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Now, we've been talking about a well-known person you like or admire,
and I'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this.
Let's consider first of all famous people in your country.
So in Germany what kind of people are famous?
Ah... mostly sports people I would say.
Like, our favorite sport is soccer.
So yeah, people who play this sport.
And famous as well our politicians but they are not admired
or they're not alive doing...
So there's a difference between being famous and being admired?
I think so definitely think so yeah.
Politicians are only famous?
They're only famous because it's easy to blame them for everything what happens.
At the moment we have the financial crisis in Europe.
Especially Greek and Ireland really have to suffer at the moment.
And yeah it's easy to blame something.
You can't blame a soccer player.
But it's easy to blame the politicians.
How about movie stars - are they also famous in Germany?
Um... yeah they are also famous but not the German movie stars
or music stars. We don't have a big yeah a big
...yeah... big branch of this.
More yeah American folks yeah mostly US American movie stars.
But it's hard to ...yeah...
it's hard to to think that they are
our role models or anything like that.
They are living on the other side of the lake and
yeah, just in the television.
What about in the past? What kinds of people were famous in the past?
Especially in the 70s-60s, I would say a musicians.
Because ...yeah... of this freedom of this last guy we had there.
Yeah, these these musicians here live this.
And how about the future? Can you give me a prediction for the future?
Definitely not bankers.
Not bankers? Yeah because of the financial crisis again.
Um, yeah that's a good question.
Maybe people who and serve the planet and who wants to save the planet.
Work for this environmentally people.
I could yeah would be quite like it
because we have this theme of global warming at the moment.
Well discussed and yeah so let's say this could be likely.
Now let's talk about celebrity culture.
Often famous people are used in advertisements.
Can you give me some examples of that?
Um... I don't watch a lot of television.
But so a television or see advert advertisements.
So I can't give many examples actually.
How about for... instead of for products, how about
celebrities being involved in in advertising for causes or charities?
Have you seen examples of that?
Um... yeah sometimes like for environmentally things
I can't name any celebrities but um
it's quite often that they used this image.
The celebrity has done something in his life and
many people admire him for the one or the other reason.
so it's quite a good thing that they use a celebrity because
he is a role model, he stands for something
and he stands... yeah for the environment
or made for a product, so the people who admires him
yeah wants to buy this product, wants to do something for the environment.
Now let's let's change to the negatives.
What kind of possible negative effects
might a celebrity have on younger generations?
Yeah, as I said, they had to their role models for many people
and this rock star was in the television the last weeks and months
and go on the wrong path and taking drugs or yeah just living the wrong lifestyle.
Then, yeah, the young people think 'hey it's cool what he's doing so
he's he's famous he has money he's taking drugs so hey that fits together I won't do the same'.
So you think that his behaviour actually can influence how
younger generations choose to lead their lives?
I definitely think so, yeah.
So do you think that a celebrity has a moral responsibility
to behave in a better manner in public?
As long as he is famous as he is in everyday life he definitely has.
He's not only the normal person,
this if he is at home it's okay what he's doing I don't care.
But um yeah, the very moment goes public
or is on television and the newspapers
he definitely has a responsibility
because millions of people are watching what he is doing.
So would you say that there's an obligation that
a person who becomes famous they have an obligation
to behave in a more ethical or moral manner?
Yeah and if you can't stand this pressure
then yeah he should take care that he's not being famous, no.
Somehow, I don't know whether it's possible
somehow but yeah there's this obligation definitely.
Well thank you very much. That's the end of the Speaking test. Thank you.