately, for millions of people around the world who live with a less-than-fully-functional immune system or who are on immunosuppressant drugs, this is a real risk,


  • quote unquote "minor" infections can turn serious or even deadly.


  • But if you're fortunate enough to have a fully functional immune system, a cold will probably give you a few relatively mild symptoms.


  • On average, adults catch more than 150 colds throughout their lives.

    平均而言,成年人一生中會得到 150 多次感冒。

  • And despite the fact that the symptoms are similar, the cause could be different each time.


  • Common colds are caused by at least eight different families of virus, each of which can have its own species and subtypes.


  • How can so many different viruses cause the same illness?


  • Well, viruses can only invade our bodies in a few ways, one is to come in on a breath,


  • and we have to breathe, so our immune system sets up a bunch of frontline defenses and these are actually what produce many of the symptoms of a cold.


  • Your mucusy, dripping nose is your immune system trapping and flushing out virus.


  • Your fever is your immune system raising your body temperature to slow down viral replication.


  • And your inflamed, well, everything, that's your immune system widening your blood vessels and recruiting its white blood cell army to help kill the virus.


  • So, if the common cold is caused by many different viruses, is a cure even possible?


  • Here's one fact in our favor: a single family of viruses causes 30 to 50% of all colds: rhinovirus.

    有一個真實狀況對我們是有利,有一個病毒家族會導致全部感冒的 30% 到 50% ,也就是鼻病毒。

  • If we could eliminate all rhinovirus infections, we'd be a long way towards curing the common cold.


  • There are two main ways to fight a virus: vaccines and antiviral drugs.


  • The first attempt to create a rhinovirus vaccine was a success, but a short-lived one.


  • In 1957, William Price vaccinated 50 kids with inactivated rhinovirus and gave 50 others a placebo.

    1957 年,William Price 為 50 名兒童接種了滅絕鼻病毒的疫苗,並給另外 50 名兒童注射了安慰劑。

  • Soon afterwards, a rhinovirus outbreak spread throughout the kids.


  • In the vaccinated group, only three got sick.


  • In the placebo group, 23 didalmost eight times as many.

    在施打安慰劑的人中,有 23 人生病,是注射疫苗組的八倍。

  • And despite the small numbers, this was promising.


  • The immune systems of vaccinated kids were successfully recognizing and responding to rhinovirus.


  • But later trials of the vaccine showed no protection at all, none.


  • This wasn't Price's fault. No one at the time knew that rhinovirus had multiple subtypes.

    這不是 Price 的錯,畢竟當時沒有人知道鼻病毒會有很多種亞型。

  • Price's vaccine, for reasons we don't fully understand, didn't provide broad protection,

    由於我們不完全了解的原因,Price 的疫苗沒有提供廣泛的保護作用,

  • meaning it was only effective against one or maybe a few subtypes of rhinovirusout of 169 subtypes and counting.

    這表示,在 169 種並且還在增加的亞型中,疫苗僅對鼻病毒的其中一種或幾種亞型有效。

  • Sometimes, when we make a vaccine, we get lucky.


  • The mRNA COVID vaccines, for example, effectively protect us against severe disease and death across the original virus and variants too.

    例如,mRNA 的新冠疫苗也有效地保護我們免受原始病毒和變種嚴重疾病和死亡。

  • But we have yet to create a broadly protective vaccine against rhinovirus, or any other virus that causes the common cold.


  • Okay, what about antiviral drugs?


  • Viruses hijack human cellular machinery to replicate and spread, so it's hard to make a molecule that's toxic to the virus without also being toxic to the human.


  • And even if you manage to do that, the virus could mutate out of reach of the drug.


  • Viruses are slippery beasts.


  • We have, though, had some incredible successes.


  • We eradicated smallpox thanks to an effective vaccine, the fact that it can't hide out in other species, and its relatively low mutation rate.


  • HIV, on the other hand, mutates so quickly that in an untreated individual, every possible single-letter mutation in the virus's genetic code could, in theory, be produced in a single day.

    另一方面,HIV 變異速度之快,以至於在未經治療的個體中,理論上,病毒的基因中的每一個可能的單字母突變都可以在一天內產生。

  • Despite trying for decades, we still don't have a vaccine.


  • But we do have an effective cocktail of HIV drugs that the virus can't easily mutate away from.

    但我們確實有一種有效的 HIV 藥物混合物是病毒無法輕易變異的。

  • Unfortunately, we are stuck with colds for now.


  • But the last few decades have featured some entirely game-changing medical breakthroughs, like mRNA vaccines and CRISPR.

    但過去幾十年出現了一些完全改變遊戲規則的醫學突破,例如 mRNA 疫苗和 CRISPR。

  • CRISPR could be particularly promising as an antiviral agent, because it originally evolved in bacteria as an immune defense against viruses.

    CRISPR 作為一種抗病毒劑可能特別有希望,因為它最初是由細菌進化的,作為一種針對病毒的免疫防禦。

  • In fact, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, a research team showed that a CRISPR system could degrade coronavirus and influenza genomes in our lung cells.

    事實上,在新冠疫情初期,一個研究小組表明,CRISPR 系統可以降解我們肺細胞中的冠狀病毒和流感基因組。

  • They called their system prophylactic antiviral CRISPR in human cells, or, for short, PAC-MAN.

    他們將其系統稱為人類細胞中的預防性抗病毒 CRISPR,或簡稱為 PAC-MAN。(PAC-MAN 是小精靈的英文名稱)

In 2000, a company called ViroPharma ran clinical trials of pleconaril, a new pill designed to treat the common cold.

在 2000 年時,一家名為 ViroPharma 的公司進行了 pleconaril 藥物的臨床試驗,這是一種旨在治療普通感冒的新型藥丸。

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