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Bringing darkness and chaos to our once peaceful world, aided by his disciple evil pair brought the human race to the brink of annihilation here with watch Mojo and these are the top 10 worst changes in live action anime.
So really I don't think we need you at all for this list.
We're going to be looking at the most unnecessary ill advised your mind boggling deviations from the source material in these iconic series, leap out of animation.
What I want you to do is go to those comments and tell me if there's any chance whatsoever that the one piece live action will be any good, go on, sound off below.
And of course if there's an anime list you want to see, go to my twitter ash Jabo and let me know number 10 Julius, vicious change of heart, cowboy bebop.
You made me by the time the credits rolled on this misguided netflix series as a resounding feeling of betrayal and not just from Spike the bee bops trek into live action was a bumpy ride and it all but crash landed in the final moments where the random twist that made no sense in either vision of the story after spending the entire season under vicious thumb Julia betrays Spike and takes over the syndicates that had just held her captive.
Yeah, we didn't get it either in its defense who needs foreshadowing respect for the source material or consistent characterization when you have a senseless cliffhanger really, it only proved this was Julia in name only Julia.
Number nine not so great ape dragon ball evolution.
This is where you landed and where you will be reborn, you serve me.
It may use the japanese use areu name but this is a far roar from the original with menace power and size to spare Goku iconic first transformation into a great ape told audiences the chipper kid was capable of a lot more than even he knew, but it's hard to do anything but laugh when this sorry excuse for an use Areu appears without any scale intimidation nor character work to back it up.
它可能使用了日本的 "阿瑞 "這個名字,但這是一個與原作相差甚遠的咆哮,具有威脅性的力量和尺寸,悟空標誌性地首次變身為大猩猩,告訴觀眾這個活潑的孩子的能力甚至比他知道的還要多,但當這個遺憾的藉口出現在 "阿瑞 "身上,沒有任何規模的威懾力,也沒有角色的支持,很難做到不笑。
It would appear his small stature was also indicative of how much they cared about the visual effects.
Since calling this ugly werewolf an ape at all is a serious stretch at least the name change makes sense.
Now there's definitely nothing great about this.
I don't think there anymore.
Number eight turning a blind eye to cl Black Butler.
It may share a name with a beloved anime, but this is not the faithful retelling most fans expected after all.
It's hard to tell a similar story when the movie completely replaces one of its two main characters of the original series instead did follow seals, ancestor Kyo Haru.
What's different about her?
You ask absolutely nothing outside of the obvious fact she's a girl Kyo Haru and nothing that cl couldn't have done better.
Next time they want to make a romance film, they should try choosing a story that actually has love in it really just anything besides Black Butler.
number seven eyes open a liter battle angel, this could be who I am.
You've been given a chance to start over with a clean slate for maybe the first time ever.
The glaring issue with this live action adaptation is that it was too faithful, admittedly anime is a tough medium to adapt.
But choosing to translate the original work, stylist expressions with a full CG face made us wish they hadn't even tried.
It seems a lita's biggest hurdle isn't recovering her pest or fending off bounty hunters but the uncanny valley when framed by heavy green screen and special effects, she practically blends into the background somehow this live action feature managed to make its title character look flatter than she did in animation.
Which is a real shame since the film isn't half bad.
As long as you don't stare at a liter for too long.
Number six A meet cringe Kaguya, Sama, love is war and Kaguya Sama, Final Love is War mhm The only thing more difficult than getting Kaguya and Miyuki to confess their feelings is finding a good adaptation of their anime lacking any of the originals wit or charm.
六號 A滿足畏縮的輝夜,薩瑪,愛是戰爭和輝夜薩瑪,最後的愛是戰爭 mhm 唯一比讓輝夜和美雪表白他們的感情更困難的事情是找到一個好的改編他們的動畫,缺乏任何原作的機智和魅力。
This soulless big screen version is more likely to make you cringe than swoon.
Hey, he despite portraying one of the enemy's most passionate will they won't these, the two leads here have utterly zero romantic chemistry.
It's impossible to buy into this already awkward relationship when it doesn't even seem like the performers do, even when they're kissing when animated characters feel more believable than real life actors.
You know, you've done something horribly wrong.
Further let down by an uninspired script and this movie becomes what the original series initially made fun of accidental system Number five Shikishima who attack on Titan Part one and 2.
If you can't fit several of your series, most popular characters into a two part feature, that's a good sign.
You probably shouldn't have adapted it at all.
Anyone who saw this movie hoping to see their favorites like Reiner Zeke Irwin or Levi will be sorely disappointed to learn that they've all been replaced by the composite character Shikishima as you'd expect.
He's an absolute mess of underwritten motivations and Brandon plot points his excessive screen time poses the question why even bother making an attack on titan movie without Levi to begin with.
They leave a titan sized hole in the cast and no original character, least of all, Shikishima is able to fill it.
Number four, lost identity in translation, ghost in the shell.
What's offensive pointless and Scarlet all over this misguided interpretation of an iconic anime character.
That's what long before it hit theaters, this live action movie drew justified for casting Scarlett Johansson as the lead.
Not only did it diminish the impact of an iconic asian character headlining an american blockbuster, but there was no in universe reasoning for it either since Major is a robot constructed by scientists in japan.
Even worse, A third act twist reveals that she was originally a japanese girl before being remodeled into of course a white woman instead of justifying the controversial casting the gross and offensive implications of this change did the exact opposite number three new grin in town cowboy bebop an open bar.
It's easy to miss that grins even in the live action series since they're completely unrecognizable and we don't mean visually there's someone who was biologically experimented on against their will turning grain into the show's only openly non binary character is questionable at best.
Of course it's hard to tell for sure when this series riff uses to acknowledge the characters vast law from the anime that near offensive reimagining of their backstory is never elaborated on and instead grants poignant original role is abandoned so they can make quips at anna's side if the creators weren't going to do grins.
Outstanding story justice, they shouldn't have even bothered introducing them at all and then she would smile what a smile so sad.
So Number two, a dimming light.
Death notes arguably even more so than even the titular notes.
One of the most important elements of this legendary property is its protagonist.
Yagami is charismatic, brilliant and terrifying in his ideological crusade for absolute justice but like turner as he's called in the netflix version is practically the inverse, he's easily manipulated, more pitiful than intimidating than likes any of the moral intrigue that made his animated counterparts compelling.
Worse, the movie gives him a shoehorned tragic backstory to justify his actions, which completely misses the point.
That light isn't supposed to be redeemable though, that kind of comprehension would have required an actual understanding of the character, which the creators clearly didn't have.
Before we continue.
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# one goku enrolls in infamy, Dragonball evolution.
# #一悟空入學聲名狼藉,龍珠進化。
Oh well my grandfather would say beware of the gimmicks.
Whoever thought of reimagining one of enemies most iconic heroes as a high schooler deserves a Kamehameha to the face instead of earnestly training facing down unbeatable foes or stuffing his face full of food.
This version of Goku is a simple nerd who wants the girl, It abandons nearly everything integral to the character and turns him into a generic teen comedy protagonist and not even a good one doing good.
It's genuinely embarrassing that a Hollywood flick was made with such a fundamental misunderstanding of its source material.
Really, the most impressive thing we can say about this interpretation of Goku is that even compared to the rest of the film, It somehow stands out as the most disappointing aspect.
You did.
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