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  • What’s up, Undertoads? Obviously, I feel sick. I feel like I have a billion viruses

  • destroying me from the inside. Who sounds like Michael Cera now?!

  • And what a freaking thing to find when you come into work feeling like crap...a Wii minigame

  • collection. See, what I’m really saying is a lot of Wii minigame collections come

  • off an assembly line of suck. Playing themplus being sickbasically meets international

  • standards for torture.

  • Fortunately, such is not the case with Bomberman.

  • Released to the Wii back in the glory days of 2008, Bomberman Land is a minigame collection.

  • I’ll wait for you to sigh before I tell’s not that bad. In fact, as awful

  • as these things sometimes got on Wii, this is manna from minigame freaking heaven. It’s

  • not often one of these games is worth playing alone, but this one comes close.

  • You play as a Bomberman who’s on vacation. There’s some tournament up in the sky, he

  • goes to participate, and the minigames commence. The entire game is set up like a tournament

  • of sorts, with the top players moving on to the next rounds.

  • The advantage here is that, because of the structure, I actually kind of cared about

  • doing well in the minigames. And that’s something you don’t often say about the

  • solo components of these games. The drawback, on the other hand, is that the game has lots

  • of lobbies and hubs...areas that are basically just wasting your time. There’s no reason

  • to walk around looking for a minigame when a menu would suffice.

  • Of course, what makes or breaks a minigame collection are the minigames. And in Bomberman

  • Land, theyre sort of representative of the overall producttheyre far from mind-blowing

  • or even original, but theyre done very well. I may have been familiar with most of

  • their ideas, but I didn’t come across a single minigame in this collection that didn’t

  • play well. And in fact, a good deal of them were actually fun.

  • But with the single-player focus comes a pretty serious drawback. For some reason, Bomberman

  • Land doesn’t offer many of the minigames for multiplayer use at all. The game does

  • include a retro Bomberman mode, but if youre looking for multiplayer minigames, this one

  • is actually kind of a terrible choice.

  • Bomberman Land is an interesting piece of Wii minigame history. If you enjoy these games

  • alone, this is a tremendous one to check out. But if youre hosting a minigame party,

  • don’t invite Bomberman. He’s just a...selfish prick.

  • He’d probably put bombs in the coat pile, anyway. What a party pooper!

What’s up, Undertoads? Obviously, I feel sick. I feel like I have a billion viruses


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[電玩遊戲 Nintendo Wii炸彈超人樂園遊戲回顧]CGRundertow BOMBERMAN LAND for Nintendo Wii Video Game Review

  • 34 1
    阿多賓 發佈於 2013 年 04 月 10 日