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3 生病、受伤时
Do you need a doctor? (用叫医生吗?)
Please call an ambulance. (请叫救护车。 )
I'd like to see a doctor. (我要看病。 )
I'm not feeling well. (我觉得身体不舒服。 )
Could you send me a doctor? (你能帮我请位医生吗? )
What's wrong with you?(你怎么啦? )
What are your symptoms? (是什么症状? )
Let me check your temperature. (量一下体温吧。 )
Did you eat something unusual?(吃了什么不对劲的东西没有? )
Let me check your blood pressure.(量一下血压吧。 )
Are you taking any medication regularly?(你常服用什么药? )
I'm not taking any medication. (我没服用任何药。)
What's wrong with me? (我哪儿不好? )
Is it serious?(严重吗? )
Are you feeling okay? (你不舒服吗? )
What's wrong? (你怎么了?)
You look pale. (你的脸色真不好。 )
I don't feel well. (我觉得难受。)
You don't look well. (你好像不太舒服。)
She passed out. (她昏过去了。 )
I feel sick.(我觉得难受。 )
I have a stomachache. (我肚子疼。)
I have a dull pain. (隐隐作痛。 )
I have a sharp pain. (钻心地疼。)
I have a throbbing pain. (一跳一跳地疼。 )
I have a piercing pain. (我感到巨痛。 )
I have a stabbing pain. (像针扎似地疼。 )
I have diarrhea. (我拉肚子了。 )
I have food poisoning. (我食物中毒了。)
I have high blood pressure. (血压高。)
I have low blood pressure. (血压低。)
I have a headache. (我头疼。)
I have a toothache. (我牙疼。)
I feel dizzy. (我头晕目眩。 )
I feel sluggish.(我浑身没劲。)
I don't have any appetite. (我没有一点儿食欲。)
I have a slight cold. (我有点儿感冒。)
I feel chilly. (我浑身发冷。)
I have a bad cold. (我得了重感冒。)
I have a stuffy nose. (鼻子堵了。)
I have a runny nose.(我在流鼻涕。)
I have a bit of a fever. (我有点儿发烧。 )
I think I have a fever. (我好像发烧了。)
I have a high temperature. (我在发高烧。)
I feel like throwing up.(我想吐。)
Ouch! (好疼!/好烫!)
It's itchy. (痒痒。)
Ahchoo! (啊嚏!)
I broke my leg.(我腿骨折了。)
How long will the cast be on? (要打多长时间石膏?)
I burned my hand. (我把手给烫了。)
I sprained my ankle. (我崴脚了。)
I caught a cold from you. (你把感冒传染给我了。 )
I must stay in bed. (我必须静养。 )
I have stiff shoulders. (我肩膀酸痛。)
My eyes are tired.( 我眼睛发酸。 )
Is somebody hurt? (有谁受伤了? )
My fever has gone down.( 我退烧了。)
I can't stop coughing. (我咳嗽不止。)
My throat's sore. (我嗓子疼。)
It's bleeding. (我流血了。 )
I've got a cut here.(我这儿割破了。 )
It hurts.( 好疼。)
I got stung by a bee. (我被蜜蜂蜇了。 )
Do I need an operation? (我需要动手术吗? )
Will it take long? (要花很长时间吗? )
Can I take a bath?(我可以洗澡吗? )
Is it okay to drink? (我可以喝酒吗? )
Should I be hospitalized?(我一定要住院吗? )
Do you have a fever? (你发烧吗? )
I feel better.(我觉得好多了。)
I don't feel any better.(我觉得没什么好转。)
Are you alright again? (你的病好了吗? )
He passed away. (他去世了。 )