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The only thing you have to know about the iPhone 6 plus is that is a big iPhone. Really big iPhone.
iPhone 6 Plus是支大iPhone 非常大的iPhone
After years of mocking samsung and other super name giant phones, Apple’s finally came to clear the demands of the normal screen.
在嘲笑三星及其它品牌的大手機多年之後 Apple終於也看清普通螢幕的需求了
And it turns out that the iPhone with a huge screen is pretty great!
The iPhone 6 plus is enormous.
iPhones 6 plus真的很大
Although it’s similar size of the Galaxy Note 3, it feels bigger than the Samsung when you hold it.
雖然和Galaxy Note 3尺寸差不多 握起來就是感覺比較大
It’s taller and thinner and getting your hand all the way around isn't easy.
它比較長也比較薄 要整支握住不容易
Between the size and the slippery-curve aluminum edges, I prefer using an Apple’s leather case.
在尺寸和鋁合金光滑曲線間做取捨 我比較喜歡用Apple的皮質護套
This might be the first iPhone that is better in the case, actually.
I’m not a big fan of the weird antenna lines and protruding camera lens at the back at the phone, and the case hide all those things nicely.
我不是天線線條或突出鏡頭的愛好者 用護套剛好可以藏起來
Of course, the reason that this thing is so big is the 5.5 inch 1920 by 1080 retina HD display, which looks fantastic.It’s the highest pixel density screen Apple’s ever shipped on a phone.
當然 手機會這麼大是因為5.5寸1920x1080 Retina高解析大螢幕 這是Apple在手機上搭載過最高的解析度 看起來很棒
And it’s definitely brighter and sharper than the previous retina displays.
It’s not as supersaturated as Samsung screens but it looks far more accurate, especially when you're taking photos.
看起來更細緻但不像三星畫面會過飽和 尤其是拍照的時候
Until apps updated to support of the bigger screen, you can definitely see some fuzziness since your phone just makes everything about it all gets bigger.
在應用程式支援大螢幕前 因為手機直接把畫面放大所以看起來比較模糊
Even the menu bar gets bigger, which makes it feel like you're using a phone for old people.
連選單都變大了 讓我覺得自己像在用銀髮族手機
Blown up apps looks fine for most part, but some get pretty fuzzy-looking. Gmail is particularly bad.
大部份的應用程式直接放大看起來還可以 有些就很模糊 Gmail尤其模糊
But I expect much software developers to update their apps really soon.
But you don't need these updated apps to appreciate the screen right away.
不過就算沒更新程式 也可以馬上欣賞到畫面的表現
It’s just so big and gorgeous, and browsing webs and watching video on it is a joy.
螢幕真的很大很華麗 用來看網頁和影片真是賞心悅目
Videos, in particular, is terrific. I watch the packer’s game for couple hours in the six-plus and never thought about switching to a TV.
尤其看影片真的很優 我看了「packer's game」幾個小時 完全不會想用電視看
It’s that good!
Of course watching video on any big screen phone is great.
So it’s up to Apple to figure out how to take better advantage of this new size.
It’s in between an iPhone and iPad. It’s starting slowly.
這個尺寸介於iPhone與iPad之間 起步比較慢
Apps are all updated for a bigger screen to take advantages of the new features that make the iPhone 6 plus almost like a smaller iPad.
善用大螢幕功能的軟體讓iPhone 6 plus如同一個小iPad
There’s a new two column in landscape that shows you more information in various apps,
橫向模式畫面多兩行 讓你可以看到更多的資訊
and a new landscape keyboard includes air keyboard and dedicated cut, copy, and paste buttons.
新的橫向鍵盤 包括正常鍵盤以及功能鍵盤 提供剪下、複製或貼上功能
It’s all very useful, even the icon, mis-pasted button, is terrible.
這些按鍵很有用 雖然mis-pasted這個按鍵圖示滿糟糕的
Seriously, this is awful. Come on!
Once that all apps are taking advantage of the size properly, I can't see ever using my iPad mini again.
所有的軟體都支援大螢幕之後 我就沒再用過我的iPad mini了
The iPhone 6 plus is almost as big, has an awesome screen, also my phone, which is a huge advantage.
iPhone 6 plus夠大 可以搭載很棒的螢幕 也能打電話 大大加分
And iPhone 6 plus battery seems to last forever.
If you're a frequent traveler, the 6 plus is no-brainer.
如果你常旅行 帶iPhone 6 plus就對了
The six plus also has a killer new camera, which is now so good that I can't imagine using a point-shoot camera ever again.
它還搭載了殺手級相機 好到讓我不想再用傻瓜相機
It’s still 8 mega-pixels but Apple’s added what it calls focus-pixels for faster focusing.
相機還是八百萬像素 但Apple加入了新的focus-pixels加速對焦
It really works!This thing takes pictures fast. It can also take 240 frames per second slow-motion-video, which is awesome.
真的好用! 照相很快 還可以拍每秒240影格的慢動作影片 非常棒
And the six plus has optical image stabilization, which makes it even better in low light than the iPhone 6.
6 plus搭載了光學防手震 在低光源的時候勝過iPhone 6
It’s just an amazing little camera.
But apart from the huge screen and terrific camera grades, the iPhone 6 plus is still very much an iPhone.
不過除了大畫面與優秀的相機等級 iPhone 6 plus仍舊只是支iPhone
iOS8 offers a wealth of new improvements of the basic experience of using iPhone, but there’s nothing drastically new here.
iOS8為iPhone使用者提供了更進一步的健康體驗 但6 plus並沒有新元素
Apple Pay looks like you'll be the first successful mobile payment system ever, but it’s not ruling out for a month or so.
Apple Pay看起來會是第一個成功的手機支付系統 但它才開始一個月左右
And new features like wifi calling and voice of LTE might finally bring voice calling into the modern era.
其它新功能如wifi電話 或是LTE voice技術也許會將語音通話帶到一個新紀元
But the carriers have to support first. So right now, the iPhone 6 plus’s really just an iPhone with the huge screen.
不過也要電信商有支援 所以目前iPhone 6 plus只是支大螢幕的iPhone
If there’s what you are looking for, you should get one. You won't regret it.
如果你正在找大螢幕手機 你應該買一支 不會後悔的
But eventually, the iPhone 6 plus is a potential to be much more.
但終究 iPhone 6 plus有潛力可以做到更多
After being on a road for a few days, I found myself using it for everything.
這幾天出門 我發現我做任何事都用這支手機
My laptop, my iPad remain safely tucked away in my back.
This is the future founds into future Samsung and others have been chasing for a while.
三星或其它手機 未來可能要再追一陣子才能做到
The iPhone 6 plus might be late to the game, but it’s off to a great start.
iPhone 6 plus也許在大螢幕市場起步較慢 但它有個很好的開始